Apple's share of tablet market slides to 77%, Android rises to 22%



  • Reply 21 of 108
    Originally Posted by Singapura View Post

    Did you see "evidence" for the Apple sales or do you take them for granted?

    Look up a company's press releases, then if you want real data, quarterly and annual filings -- say, Apple and Samsung, for starters. You may actually learn something.
  • Reply 22 of 108
    Originally Posted by fecklesstechguy View Post

    Just as a personal aside, what exactly do you expect from fan sites anyway?? I think your expectations are highly unrealistic in this day and age of blogdom.

    See above.

    The only 'unrealistic' expectation in blogdom is for any trace of data-based substantiveness.
  • Reply 23 of 108
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by noirdesir View Post

    And does the article say anything else?

    "Apple's share of tablet market slides to 77%, Android rises to 22%"

    Yes, the title does.

    This is a ridiculous article. Of course Android now have some market share - they now have tablets available for purchase. This isn't an indication of anything, Apple are still selling tablets as fast as they can make them, they have made the market explode, it simply didn't register with the average consumer before iPad.

    I do not understand various articles on this site with the "marketshare" obsession. Apple have never been about market share. They are about user experience and profit. They are the world leaders in this. Nothing is slipping, nothing is changing.

    If Apple wanted dominant market share, they too would give away their products. Anyone can give away rubbish in order to achieve a greater market share, doesn't make for a better product.

    I have a choice when I upgrade my phone next month - any number of windows or android phones for free or BUY FOR CASH UP FRONT an iPhone. The fact that Apple have any share at all in an industry where hardware traditionally appears to be free is quite amazing. Likewise the iPad, I can get some nasty 7" droid thing FOC with my cell phone contract, or I could buy an iPad. I bought the iPad.

    "Look everybody, we can give away more of our product than Apple can sell of theirs, aren't we clever. And on the road to zero profit".

  • Reply 24 of 108
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    I would imagine that some of the market for other devices will be driven by f
  • Reply 25 of 108
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Despite posting impressive sales......

    Last quarter, the firm reported that Apple held a dominating 95 percent of the tablet market, with Android tablets representing just 2.3 percent of the market.

    Apple reported record sales of 7.3 million iPads in the December quarter, while Android shipments jumped from just 100,000 units to 2.1 million, according to the report......

    Another hit piece. Twist the facts so it makes it sound like the world is ending, collect your hits, then do it again. Sad, just sad.

    Apple has 70+% of world wide mp3 player sales. Some how I think this is going to be a similar number. Year after year... 70+%.

    And OH how the "people " will complain.

    Just a thought,

  • Reply 26 of 108
    This is surprising considering that there isn't really even an "Android tablet" on the market... just oversized phones with 7" screens.

    It will be interesting to see what happens when an Android tablet actually reaches the market.
  • Reply 27 of 108
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    I would imagine that some of the market for other devices will be driven by folks who wan to use flash content.

    There are lies, damn lies and then there are statistics.

    So long as there is more than a single company or product on the market there will be comparisons. Any comparison that does not include the raw numbers and define the parameters (single quarter, total for all historical etc) it will be possible even likely to misrepresent or misinterpret the results.

    Since iPad sales where higher in that quarter rather than saying iPad fell to 77% of the sales for that quarter it would be more accurate to say that the overall size of the market grew. Or perhaps to relate the percentage of non-apple to apple rather thanel either to the combined total. For example apple sold 10 iPads for every 1 tablet sold with android in 1Q2010 and 10 for every 1.5 in 4Q2010. Or something like that.

    Another metric that is often overlooked is how much longer apple products typically last and are handed down compared to other vendors products that get disposed of.
  • Reply 28 of 108
    I thought that the Galaxy Tab wasn't really considered a tablet because it doesn't have a true tablet OS. Or are there other definitions that classify a tablet what it is? I think we'll need time to see how the tablet market shapes up. Losing market share can't be helped since every million tablets that are Android-based will shift percentages in their favor quite a bit. I still don't quite understand what this pitting dozens of companies against Apple means very much in terms of success or profitability. After all, those other companies are also competing against one another. It's not as if Android is some collective hive that shares profits equally among all Android device partners.

