any ideas or rumors about iPad 2?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
like what's it gonna look like, specs, launch timing.... thinking about buying an iPad now, but knowing a new version is probably only a few months down the way, so just want to get some heads up, if any..


  • Reply 1 of 66
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    I think the pretty for sure stuff would include front facing camera and ram, storage and CPU bumps.

    I wouldn't be terribly surprised if that were it. Conceivably shave a few ounces off, extend the battery life a little. Given the success of the iPad and how well they're selling, I would think the early '11 refresh would be mostly a spec upgrade, with the next big update not until '12.
  • Reply 2 of 66
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Really, i think they will get a pretty moderate spec increase (512MB-1GB RAM), storage of 32/64/128GB and a FaceTime camera.

    Higher resolution screens, new CPU/GPU, 4G modems will be reserved for sometime next year. Personally, I would like to see a larger iPad, maybe with a 13" screen.
  • Reply 3 of 66
    Originally Posted by howaa View Post

    like what's it gonna look like

    Exactly the same as the iPad does now. Or, you know like a Mac Pro. They'll just cut a hole in the case.



    Double the RAM and storage, front/back cameras for FaceTime, likely.


    launch timing

    Uh, April or May like the first.

    iPad: Every year in April/May

    iPhone: Every year in June.

    iPods: Every year in September.
  • Reply 4 of 66
    FaceTime is too important for Apple to ignore on the iPad from rev B on. Using the same camera systems as the iPhone uses is logical, so I see that developing into two cameras for the iPad.

    I understand that the basis for the A4 chip is now available as a dual core and the iPad is the perfect platform for that - an A6 chip?

    Memory expansions? No surprise there as it's been there for the iPhone/touch as a "standard enhancement" long enough to be expected.

    Biggest surprises?

    Apple will be following the adaption of the iPad in various areas, like Medicine, and will deliver larger iPads that serve them well. The 11" is the best "next" iPad size, but I can see a 13.3" (the MBP 13" without a keyboard) as a possible addition. Check out OsiriX screen shots for an indication of the potential of using a larger, more powerful iPad in medicine.
  • Reply 5 of 66
    Originally Posted by kenaustus View Post

    Apple will be following the adaption of the iPad in various areas, like Medicine, and will deliver larger iPads that serve them well. The 11" is the best "next" iPad size, but I can see a 13.3" (the MBP 13" without a keyboard) as a possible addition. Check out OsiriX screen shots for an indication of the potential of using a larger, more powerful iPad in medicine.

    Nope. Nonsense.
  • Reply 6 of 66
    kedakeda Posts: 722member
    That spammer's post about boots threw me for a minute. I thought UGG booting was some kind of new boot technology, in terms of how a computer starts up. LOL. If only I were more fashionable.

    Anyhow, I am looking forward to the next iteration of the iPad and expect Apple to follow the update cycle established with the iPhone: major redesign, followed by a minor refresh. Aside from the front-facing camera and beefier specs (CPU, RAM, SSD), I don't think much else will change. Personally, I would love to see USB for a flash drive or an SD card slot. However, I don't think Apple will do this because they seem to want to keep users removed from any file system interaction. Maybe apps could look for a loaded SD card and automatically access it if the card contained any files that were recognized as compatible.

    A resolution bump seems like an inevitable step, but I don't think it will happen this time. Apps for the iPad seem to be more complex than those on the iPhone. Apple is probably going to give developers some time to complete apps before the force an app update cycle by introducing a new resolution (e.g. Retina display).
  • Reply 7 of 66
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    It will have double the RAM, a FaceTime camera and will be release in April 2010. The rest is speculation!
  • Reply 8 of 66
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    It will have double the RAM, a FaceTime camera and will be release in April 2010. The rest is speculation!

    Versus your well-sourced and indisputable facts?
  • Reply 9 of 66
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    Versus your well-sourced and indisputable facts?

    Can you give us any compelling reason to think that Apple WOULDN'T put at least one camera on it and double the RAM, much less the NAND capacity?
  • Reply 10 of 66
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Can you give us any compelling reason to think that Apple WOULDN'T put at least one camera on it and double the RAM, much less the NAND capacity?

    Not at all. I think those things are rather likely to happen. I'm saying that, by definition, it is all speculation. Some speculation is more reasoned than others, but until the product comes out, it is speculation. Stating things as fact like "double the RAM" is simply silly. I find the imprecise use of language grating.
  • Reply 11 of 66
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    Versus your well-sourced and indisputable facts?

