So an unreleased, untested future product for "the web" will be totally better then a year old device built on a solid and mature os that does both apps and web really well. I have my money on iPad v1, and by that time v2 will at least match if not surpass whatever web advantages rim comes up with.
I think rim has a good chance of staying relevant, unlike ms, I just don't think they can beat android or iOS just now. They can however utilize their business software and recognizability to maintain business customers.
Edit: and of course they gotta move fast cause something like 70% of the 7% of business users who own a tablet have an iPad according to recent posts on this site.
What shall we call this product... Why, we'll call it Cairo/Longhorney/Vista... PlayJob!
I always thought that PJ stood for PaJamas... Now, not so sure.
This comment is in reference to the numerous ?but they give away the phones in BOGO promotions? that is often stated on this board?
This quarterly report shows that the rebates in BOGOs do not affect the actual makers of the cellphones as much as it first would seem. The cost of the promotion is absorbed by someone ? but it does not seem to be the phone makers. So the BOGOs are not quite the race to the bottom that many imply.
This comment is in reference to the numerous ?but they give away the phones in BOGO promotions? that is often stated on this board?
This quarterly report shows that the rebates in BOGOs do not affect the actual makers of the cellphones as much as it first would seem. The cost of the promotion is absorbed by someone ? but it does not seem to be the phone makers. So the BOGOs are not quite the race to the bottom that many imply.
Yeah, but with the PlayJob it will be BOGTA (Bogota) -- Buy One, Get Them All!
For some reason, I'm reminded of the Palm Foleo hype.
Speaking of Palm, the assumed release of the PlayBook after February and right around the time of the assume release of the next iPad strikes me as foolish as Palm releasing their Palm Pre days before the iPhone 3GS launched. I can?t help but think that a late Summer, early Autumn tablet release with an additional 6 months of making it a great product might be needed if they want this to succeed in the long term.
I bet Apple will have everything lined up so if they want to move their intended release up to usurp RiM? well, we all know Jobs isnt? above such things, especially after RiM?s specious comments, and it would be entertaining for us.
I think this guy is used to operating in a different space to Apple, namely in-house corporate apps, and it is effecting his thinking.
Companies just want something basic that their employees can use to enter data, they don't care if it blows their socks off or not. They would rather it is written in Javascript which their developers already know. They don't care if it critically relies on the network, because they control the network (in their building at least).
But consumer apps have to stand on their own two feet. They have to compete for $. They have to look good, not just get the job done. Developers welcome new custom APIs that let them distinguish themselves from their competitors. It's better if the app is not perpetually accessing the network, because you can't control where the consumer is walking, so best to make it a normal self-contained program.
From his perspective, he probably is in a better position because he has existing relationships with corporate clients he can leverage, and his device runs Javascript faster. But take it out of that controlled corporate environment and the iPad will eat it alive. And not the iPad 2 either, the current iPad.
How can RIM say they are reinventing tablets when the system we have seen so far on their ads is a bastard child of the iOS? The only thing I see different are PC looking crappy designed icons, and that they can use Flash while surfing. Goes to show how much crap CEO's can go on about but the truth of the matter is that its going to be a big seller to people that never used an iPad before. These people will never be able to tell the difference, and how mcuh the Playbook has ripped Apple off in terms of the system and UI.
One good thing though, if PLaybook does pick up it would mean Apple will reduce their introductory prices on the iPad 2.
Speaking of Palm, the assumed release of the PlayBook after February and right around the time of the assume release of the next iPad strikes me as foolish as Palm releasing their Palm Pre days before the iPhone 3GS launched. I can’t help but think that a late Summer, early Autumn tablet release with an additional 6 months of making it a great product might be needed if they want this to succeed in the long term.
I bet Apple will have everything lined up so if they want to move their intended release up to usurp RiM… well, we all know Jobs isnt’ above such things, especially after RiM’s specious comments, and it would be entertaining for us.
Yes, but the co-buffoons have been claiming that the PlayJob is "tracking" to be released first quarter.
RIMM's 4th Quarter 2011 ends Feb 27. 2011.
So their first quarter 2012 is Mar-May 2011 -- if they make it!
