Steve Jobs: Apple will use $51B for big moves, not 'stupid' ones



  • Reply 121 of 193
    If only they could afford Sony. With Apple's marketing sense and Sony's A/V expertise, they would be unstoppable in the home theater department.
  • Reply 122 of 193
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    That would be great! My only complaint with Apple is they prefer to build in China and put all their products on gas guzzling 747's.

    I know the economics and the non-existant environmental controls...Autoworkers here in the USA, including the foreign transplants get $28/hr, Mexico gets $7/hr, India, $4/hr and China a $1/hr.

    The Chinese will buy 11 million cars next year.

    Also, next year China will be the largest manufacturer in the world and by 2020 will have the largest economy....not good!

    Apple, could we have a few factories here? I would be happy to pay an extra $10 for my iPhone!

    I couldn't agree more. Look at Intel's press release today:

    Intel said it will spend between $6 billion and $8 billion to expand U.S. manufacturing, including the new Oregon factory. Overall, Intel said the projects will support at least 6,000 construction jobs and at least 800 new, long-term production jobs.

    The company said it will upgrade its two Hillsboro research factories, D1C and D1D, and add a third -- D1X. The newest factory will open in 2013. Two factories in Arizona, Fab 12 and Fab 32, are also slated for upgrades.

    "Intel makes approximately 10 billion transistors per second. Our factories produce the most advanced computer technology in the world and these investments will create capacity for innovation we haven?t yet imagined," Intel vice president Brian Krzanich said in a written statement. "Intel and the world of technology lie at the heart of this future. Contrary to conventional wisdom, we can retain a vibrant manufacturing economy here in the United States by focusing on the industries of the future."

    Intel cares about American jobs where Apple ships them to Asia to accumulates obscene profits. I love Apple - but they are cutting out American suppliers left and right to save a buck (no Intel SSDs, new A4 chips fabed in Asia, Hard drives are usually Japanese and the list goes on and on and on.)

    It's time we get on the case of the second biggest American corporation - we want the $51 billion invested here at home - we are in the middle of a depression here and Apple should step up and help it's home country or there won't be anyone left with enough income to afford apple products in the future! I love Apple but Intel and Microsoft are more "American" and are better for the economy.

    Anyone willing to start a protest? Consumer outrage can make a real difference - look at the environmental movement - how about a jobs in the USA movement?
  • Reply 123 of 193
    On a second thought, maybe Steve will just take the company private?
  • Reply 124 of 193
    Buy Netflix

    Then a wireless company for infrastructure (access to towers and spectrum), ubiquitous coverage, and then start installing "tv whitespace" technology on those towers.
  • Reply 125 of 193
    desuserigndesuserign Posts: 1,316member
    Originally Posted by MacApfel View Post

    Yeah - I agree! That would be so funny and stir up the entire tech community in an unprecedented way. Simply because Steve would make true what he said recently: kill flash.

    (This doesn't mean I think it was the best move of Apple to abandon it - but this would surely kill it.)

    Adobe is pretty expensive and not what Steve is talking about. But it might be nice to get Adobe and then either take the good bits and sell off the bulk or take most of it and sell off the creft. Creative Suite could go to Filemaker, lots of juicy patents, postscript, etc.

    Why kill Flash if you can sell it on (along with a bunch of other stuff.)
  • Reply 126 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Joe hs View Post

    Buy Adobe. Buy Microsoft. Buy Google.

    I read that as 'bye'.
  • Reply 127 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Buy Twitter. If they'll sell. Which they won't. Ha.

    I think Apple buying Twitter could be very interesting. Buying ARM probably isn't worth it. Buying Adobe? I'm not so sure if that would be a good idea. Apple buying FaceBook just seems odd. You can never tell with that crazy Steve, though. I couldn't see Zuck selling anyway.
  • Reply 128 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by yakovlev View Post

    On a second thought, maybe Steve will just take the company private?

    Do the math.
  • Reply 129 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by iMeMine View Post

    If only they could afford Sony. With Apple's marketing sense and Sony's A/V expertise, they would be unstoppable in the home theater department.

    That wouldn't be the best way to spend 40B.

