Larry Page to replace Eric Schmidt as Google CEO



  • Reply 81 of 114
    I just hope Eric Schmidt wasn't pushed aside because he expressed interest in running Apple.

    I think that ship has sailed.
  • Reply 82 of 114
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    This has nothing to do with Apple at all. This is just troll bait.
  • Reply 83 of 114
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    So, is that good or bad for Google?

    Can't say for certain, but I guess it means that a big tech company can switch CEOs without the world ending.
  • Reply 84 of 114
    Originally Posted by SomeCallMe...Tim View Post

    That rumor doesn't even make sense, and has been debunked. He most certainly is required to put license plates on his car.

    He's just waiting for engineering to furnish the proper size pentalobular screws with which to fasten them.
  • Reply 85 of 114
    Originally Posted by AIaddict View Post

    No kidding. Critisizing one of the most successfull and inovative tech companies because they are not Apple? Seriously? Yes they havge failures, because they are not afraid to take risks, and they are not afraid to admit to mistakes and learn from them. They seem to be doing just fine these days in search, hosted apps, and android.

    Just sayin' maybe your addiction lays elsewhere?
  • Reply 86 of 114
    Originally Posted by macFanDave View Post

    No one mentions the real elephant in the room: Google searches are getting more and more irrelevant. Sure, they currently have a stranglehold on mindshare, but the quality of search results has plummeted so much over the years that there is a big opportunity for a competitor to eat their lunch.

    WTF do you mean "no one mentions"? The single biggest talking point about Google at the moment is the potential for Facebook to totally rip the ass out of the bottom of Google's search and advertising market.

    Google need Google Me, it needs to be ground breaking, and they need it soon.

    If Facebook finds a way to successfully start chipping away at Google's search and advertising then they are in trouble as most of their other products exist to drive users toward Google search and advertising except Google Apps for business and enterprise (which is in direct competition with Microsoft - a tough place to be in enterprise).
  • Reply 87 of 114
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Guess you need to see it again. Android pre-iPhone:

    Now, most smartphones are mostly touchscreen. They mostly look like the iPhone. Pre iPhone, they looked liked this:

    Apple, very clearly, changed the game. Pretending like it's not true or the delusion of fanboys just makes you very obviously wrong.

    Good one....clap clap clap!
  • Reply 88 of 114
    What i miss in this visual graph is the LG Prada which in essence is what the iPhone ended up looking like.

    I don't like starting this whole accusation who copied who because then you start finding out things which contradicts with your statement and it loses its legitimacy.

    What Apple did was take existing technology and improved it and simplified it and people ought to appreciate that. What Google did was take existing technology and sort of improved it and sort of complicated it.

    The real question is are they profiting anything out of this technology? The answer with Apple is yes, the answer with Google and its device manufacturers is not really except Google somewhat in brand awareness. Motorola had to split up and prolly will be gone in the next few years, Sony Erickson barely breaks even, Samsung and HTC have thinner margins than Nokia. So even though the existing technology is there, no one has been able to make any money off of it except Apple because of their implementation.

    I think these device manufacturers will grow tired of it and move away from Google or go bankrupt. Samsung is developing it's own linux based OS (Bada), HTC has hinted in the past the desire of having their own OS, Nokia already has their own.., BlackBerry has its own OS, those are already 3/4 of the market players.

    I do not think that Google will be able to replicate what Microsoft did in the 90's with the pc market.
  • Reply 89 of 114
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by poke View Post

    This is a big shake up however they spin it. I can't help but think the fact that it followed the iPhone on Verizon announcement, the poor showing at CES, the near universal negative response to the decision to drop H.264 from Chrome and the news that Apple sold 16.4 million iPads isn't a coincidence.

    Near universal negative response to webm?

    Poor showing at CES?

    You only seem to read apple biased press. In case you didn't notice 90% of CES was android. They dominated the show and for the first time it wasn't all about MS.

    As for webm, the opinions are pretty much equal. Pros and cons for both
  • Reply 90 of 114
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by lav1daloca View Post

    What i miss in this visual graph is the LG Prada which in essence is what the iPhone ended up looking like.

    I don't like starting this whole accusation who copied who because then you start finding out things which contradicts with your statement and it loses its legitimacy.