This reminds me of the Palm Pre. Lots of hype many months in advance, only to find out that Apple is good at keeping their annual release schedule and the Pre was no longer interesting by the time it shipped.
The iPad 2 will put an end to RIMs boasting before Playbook sales even begin. Although I think this would make a good tablet for those owning Blackberry phones, given all the integration it will have.
One quarter does not predict the success of a company which has faltered in the past.... Their so-called Playbook will not hardly compete with the iPad. Nice try CEO, a slashing of words downgrading the iPad is NOT a way to try and gain support. I personally own an iPad along with numerous freinds and the device is simply outstanding...... Not sure how you think you will be superior to this winner of a device. Nice try but I think you need to brush up on exactly what the iPad has over your so-called Palybook..... your numerous friends know that you own them?
So having read the previous interview with Lazaridis and now being confronted with the oddly unfocused musings of Balsillie, I have to wonder how RIM ever managed to build a successful business in the first place. They speak like they're brain damaged. I mean it, not evasive or corporate speak or blustery or disingenuous or any of that, but cognitively impaired. Where you stare a sentence and try to imagine the cloudy, cross-wired processes that led to that series of words.
Maybe they have handlers that make the real decisions and they mostly keep these guys sedated in a back room? It's just horrifying.
shift away from "a proprietary SDK and unnecessary apps," presumably a reference to Apple's iOS and App Store, to "web fidelity and tool familiarity."
The Playbook is going to be boosting Adobe with the 'open' Adobe Air SDK, which is interesting because those are apps, which sort of contradicts their app vs web stance.
The reality is that Apple went web-only from day 1 and nobody wanted web-only. Apple has the same webkit Blackberry uses (because Apple offered it as an open product) plus a powerful App SDK that not only does apps like NFS Undercover, which you can't publish on the web but it can control external hardware, which I doubt the Air SDK will allow.
This is just another marketing ploy to defibrillate a dying brand by pointing at successful companies and claiming superiority when they are just another imitator.
The one thing the Playbook has is a dual-core CPU, which makes HTML5 run faster but it's the same attempt made by PC rivals to outspec rather than deliver a better experience. Apple's focus on iPad 1 was build quality, battery life and most of all the screen. We don't know what screen is in the Playbook but I would guess it's not IPS and it didn't look like AMOLED. What we do know is that it's 7", which is half the size of the iPad so that's going to kill the experience somewhat.
Lastly, they are playing catch-up to iPad 1, just before iPad 2 arrives and they are only managing to match the price. If they undercut it, they do so by compromising quality.
Summing up his response, Balsillie reiterated that he thinks RIM is "just well ahead on the PlayBook, well ahead internationally, and extending very very well."
So the Playbook is well ahead of the iPad? Great! Where can I buy one?
Seriously, Apple could do with releasing 4.3 around late January with some performance improvements to mobile Safari. I do find it a little sluggish, especially caching. But a tweaked Safari on iPad 1 would be well ahead of the Playbook.
Flash on tablet advocates should remember the importance enterprise places on battery life.
I have been avidly following appleinsider for several years now on a daily basis and the absurdity of this guy has forced me to write my first post.
For a company such as RIM who's supposed core competency is smartphones to have not brought to market a compelling response to the iPhone, which is now in the middle of its its fourth generation (and now Android) just highlights innovative inaptitude. The very notion that this guy even thinks they can bring out a tablet which does not in anyway form part of RIM's core competency, to rival and exceed the iPad even in it's 1st gen form is borderline insane.
We have heard all this before with the Storm and the Storm 2...this is just posturing nothing more nothing less. It's amazing a company the size of RIM needs two CEO's - all it says to me is each of them is only capable of doing a half ass job.......
PS How many of those 14.2 shipments were actual sales out and registrations v sales into the channel, and how many of those were part of two for one deals, and how many models does RIM sell.
I'm loving the tool fidelity argument. The same one was brought up with the iPhone not supporting Java/J2ME - that there is this great army of developers out there, who could develop applications, if only the devices supported the language they know.
Now obviously there are great developers who know Flash - particularly the guys who have built emulators for old 8 and 16-bit computers, or photo-editing software like Picnik. But I would put good money that all great Flash developers know at least one other programming language (with C++ as a strong candidate).