    My comment was clearly sarcasm.
  • Reply 12 of 66
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,437member
    I'd like to see

    1. 512MB of RAM or more.

    2. Faster processing. Dual Core A4 chips

    3. 30 Pin connector on side and bottom for easy docking

    4. Bluetooth 3.0 and Near Field Communication (NFC)

    5. Retina Display

    6. Facetime

    7. 32/64/128GB models

    8. Faster GPU

    9. Wimax support for xG models.

    10. Stereo speakers
  • Reply 13 of 66
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I'd like to see

    1. 512MB of RAM or more.

    2. Faster processing. Dual Core A4 chips

    3. 30 Pin connector on side and bottom for easy docking

    4. Bluetooth 3.0 and Near Field Communication (NFC)

    5. Retina Display

    6. Facetime

    7. 32/64/128GB models

    8. Faster GPU

    9. Wimax support for xG models.

    10. Stereo speakers

    I second this/these. Although I'd like a "Retina"-esque (ie slightly higher res) display, I'm not holding my breath. NFC I'd like to see on the next iPhone - when I'm due for upgrade!
  • Reply 14 of 66
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    My comment was clearly sarcasm.

    Are you sure? Because you've made plenty of posts just like that that weren't. Classics such as "Apple will release a TV by end of 2008. Fact!"
  • Reply 15 of 66
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    Are you sure? Because you've made plenty of posts just like that that weren't. Classics such as "Apple will release a TV by end of 2008. Fact!"

    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    It will have double the RAM, a FaceTime camera and will be released in April 2010. The rest is speculation!

    Three predictions, followed by: "The rest is speculation! "

    Yes, I'm sure.
  • Reply 16 of 66
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I'd like to see

    1. 512MB of RAM or more.

    2. Faster processing. Dual Core A4 chips

    3. 30 Pin connector on side and bottom for easy docking

    4. Bluetooth 3.0 and Near Field Communication (NFC)

    5. Retina Display

    6. Facetime

    7. 32/64/128GB models

    8. Faster GPU

    9. Wimax support for xG models.

    10. Stereo speakers

    Yes, and you'd also like it to be free. Wouldn't we all.

    My personal wish is for the iPad 2 to be slightly smaller and slightly lighter. Everything else would be a bonus.
  • Reply 17 of 66
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by Flounder View Post

    Are you sure? Because you've made plenty of posts just like that that weren't. Classics such as "Apple will release a TV by end of 2008. Fact!"

    I don't remember saying it exactly that, but if you say so then I'll give you the BOD. So I was wrong about that date, big deal. Human beings make mistakes. I WAS WRONG!

    That's not saying it's not coming, though. Sooner of later I'll get my way
  • Reply 18 of 66
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by hmurchison View Post

    I'd like to see

    1. 512MB of RAM or more.

    Yes RAM is a big issue, 512MB would more than double RAM available to applications.


    2. Faster processing. Dual Core A4 chips

    Yes the current A4 is pathetically slow. However we need to have Apple move to ARM Cortex A9 based technology, the A8 based A4 is already old news in the processor world.

    As a side note what the hell is wrong with Apple using naming conventions so close to their suppliers conventions. This is bound to become more confusing in the future.


    3. 30 Pin connector on side and bottom for easy docking

    4. Bluetooth 3.0 and Near Field Communication (NFC)

    Some people like Bluetooth, but I'd rather see Apple supply a standard USB port. Either way though the issue of drivers is a problem, neither USB nor Bluetooth are very useful without OS support.


    5. Retina Display

    6. Facetime

    7. 32/64/128GB models

    Sadly this is what we are likely to get but the big problem is Apples rip off pricing of Flash storage. For a device of this type we should be getting 256GB of storage in the top end model. It isn't like Apple is using a high performance Flash installation in these machines.


    8. Faster GPU

    The potential is for a big jump here too. Personally I don't see GPU performance as big as an issue as the CPU though. It would be nice though to see OpenCl strongly supported on iPad.


    9. Wimax support for xG models.

    LTE would be fine for me.


    10. Stereo speakers

    I'd like to add to your list though.

    A. GPS in all models! This makes the cell free models far more useful as GPS support can be found in all sorts of apps.

    B. SD slot. Personally I think this would be a huge benefit, even if they have to limit support to a couple of apps. The obvious item to support is cameras. The other is movies on SD. Why movies, because there will never be enough room in iPad to store an entire collection, so why not avoid storing them there at all?

