College Football 2002



  • Reply 341 of 492
    Larry Johnson ran for 327 yards today for Penn State, shattering 3 records. He has almost 1800 on the season, and LEADS THE NATION in all-purpose yards. He better win the Heisman!
  • Reply 342 of 492
    Kansas State is underrated.
  • Reply 343 of 492
    Penn State would kick Kansas State's ass
  • Reply 344 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Alliance, were you laughing about your 5th loss of the season (3rd at home) or our 2nd?

    You won't be laughing on T+1, my boys will be primed and ready to pound your pathetic squad into dust. Have fun at the blue field bowl.



    Illinois was a real tough 4-6 team.

    Get ready to get your ass stomped at home by Michigan.

    Not only is OSU not going to the Fiesta, they won't even get a BCS bowl.
  • Reply 345 of 492
    hey, looking at anothers misfortunate doesnt make yer shitty performance look any better. i admit that our team is crap this year. and btw, we've lost 4 at home this year (equal to home losses in the entire decade of the 90s combined), so don't cut us short.

    admit it. you got spanked. belittling us might make you feel better, but the point here isn't us. it's that you lost to tech. TECH! the shithole of texas. it's the worst feeling the world, isn't it? well don't worry big guy. i feel yer pain. but at least it didn't hurt so much for us cause our team wasn't so heavily favored. we knew we were bad. that's why yer loss is so funny. yer arrogance finally comes back to bite u in the ass.
  • Reply 346 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    Losing to A&M would feel a lot worse.

    As would staring 6-6 and blue-turf bowl in the face.

    [ 11-16-2002: Message edited by: groverat ]</p>
  • Reply 347 of 492
    you poor thing...
  • Reply 348 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by groverat:

    <strong>Alliance, were you laughing about your 5th loss of the season (3rd at home) or our 2nd?

    You won't be laughing on T+1, my boys will be primed and ready to pound your pathetic squad into dust. Have fun at the blue field bowl.



    Illinois was a real tough 4-6 team.

    Get ready to get your ass stomped at home by Michigan.

    Not only is OSU not going to the Fiesta, they won't even get a BCS bowl.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Oh lord. I said Illinois WAStough, implying that they played tough today, which they did. If you watched the game maybe you would have realized how they put everything out on the field as they should have with nothing to lose. That's the parody in college sports.

    What matters is that Ohio State is still undefeated, and they are #2 in the BCS (or #1??). You can't take anything away from Illinois because despite the fact that OSU wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders, the Illini played a great game. You keep underestimating OSU and saying they are always going to lose, yet they continue to make the plays to win football games. This is with banged up guys too. What other teams did you say OSU was gonna lose to? Penn State? Illinois? Now it's Michigan.

    What happens when they beat Michigan? Oh, you'll make an excuse and say they'll get beat by Miami. They probably will, but at least they got to play Miami, something Texas won't have a shot at. What is this like the 2nd time Texas has spoiled their national championship hopes? The mighty Longhorns have been out of the national championship hunt for about a month now.

    Your drivel is nonsense, especially to say OSU won't even be in a BCS bowl.

    Oh, and another thing.


    Ohio State keeps winning buddy.
  • Reply 349 of 492
    [quote]That's the parody in college sports.<hr></blockquote>

    Whenever I see Ohio State's offense play I think there must be some sort of parody. Perhaps a parody of a high school team's offense. I'm glad that someone else sees the parody too.

    Btw, I recommend for all your homophone needs Tiger.

    [ 11-17-2002: Message edited by: ColanderOfDeath ]</p>
  • Reply 350 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by TigerWoods99:


    Oh lord. I said Illinois WAStough, implying that they played tough today, which they did. If you watched the game maybe you would have realized how they put everything out on the field as they should have with nothing to lose. That's the parody in college sports.

    What matters is that Ohio State is still undefeated, and they are #2 in the BCS (or #1??). You can't take anything away from Illinois because despite the fact that OSU wasn't exactly firing on all cylinders, the Illini played a great game. You keep underestimating OSU and saying they are always going to lose, yet they continue to make the plays to win football games. This is with banged up guys too. What other teams did you say OSU was gonna lose to? Penn State? Illinois? Now it's Michigan.