    Sheer numbers seems to be the analysts only measure of determining success but I'm not sure why. Again, I would use Nokia as a prime example that shows that sheer number of units sold does not guarantee platform or financial success and in fact, could be downright detrimental.
  • Reply 29 of 108
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    i am absolutely not interested in another 10" device. ipad is the best and i have one, but, i am going to buy a 7" pad of some type and since apple still thinks no one wants a tablet between 5 and 7 inches it will have to be android based.

    I believe Apple determined that MOST consumers prefer a larger-sized screen, not that NO CONSUMER wanted 7" tablets. We'll see if what size display most consumers choose in 2011. There will be other factors such as price that may pull consumers to a smaller display. You'd likely need to do a poll to determine what size display consumers prefer.
  • Reply 30 of 108
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    I believe Apple determined that MOST consumers prefer a larger-sized screen, not that NO CONSUMER wanted 7" tablets. We'll see if what size display most consumers choose in 2011. There will be other factors such as price that may pull consumers to a smaller display. You'd likely need to do a poll to determine what size display consumers prefer.

    "The reason we [won't] make a 7-inch tablet isn't because we don't want to hit that price point, it's because we think the screen is too small to express the software," Jobs said on Monday's quarterly earnings conference call. "As a software driven company we think about the software strategies first."

    didn't hurt iphone sales though...
  • Reply 31 of 108
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,691member
    iPad still sold more during a time when people don't normally spend and are certainly not buying gifts for other people en masse. You can't deduce anything about the popularity or longevity of a product by looking at holiday sales alone. Even with the iPad, you need to wait and see a YoY sales comparison to determine any kind of pattern.
  • Reply 32 of 108
    If you look at it from the point of view that tablets are the new netbook, then look at combined sales of netbooks and tablets, then Apple's share of that market space in increasing.

    You can make any figures into any kind of story. The tablet market is new, Apple found the sweet spot first, but sweet spots move about and change, so it's who will produce the product that people want to buy say in 6 months time, 1 years time, etc.

    A decreasing market share is not always bad news, especially in a new market area where the overall market is growing at a very rapid rate. Why not simple look at number of units shipped as a measure of success rather than percentage of a market (whose boundaries can be a bit tricky to work out. Is a 6 inch screen device classed as a small tablet or a large smartphone? Should 7 inch devices be classed as tablets - Jobs doesn't think so, but others do? does a large device with a swivel or slide out keyboard count as a tablet?)

    As I am getting married this year, my disposable income is severely restricted, but if it wasn't, the 3 things I would be wanting to buy are;

    1. iPad 2nd Gen

    2. Apple TV

    3. iMac 27"

    Maybe by the time I have some disposable income, some competition would come up with a compelling product that will change my plans, but there is nothing yet that appeals to me. I like to be able to switch on a product and start using it without needing to read user manuals to figure out how something works. I find that Apple products are very much 'Switch On and Play'. That is what the competition needs to strive towards.

  • Reply 33 of 108
    kpluckkpluck Posts: 500member
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    i am absolutely not interested in another 10" device. ipad is the best and i have one, but, i am going to buy a 7" pad of some type and since apple still thinks no one wants a tablet between 5 and 7 inches it will have to be android based.

    Yes, it is a shame Apple isn't going to offer a smaller iPad.

    I was thinking about buying the iPad 2 however something occurred to me. If I had a smaller device that was more portable, in the 5"-7" inch range, I would be willing to replace my iPhone with a basic non-smart phone and also carry the small tablet. I think more and more people will start doing this.

    If Apple doesn't offer the iPhone 5 with a bigger screen or an iPad 2 with a smaller one (both things extremely unlikely) I may end up with neither an iPhone or iPad.

    Also, on another note...I noticed when talking about computers, Apple market share is usually compared to the market share of individual Windows box builders like Dell or HP. However when talking about phones or tablets, Apple's market share is usually compared to another mobile OS, not to companies that are selling the devices. i.e., iOS vs Android. Why is that?