Those guys will have no problem switching to iPhone or Android development, if they want to.
So the audience he's addressing here are the second-tier - the people who have learnt Flash, rather than programming.
As for the web argument - I'm waiting for a smart journalist to explain why, if it's all about web apps, one would choose a Playbook over a HP WebOS tablet or Android tablet or iPad.
The only thing I can think of is 'because it works with Blackberry's proprietary email system.
The other thing that came across to me is that he's basically out of his depth, talking about programming and technical issues he doesn't understand (although largely to an audience of journalists who don't understand them either, so that's OK).
So an unreleased, untested future product for "the web" will be totally better then a year old device built on a solid and mature os that does both apps and web really well. I have my money on iPad v1, and by that time v2 will at least match if not surpass whatever web advantages rim comes up with.
I think rim has a good chance of staying relevant, unlike ms, I just don't think they can beat android or iOS just now. They can however utilize their business software and recognizability to maintain business customers.
Edit: and of course they gotta move fast cause something like 70% of the 7% of business users who own a tablet have an iPad according to recent posts on this site.
What shall we call this product... Why, we'll call it Cairo/Longhorney/Vista... PlayJob!
I always thought that PJ stood for PaJamas... Now, not so sure.
This quarterly report shows that the rebates in BOGOs do not affect the actual makers of the cellphones as much as it first would seem. The cost of the promotion is absorbed by someone ? but it does not seem to be the phone makers. So the BOGOs are not quite the race to the bottom that many imply.
This comment is in reference to the numerous ?but they give away the phones in BOGO promotions? that is often stated on this board?
This quarterly report shows that the rebates in BOGOs do not affect the actual makers of the cellphones as much as it first would seem. The cost of the promotion is absorbed by someone ? but it does not seem to be the phone makers. So the BOGOs are not quite the race to the bottom that many imply.
Yeah, but with the PlayJob it will be BOGTA (Bogota) -- Buy One, Get Them All!
Jonamac succinctly stated everything I was too dumbfounded to express.
For some reason, I'm reminded of the Palm Foleo hype.
This is just hilarious!!
Someone remind this guy that he sold zero tablets!
With apologies to Utah Phillips:
"My God, that's a moose turd pie... It's good, though!"
For some reason, I'm reminded of the Palm Foleo hype.
Speaking of Palm, the assumed release of the PlayBook after February and right around the time of the assume release of the next iPad strikes me as foolish as Palm releasing their Palm Pre days before the iPhone 3GS launched. I can?t help but think that a late Summer, early Autumn tablet release with an additional 6 months of making it a great product might be needed if they want this to succeed in the long term.
I bet Apple will have everything lined up so if they want to move their intended release up to usurp RiM? well, we all know Jobs isnt? above such things, especially after RiM?s specious comments, and it would be entertaining for us.
Companies just want something basic that their employees can use to enter data, they don't care if it blows their socks off or not. They would rather it is written in Javascript which their developers already know. They don't care if it critically relies on the network, because they control the network (in their building at least).
But consumer apps have to stand on their own two feet. They have to compete for $. They have to look good, not just get the job done. Developers welcome new custom APIs that let them distinguish themselves from their competitors. It's better if the app is not perpetually accessing the network, because you can't control where the consumer is walking, so best to make it a normal self-contained program.
From his perspective, he probably is in a better position because he has existing relationships with corporate clients he can leverage, and his device runs Javascript faster. But take it out of that controlled corporate environment and the iPad will eat it alive. And not the iPad 2 either, the current iPad.
One good thing though, if PLaybook does pick up it would mean Apple will reduce their introductory prices on the iPad 2.
Speaking of Palm, the assumed release of the PlayBook after February and right around the time of the assume release of the next iPad strikes me as foolish as Palm releasing their Palm Pre days before the iPhone 3GS launched. I can’t help but think that a late Summer, early Autumn tablet release with an additional 6 months of making it a great product might be needed if they want this to succeed in the long term.
I bet Apple will have everything lined up so if they want to move their intended release up to usurp RiM… well, we all know Jobs isnt’ above such things, especially after RiM’s specious comments, and it would be entertaining for us.
