Adobe Flash Player 10.2 offers improved hardware acceleration for Mac



  • Reply 41 of 52
    Originally Posted by einsteinbqat View Post

    Flash Player 10.2 is also the version at which Adobe (finally) drops PPC support.

    See my set up in my Signature below! My Safari is 4.1.3. Under it's Help, in the Installed Plug-ins it says:

    Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32 ? from file ?Flash Player.plugin?.

    According to

    PowerPC®-based computers are not supported with Flash Player 10.2.

    According to


    (System Requirements)

    Mac OSX 10.4\tInternet Explorer/Safari/Netscape

    Full Installer\tShockwave Player 11

    So, what is the latest version of Flash I can use with my PB G4, 10.4.11, Safari is 4.1.3? Will be Safer, Faster, More/Less Stable than my present Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32 ? from file ?Flash Player.plugin?.

    Hope someone knows about and can advise, or at least steer me to the good source on this topic!

    Or maybe I should do: If ain't broken, don't fix it, as I'm waiting for the Macbook Pro Upgrade, and iPhone 5 this Summer?

    Thanks in advance for any and all help!!!!
  • Reply 42 of 52
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    You can thank google for dragging out flash's life span. If the 15 percent CPU usage is true I see no reason to dump flash wrapper from h.264, cause is about the same withou flash. With google chrome lacking support for pure h.264 I would say flash has won the war and has 5-10 years of dominance once again. Sad that we could not unseat it and simply have HTML tags take over the video content on the web.
  • Reply 43 of 52
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    People here said never an iPhone on Verizon and never Flash on iOS. Just saying.

    The latter is just not going to happen. Apple knows that if they ever enable Flash on iOS and make it look like a viable technology, Adobe will go right back to the policy of total neglect. The only reason we are seeing a string of Flash updates from Adobe is that even they have seen the handwriting on the wall and it scares the hell out of them. It's not just a case that a proprietary technology like this has no place on the web, it's also that a proprietary technology from a company like Adobe is just asking for trouble.
  • Reply 44 of 52
    Originally Posted by mjtomlin View Post

    I had to turn off hardware acceleration on 10.1, the video kept locking up while in full screen. Hopefully this fixes that problem.

    This is the problem I'm now having with the 10.2 update. I turned off hardware acceleration, but videos still lock up in full screen. I hate Flash.
  • Reply 45 of 52
    Originally Posted by Gary54 View Post

    Now to make real use of it, every Flash video out there needs redoing in the new format. Like .. I am going to hold my breath. Not.

    As always, there's one guy who knows less than nothing about flash running on about what he doesn't know. your assumptions are completely wrong. no videos will need to be re-encoded. This update offers new coding methods for tying into hardware acceleration through flash. It's the player file that needs the update and that can be done with a trivial amount of effort.

    Troll on.
  • Reply 46 of 52
    Originally Posted by lowededwookie View Post

    Why is it still only a 32bit app?

    Do these idiots actually know what 64bit is?

    I went to download the 64bit Windows version at work and followed the link to the 64bit Windows version but all the links were for the 32bit version which refuses to run under 64bit Internet Explorer.

    Hey Adobe... give up. Give up now and do the world a favour and just kill Flash. Take it to the back of the farm and put a .303 shell through its noggin and just end this misery once and for all.

    Hey random poster, they have a 64bit beta flash player too for IE(64bit). It's not this plugin. If you want the 64bit plugin, that's a different project thats not reached release yet.

    Honestly always amazes me how clueless and vocal people are on the web.

    Projects to watch from Flash:

    Molehill: Native GPU 3D acceleration

    Square: 64bit version of the plugin

    Projects that have shipped showing progress:

    FP 10: Optimized

    FP 10.1: Optimized for mobile

    FP 10.2: Optimized for HA video

    I'd guess by years end, they'll have Molehill and or Square finished and released which is STILL much faster than the W3C will have the spec finalized for HTML5 web standards OR any of the browsers ship with full compliance. Get your heads right.
  • Reply 47 of 52
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    See my set up in my Signature below! My Safari is 4.1.3. Under it's Help, in the Installed Plug-ins it says:

    Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32 ? from file ?Flash Player.plugin?.

    According to

    PowerPC®-based computers are not supported with Flash Player 10.2.

    According to


    (System Requirements)

    Mac OSX 10.4\tInternet Explorer/Safari/Netscape

    Full Installer\tShockwave Player 11

    So, what is the latest version of Flash I can use with my PB G4, 10.4.11, Safari is 4.1.3? Will be Safer, Faster, More/Less Stable than my present Shockwave Flash 10.0 r32 ? from file ?Flash Player.plugin?.

    Hope someone knows about and can advise, or at least steer me to the good source on this topic!

    Or maybe I should do: If ain't broken, don't fix it, as I'm waiting for the Macbook Pro Upgrade, and iPhone 5 this Summer?

    Thanks in advance for any and all help!!!!

    10.2 is a beta release from what i know. Maybe wait a little for a production release.
  • Reply 48 of 52
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    The latter is just not going to happen. Apple knows that if they ever enable Flash on iOS and make it look like a viable technology, Adobe will go right back to the policy of total neglect. The only reason we are seeing a string of Flash updates from Adobe is that even they have seen the handwriting on the wall and it scares the hell out of them. It's not just a case that a proprietary technology like this has no place on the web, it's also that a proprietary technology from a company like Adobe is just asking for trouble.

    Flash does more than just video, and if you want to make flash the LAST option to choose, you can do that with the video tag.
  • Reply 49 of 52
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    It's not just a case that a proprietary technology like this has no place on the web, it's also that a proprietary technology from a company like Adobe is just asking for trouble.

    I like Adobe. I use their products all day long everyday. Not just Flash but the whole suite. Without CS I wouldn't be able to do my job at all. And I think every technology has a right to have a place on the web. You can choose not to go to that place but that is your choice. Others should have their choice to visit that place if they want, as do developers also have the right to choose whatever technology they want. No one chooses Real Media as an export plugin, Why? It sucks. When the same fate becomes Flash it will be for the same reason... or not.
  • Reply 50 of 52
    eehdeehd Posts: 137member
    Originally Posted by BeltsBear View Post

    That is all I care about. Flash is about the only thing that crashes my Macbook Pro.

    I second that.
  • Reply 51 of 52
    majjomajjo Posts: 574member
    I just don't understand why flash is just so bad on macs.

    I'm certain Adobe has competent developers, if their other products are any indication. And flash on the Windows side of things is perfectly fine. My win7 desktop, with an outdated C2Q9300 @ 3.0 (400x7.5) barely pegs the CPU playing 720p video.

    So what is it on the mac side thats causing such a huge issue for flash?
  • Reply 52 of 52
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member
    Originally Posted by majjo View Post

    I just don't understand why flash is just so bad on macs.

    I'm certain Adobe has competent developers, if their other products are any indication. And flash on the Windows side of things is perfectly fine. My win7 desktop, with an outdated C2Q9300 @ 3.0 (400x7.5) barely pegs the CPU playing 720p video.

    So what is it on the mac side thats causing such a huge issue for flash?

    Porting code rather than rewriting it. Most software companies do this, which is why cross-platform software usually sucks on Macs, because it's ported from Windows code. Microsoft and Adobe are especially good at being lazy about it. Usually because their applications are over-bloated monstrosities.

    This is one reason why Apple originally didn't want developers using "translator" development tools for iOS apps. Really makes for a sub-standard experience.
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