Hints of Apple TV gaming platform found in iOS 4.3 beta



  • Reply 81 of 83
    carniphagecarniphage Posts: 1,984member
    Originally Posted by emacs72 View Post

    i don't harbour some near-pathological pessimism for a consumer electronics division so i'm unfazed as to when and by how much the company will see returns of their investment. and it's timely to see the state of the gaming industry given we're in the midst of GDC.

    I've worked in the games industry my whole life. I'm very invested in seeing it be as healthy as possible.

    But a healthy industry requires healthy platforms. Ones which enable creators to invest in titles, reach a market and profit from delivering entertainment.

    The pursuit of the hardcore gaming audience, by Sony and Microsoft has been an unsuccessful experiment. It has caused real damage and real hardship. Yet many continue to celebrate and reward this move, because a lack of transparency and honesty conceals what actually happened.

  • Reply 82 of 83
    emacs72emacs72 Posts: 356member
    Originally Posted by Carniphage View Post

    The pursuit of the hardcore gaming audience, by Sony and Microsoft has been an unsuccessful experiment.

    i would be keen to hear from several attendees of GDC 2011 in this regard.
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