Leaked videos show Sony 'PlayStation Phone' in action



  • Reply 21 of 66
    -ag--ag- Posts: 123member
    Is it just me or has anyone else out there thought that now its on android on its "open" OS its going to mean a matter of weeks before people crack the code and you can just download the games off of a torrent site somewhere.

    As much as people hate to admit it that is one way that Apple and iOS has an advantage. Especially for developers. Hell even windows phone 7 and its xbox live integration has potential.

    How many devs can you see jumping to the chance to sell half a dozen copies of an app/game when it is all over the internet and free thanks to Androids insecurities?

    Personally i like the idea that a larger games company teams up with a phone OS maker. I just cant see it working if they decide to go completely open source.

    Im really hoping that one day we either see a merger or a buy out of Nintendo with Apple. Great games and a great distribution network.

    i can hope.
  • Reply 22 of 66
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    It's obvious from those videos that when it comes to Sony, Apple has absolutely nothing to worry about.

    Who says Apple has something to worry about? In the portable gaming field, Apple's the one playing catch-up to Sony and Nintendo.

    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Does anyone know how they implemented the PSP side into the phone? Does this mean that PSP now runs in Dalvik VM or does this mean that PSP OS is launched when you press the button (I know it's not the latter, but still)?

    I don't know the specifics behind it, but here's a video of the PS side running from Android.

  • Reply 23 of 66
    WTF took so long SONY? This should have been in the works years ago. Old Sony would have been all over this long ago.
  • Reply 24 of 66
    Originally Posted by -AG- View Post

    Is it just me or has anyone else out there thought that now its on android on its "open" OS its going to mean a matter of weeks before people crack the code and you can just download the games off of a torrent site somewhere.

    Actually because it is open source Sony can modify the OS, locking it down so you cannot root the phone and they can add hardware DRM support to prevent it running pirated games.

    Originally Posted by sheff View Post

    Does anyone know how they implemented the PSP side into the phone? Does this mean that PSP now runs in Dalvik VM or does this mean that PSP OS is launched when you press the button (I know it's not the latter, but still)?

    My guess is the games will be Android apps (ie running in the Dalvik virtual machine). Sony will probably tweak the Android API to add support for gaming features.

    Playstation Phone != PSP

    Originally Posted by karateCHOP! View Post

    WTF took so long SONY? This should have been in the works years ago. Old Sony would have been all over this long ago.

    In the old Sony all the devisions hated each other. Getting SCE (aka the Playstation devision) and SonyEriccson to work together was impossible.
  • Reply 25 of 66
    freediverxfreediverx Posts: 1,424member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    They should have seen this coming so many years ago, made their portable gaming devices into great portable media players back in the iPod heyday and been ready for the inevitable combining of cellphones into pocketable devices. Too little, too late I’m afraid.

    Thanks, Captain Hindsight!

    Sorry, flashback from a recent South Park episode... couldn't resist. ;-)
  • Reply 26 of 66
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    They should have seen this coming so many years ago, made their portable gaming devices into great portable media players back in the iPod heyday and been ready for the inevitable combining of cellphones into pocketable devices. Too little, too late I?m afraid.

    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post

    Thanks, Captain Hindsight!

    Sorry, flashback from a recent South Park episode... couldn't resist. ;-)

    LOL post of the day.
  • Reply 27 of 66
    djmikeodjmikeo Posts: 180member
    If this really makes it out of vaporware status and becomes real, I don't think it will be any threat to Apple's iPhone. Instead, it would be one of the few Android phones that would stand out from all of the others. It could be a viable product that could become a big threat to HTC, Moto, Samsung and others. Sony would have many advantages that Apple enjoys, including making the PSP software, the game controllers and APIs, software distribution channels, and most importantly, consumer familiarity and reputation for the gaming genre.

