Verizon debuts TV spot advertising Apple's iPad with MiFi



  • Reply 21 of 39
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by crisss1205 View Post

    Thats when someone makes an attachment to power the MiFI from the iPad. Do you think the USB dongle in the iPad camera connection kit will give power to the Mifi? Just wondering.

    Unlikely. My understanding is that it doesn't even provide enough power for many card readers. I doubt it would provide enough juice to charge another device's battery.

    Originally Posted by c4rlob View Post

    Except for the voiceover mentioning Apple, the ads don't include any Apple logo or branding at the end. So the question is who made that choice? Did Apple refuse to have their logo on a commercial they didn't make, or is it Verizon's demand?

    I doubt there was a demand or refusal by either party. It was a Verizon commercial. Do you see a Motorola logo on ads for the Droid? Does Apple show an ATT logo on their iPad or iPhone ads (not 100% sure on that last one as I never watch ads)?

    Originally Posted by stevetim View Post

    Why aren't they advertising price?

    Um, because nobody else does. Why were you expecting it to be shown?

    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    Look, I understand (but don't share) your skepticism regarding the Verizon iPhone rumors. However, you have to be dishonest to insist that this time is the same as all those other times.

    1) Almost all the less fantastical rumors suggested that the original ATT iPhone exclusivity contract was 5 years, but was then reduced to 3 years when ATT stopped revenue sharing with Apple. We have now passed that 3 year time frame.

    2) The manufacturing rumors (which tend to be the strongest) point to CDMA iPhones being manufactured. Of course these need not be for Verizon, but still, its more than last time round.

    3) Lots of legitimate newspapers have done profiles, and stories on this. Both the NY Times and the WSJ had front page articles on the iPhone coming to Verizon. In the past they have said that "rumors suggest that the iPhone will be coming to Verizon" at best, as opposed to saying their own investigation suggests that.

    4) The profile of the Verizon CEO showed a clear desire within Verizon to get the iPhone. Their financial numbers showed why this desire exists.

    5) Android is now providing legitimate competition to iOS, something that hadn't existed till about 6 months ago.

    Also, while Apple doesn't usually address rumors, lately when they start to get out of hand and are untrue Apple has been more willing to make statements to rebuff the rumor. This rumor has gotten enough steam that Apple would almost need to address it head-on if it were untrue due to the wild effect it would have on their stock price and public perception if it were false.
  • Reply 22 of 39
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I never believed them. Just like I don't believe them now. Zero proof. I'll believe it when Steve Jobs is standing on stage with a Verizon logo on the screen behind him.

    Typically I feel the same way regarding Apple and its secrets.

    However, a move this big is bound to send shock waves and scatter evidence throughout the supply chain... and it has. Apple is going to need a hell of a lot of units at launch, and the supply chain has already been put in motion. And even though everyone was sworn to secrecy, there's no way to prevent all of the worms from leaking out of the can.

    I believe that the various media outlets have confirmed with suppliers that XXX million units of XXX were ordered by Apple (on the condition of anonymity).

  • Reply 23 of 39
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Elian Gonzalez View Post

    "If the compromise is that they let Verizon do their own ads and they keep their hands off the iPhone itself, fine by me."

    Although rushing to Verizon is not in my future, it would be a huge disappointment to see a Verizon logo on the back.

    No way that Apple puts another company logo on their HARDWARE. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

  • Reply 24 of 39
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    This is a nice commercial. Odd how there is no Apple logo around, but I like how it conveys openness. Not that Apple is open, but how their network isn't congested like AT&Ts network. At least that's how I read it.

    This is a very odd commercial. Really it is just a statement that the iPad is now on Verizon. It certainly doesn't advertise the iPad - the only thing it shows is the iPad scrolling, not even surfing. My guess is that Verizon were extremely limited in what they could show and say. Visually the whole thing is very low grade. The deconstruction of the building looks cheap. I think it would have been more effective with just the words "iPad now on Verizon".
  • Reply 25 of 39
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post

    this MIFI dingily is not so great for hulu/netflix type streaming on a mac .

    Also if VERIZON IS SO WORTHY THEN WHY DOES it refuse to offer support to apple clients with it's FREE WIFI if you get a FIOS DEAL.

    Also at work if you get high sped DSL you also get FREE WIFI ,.. WELL you get free wifi if you lover steve balmer .

    If you love Steve jobs your fucked ,

    Why do windows people reap the good stuff??

    and us lonely mac heads suffer ??




    Well... I'm not sure how Verizon could not support Mac on Wifi from its FIOS or DSL... My DSL works fine on my mac over wifi. Are you aware that you do not need the internet to be routed through a computer? Once you set up your wifi access point/router, any wifi capable device will get the wifi signal. Ask any 13 yr old kid to take a look at it for you.
  • Reply 26 of 39
    Sorry Verizon...but the last thing I need is another "device" to pay for, store, charge, carry, remember to carry or forget to carry.

    I carry my iPhone everywhere all the time. At the most, I'll only carry one other item and that would be an iPad!

  • Reply 27 of 39
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    ....And even though everyone was sworn to secrecy, there's no way to prevent all of the worms from leaking out of the can....

    LiquidMetal. Worm-proof. It's all starting to make sense.
  • Reply 28 of 39
    Originally Posted by malax View Post

    Because they are complex and basically the same as AT&Ts.

    Or slightly worse.
  • Reply 29 of 39
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    1) Almost all the less fantastical rumors suggested that the original ATT iPhone exclusivity contract was 5 years, but was then reduced to 3 years when ATT stopped revenue sharing with Apple. We have now passed that 3 year time frame.

