New "Star Trek" movie trailer...



  • Reply 21 of 33
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    Which brings me to this point (this might be fun): let's play "casting director". What modern, current actors could you see - based on appearance and all - playing the original crew. Should have a passing resemblance, of course, but makeup and wigs could help round it out.

    Be as serious or funny as you want

    Captain Kirk: Kevin James from "King of Queens"

    Mr. Spock:

    Uhura: Angela Bassett

    Mr. Chekov: John Turturro with a chili bowl wig

    Hmmm...this is tough. Perhaps they should just cast it with unknowns who REALLY look the part.
  • Reply 22 of 33
    falconfalcon Posts: 458member
    [quote]But with a trailer you can never know....<hr></blockquote>

    Yeah, like Mission to Mars. God what a horrible horrible experience. Trailer was sick though.

    I'm liking this new Nemesis movie. Darker, more broody, more intense. Maybe it will be better than First Contact, or some of the originals.

    I really dont see any resemblence to StarWars in any way shape or form. Dont see where you are comming up with this.

    Oh and enough AOTC bashing, that was a good StarWars film, stop expecting Oscar performance from StarWars. Thats what Babylon5 is for.

    Since this is the last TNG movie I dont see a furture for any StarTrek movies. Unless they think up something completely different specifically for the big screen. The new TV series' just are popular enough. Though I dont see whats so big about TNG, I meen the movies have been great, but the TV show sucked ass.

    Hell enough of Startrek movies, I want some Babylon 5 big screen action!
  • Reply 23 of 33
    jimmacjimmac Posts: 11,898member
    TNG was a great show.

    The last movie was awful.

    I however have a very good feeling about this one.

    The screenplay was written by John Logan ( Gladiator ) and they have hired a director who's never done Star Trek ( a plus ). I believe B and B have put a lot more effort into this one. Most of the people who have seen a rough cut think it's the best thing since Khan.

    If this is a good movie I feel Paramount should resist the temptation to milk it further and end on a high note rather than let it wither away like some other franchises.

    There will be more Star Trek movies but they should move on to something else.

    Perhaps in a few years " Enterprise " maybe. I know the first season's shows have been a little weak. But, TNG was like that also until they found their direction. It took a couple of seasons for that. If you don't believe me go back and take a look at how stiff things were in the first 2 seasons.

    [ 06-28-2002: Message edited by: jimmac ]</p>
  • Reply 24 of 33
    [quote]Originally posted by Robertp:

    <strong> that butt clinching , grimacing yell of Kaaahhhhnnnn by kirk sticks with you like taffy </strong><hr></blockquote>

    Exactly! Gotta love William Shatner getting mad.

    I can't wait to see Nemesis. But its not until December, so long away

    I think this is the last trek movie. I'd like to see more with the TNG crew but I doubt that'll ever happen.

    And Janeway giving Picard orders is just wrong. It should be the other way around if anything.

    Maybe the hollographic doctor will activate his emergency command sub-ruteen (sp?) that he used on that one episode of voyager and give Picard an order instead of Janeway.

    Lol a holographic doctor ordering picard, now that would be funny, better than bitch Janeway telling Star Fleet's finest captain what to do.

    [ 06-28-2002: Message edited by: MacsKickAss ]</p>
  • Reply 25 of 33
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by pscates:

    [QB]Called "Nemesis"? I don't know. Not a fan, but some of you might be:

    Some of us might be, true, but thanks to me that number is rapidly dwindling, and the police know nothing about it.
  • Reply 26 of 33
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I screamed "Kaaaaaaaahn! Kaaaaaaahn!!" quite a bit in the USA vs. Germany World Cup match.
  • Reply 27 of 33
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>I screamed "Kaaaaaaaahn! Kaaaaaaahn!!" quite a bit in the USA vs. Germany World Cup match.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    You utter moron.
  • Reply 28 of 33
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,026member
    Nemisis looks good. I am not trekker per se, but I am a fan.

    I disagree with the notion that people were "sick of" Shatner and Co. I think they were simply getting to old. Deforest Kelly was like 75 when ST 6 came out in 1992.

    I am disappointed that this looks to be the last one. Personally, I think Enterprise is good and has enourmous potential.
  • Reply 29 of 33
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    Nemesis seems to be a pretty good film, Patrick stewart is a verygood actor, even if i find the kitch way of acting of Shatner entertaining and Spock very good (we where always trying to try an emotion failure in is acting ).

    but the city in the moovie trailer is a bad special effect, it appears more like a painting than a 3D effect. I wish that it will improve when the moovie will be released.

    Yes i must admit i am a star trek fan, but i will never buy gadgets or go in a convention, not enough crazy for that.
  • Reply 30 of 33
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    [quote]Originally posted by Doctor von Evil:


    You utter moron.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Hi penis.
  • Reply 31 of 33
    arakageetaarakageeta Posts: 141member
    I thought more of Midgar from Final Fantasy 7 than Theed when I saw the trailer. But I think humans building in circular patterns isn't anything 'new'.


  • Reply 32 of 33
    jambojambo Posts: 3,036member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:


    Hi penis.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Eugene, no need to waste your energy on this ex-member.

    J :cool:
  • Reply 33 of 33
    existenzexistenz Posts: 57member
    I dont think that Trailer looked so much "Star Trekish", but its only a teaser so...
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