    I wouldn't think that Sony would allow other manufacturers to license the PSP system into their hardware, so it would likely be a Sony exclusive within the Android sea of many look-alikes. If Sony does this correctly, it could become an popular device.
  • Reply 28 of 66
    Originally Posted by djmikeo View Post

    Sony would have many advantages that Apple enjoys, including making the PSP software, the game controllers and APIs, software distribution channels, and most importantly, consumer familiarity and reputation for the gaming genre.

    I wouldn't think that Sony would allow other manufacturers to license the PSP system into their hardware, so it would likely be a Sony exclusive within the Android sea of many look-alikes. If Sony does this correctly, it could become an popular device.

    the important part is that is CAN stand alone.

    also, i think that if you liked to play games on a consul or computer, this would be a much better choice than an iphone.

    that being said, for pure multimedia, a PSP was better than the old itouch, in my case, as for its price you can get more data storage, and as someone pointed out earlier, torrent games + hacking.

    the fact that it offers support for more advanced game play, and the reasons you pointed out (uniqueness, Sony making all of its own stuff and having its own store) also are reasons it should succeed.

    i would bet (if advertised well) and well subsidized, it probably could pick up 1-3% of smartphone shares at least.
  • Reply 29 of 66
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post

    Thanks, Captain Hindsight!

    Sorry, flashback from a recent South Park episode... couldn't resist. ;-)

    This last season of South Park was good. Will they ever jump the shark?

    As for my post, I have been saying that about Sony and Nintendo long before their respective portable sales were dropping. It’s really too bad, because both have the capabilities to make products that could rival Apple.
  • Reply 30 of 66
    Originally Posted by freediverx View Post

    Thanks, Captain Hindsight!

    Sorry, flashback from a recent South Park episode... couldn't resist. ;-)

  • Reply 31 of 66
    Originally Posted by djmikeo View Post

    If this really makes it out of vaporware status and becomes real, I don't think it will be any threat to Apple's iPhone. Instead, it would be one of the few Android phones that would stand out from all of the others. It could be a viable product that could become a big threat to HTC, Moto, Samsung and others. Sony would have many advantages that Apple enjoys, including making the PSP software, the game controllers and APIs, software distribution channels, and most importantly, consumer familiarity and reputation for the gaming genre.

    I wouldn't think that Sony would allow other manufacturers to license the PSP system into their hardware, so it would likely be a Sony exclusive within the Android sea of many look-alikes. If Sony does this correctly, it could become an popular device.

    I agree, but I wouldn't think of it as much of a threat to HTC, Moto, Samsung, etc. as a threat to Android itself, because it represents yet a further and very brand-specific fracturing of the OS... unless Android is running in a hypervisor on the PSP Phone hardware. That wouldn't be a bad idea, as it could run Android games in their own OS, and it would be much easier for PSP Phone users to upgrade the OS in future. What this would mean is that PSP phone games are not Android games.

    On the other hand, if the PSP Phone games are just Android games that require Sony-specific libraries and/or require a Sony-modified Android/Linux kernel, then I expect to see haX0rz porting that to Nexus One using a PS3 Sixaxis controller for input. Sony is in denial if they think this couldn't happen. It also means that future Android updates would have to come from Sony. This would be a true fracturing of the Android platform, and my guess is that Sony isn't interested in courting "casual games" developers and one-man game studios. Sony would lock it down to just "AAA" titles (blockbuster games). They're interested in EA porting Madden 12 or Need for Speed over. But why would big publishers like EA do that if Sony's Android phone only represents a fraction of the Android market?

    I just can't believe Sony intends turn PSP into another branch of the Android source tree. I think it's got to be a hypervisor with Android running as a guest OS, and PSP games running on the hardware. If I'm right, I called it! If I'm wrong...meh

    Either way, this was inevitable.
  • Reply 32 of 66
    Not my cup of tea, but unless this thing is as buggy as possible, this will likely be a pretty big hit. Lots and lots of gamers out there will be into this guy...for better or for worse...
  • Reply 33 of 66
    Originally Posted by -AG- View Post

    Is it just me or has anyone else out there thought that now its on android on its "open" OS its going to mean a matter of weeks before people crack the code and you can just download the games off of a torrent site somewhere.