    What Apple did was take existing technology and improved it and simplified it and people ought to appreciate that. What Google did was take existing technology and sort of improved it and sort of complicated it.

    The real question is are they profiting anything out of this technology? The answer with Apple is yes, the answer with Google and its device manufacturers is not really except Google somewhat in brand awareness. Motorola had to split up and prolly will be gone in the next few years, Sony Erickson barely breaks even, Samsung and HTC have thinner margins than Nokia. So even though the existing technology is there, no one has been able to make any money off of it except Apple because of their implementation.

    I think these device manufacturers will grow tired of it and move away from Google or go bankrupt. Samsung is developing it's own linux based OS (Bada), HTC has hinted in the past the desire of having their own OS, Nokia already has their own.., BlackBerry has its own OS, those are already 3/4 of the market players.

    I do not think that Google will be able to replicate what Microsoft did in the 90's with the pc market.

    This is a complete fucking joke. Do you say every car manufacturer copied ford because they made the first mass produced car. These fanbois should go back to their hole and stop feeling threatened by android. It is inevitable that it is going to take over. Deal with it.
  • Reply 91 of 114
    Originally Posted by mickeymantle View Post

    first order of business for new CEO, go out and buy a black mock turtle neck, loafers, and blue jean.

    Look the whole Google empire was founded on Data analysis ---

    the only way Google can earn $$ is to analyze data

    Everything is free in Googleland cause the data you and me generate is analyzed by Google to sell to advertisers or give them access to the data.

    WebM will have constant access to your data Just like Flash!

    If Schmidt joined Apple's board in 2006 then he must have weaseled his way in to get the Apple jewels -- Thats Why Jobs was so upset!

    Google's been a front with everyone --Governments - States - companies - people -- to get access to DATA your data.

    In Oz just as in Germany and other countries Google denied getting wifi addresses denied the equipment that was put in the vans and the programs that were written to get that data -- it was the driver sir!

    The whole company is a bigger fraud than Enron!!
  • Reply 92 of 114
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Guys, I have a simple question. What is it about Android makes it an iphone clone? Seriously.

    Edit I saw the pics above. But that's not the only form factors that were out at the time. Even the pic that Daniel posted has windows phones with a large touch screen and slide out keyboard.

    The first Android phone had a slide out screen and keyboard. And while it can be said that they ditched the BB format, that doesn't mean they were not planning other form factors before the iphone.

    Um, go back to 2007 and watch SJ introduce the iPhone.

    It was truly revolutionary and surprised many people, some had positive and negative feelings towards it. What was the smart phone factor pre-iPhone ?

    What did SJ say about others copying the iPhone ?

    Lots of you Apple haters have very short memories or selected memories, that is a true definition of ignorance of lying. You pick which one it is.
  • Reply 93 of 114
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    This is a complete fucking joke. Do you say every car manufacturer copied ford because they made the first mass produced car. These fanbois should go back to their hole and stop feeling threatened by android. It is inevitable that it is going to take over. Deal with it.

    Take over what ?

    The fragmentation universe maybe.

    Android is a very, very poor copy of the iPhone, many people have commented on this in various tech sites. The UI is atrocious, too complicated, standardisation has gone out of the window.

    Lots of apps work on one phone and don't work on the other, with or without the same OS.

    The people who worship Android are the geeks, i.e. the pseudo programmers.

    I am a computer programmer, and appreciate good UI design, forward thinking, keeping things simple. All programmers know these rules. Are you a programmer ?

    Why do you show blind loyalty to a concept ? Do you gain any financial advantage from it ?

    I love my Apple devices and Macs, and will never use anything else, why should I ? I have chosen the best, the rest are poor imitations.

    Android is finished, sure it will sell heaps of phones and maybe tablets, but there will be hundreds and hundreds of these, eventually Mr/Mrs Consumer will soon tie of these "choices". And it will be initially slow spiral to irrelevance followed by a rapid decline.

    I am no longer using Google for my searches. I hope Apple can make a good Maps apps, so I no longer have to use any Google product.

    I hate Google with a passion. They are evil and probably as bad as M$.
  • Reply 94 of 114
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    WTF do you mean "no one mentions"? The single biggest talking point about Google at the moment is the potential for Facebook to totally rip the ass out of the bottom of Google's search and advertising market.