    What happens when they beat Michigan? Oh, you'll make an excuse and say they'll get beat by Miami. They probably will, but at least they got to play Miami, something Texas won't have a shot at. What is this like the 2nd time Texas has spoiled their national championship hopes? The mighty Longhorns have been out of the national championship hunt for about a month now.

    Your drivel is nonsense, especially to say OSU won't even be in a BCS bowl.

    Oh, and another thing.


    Ohio State keeps winning buddy.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Ohio State couldn't score an offensive touchdown against Penn State. Luckily, they got an interception and a bad call later in the game to win. What sucks is that the Big 10 has 4 good teams that could kick the crap out of the top 10, save the occasional Miami. But who knows really?
  • Reply 351 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce:

    <strong>Penn State would kick Kansas State's ass</strong><hr></blockquote>

    i seriously doubt that. k-state is a scary team to face. they have a defense that few teams can match, especialy against the run. their special teams are smoothering. they can run it at you offensively or they can hit you with an effective passing game with tallented recievers. add to the mix a qb that can take off out of the back field and scramble for an 80 yard td, makes it very hard to stop all their weapons. penn state would have to have a flawless game. running, even from johnson, would be very hard to come by. you stop him, and your 75% there. if we make it to the big twelve championship, i'm glad we'll be facing colorado rather than k-state. much less stress.
  • Reply 352 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce:

    <strong>Larry Johnson ran for 327 yards today for Penn State, shattering 3 records. He has almost 1800 on the season, and LEADS THE NATION in all-purpose yards. He better win the Heisman!</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And Penn St. had all of 54 rushing yards against IA. There's no way Johnson deserves the Heisman over Brad Banks. No way. And just because JoePa just about had a stroke at the end of the game doesn't make that call controversial. What about the touchdown the refs took away from us in the first half? Penn State was just lucky that we hadn't learned how to finish teams off at that point in the season. Remember when the score was 35-13 at the start of the 4th quarter? Yeah, you guys were right there with us the whole game, right? You would never get those quick scores on our secondary now. Iowa has gotten better every game, and Brad Banks is a huge part of that.

    Penn State is a good team. I'll give you that, but they're not playing anywhere near at Iowa's level right now. And there's no way they would blow K-State out of the water. They might be in the game, but I would put my money on K-State.

    I just wish we could take back 3 plays against IA State and play Ohio State this year. Then maybe the Hawks would get their due.
  • Reply 353 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by Simple Ranger:


    And Penn St. had all of 54 rushing yards against IA. There's no way Johnson deserves the Heisman over Brad Banks. No way. And just because JoePa just about had a stroke at the end of the game doesn't make that call controversial. What about the touchdown the refs took away from us in the first half? Penn State was just lucky that we hadn't learned how to finish teams off at that point in the season. Remember when the score was 35-13 at the start of the 4th quarter? Yeah, you guys were right there with us the whole game, right? You would never get those quick scores on our secondary now. Iowa has gotten better every game, and Brad Banks is a huge part of that.

    Penn State is a good team. I'll give you that, but they're not playing anywhere near at Iowa's level right now. And there's no way they would blow K-State out of the water. They might be in the game, but I would put my money on K-State.

    I just wish we could take back 3 plays against IA State and play Ohio State this year. Then maybe the Hawks would get their due.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Aye! On one hand you claim that Iowa wasn't fully matured that early in the season and on the other hand you imply that Penn State somehow was. Dude...Larry Johnson ramped up late in the season as well. They lost in overtime on a bad call, one that was indicated by Paterno and pretty much conceded in the media (even though Penn State doesn't get ANY respect...Just look at the two runningbacks ahead of Larry Johnson right now) Then you say try to compare a quarterback over a running back soley on the basis that Iowa has a better record than Penn State. Using that logic, only top 5 teams would ever win the Heisman. Larry Johnson is making his case right now. You definitely underestimate Penn State.
  • Reply 354 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by ShawnPatrickJoyce:


    Aye! On one hand you claim that Iowa wasn't fully matured that early in the season and on the other hand you imply that Penn State somehow was. Dude...Larry Johnson ramped up late in the season as well. They lost in overtime on a bad call, one that was indicated by Paterno and pretty much conceded in the media (even though Penn State doesn't get ANY respect...Just look at the two runningbacks ahead of Larry Johnson right now) Then you say try to compare a quarterback over a running back soley on the basis that Iowa has a better record than Penn State. Using that logic, only top 5 teams would ever win the Heisman. Larry Johnson is making his case right now. You definitely underestimate Penn State.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm saying as you talk about "the bad call" that robbed you of a win against Iowa, you forget that earlier in the game there was a much more blatant missed call that robbed Iowa of a touchdown (since I believe you still need to make contact before a player can be called down by contact). I belive that was also conceded in the media, but I don't hear you talking about that.