    As much as people hate to admit it that is one way that Apple and iOS has an advantage. Especially for developers. Hell even windows phone 7 and its xbox live integration has potential.

    How many devs can you see jumping to the chance to sell half a dozen copies of an app/game when it is all over the internet and free thanks to Androids insecurities?

    Personally i like the idea that a larger games company teams up with a phone OS maker. I just cant see it working if they decide to go completely open source.

    Im really hoping that one day we either see a merger or a buy out of Nintendo with Apple. Great games and a great distribution network.

    i can hope.

    Ever heard of jailbreaking? Or a silly little app that begins with "install?" You can do this on iPod/iPad/iPhone already as well. It's dumb if you ask me, but whatever. App prices for the most part are reasonable enough that it's not an issue for many people to support the developers.
  • Reply 34 of 66
    enohpienohpi Posts: 103member
    Originally Posted by -AG- View Post

    How many devs can you see jumping to the chance to sell half a dozen copies of an app/game when it is all over the internet and free thanks to Androids insecurities?

    Each and every iOS app/game is all over the internet and free. How many devs do we see jumping to the chance to sell on the App Store? How is iOS any different from Android in this regard?
  • Reply 35 of 66
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Originally Posted by AsianBob View Post

    Umm... Last I read, PSP sales in hardware and games are still going strong. iOS and Android are only just recently capable of pushing PSP-level graphics. Because of this, it'll be a while before the game producers for portable gaming systems (PSP, DS) shift over in force to smartphones.

    then you ain't been reading much in 2010. go over to Gamasutra and search their news for "PSP" to get the sad story. last fiscal quarter, all PSP sales were down to just 1.5 million, only 50% of same quarter in 2009.

    the iPod touch is killing the PSP. same 2010 quarter 7 million were sold.

    like i said, going the way of the Walkman.
  • Reply 36 of 66
    enohpienohpi Posts: 103member
    user error deleted
  • Reply 37 of 66
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    They should have seen this coming so many years ago, made their portable gaming devices into great portable media players back in the iPod heyday and been ready for the inevitable combining of cellphones into pocketable devices. Too little, too late I?m afraid.

    I've never understood this idea of "too late". This whole thing is just getting started, and I think there are many more surprises ahead.

    It's rather like calling the whole PC war done after the commodore pet was released.
  • Reply 38 of 66
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Groovetube View Post

    I've never understood this idea of "too late". This whole thing is just getting started, and I think there are many more surprises ahead.

    It's rather like calling the whole PC war done after the commodore pet was released.

    I see what you?re saying, and agree. My ?too late? comment shouldn?t be read literally or fatalist to the company as a whole. For instance, is it ?to late? for MS trying to keep their Windows Mobile marketshare and profits on high? Is it ?too late? for Sony and Nintendo to try to keep their portable gaming consoles in the top position for portable gaming devices.

    That isn?t to say that they can?t make a winning device that will overtake the market again, just as Apple and other companies has resurfaced from almost nothing, but they?ll have to come with something that exceeds the market they enter in a way that attracts customers again, and many new customers as these markets are growing in scale. Meaning, these large, typically slow moving companies will have relearn how to act like fast, nimble start-ups.

    In other words, for them to capture the market again they will have to do something different. Hence, too late.

    Even Steve Jobs said that they lost the ?PC? wars and that they would focus on the next thing. Perhaps ironically, that next thing has led to a resurgence of the Mac ?PC? which made them the most profitable ?PC? maker in the world with a still accelerating growth rate.
  • Reply 39 of 66
    We all win when they turn up the competition!
  • Reply 40 of 66
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    In other words, for them to capture the market again they will have to do something different. Hence, too late.

    The question then is what market is the PSPhone in? Is it a smartphone that can play advanced games? Or is it a portable gaming device that has the features of a smartphone?

    Depending on which category the PSPhone belongs to, it changes whether it's catching the iPhone/iPod or if the iPhone/iPod is catching it.
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