    C. As noted a USB port would open up iPad to all sorts of apps. The big problem is driver support/installation. In that regard I'd like to see Apple support those items with well defined standards. For example Protocol converters (USB to: Ethernet, RS232 for example), storage devices, web cameras, iPhones and whatever else they can support easily. I realize the issue of drivers is a problem and that Apple currently supports a limited number of devices through the camera connection kit but this needs to be built right into the iPad.

    D. Now that I think about it I'd also like to see them add a SSD slot like we now see in the AIRs. Ideally this would allow for machine upgrades as technology gets denser. There is likely zero chance of this happening though.

    E. User defined switches. This is something I'd like to see on all iOS devices. One or two would do but the idea is that physical switches are some times better than touch screens. Camera apps are one very good example. You see I don't mind Apple restricting the use of predefined switches and other hardware, I just think they need to add an user (app) accessible alternative.

    F. A Mag Safe connector. That is for powering/charging the iPad from alternative power sources. However Apple needs to pull its head out of its a$$ here and license the connector for wide spread usage so that we can have low cost alternatives. In this regards one thing I'd like to see is a 5 to 10 watt solar panel using this port. Of course we could do this through the iPod connector but that then ties up the port, which can be a problem.

    G. While they are at it throw in a compass.
  • Reply 19 of 66
    I think there are some pretty interesting ideas here. They seem to divide into the following four categories:

    1. Performance: faster processor, 512 Mb RAM, increased SSD drive capacity, better speakers, longer battery life

    2. Functionality: Improved ability to create, edit save and store documents on board, increased sensitivity of touch screen to aid input speed and accuracy, addition of Face time for video calls, improved software keyboard, handwriting input, screen treatment to avoid finger marks

    3. Ergonomics: Retina display, multi-adjustable 30-pin connector to allow different docking positions, lower device weight

    4. Connectivity: Camera, SD card slot, USB port(s), 30-pin connector, mini display port, WiMax, Bluetooth upgrades

    Of these, I would say lower device weight is probably the most important improvement sought after by users, followed by screen resolution and viewing quality, followed by processor performance and multitasking, followed by battery life (which is already pretty good). If iPad 2.0 can deliver these enhancements, it will be a worthy upgrade that will only increase the user base.

    Perhaps the most important potential upgrade might be the option for it to be a standalone device, i.e. one that doesn't need to be connected to a Mac computer for set-up, sync, and back-up. I know that Apple likes the way in which dependence on the Mac has a virtuous effect on total sales, but this mothership-satellite approach requiring dual device ownership may actually impede the iPad's growth, because it has the ability to be an independent computer in its own right.

    One thing I think is driving technology forward in this space is the SD card. Solid state memory is now rapidly replacing DVD drives and disks. As easy and reliable as it is to save/ backup data electronically via bluetooth, WiFI or direct to mothership connections, the ability to store and transfer data directly via a small piece of hardware adds extra flexibility. If you could load software on it or transfer files via SD cards, then the iPad's capabilities would grow exponentially.

    For me, the one drawback of the iPad is data entry. The software keyboard is still comparatively slow and unreliable versus a regular one. Voice recognition isn't there yet either. Is handwriting recognition the way ahead? I love the idea of scribbling notes that become perfectly typed documents or sketches that become stunning keynote presentations. It seems an obvious if not intuitive means of data input. To make handwriting recognition work, you would need a screen that could recognise and withstand the pressure of a pointed device tracing lines across it.

    I am sure there are better ideas than these, but what all of the various comments here suggest is that the iPAd is much more intuitive device to use than a regular laptop or desktop computer. Freed from the limitations of a keyboard, who knows where it could lead?
  • Reply 20 of 66
    backtomacbacktomac Posts: 4,579member
    Originally Posted by kenaustus View Post

    Apple will be following the adaption of the iPad in various areas, like Medicine, and will deliver larger iPads that serve them well. The 11" is the best "next" iPad size, but I can see a 13.3" (the MBP 13" without a keyboard) as a possible addition. Check out OsiriX screen shots for an indication of the potential of using a larger, more powerful iPad in medicine.

    The iPad is a potentially awesome thin client for use in medicine.

    I don't know if they will make other sizes of iPads but they would be useful in some enterprise niches.
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