    Plus, I would say that victories is just as valid a stat as rushing yards accumulated against Indiana. Maybe that's just me though. I agree that the Heisman is always biased for winning teams, but that's just the way it goes. Of course for quarterbacks, victories is the important stat because it's not always about raw yardage. It's more about how they pace the game and perform at key moments.
  • Reply 355 of 492
    groveratgroverat Posts: 10,872member
    The mighty Longhorns were out of the national title picture on 10/13. OU losing two conference games was highly unlikely from the beginning. The realistic thing was a BCS spot, which ain't happening now. We'll go to the Holiday Bowl yet a-freaking-gain.

    I don't make excuses for why OSU wins, it doesn't take away from the fact that they play like crap, their offense is a joke, but it's defense that wins championships.

    [quote]What is this like the 2nd time Texas has spoiled their national championship hopes?<hr></blockquote>

    Wouldn't national championship hopes be spoiled every year you don't win it? I guess UT has spoiled championship hopes damn near 100 times in their history.

    "All UT needed was to win out, have OU lose to Texas Tech at home, then beat Colorado/Kansas State (BigXII North Champ, then have OSU lose to Michigan and Washington State lose to Washington next week, it was right in their grasp!"
  • Reply 356 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    It has to be said every year, Ohio State ended last year 7 and 5. There's always next year. I'm not sure what everyone gets from bqashing the Bucks. It might be pointed out that we beat Illinois without using our best running back. Or that we had what the replays showed was a touchdown placed on the two yard line on a phantom call. Or that a reciever went out of bounds making an illegal catch which gave Illinois 3 points at the half. Everyone seems to have selective memory. Ohio State's biggest fault is that they only play their whole offense when they need to. Yesterday as the announcer's pointed out, they didn't run outside the tackles until overtime. But that doesn't mean they'll ever lose. That just means they have more to pull out of the hat when they get in trouble. People confuse running up the score against weak teams , with being a good team. There's a a difference. Watch this Ohio State team, it will begin to sink in on you after a while. Hey did I have that Texas, Texas Tech. game pegged or what? Now does anyone else have any comments about TT being a cheap win for Ohio State?
  • Reply 357 of 492
    And as far as weak teams/weak schedules are concerned, let's take a look at how 2 teams played the same team:

    Ohio State 42

    Texas Tech 21

    Texas Tech 42

    Texas 38

    [ 11-17-2002: Message edited by: TigerWoods99 ]</p>
  • Reply 358 of 492
    [quote]Originally posted by Simple Ranger:


    I'm saying as you talk about "the bad call" that robbed you of a win against Iowa, you forget that earlier in the game there was a much more blatant missed call that robbed Iowa of a touchdown (since I believe you still need to make contact before a player can be called down by contact). I belive that was also conceded in the media, but I don't hear you talking about that.

    Plus, I would say that victories is just as valid a stat as rushing yards accumulated against Indiana. Maybe that's just me though. I agree that the Heisman is always biased for winning teams, but that's just the way it goes. Of course for quarterbacks, victories is the important stat because it's not always about raw yardage. It's more about how they pace the game and perform at key moments.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    LJ is second in the nation for rushing yards and first and the nation in for all-purpose yards. He trails that Colorado RB by 6 yards for first in the nation in the former and is assured of surpassing him against Michigan State next week. Aye.... I don't least for runningbacks he has to be the top contender.
  • Reply 359 of 492
    jeffyboyjeffyboy Posts: 1,055member
    [quote]since I believe you still need to make contact before a player can be called down by contact<hr></blockquote>

    Not sure what call you're talking about, but "down by contact" doesn't exist in college.

    Iowa fans...

  • Reply 360 of 492
    norfanorfa Posts: 171member
    It's hard to argue Brad Banks against Larry Johnson, it's apples and oranges.
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