Yes, but the co-buffoons have been claiming that the PlayJob is "tracking" to be released first quarter.
RIMM's 4th Quarter 2011 ends Feb 27. 2011.
So their first quarter 2012 is Mar-May 2011 -- if they make it!
But it is more likely a success than the PlayJob.
The iPad 2 will put an end to RIMs boasting before Playbook sales even begin. Although I think this would make a good tablet for those owning Blackberry phones, given all the integration it will have.
One quarter does not predict the success of a company which has faltered in the past.... Their so-called Playbook will not hardly compete with the iPad. Nice try CEO, a slashing of words downgrading the iPad is NOT a way to try and gain support. I personally own an iPad along with numerous freinds and the device is simply outstanding...... Not sure how you think you will be superior to this winner of a device. Nice try but I think you need to brush up on exactly what the iPad has over your so-called Palybook..... your numerous friends know that you own them?
Maybe they have handlers that make the real decisions and they mostly keep these guys sedated in a back room? It's just horrifying.
shift away from "a proprietary SDK and unnecessary apps," presumably a reference to Apple's iOS and App Store, to "web fidelity and tool familiarity."
The Playbook is going to be boosting Adobe with the 'open' Adobe Air SDK, which is interesting because those are apps, which sort of contradicts their app vs web stance.
The reality is that Apple went web-only from day 1 and nobody wanted web-only. Apple has the same webkit Blackberry uses (because Apple offered it as an open product) plus a powerful App SDK that not only does apps like NFS Undercover, which you can't publish on the web but it can control external hardware, which I doubt the Air SDK will allow.
This is just another marketing ploy to defibrillate a dying brand by pointing at successful companies and claiming superiority when they are just another imitator.
The one thing the Playbook has is a dual-core CPU, which makes HTML5 run faster but it's the same attempt made by PC rivals to outspec rather than deliver a better experience. Apple's focus on iPad 1 was build quality, battery life and most of all the screen. We don't know what screen is in the Playbook but I would guess it's not IPS and it didn't look like AMOLED. What we do know is that it's 7", which is half the size of the iPad so that's going to kill the experience somewhat.
Lastly, they are playing catch-up to iPad 1, just before iPad 2 arrives and they are only managing to match the price. If they undercut it, they do so by compromising quality.
So the Playbook is well ahead of the iPad? Great! Where can I buy one?
Seriously, Apple could do with releasing 4.3 around late January with some performance improvements to mobile Safari. I do find it a little sluggish, especially caching. But a tweaked Safari on iPad 1 would be well ahead of the Playbook.
Flash on tablet advocates should remember the importance enterprise places on battery life.
For a company such as RIM who's supposed core competency is smartphones to have not brought to market a compelling response to the iPhone, which is now in the middle of its its fourth generation (and now Android) just highlights innovative inaptitude. The very notion that this guy even thinks they can bring out a tablet which does not in anyway form part of RIM's core competency, to rival and exceed the iPad even in it's 1st gen form is borderline insane.
We have heard all this before with the Storm and the Storm 2...this is just posturing nothing more nothing less. It's amazing a company the size of RIM needs two CEO's - all it says to me is each of them is only capable of doing a half ass job.......
PS How many of those 14.2 shipments were actual sales out and registrations v sales into the channel, and how many of those were part of two for one deals, and how many models does RIM sell.
Now obviously there are great developers who know Flash - particularly the guys who have built emulators for old 8 and 16-bit computers, or photo-editing software like Picnik. But I would put good money that all great Flash developers know at least one other programming language (with C++ as a strong candidate).
Those guys will have no problem switching to iPhone or Android development, if they want to.
So the audience he's addressing here are the second-tier - the people who have learnt Flash, rather than programming.
As for the web argument - I'm waiting for a smart journalist to explain why, if it's all about web apps, one would choose a Playbook over a HP WebOS tablet or Android tablet or iPad.
The only thing I can think of is 'because it works with Blackberry's proprietary email system.
Finally the big boys start to respond. Let's see how Apple holds up against business-grade competitors!
"Big boys"? Apple could buy RIM with their cash on hand.