Seems like abit soon for an announcement of an Ipad 2 as Apple is in the midst of the Verison Iphone launch & also some other companies tablets aren't out yet.
However Apple is know to surprise so its possible.
Actually, Apple is best-known for giving their announced products some time in the spotlight. Since they are in the middle of the Verizon iPhone launch, I suspect that there will be no iPad2 announcement before March.
Also, Apple traditionally sends out media invitations at least 7 days in advance to allow the media time to schedule their people.
2. iPad 2 will be announced no more than 2 weeks before vast availability.
3. iOS 4.3? Are you joking? There is absolutely NOTHING in 4.3 worth the media even showing up.
4. iOS 5 preview is it's own event, and is due in March, not February. This doesn't mean it can't happen in February...but it won't. Not while 4.3 is in beta. iOS 5 beta will not coexist with 4.3 beta.
So what do we have left? A rumor that tries as hard as it again, to be as wrong as possible.
The apple store will drop down before the event, and come online seconds after Steve (or Tim) finish their "one last thing" speech. The ipad2 will start shipping within 72 hrs. Just like the last ipod event.
Anything else would hurt Apple's sales, world-wide. It would be stupid. One thing Apple impresses me with is how hard they work to keep planned hardware updates secret, and that the improved versions are ready to ship when announced. Unlike some companies that almost bankrupt themselves by announcing better versions months before they are released (the "osbourne" effect).
Oh, and my prediction is that we won't see an ipad event until Sept. Ipad just rolled out in some countries overseas, and is still selling well. Why mess with it so soon?
Apple scared about motorola momentum? What momentum? The thing isn't even for sale yet. That is not momentum. Updated iOS annuncement would be the right way to counter that threat. And they definitely aren't scared of the samsung tab.
I agree with Pmz; I expect no announcement next week. I think HP will announce their new webOS tablet, and will not actually ship it for 60 days or so. Apple will counter with their iOS5.0 announcement a few days before the webOS tablet ships. Which will be in March or April.
If Apple is going to hold an event, it will be for the iPad, not for 4.3. The iPad2 may SHIP with 4.3- which could contain some specific minor features, but I'd bet heavily against it being a key part of the event. Why?
Because iOS 5 is just around the corner. Let's look at the past 3 years:
iPhone OS SDK Preview Event, MARCH 6, 2008
OS 3.0 Preview Event, MARCH 17, 2009
OS 4.0 Preview Event, APRIL 8, 2010
We aren't far off from this years iOS 5 Preview for developers. Last year's event was pushed back, presumably because Apple was pushing the iPad out the door in late March. So it remains to be seen if that's an anomaly, and the event will be in March again, or April. Regardless, Apple is running out of time to release and ship iPad 2 with a "clear" marketing window, before it becomes the iOS/iPhone show leading up to WWDC.
Between the iPad and iPhone, I find it hard to believe there's room for ANOTHER event to refresh the Mac side of things. So either there will be a big event when they will launch iPad and Macs, OR the Mac refreshes won't have an event and will just be launch via the website. I'm not sure which of these situations I find more or less likely.
My hypothesis is that they will release iOS 4.3 with in next two weeks and use the opportunity to preview iOS 5 and release it to developers. Then end of March will be the iPad 2 announcement with it shipping in second week of April with iOS 5, which will include the multitouch gestures eluded to in iOS 4.3.
I agree that Apple has to get iPad v2 in people's minds fairly quickly but I'm not sure if it has to be in February. I can almost guarantee that the Moto Xoom w/ Honeycomb will be a complete mess if they rush it out the door this month as promised.
From all the preview videos I have seen, the Xoom/Honeycomb combo is not ready for release. Unless they plan on each selection taking two+ taps to do anything. I thought it was user error at first, but even the guy guiding the demo had trouble making actions happen on demand.
Steve is off for a couple of months? So my guess is they will schedule an event for when he's back late march / early April to launch. Why announce it ahead of time and scupper sales of iPad 1 in the meantime. There could still be an event for Feb to announce iWork 11, Aperture, Pro Apps, etc. Didn't Steve say there was a big revamp of Final Cut or one of the other Pro Apps coming soon? I seem to remember they did this in 2009 when Steve was last off ill.
