Verizon may pay Apple to keep iPhone away from T-Mobile, Sprint



  • Reply 21 of 101
    Jailbreaking an iPhone voids the warranty and support... It's not a good idea anyway
  • Reply 22 of 101
    I'd rather see Apple sell the iPhone via Verizon's rivals, so they could gain share against them. Better for Apple in the long run, and better for the consumer to keep wireless choices alive.

    At least, if Apple sells the iPhone via Verizon, they should sell via any network. (It's not as if they NEED Verizon's blood money.)

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    This could raise all types of antitrust red flags.

    If that's what it takes to prevent this, I'm all for it.

    Originally Posted by deuxlavabo View Post

    You're aware that AT&T is currently paying for exclusivity... right?

    That doesn't mean this won't raise concerns. SItuations and perceptions change. AT&T was a weak Number Two carrier when it took on the new invention called the iPhone, and Verizon actually did not want to carry it (under Apple's terms, anyway). An exclusive agreement was seen as 'acceptable', since there was (a) no proof the iPhone would become a game-changing item and (b) no carrier complaining to regulators that they were being shut out.

    But in the here-and-now, being able to sell the iPhone is a Big Deal. And Verizon does NOT have (and cannot get!) an exclusive agreement. What they would be doing is paying to keep the iPhone away from CERTAIN competitors.

    That's gonna smell bad to regulators. Think Sprint and T-Mobile will complain to the FCC if this happens? You bet they will.
  • Reply 23 of 101
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    This could raise all types of antitrust red flags.

    You're aware that AT&T is currently paying for exclusivity... right?
  • Reply 24 of 101
    Originally Posted by AppleStud View Post

    Dear Tallest Skil,

    The VAST majority of iPhone owners do not jailbreak their phones.



    And? I'll continue to do it, as will millions of others. We'll enjoy our network of choice.

    Originally Posted by 2cents View Post

    Jailbreaking an iPhone voids the warranty and support... It's not a good idea anyway

    Voids it if you're foolish enough to take it to an Apple Store without having restored to the stock firmware, sure.
  • Reply 25 of 101
    The FTC will have something to say about that. This is why you will only see something like this on a rumor site.
  • Reply 26 of 101
    I'm not surprise, Verizon is well known for doing that.
  • Reply 27 of 101
    It's not that I don't want a Sprint iPhone because I'm a person that likes choices and would like as many people to have the iphone as possible. Probably one of the only reasons I don't see a sprint phone happening is because sprint has chosen to go a totally different way with their cell technology with WiMax, While Verizon is on LTE now, and AT&T will be going with LTE. This first iPhone coming out on Verizon will undoubtedly be a CDMA variant, but the next one will more than likely be LTE compatible and will work on both Verizon and AT&T. Sprint however will not be able to use this and will need their own CDMA/WiMAX version. This will possibly cause Apple to have to make three versions of the iphone in the future, a CDMA/WiMax version, an LTE version, and also continue to make a GSM version for any of the international that are still preparing to go LTE.

    As we know from when apple went with GSM the first time, they are more likely to go with technology that is more widely used. I predict more carriers going from GSM to the GSM based LTE, not from GSM to WiMax. Which makes no sense for apple to make a WiMax compatible phone for only 49 million users on Sprint.
  • Reply 28 of 101
    I have suspicions about this:

    [1] Why would cash rich Apple need any more cash?

    [2] If they want to go with Sprint of T-Mobile in the future they are contractually handicapped.

    To me the whole point of moving to Verizon Wireless is to try and take a bit of momentum away from Android. And if that's the aim then Apple won't want to get into any more “deals” which limit their potential customer base.
  • Reply 29 of 101
    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    I don't think it's essential to add Sprint and t-mobile. Adding VZ to ATT will give Apple a considerable boost. And if a deal like the one rumored here allows them to increase sales while maintaining margins, then that's a winner.

    I do.

