Verizon may spend more than $5 billion subsidizing iPhone sales in 2011



  • Reply 21 of 23
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    In the kerfuffle about plans noone seems to have noticed this


    James Ratcliffe, an analyst at Barclays, estimates that Verizon will sell just $9[sic] million iPhones this year, spending $350 to subsidize sales, a total of $3.2 billion.

    Ratcliffe also expects AT&T to sell just six million iPhones this year, down from around 15 million last year. He also figures that AT&T's subsidy will drop from $400 to $350 per device due to the end of its exclusive deal with Apple.

    is implying no unit growth in America for iPhones - and as the smart phone market will grow he is saying that despite ( maybe because) moving to Verizon Apple's market share may half. I dont believe that.
  • Reply 22 of 23
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    In the kerfuffle about plans noone seems to have noticed this is implying no unit growth in America for iPhones - and as the smart phone market will grow he is saying that despite ( maybe because) moving to Verizon Apple's market share may half. I dont believe that.

    I don't believe that either. Here in Austria the iPhone started with one carrier (T-Mobile) as well. Now we have four carriers offering the iPhone. That's good for the customer. More choices, better plans because of the stiff competition. And that's good for Apple too. Because they obviously sell a lot more iPhones than just with one carrier (in here I have statistics, that suggest, that a certain government website receives two thirds of its mobile hits from iOS devices).

    In short: One analyst - one opinion. A Zillion analysts, a zillion opinions. Let's wait and see.
  • Reply 23 of 23
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by Realistic View Post

    Apple doesn't set or design the rate plans, the carriers do, so bug or complain to the carriers, not Apple.

    If you actually read what I wrote I made no complaint whatsoever. I was suggesting an option that allowed Safari to operate in a special 'mode' by not down loading large graphics and videos to save bandwidth when operating in tether mode and a user option to override when required. Thus allowing more use of tethering when needed before hitting carrier caps. I suggest you adopt a nicer tone too. Also take heed of your own footer.
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