    Google need Google Me, it needs to be ground breaking, and they need it soon.

    If Facebook finds a way to successfully start chipping away at Google's search and advertising then they are in trouble as most of their other products exist to drive users toward Google search and advertising except Google Apps for business and enterprise (which is in direct competition with Microsoft - a tough place to be in enterprise).

    The ironic thing about Google Search is that people didn't start using Google because they were that much better than other search engines; they were a little better than the major competition back in the day, but didn't totally blow them away. No, the main reason people started using Google Search was that the results weren't buried in an avalanche of ads. Now it's all ads, all the time and search results skewed toward pushing you to more Google Ads, pushing Google services, and so on, and so on.

    In regard to the whole Android copied iPhone thing, they absolutely did, but the confusion some people have about this is because there are two completely different phone OSs called Android that have little or nothing to do with each other. There's the pre-2007 Android which was essentially a knockoff of a Blackberry, and there's the post-2007 Android, which is really a completely different phone and OS that is a knockoff of the iPhone and iOS. So, yes, "Android" existed for a few years prior to the introduction of the iPhone, but it was not the "Android" that exists today: two completely distinct phone OSs that just happen to have the same name.
  • Reply 95 of 114
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 96 of 114
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 97 of 114
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    This is a complete fucking joke. Do you say every car manufacturer copied ford because they made the first mass produced car. These fanbois should go back to their hole and stop feeling threatened by android. It is inevitable that it is going to take over. Deal with it.

    God I hate Google fanboys, parading around the net hysterically shrieking about Android "taking over." Why not learn to think for yourself, fanboy? Fanboys like you are ruining Google, I guess you'll lie awake at night wondering what to do next now that Schmidt's been kicked up stairs. Oh wait, let me guess, you've got pictures of Eric Page taped to your ceiling. Fanboy. Sickening. Fanboy.
  • Reply 98 of 114
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Actually, PageRank was pretty revolutionary, and remains the foundation of most modern SEs over the more simplistic tf-idf algo that drove most of the others at the time.

    Eh, it appears that way in retrospect, based on Google's success, and I'm sure it's an origin myth they are happy to have perpetuated, but, frankly, their search results, back in the early days when people were flocking to them in droves from the other search engines, weren't that much better. It was completely the lack of in your face ads that drove adoption of Google as most people's search engine.
  • Reply 99 of 114
    juandljuandl Posts: 230member
    I called it last week. Page and Brin realize that they need to stay a close friend to their close friend S. Jobs.

    They seem to be regarded as the bad guy recently.

    That cannot be a good thing.

    Also, they are a little worried that Apple will befriend a Facebook or someone else.

    And also start doing a lot of what they use Google inhouse.
  • Reply 100 of 114
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    God I hate Google fanboys, parading around the net hysterically shrieking about Android "taking over." Why not learn to think for yourself, fanboy? Fanboys like you are ruining Google, I guess you'll lie awake at night wondering what to do next now that Schmidt's been kicked up stairs. Oh wait, let me guess, you've got pictures of Eric Page taped to your ceiling. Fanboy. Sickening. Fanboy.

    This is great, you are calling me a fanboy on a website full of apple fanboys. I am pointing out facts. First I said I think it is ridiculous that everyone says google copied apple because android made a touch screen phone. That is the only thing that is 'copied'. The fact that the majority of android phones are touch screen and use a touch screen keyboard is the whole thing you base this on. The whole underlying architecture is COMPLETELY different. Apple started a revolution and ALL mobile manufacturers/mobile OS developers have followed. They brought the iPhone which was by far the best at the time. But I am struggling to see how you can judge and put down other companies just because they now make touch screen phones too. What do you achieve by doing this? That is why what you are saying is akin to rubbishing every car manufacturer because they copied Ford. It is deluded fan boy crap.

    With my second point about google taking over. Just look at the adoption rates of the OS. Android is going to be everywhere, not only in phones and tablets. It really doesn't matter for you apple fan boys though because apple will always remain the most profitable with its super high prices/margins and because of their excellent marketing strategy. The fact of the matter is your iPhone would not be nearly as desirable to you if everyone in the world had exactly the same as you and you didn't get some sort of superiority complex out of it.
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