    It's either on all 4 Major Networks and possibly with Cricket or it stays exclusive to AT&T.

    Apple has the leverage. Verizon has none.
  • Reply 30 of 101
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Dear Verizon,

    You may not know this, but I can already use my iPhone with T-Mobile. Also, if Apple is stupid enough to release an iPhone with a CDMA chip, I'll be able to use it with Sprint, too.


    Everyone with an inkling of how to jailbreak/unlock.

    What you say is pretty much irrelevant to the consumer market as a whole. And even among those who do know how to jailbreak and unlock, there are plenty who do not want to deal with the added frustration unless one of those alternate carriers is far superior to Verizon and AT&T (usually not).

    Pretty much nobody here represents the most important demographics.

    Originally Posted by columbus View Post

    I have suspicions about this:

    [1] Why would cash rich Apple need any more cash?

    [2] If they want to go with Sprint of T-Mobile in the future they are contractually handicapped.

    To me the whole point of moving to Verizon Wireless is to try and take a bit of momentum away from Android. And if that's the aim then Apple won't want to get into any more “deals” which limit their potential customer base.

    [1] They're a business. They want more of the stuff.

    [2] I doubt either Sprint or T-Mobile has anywhere near enough leverage to work something out with Apple which would leave them handicapped in some way. In fact, even Verizon probably lacks that strength. Whatever Apple arranges it will almost certainly be by far in their best interest. Customers are the ones that are hoping for a more open range of choices. And why not? I think the mistake people make is assuming that the most important factor at play here is marketshare. It isn't.
  • Reply 31 of 101
    bageljoeybageljoey Posts: 2,007member
    Originally Posted by columbus View Post

    I have suspicions about this:

    [1] Why would cash rich Apple need any more cash?

    This may come as a surprise, but a publicly traded corporation's first order of business is to make money. As much as it can.

    There is no concept of "make enough and then let the others share the rest."
  • Reply 32 of 101
    Originally Posted by JimDreamworx View Post

    Just start selling unlocked and unsubsidized phones in the USA the way it is done elsewhere and be done with this carrier-exclusive BS. The iPad has shown people are willing to pay the price for the device and then negotiate the terms of the carrier of their choice.

    Apple got threatened by European carriers to cut subsidy if they go ahead with that SIM thing they were working that would bypass the carriers. I'm sure AT&T and Verizon would do the same.
  • Reply 33 of 101
    enohpienohpi Posts: 103member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "We are hearing that (Verizon) does not want iPhone, the hottest selling smartphone, available on T-Mobile USA and/or Sprint and may be willing to pay for exclusivity to itself and AT&T," Wu wrote. "For these reasons, (Verizon) could be more willing to give in to Apple's terms."

    Stockholders: "Hooray!"

    Consumers: "WTF?"
  • Reply 34 of 101
    I think this puts Apple in a bit of a bind.. Should we go "All-Carrier" and give up a few things to the carriers (especially VZ) and possibly slow down the Android onslaught or do we go with just VZ and AT&T giving us everything we want and more money but get left out on TM and Sprint?
  • Reply 35 of 101
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    You missed the point.

    I'm saying, "screw going through legitimate channels". If my phone is physically capable of running on T-Mobile, I get to use it on T-Mobile. If my phone is physically capable of running on Sprint, I get to run it on Sprint. I'll get this "code" myself by repackaging iOS. Pretty simple.

    I don't know if it's really called using it if you're stuck on T-mobile's hokey pokey EDGE network in the States.
  • Reply 36 of 101
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by TechManMike View Post

    It's not that I don't want a Sprint iPhone because I'm a person that likes choices and would like as many people to have the iphone as possible. Probably one of the only reasons I don't see a sprint phone happening is because sprint has chosen to go a totally different way with their cell technology with WiMax, While Verizon is on LTE now, and AT&T will be going with LTE. This first iPhone coming out on Verizon will undoubtedly be a CDMA variant, but the next one will more than likely be LTE compatible and will work on both Verizon and AT&T. Sprint however will not be able to use this and will need their own CDMA/WiMAX version. This will possibly cause Apple to have to make three versions of the iphone in the future, a CDMA/WiMax version, an LTE version, and also continue to make a GSM version for any of the international that are still preparing to go LTE.