    I agree that the original 5 year contract is no longer in effect.


    2) The manufacturing rumors (which tend to be the strongest) point to CDMA iPhones being manufactured.

    So show me a logic board.


    3) Lots of legitimate newspapers have done profiles, and stories on this. Both the NY Times and the WSJ had front page articles on the iPhone coming to Verizon. In the past they have said that "rumors suggest that the iPhone will be coming to Verizon" at best, as opposed to saying their own investigation suggests that.

    I miss the days when journalists had to cite sources or show proof.


    4) The profile of the Verizon CEO showed a clear desire within Verizon to get the iPhone. Their financial numbers showed why this desire exists.

    So have Sprint's CEO and T-Mobile's CEO.

    Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post

    Just curious. Why do you find this so hard to believe? Could you please elaborate a little?

    Years of following the Mac rumor community have shown me that it's idiotic to believe anything that Steve doesn't tell us himself. Also, anyone who believes anything is perpetually ridiculed for their one mistake thereafter.

    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    No way that Apple puts another company logo on their HARDWARE. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

    What. Have. We. Here.

    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    Sorry Verizon...but the last thing I need is another "device" to pay for, store, charge, carry, remember to carry or forget to carry.

    I carry my iPhone everywhere all the time. At the most, I'll only carry one other item and that would be an iPad!


    So install the Mi-Fi inside the iPad like that one guy did.
  • Reply 30 of 39
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    What. Have. We. Here.

    That was HP's hardware. They had it built. They sold it. Apple licensed it to them for a bit.

    Update: Begging pardon... but apparently I was incorrect. (I checked Wikipedia.) Then perhaps I should rephrase...

    No way Apple puts another company's logo on their HARDWARE... ever again! None. Nada. Zero. Zilch.


    P.S. It's not like Apple needs to increase distribution points by using other hardware manufacturers anymore, like in the early 2000's with the iPod.
  • Reply 31 of 39
    Surprised no one has said this... but this commercial is a lie!

    ... you can't really use the iPad out in direct daylight!


    I love my iPad, but outside, I can't see shiz.

    I'm SO SUING VERIZON! no... wait, I suppose it's cooler to sue Apple...


  • Reply 32 of 39
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by jhyson View Post

    Well... I'm not sure how Verizon could not support Mac on Wifi from its FIOS or DSL... My DSL works fine on my mac over wifi. Are you aware that you do not need the internet to be routed through a computer? Once you set up your wifi access point/router, any wifi capable device will get the wifi signal. Ask any 13 yr old kid to take a look at it for you.

    While the original poster may not have worded it the best, it was clear to me that he was talking about a Mac accessing Verizon's public wi-fi network, not the network you set up in your own home. Perhaps you should find a 13-year old kid to interpret other people's posts for you before you reply so harshly and embarrass yourself..
  • Reply 33 of 39
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    No way that Apple puts another company logo on their HARDWARE. None. Nada. Zero. Zilch.


    Then they won't....... & if you live in a city you'll be able to now make a decent phone call.

    Move on.
  • Reply 34 of 39
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by theobold View Post

    Then they won't....... & if you live in a city you'll be able to now make a decent phone call.

    Move on.

    I was only answering a specific person's stated concern that the Verizon logo would be on the back. (Read the snippet I quoted.) Nothing more. You move on.

  • Reply 35 of 39
    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    This is a nice commercial. Odd how there is no Apple logo around, but I like how it conveys openness. Not that Apple is open, but how their network isn't congested like AT&Ts network. At least that's how I read it.

    Ah, the mythical concept of "openness" in technology today.
  • Reply 36 of 39
    Seriously though, seems to be a very sanitised ad... You can clearly see the hand of Apple in it everywhere. From the way he sits to the minimalist concept.

    By the way, if he is at home, why does he need MiFi? Maybe they could have shown walking out of the house in the city straight into the coastline to make that "portable magic" concept stronger.
  • Reply 37 of 39
    Originally Posted by Matthias03 View Post

    Surprised no one has said this... but this commercial is a lie!

    ... you can't really use the iPad out in direct daylight!


    I love my iPad, but outside, I can't see shiz.

    I'm SO SUING VERIZON! no... wait, I suppose it's cooler to sue Apple...


    I'm suing Apple because they don't provide nice chairs like that on coastal lookout points, or, if you look closely, it's a golf course tee box... In which case I'll sue because the golf course won't let you just sit on the tee box and use your iPad!
  • Reply 38 of 39
    Last serial post, Apologies. It's hard to deal with really large chunks of text in a simple form text box on the iPad.

    Originally Posted by Wiggin View Post

    Also, while Apple doesn't usually address rumors, lately when they start to get out of hand and are untrue Apple has been more willing to make statements to rebuff the rumor. This rumor has gotten enough steam that Apple would almost need to address it head-on if it were untrue due to the wild effect it would have on their stock price and public perception if it were false.

    That's how f***d up the financial system is. Don't bother to trade on fundamentals or valid product pipelines. Just have Wall Street dictate what companies should and shouldn't do by "pricing in" these expectations. Heck, it worked on the government... Quantitative Easing 2 was so "priced" into the markets that the Fed had no choice but to do it. To not do it would have "disappointed" Wall Street and made everything worse, because Wall Street essentially dictated to the government what it wanted the Fed to do.
  • Reply 39 of 39
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    By the way, if he is at home, why does he need MiFi? Maybe they could have shown walking out of the house in the city straight into the coastline to make that "portable magic" concept stronger.

    That was the point of the walls flying away and leaving the person sitting there with nothing but nature around him. It's a message that it will work while at home AND away from WiFi.

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