Apple's Steve Jobs slams Google, RIM, and rival tablet makers on conference call



  • Reply 101 of 180
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Typically I’d agree that a dismissal from Jobs means that they are planning it, but the wording typically focuses on how Apple doesn’t have the ability to make the crap others are doing or some other vague comments, but this was specifically about the 7” tablet and he was very specific about that.

    Based on that wording and the likelihood that Apple prototyped numerous shapes and sizes in HW before landing on the 9.7” 4:3 1024x768 iPad that they really don’t have any plans for a 7” iPad. That said, I welcome it as it’s 4x the area as iPhone/Touch display and ¼ the area of the iPad, and can fit in lab coats as often noted as the only real world example for this size display.

    If Jobs is using some very weak misdirect to deter other tablet makers that really have no choice as they can’t compete with the iPad directly on display size, they may just be waiting for the iPad to situate for a couple years before introducing a new display size as this will require a new UI to be developed, a new App Store and new SDK. This isn’t something that should be pushed on the heals of the current iPad even if it was ready, at least not unless they can’t get 9.7” iPad component supply, like the display, but i don’t think that is the case.

    OK, now I agree with you! Seriously, I agree, Stevo seems very adamant here-not to do it, that is! Best
  • Reply 102 of 180
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    forgot my point

    i just would love 8in x7in ipad or touch

    lab coat sized


    Have a look at Dell -- they announced tablets in sizes like: 3", 5", 7", 9", 10"...

    Should be collectors' items!

  • Reply 103 of 180
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Have a look at Dell -- they announced tablets in sizes like: 3", 5", 7", 9", 10"...

    Should be collectors' items!


    Now that's funny!


    PS. More for the land fill, sorry to say.
  • Reply 104 of 180
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Jobs then quipped that small form-factor tablets will need to ship with sandpaper so users can file down their fingers to the point where they can hit smaller targets on the screen. Elements can only get so small before users can't perform these types of touch and pinch gestures, Jobs insisted.

    Does this mean that iPhones and iPod touches are unusable?

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Noting that all tablet users already have a mobile smartphone...

    Really? All table users have a smartphone? \
  • Reply 105 of 180
    Originally Posted by djsherly View Post

    If you design an app for a 7inch screen, you'll be fine. Why doesn't Steve get this? Hell, with a 7inch screen you would get the benefit of bigger real estate and the real possibility you could continue to thumb type.

    I agree! And, most assuredly, Steve "gets" this.

    There are a couple of apps for the iPad that allow you to split and reposition the kb. I spent several $ on one -- and it was pretty shitty. Didn't bother with the more expensive one, as I don't thumb type.

  • Reply 106 of 180
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    forgot my point

    i just would love 8in x7in ipad or touch

    lab coat sized


    That is a compelling argument for the 7" form factor!

    I am experimenting with kitbashing a holster for the iPad -- it could work.

  • Reply 107 of 180
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    What you see as bitching, I see as setting the record straight. If he doesn't do that, who is going to ... you? .... not bloody likely!

    He's not setting the record straight. It's marketing. And marketing has little to do with setting the record straight. It's about giving the appearance that Apple has the correct solutions for everything. Maybe they do. Maybe they don't. Even Apple occasionally makes mis-steps.
  • Reply 108 of 180
    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Does this mean that iPhones and iPod touches are unusable?

    Really? All table users have a smartphone? \

    Read the posts above about scaling -- iPods and Touches are quite usable!

    In Steve's world (currently the only world):

    If 97% of tablet users have iPads, it is quite likely that they have smart phones -- especially iPhones.

  • Reply 109 of 180
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by nonarKitten View Post

    Since when are Americans the whole bloody world? World-wide, Apple's at best (considering the latest info) 5th in terms of profit and 65th in terms of revenue. A good "Job" all-in-all, but let's not exaggerate.

    Apple is the second largest company based on market capitalization which is how the largest company is determined by financial markets worldwide.
  • Reply 110 of 180
    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    Elton John would look good in those glasses.

    I borrowed a pair of those glasses to wear to an IBM Pig Roast party -- quite the hit... and I didn't even need to drink to get a high!

    AIR, I Looked better than Elton John, too.

  • Reply 111 of 180
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by MOEW View Post

    Samsung makes their "A4". I don't think you knew that. ...

    The A4 is but a small piece of the whole Apple Pie. Please explain why that would matter or affect anything?
  • Reply 112 of 180
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    They should aim to make a product with it that generates as much profit as Apple's products, don't you think?

    Samsung can't sell the A4 to anyone but Apple as the A4 was created and designed by Apple, Samsung only manufactures the A4 under contract for Apple.
  • Reply 113 of 180
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Yeah, awhile back Woz had some real cool sunglasses:

    Sorry, this is the best picture I could find:


    If you look closely, you can see that the lenses are the colors and shape of the original striped Apple logol

    Here's a better picture.