    As we know from when apple went with GSM the first time, they are more likely to go with technology that is more widely used. I predict more carriers going from GSM to the GSM based LTE, not from GSM to WiMax. Which makes no sense for apple to make a WiMax compatible phone for only 49 million users on Sprint.

    Verizon will not be able to ditch CDMA anytime in the near future. They have publicly said that their existing CDMA network will be in use till about 2020. The LTE network is nowhere near as widespread (in fact it's only now being distributed) as their CDMA, so when calls can't be placed on LTE, they will default to the CDMA network. Any LTE or WiMax phone will be defaulting to their slower tech as needed.

    Also there are currently chips that function for both GSM and CDMA, so it is entirely possible that Apple will be making a unified phone model, The only reason I could see Apple agreeing to a dual exclusivity paid for by Verizon is they would be worried about trying to keep enough in stock for all 4 companies and ramping up by having a 6 month or 1 year period where they are AT&T & Verizon before adding the other 2 could make sense.

    As a Sprint user tho, let me just say...ignore Verizon and pick up T-Mobile and Sprint as well. The 2 companies put together are 90% the size of Verizon. Verizon would have to be coughing up an awful lot of money to equal the potential sales spike

    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    I don't know if it's really called using it if you're stuck on T-mobile's hokey pokey EDGE network in the States.

    T-Mobile is busy advertising their HSPA+ network as 4G in a "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" kinda way. T-Mobile is ass if you leave a major city tho.
  • Reply 37 of 101
    enohpienohpi Posts: 103member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    This could raise all types of antitrust red flags.

    One can only hope.
  • Reply 38 of 101
    Originally Posted by TechManMike View Post

    It's not that I don't want a Sprint iPhone because I'm a person that likes choices and would like as many people to have the iphone as possible. Probably one of the only reasons I don't see a sprint phone happening is because sprint has chosen to go a totally different way with their cell technology with WiMax, While Verizon is on LTE now, and AT&T will be going with LTE. This first iPhone coming out on Verizon will undoubtedly be a CDMA variant, but the next one will more than likely be LTE compatible and will work on both Verizon and AT&T. Sprint however will not be able to use this and will need their own CDMA/WiMAX version. This will possibly cause Apple to have to make three versions of the iphone in the future, a CDMA/WiMax version, an LTE version, and also continue to make a GSM version for any of the international that are still preparing to go LTE.

    As we know from when apple went with GSM the first time, they are more likely to go with technology that is more widely used. I predict more carriers going from GSM to the GSM based LTE, not from GSM to WiMax. Which makes no sense for apple to make a WiMax compatible phone for only 49 million users on Sprint.

    Sprint has invested in LTE and in fact built it into their existing Clear spectrum. It's solely for testing and they have no current plans to roll it out, but at least they can do something if the need shows.
  • Reply 39 of 101
    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    T-Mobile is busy advertising their HSPA+ network as 4G in a "I'm a PC, I'm a Mac" kinda way. T-Mobile is ass if you leave a major city tho.

    Right, but if you unlock the iPhone, you're stuck on EDGE. The bands for their 3G networks don't exist in the chipset.
  • Reply 40 of 101
    enohpienohpi Posts: 103member
    Originally Posted by columbus View Post

    I have suspicions about this:

    [1] Why would cash rich Apple need any more cash?

    Because not every single owner of Apple is rich. That's why. Many are widows and orphans. Or something like that.

    IMO, there is nothing suspicious about a for-profit company seeking to profit. Apple seems to be very good at doing exactly that.
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