    With a market CAP of just over 1B, they could buy Pioneer. Pioneer make the best TVs money can buy. That would be awesome. All of Pioneer's stuff is top-notch.
  • Reply 130 of 193
    Originally Posted by huntercr View Post

    I think at one point that was going to happen. It seems though that Apple's internal strategists have decided that Adobe will die off by itself... or at least is on such a decline that it would be wiser to buy later.

    The tech world would cry foul at this point anyway if Apple bought them.

    I always thought it would be interesting for Apple to buy a controlling interest in Tine Warner after the NBC merger happens. They might just do that.

    Brilliant.Two birds, one stone. Force demand for the apple livingroom experience. Finally get NBC on board.

    Maybe they could buy Fox just to shut them the hell up or turn them into a news organization.
  • Reply 130 of 193
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    That might be a good idea although I suspect it might have to be a hostile take over .

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    That would definitely be hostile!

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    No, not terminate CS for Windows just make them less capable and late.

    If you need to keep telling people that you're being funny, then you're probably not being funny.
  • Reply 132 of 193
    The Killer APP for the living room
  • Reply 133 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by yakovlev View Post

    3. Google has value. However, it would make Apple too big and is culturally incompatible.

    Apple has 50B, not 200B.

    Originally Posted by yakovlev View Post

    4. Microsoft has value with its business products, and its brands, and sales accounts. Buying Microsoft would be a historic event. Apple can then build their own Windows virtualization layer right into the OS and treat it like Carbon, slowly suffocating it and nudging developers towards Cocoa. However, this would hardly fly with antitrust agencies.

    You have officially lost it. Where is this cash coming from? Microsoft are worth more than Google. Whoever they buy has to be under 50B, and if recent history tells anything, I don't see them spending over 10 or 15B on any acquisition.
  • Reply 134 of 193
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    Apple has 50B, not 200B.

    You have officially lost it. Where is this cash coming from? Microsoft are worth more than Google. Whoever they buy has to be under 50B.

    They will have 200B. I am thinking about what might happen in future. Sorry if I didn't express that clearly.
  • Reply 135 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by benny-boy View Post

    The Killer APP for the living room

    I've said it before many-a-time. The killer app for the living room is very simple; subscription TV shows (one monthly fee) - but Apple can't get that deal inked, and perhaps never will.
  • Reply 136 of 193
    Originally Posted by yakovlev View Post

    They will have 200B. I am thinking about what might happen in future. Sorry if I didn't express that clearly.

    And, of course, they don't have to pay the full price out of pocket. They can work with banks and venture funds.
  • Reply 137 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by yakovlev View Post

    They will have 200B. I am thinking about what might happen in future. Sorry if I didn't express that clearly.

    You can't just throw out: "They will have 200B." They far more likely won't.
  • Reply 138 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by yakovlev View Post

    And, of course, they don't have to pay the full price out of pocket. They can work with banks and venture funds.

    I don't see that happening. There are much better ways to spend that hypothetical 200B.
  • Reply 139 of 193
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Facebook would seem to be a strange buy to me. Social network users are incredibly flickle, and I think Facebook is a short term thing. MySpace seemed worth paying a lot of money for to News International a couple of years ago, then everyone moved to Facebook and it seemed like a lousy buy.

    I could see the same happening to Facebook.

    I agree with that assesment. Facebook could be the next MySpace and fade into obscurity a lot faster than most people think now. I can't see Apple spending the kind of money Mark Zuckerberg would ask for Facebook now. A strategic collaboration, yes, an acquisition, no.

    But how about AMD? Apple has taken the first step towards chip independence with the PA Semi and Intrinsity acquisitions for their iOS devices. How about going all in, and make their own CPU's for desktops and laptops, and free themselves from Intel? Graphics from ATI come as part of that package. It's certainly a big deal that would require the kind of cash Apple has been saving up, and furthermore it fits Steve's philosophy of owning and/or controlling the key technologies that Apple's products depend on. AMD - Apple Micro Devices?
  • Reply 140 of 193
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Garion View Post

    I agree with that assesment. Facebook could be the next MySpace and fade into obscurity a lot faster than most people think now.

    I can see your point, but I think Facebook are probably closer to Google than MySpace at this stage. FaceBook are too intelligent to simple fade away. That said, buying FaceBook would be a very weird move to say the least. Buying Twitter however would seem 'right' somehow. The only small issue is Twitter don't want to sell.
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