  • Reply 34 of 108
    irelandireland Posts: 17,800member
    Originally Posted by Bilbo63 View Post

    I expect that those numbers will quickly change when iPad 2 is released. I know a LOT of people that are anxiously awaiting iPad 2 and I'm one of them.

    Not a big deal anyway, Apple doesn't have to own the entire tablet space. Competition is good. Hopefully it just makes them better.

    I don't know if their share will grow with iPad 2, because other tablet sales will grow too.
  • Reply 35 of 108
    bilbo63bilbo63 Posts: 285member
    Originally Posted by Constable Odo View Post

    I believe Apple determined that MOST consumers prefer a larger-sized screen, not that NO CONSUMER wanted 7" tablets. We'll see if what size display most consumers choose in 2011. There will be other factors such as price that may pull consumers to a smaller display. You'd likely need to do a poll to determine what size display consumers prefer.

    Exactly! Well said.

    It's all about Apple guessing where the "sweet-spot" in the market is, and going after that first. Then possibly consider other sizes later.

    The iPad was never intended to be all things to all people. It was intended to the tasks thatt most people needed it to do and do it well. It also needed good battery life and a reasonable price.

    So far anyway, it appears that the consumers have spoken with their wallets and that Apple's guess was pretty much spot on.
  • Reply 36 of 108
    A bunch of friends and I just went to a local electronics store to check out the Samsung Galaxy, I brought my iPad for comparison. The result? They ended up buying 10 iPads from the Apple Store. Apple couldn't have made a better case for the iPad if they had come up with the Samsung Galaxy themselves.

    Most of them, decided on the spot when they just tried to load a couple of apps. Two who have little kids didn't even have to do a hands on, all they asked was "does it play Plants vs. Zombies" and "can I get Angry Birds for it, cuz that what my kid wants to play". One guy just said, "you know what, my kids keep telling me about the 10+ pages of games their friends have on their parent's iPads, and I'd never live it down if I couldn't beat that."

    Market share? Yeah right, it's all about mind share and market penetration. I don't really see anyone beating Apple for a long, long time.
  • Reply 37 of 108
    And it's no wonder - people do wait till iPad 2 will be released presumably this April, exactly a year after the first model was released.

    The tech. world isn't the HighLander movie - we don't play the game "There is could only be the one!". Despite Apple has been doing an awesome engineer's work with the iPad nobody said that it's possible to meet all peoples choices, to meet all people requests for a tablet computer. Even iPod doesn't has 100% of the MP3 players market, but 75-77% is cool enough :-)
  • Reply 38 of 108
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    This is surprising considering that there isn't really even an "Android tablet" on the market... just oversized phones with 7" screens.

    It will be interesting to see what happens when an Android tablet actually reaches the market.

    When an Android tablet finally reaches the market, it'll be another year behind because the iPad 2 will be out. This will play out much like the iPhone. Android will release their OS on tablet after tablet, and after 2, 3 or 4 years, a hardware maker will finally catch up to what Apple is doing. Then of course the stories of Android owning the market share for tablets will pop up, even though there's only one iPad and a gazillion Android tablets.
  • Reply 39 of 108
    I would bet that the "slide" is a direct result of people wanting to now wait for the the second gen of the iPad. You would have to be a fool to buy the "old" one now. As much as a fool as to believe that sales have slipped for any other reason. One other thing, "figures don't lie, but liars can sure figure".
  • Reply 40 of 108
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by Singapura View Post

    Did you see "evidence" for the Apple sales or do you take them for granted?

    I must say that I'm happy seeing an unspun headline for a change. I'm a happy iProduct owner but I hate it that most Apple sites spin their headlines or just ignore news that might be negative for their religion.

    Assertions of sales numbers given a quarterly earnings calls are about as solid as you'll ever see... they're backed up by law.

    I haven't seen any Tab numbers other than in press released, phrased as 'shipped'.
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