Steve Jobs on a 'down cycle' recently, at Apple offices less frequently



  • Reply 21 of 54
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    I guess it's time for the endless barrage of articles related to SJ's health and how will apple move on from SJ. \
  • Reply 22 of 54
    ouraganouragan Posts: 437member
    From "Apple Says Steve Jobs Will Take a New Medical Leave" @


    In recent months, he has looked increasingly frail, according to people who have seen him.

    Dr. Lewis W. Teperman, the director of transplant surgery and vice chairman of surgery at the Langone Medical Center of New York University, said a variety of problems could affect someone with a liver transplant. Dr. Teperman has not been involved in Mr. Jobs?s care and said he had no knowledge of the case.

    ?It?s very common for transplant patients to have issues that are not life-threatening,? Dr. Teperman said. ?We give them very strong, high-powered medications, immunosuppressants, to prevent rejection. It?s a delicate balance, more art than science.?

    Side effects from the drugs can make patients ill, and sometimes the regimen has to be changed, a process that can take days and weeks. The side-effects include high blood sugar and diabetes, kidney damage, diarrhea, high blood pressure, high blood fats and cholesterol, rashes and low counts of white blood cells. The drugs leave patients prone to infection.

    Rejection of the transplanted liver is also a possibility, but Dr. Teperman said it was extremely rare for a liver transplant to be totally rejected.

    The original reason for Mr. Jobs?s transplant was never publicly disclosed. At the time, doctors not involved in his case said the most likely reason was that his pancreatic cancer had spread to his liver. If that was the case, it is possible that cancer has recurred; the anti-rejection drugs can increase the odds of cancer recurrence. A recurrence may be treatable. But so little information has been disclosed that it is impossible to tell, Dr. Teperman said.

    It is high time that Steve Jobs retires for medical reasons. The New York Times article quoted above highlights 2 obvious reasons for concern:

    1- A recurrence of cancer which is favored by anti-rejection drugs;

    2- Infections brought about by anti-rejection drugs and/or the need to adjust their selection, combination or dosage.

    We should all be thankful for the immense contribution Steve Jobs has made at Apple, but now is the time to retire so that a real succession plan can take place.

    No, Steve Jobs is not eternal. Investors should take notice and cash in their profits while they exist. Hedge funds are sure to leave the Apple ship and leave it in a worst shape than before they invested in it for the unmatched "double digit returns".

    From now on, shareholders, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the NASDQ authorities will decide whether Steve Jobs can stay on, pretend that he is still the Apple CEO, and refuse to discuss the health problems that force him to take an indefinite medical leave of absence.

    Really, only fools would fail to understand what is happening.

  • Reply 23 of 54
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    I just like how someone comes out of the wood work and says, oh yeah he has not been around much lately and looked in poor health. Considering how closely people watch his activities, this would have been reported a long time ago. Maybe this person only wanted to see themselves quoted in the press since after this news came out it was easy to say yeah he was not around much and he did not look good. The news media just eat this stuff up.

    Let see if Steve does not show for the Ruper Murdock announcement, since it was announce he would be and Steve said he will be involved with the true Strategic Apple things, and as I said before the VZ announce was obviously not Strategic enough for Steve to be involved.
  • Reply 24 of 54
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Regardless of the real story (and who wouldn't like to know the truth, really?) all the best to Steve and his family and the people at Apple.

    I wouldn't, because I'm not some pandering neanderthal, addicted to gossip.

    I wish him well, and have no desire to know anything beyond what he published today. Anyone who does should be ashamed of themselves.
  • Reply 25 of 54
    Originally Posted by Sacto Joe View Post

    Now, if people start clammering for intimate knowledge of his personal affairs like the last time he took a leave of absence, or publish his medical records, then that would be disrespectful of his privacy.

    Sorry, but I firmly believe the company has an obligation to be totally forthcoming with information. As a stockholder, I would like to have a detailed medical report on my desk every morning from now on. Are you aware that Apple stock fell about 6% in overseas trading Monday following the news?

    Originally Posted by BUSHMAN4 View Post

    Let's all pray for Steve Jobs.

    This is what you happen to read when things are getting out of hand.
  • Reply 26 of 54
    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    Seriously? How does your wife feel about that? That's just way overboard IMHO.

    I don't think so, I'm in the same boat and feel the same way. Some things are more important than money.
  • Reply 27 of 54
    brendonbrendon Posts: 642member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    I don't know what the story is that they published alongside this chart, but the chart itself shows absolutely nothing. There's no correlation at all between his health issues and the stock price and this chart seems to prove it.

    Perhaps, "There's no correlation at all between his health issues and the stock price" is what the story was about...
  • Reply 28 of 54
    Praying for Steve,

    Can not imagine what he is facing with health issues. But praying most of all that He knows Jesus Christ.
  • Reply 29 of 54
    bytorbytor Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by welchamm View Post

    Praying for Steve,

    Can not imagine what he is facing with health issues. But praying most of all that He knows Jesus Christ.

  • Reply 30 of 54
    Originally Posted by Digital_Guy View Post

    Just curious .. does anyone think that this comes into play regarding Steve's absence at the Verizon announcement last week? Or, was he really not expected to be there anyway? I had actually thought that he would have been there, possibly accompanying Tim Cook.