  • Reply 114 of 180
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    But the second largest in the whole great big world in Market cap.. (You know the value of a publicly traded company). It is currently 290.51B.

    Latest info from Yahoo (unless you believe TBH is really is valued at 6.4T instead of the 6.4B it really is)

    Symbol\tCompany\t Retail Price\tMarket Cap \t

    XOM\tExxon Mobil Corporation Common\t 65.19\t 331.94B\t

    AAPL\tApple Inc.\t 314.74\t 287.54B\t

    PTR\t PetroChina Company Limited Com 128.86\t 235.84B\t

    No one is exaggerating, you just did not understand the discussion.

    Good one!
  • Reply 115 of 180
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Here's a better picture.

    Yep! Those are the ones!

    How did you find that image-- AIR only 3 copies of the glasses were made (and no, Jobs didn't get one).

  • Reply 116 of 180
    I actually think Jobs' message is on the right track, however his delivery made him look a little unhinged!

    Did anyone get the feeling that Jobs actually misses having Microsoft as a competitor? No doubt he still believes they have no taste, but I think he at least understood them.

    Compare this to Google, where I don't think he can work out why people are buying Android phones and that seems to, lets just say, "annoy" him.
  • Reply 117 of 180
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    I actually think Jobs' message is on the right track, however his delivery made him look a little unhinged!

    Did anyone get the feeling that Jobs actually misses having Microsoft as a competitor? No doubt he still believes they have no taste, but I think he at least understood them.

    Compare this to Google, where I don't think he can work out why people are buying Android phones and that seems to, lets just say, "annoy" him.

    You underestimate Steve Jobs -- he grew up in the "hobbyist" computer culture, and understands it quite well.

    Especially the tenet than "hobbyists" don't spend money.

  • Reply 118 of 180
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "We think the 7 inch tablets will be dead on arrival, and manufacturers will realize they're too small and abandon them next year. They'll then increase the size, abandoning the customers and developers who bought into the smaller format," Jobs predicted.

    And with that throwaway line, Mr. Jobs just made 73% of the 7" tablets' initial adaptors put off their purchases for a year.
  • Reply 119 of 180
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    The A4 is actually the S5 with reduced complexity and price. The S5 basically had a bunch of shit that Apple didn't need.

    I guess Samsung could copy what Apple did, but I think that leaves them open to lawsuits. I'm not sure what privileges Samsung has with the A4.

    Samsung put a cortex-A8 in their galaxy S phone which sold 5 million units. It's a great chip in a great phone. The downside with the galaxy S, however, is Samsung went with a bad file system (not one of the best ones to use in Linux) so you'll see lag every once in a while, especially when pulling up information. People have already figured out a fix, but this is one of those situations where most people won't get on their computer and research this and do what's necessary.

    Either way, it's looking like Samsung WILL be giving us some decent stuff in the future.

    The Galaxy S' poor FAT32 file system lag can easily be fixed. Most Android users root their phones anyway.

    The Galaxy S' biggest problem, not mentioned by any professional reviewer and ignored by most noobs who buy the phone, is that it uses the atrocious PENTILE MATRIX subpixel arrangement that has been much maligned (deservedly). After a few weeks with my Galaxy S, I realized why Samsung's UI uses massive text because reading smaller text on that screen is nearly impossible and gives one a headache. Pentile Matrix is the equivalent of a cheap diesel engine masquerading as a performance product. Only Samsung can convince itself that the cheap technology is viable.

    And the terrible build quality of the Galaxy S, especially the T-Mobile, Bell, and international models, doesn't help it much either. It just feels so ridiculously cheap in one's hand, although the Captivate is fairly nice for an Android (not saying much). In the end, we have a good and promising OS (Android) but relatively poor hardware (Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson). Only the HTC Incredible (with the S-LCD, not the craptastic Pentile Matrix AMOLED), Motorola Droid 2, and Droid X are true contenders to the iPhone 4.
  • Reply 120 of 180
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    I actually think Jobs' message is on the right track, however his delivery made him look a little unhinged!

    Did anyone get the feeling that Jobs actually misses having Microsoft as a competitor? No doubt he still believes they have no taste, but I think he at least understood them.

    Compare this to Google, where I don't think he can work out why people are buying Android phones and that seems to, lets just say, "annoy" him.

    I don't think his delivery was "unhinged". You're not hearing the actual conversation.

    Also, I don't think Steve thinks that Microsoft is an actual competitor anymore. I think they came to a whole new level when they 'realized' they were a mobile devices company. Then they started to make leaps and bounds. The "halo" effect is just a positive for Apple, for obvious reasons, and they are using that to their best advantage.

    MS is no longer a competitor in their "proclaimed" market. They found their train of thought and they are going with it.

    ....and for me it all started with free songs on a Coke bottle cap....
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