Seems like abit soon for an announcement of an Ipad 2 as Apple is in the midst of the Verison Iphone launch & also some other companies tablets aren't out yet.
However Apple is know to surprise so its possible.
Actually, Apple is best-known for giving their announced products some time in the spotlight. Since they are in the middle of the Verizon iPhone launch, I suspect that there will be no iPad2 announcement before March.
Also, Apple traditionally sends out media invitations at least 7 days in advance to allow the media time to schedule their people.
You will read another rumor tomorrow that this rumor is wrong.
c'mon now - AI is known as the site for tomorrow's rumors today!
1. iPad 2 is a main event.
2. iPad 2 will be announced no more than 2 weeks before vast availability.
3. iOS 4.3? Are you joking? There is absolutely NOTHING in 4.3 worth the media even showing up.
4. iOS 5 preview is it's own event, and is due in March, not February. This doesn't mean it can't happen in February...but it won't. Not while 4.3 is in beta. iOS 5 beta will not coexist with 4.3 beta.
So what do we have left? A rumor that tries as hard as it again, to be as wrong as possible.
Given no GM has been seeded and also that Safari seems quite buggy, I can't see a release by 13th Feb, maybe late Feb
You obviously have difficulty reading with understanding.
The iOS event is to highlight features of the upcoming iOS 4.3
At these events Apple generally announce that the GM will be available at the end of the event and they normally announce a release window.
The apple store will drop down before the event, and come online seconds after Steve (or Tim) finish their "one last thing" speech. The ipad2 will start shipping within 72 hrs. Just like the last ipod event.
Anything else would hurt Apple's sales, world-wide. It would be stupid. One thing Apple impresses me with is how hard they work to keep planned hardware updates secret, and that the improved versions are ready to ship when announced. Unlike some companies that almost bankrupt themselves by announcing better versions months before they are released (the "osbourne" effect).
Oh, and my prediction is that we won't see an ipad event until Sept. Ipad just rolled out in some countries overseas, and is still selling well. Why mess with it so soon?
Apple scared about motorola momentum? What momentum? The thing isn't even for sale yet. That is not momentum. Updated iOS annuncement would be the right way to counter that threat. And they definitely aren't scared of the samsung tab.
I agree with Pmz; I expect no announcement next week. I think HP will announce their new webOS tablet, and will not actually ship it for 60 days or so. Apple will counter with their iOS5.0 announcement a few days before the webOS tablet ships. Which will be in March or April.
Because iOS 5 is just around the corner. Let's look at the past 3 years:
iPhone OS SDK Preview Event, MARCH 6, 2008
OS 3.0 Preview Event, MARCH 17, 2009
OS 4.0 Preview Event, APRIL 8, 2010
We aren't far off from this years iOS 5 Preview for developers. Last year's event was pushed back, presumably because Apple was pushing the iPad out the door in late March. So it remains to be seen if that's an anomaly, and the event will be in March again, or April. Regardless, Apple is running out of time to release and ship iPad 2 with a "clear" marketing window, before it becomes the iOS/iPhone show leading up to WWDC.
Between the iPad and iPhone, I find it hard to believe there's room for ANOTHER event to refresh the Mac side of things. So either there will be a big event when they will launch iPad and Macs, OR the Mac refreshes won't have an event and will just be launch via the website. I'm not sure which of these situations I find more or less likely.
I agree that Apple has to get iPad v2 in people's minds fairly quickly but I'm not sure if it has to be in February. I can almost guarantee that the Moto Xoom w/ Honeycomb will be a complete mess if they rush it out the door this month as promised.
From all the preview videos I have seen, the Xoom/Honeycomb combo is not ready for release. Unless they plan on each selection taking two+ taps to do anything. I thought it was user error at first, but even the guy guiding the demo had trouble making actions happen on demand.
i expect iOS 5, iPhone & iPad to be announce in a single event.
That would be a pretty lengthy lifetime for the iPad 1 by recent Apple Mobile standards.
Will buy if it has USB!
Already does! Go get one!
At the moment not one developer knows the rules. Talking big developers here - essential to the platform.