    Just wonder what anyone thinks. This story, paired with his absence at the Verizon announcement at least appear to me to have a tangible relationship, now. \

    Any thoughts?


    Never planned to attend. It was different when AT&T was the sole provider. Now if the CEO showed up it could look like AT&T had fallen out of favor instead of Apple just making the right, next move, to expand the installed base of users and sell more iPhones/iPads.
  • Reply 31 of 54
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    No, Steve Jobs is not eternal. Investors should take notice and cash in their profits while they exist. Hedge funds are sure to leave the Apple ship and leave it in a worst shape than before they invested in it for the unmatched "double digit returns".

    From now on, shareholders, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the NASDQ authorities will decide whether Steve Jobs can stay on, pretend that he is still the Apple CEO, and refuse to discuss the health problems that force him to take an indefinite medical leave of absence.

    Really, only fools would fail to understand what is happening.

    At first I thought this was sick sarcasm but I now tend to think not.

    On other news the sky is falling and isn't that your ass that is on fire?

    Back to the studio for not news...
  • Reply 32 of 54
    The time has long gone when bad news about SJ would send the stock into free-fall.

    AAPL is a rock solid tech giant with a first class Executive Management and more importantly, a portfolio of products and services that people actually want. However, keynotes would never be the same IMO.

    Steve, I hope you beat this.
  • Reply 33 of 54
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,907member
    Originally Posted by welchamm View Post

    Praying for Steve,

    Can not imagine what he is facing with health issues. But praying most of all that He knows Jesus Christ.

    He is a Buddhist, so no he doesn't
  • Reply 34 of 54
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by Digital_Guy View Post

    Just curious .. does anyone think that this comes into play regarding Steve's absence at the Verizon announcement last week? Or, was he really not expected to be there anyway? I had actually thought that he would have been there, possibly accompanying Tim Cook.

    Just wonder what anyone thinks. This story, paired with his absence at the Verizon announcement at least appear to me to have a tangible relationship, now. \

    Any thoughts?


    This was discussed last week. I had no expectations of Jobs being on stage. I suggested that he might do a pre-recorded message or maybe a live feed welcoming Verizon users to the iPhone community. I was actually surprised that Cook was there - after all, they were merely adding a carrier partner and, typically, no one from Apple shows up on stage a carriers' event announcing the iPhone. In retrospect, Cook's presence made perfect sense - it was he and Lowell who were the primaries working out the deal.
  • Reply 35 of 54
    penchantedpenchanted Posts: 1,070member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    It is high time that Steve Jobs retires for medical reasons. The New York Times article quoted above highlights 2 obvious reasons for concern:

    1- A recurrence of cancer which is favored by anti-rejection drugs;

    2- Infections brought about by anti-rejection drugs and/or the need to adjust their selection, combination or dosage.

    We should all be thankful for the immense contribution Steve Jobs has made at Apple, but now is the time to retire so that a real succession plan can take place.

    No, Steve Jobs is not eternal. Investors should take notice and cash in their profits while they exist. Hedge funds are sure to leave the Apple ship and leave it in a worst shape than before they invested in it for the unmatched "double digit returns".

    From now on, shareholders, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the NASDQ authorities will decide whether Steve Jobs can stay on, pretend that he is still the Apple CEO, and refuse to discuss the health problems that force him to take an indefinite medical leave of absence.

    Really, only fools would fail to understand what is happening.

    Do you intend to do your usual routine and repost this in every thread related to Jobs' health?
  • Reply 36 of 54
    Originally Posted by welchamm View Post

    Praying for Steve,

    Can not imagine what he is facing with health issues. But praying most of all that He knows Jesus Christ.

    Or what, he's going to burn in hell for all eternity?
  • Reply 37 of 54
    wigginwiggin Posts: 2,265member
    Originally Posted by Digital_Guy View Post

    Just curious .. does anyone think that this comes into play regarding Steve's absence at the Verizon announcement last week? Or, was he really not expected to be there anyway? I had actually thought that he would have been there, possibly accompanying Tim Cook.

    Just wonder what anyone thinks. This story, paired with his absence at the Verizon announcement at least appear to me to have a tangible relationship, now. \

    Any thoughts?


    The only way Steve might have been there was if they were unveiling an LTE phone. Otherwise, as others have said, it was mostly just another carrier. It got a little more attention probably more because Verizon wanted it than Apple wanting it.
  • Reply 38 of 54
    Originally Posted by WelshDog View Post

    He is a Buddhist, so no he doesn't

    Which is probably why he's alive, he didn't leave it to a boogy man in the sky to fix him.
  • Reply 39 of 54
    This is going way off topic. I wish him well, and I don't care which, how many, or no gods, of any sex or persuasion, he personally believes in. Cancer sucks.
  • Reply 40 of 54
    normangnormang Posts: 118member
    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    Why is that? Had they offended Apple(ites) in some way recently?

    If you have not figured out by now that much of what the New York Times prints is colored by their politics, to me, makes most of what they report highly speculative on its accuracy and not based on any form of Journalistic integrity
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