Motorola's iPad competing Xoom won't immediately support Adobe Flash



  • Reply 41 of 93
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    BREAKING NEWS: A device not developed by Apple, marketed by Apple, or even MENTIONED by Apple once again gets onto the news feed for APPLE INSIDER.

    It's sad that you (AI) have to spend so much time writing articles to paint the competition in a negative light. It's also rather unique to your site and others like it. Sites supposedly devoted to "Apple Insider News and Analysis" spend so much time mocking Android, or WinMO. When I can go to Android/Winmo "News and Analysis" sites and read about... I dunno, news about what the site claims to care about? Before someone rebuts with the "Deathgrip" stories, remember that both manufacturers (Motorola) and Apple themselves brought other OS's into that slugfest. Every other major OS tech site can go weeks without writing an article explicitly about their competition. AI can't seem to do the same.

    Now, if Cupertino released a statement about this tablet, or if it was related to Apple in Any meaningful way, you might have a point of mentioning it. But there's not. There is NO POINT of posting this story other than to try and paint your device of choice in a positive light by throwing black tar at the competition.

    I'll do your analysis for you: If someone is reading this site there is a high probability they're going to buy the iPad2 instead of this anyway. Those that won't (like myself) won't be convinced to do so by you trying so hard to put the competition in a negative light whenever possible.

    You like Apple, we get it. We can see the name of your website and everything. But going out of your way to blast the competition whenever possible isn't "Apple news and Analysis." It's petty.
  • Reply 42 of 93
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Oh no, the Xoom is doomed! Doomed I say!

    How dare Motorolla release a product that doesn't meet the established web standards. Who do they think they are telling us the consumer what does and doesn't work well.


    The trust issue is not "established web standards," whatever that means, but the published Xoom specification, "WebKit w/ Flash," and the advertising claim (on Verizon) that Xoom is "fully Flash-enabled."
  • Reply 43 of 93
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 518member
    Originally Posted by Curmudgeon View Post

    It's now been at least 4 years since Steve Jobs originally pronounced Flash as unfit for mobile devices. 4 years! And they still haven't got it right. And yet folks still condemn Jobs for these remarks. I'd say he was right on the money.

    Exactly - it wasn't just that he said it sucked battery, was buggy, and that most Flash web sites weren't touch-ified (depended on both hover & click, click & drag, etc.), but he said it wasn't ready. And here we are and it still isn't - even for the launch of a fancy Flash-capable tablet. Lol.

    I haven't even installed Flash on my Air (nice of them to leave it off, it's just a friggin' memory/CPU/battery pig with that crap running), and while there are some sites that have problems because they're Flash dependent, I firmly lump that in the 'Why don't these companies do a HTML version that doesn't kill mobile/laptop devices?' since there's rarely any benefit on the sites beyond crappy load times.

    But I clearly say that as an Appleholic, not because it's possible that Jobs was right.
  • Reply 44 of 93
    Originally Posted by Smallwheels View Post

    What's the point without Flash? At $800 it seems like a overpriced iPad. Who will buy these machines? I suppose only the Apple haters.

    If Flash isn't enabled on other smart phones how are people experiencing Flash sites now? Since I don't own a smart phone I don't know.

    The notion that Flash is universal is a myth that is simply regurgitated by those who do not like Apple/Steve Jobs.

    Joomla, a CMS, used by millions all over the world, ships without any flash module in their layout. I use it, and I do not use flash in my sites. I believe many Joomla users do not use flash also in their created Joomla sites. The reason is simple, while Flash reader is free, you have to buy the expensive Flash application to create flash modules, assuming you know how to use the application. Or, you can afford to hire a flash developer.

    Many of the "authoritative sites" that I visit -- can stand simply from their reputation do not use too many Flash to attract visitor. Just look at sites that are non-commercial.

    Sometimes, text (not even images) is enough and they still attract hundreds of millions of visitor and make decent profit. Craigslist sites (found all over the world is a very good example), they are so profitable E-bay tried to gobble them up, when their own "Craigslist" clone site was not able to compete as well, in spite of Ebay cloned "flashy" site.

    Wikipedia, the most widely read online encyclopedia does not use flash, and in fact do not even use too many images. Their site is not "flashy" (i.e. no whistles and bells) and mainly text.

    As to mobile devices, any site creator is stupid if they create websites that is based solely on Flash with no alternatives for the hundreds of millions of iOS devices owners to view their site. A very good example is Google. It has created an alternative to Flash viewing of its YouTube. Many sites that know the buying power of those hundreds of millions of iOS owners have also converted their sites to provide alternatives to flash. Even the porn industry have embraced flash free sites -- early on.

    As I noted in my other post, in my computer (not iOS) I have partially disabled flash, and the flash modules appear as "f" space. And it turned out, they are mostly those annoying "flashy" ads that slow down loading of a page. I have better overall experience (less slowdown) when I have dozens of browser windows open, and multiple applications. Battery drain is also not as fast.

    As noted by others, it has been so many years since a Flash suitable for mobile devices was announced. Until now, flash is still a work in progress that even the flash advocates would not include in their own mobile devices.

    There is also the rule of "lowest common denominator". Had Apple/Steve Jobs simply included flash, the history of updates and security leaks fixes of the Flash has not always been the best of the OS systems. Without up-to-date upgrade that can keep up with the annual update of Apple products, especially the iOS devices, the Apple products would be bogged down by the "obsolete" features of the Flash. Even if only out of spite, Steve Jobs has a reason and can do without flash, rather than the way around.

    Adobe used to collaborate more with Apple, until it decided to embrace the Windows system. Since then, Adobe has neglected the upgrade of their products for Mac users, like myself. And when the upgrade is done, not only is it not on par with the Windows counterpart, the cost of the upgrade is very steep, just like many Adobe products. I know this from personal experience using another Adobe product (I had no interest in buying the Flash creator).

    Finally, Flash is known to be buggy and has been used to piggy back malwares, and other malicious scripts.

  • Reply 45 of 93
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    BREAKING NEWS: A device not developed by Apple, marketed by Apple, or even MENTIONED by Apple once again gets onto the news feed for APPLE INSIDER.

    It's sad that you (AI) have to spend so much time writing articles to paint the competition in a negative light. ...

    You like Apple, we get it. We can see the name of your website and everything. But going out of your way to blast the competition whenever possible isn't "Apple news and Analysis." It's petty.

    You don't like the article. We get it. Dont' read it. Don't read others like it.

    However, respect the fact that some of the audience may be interested in what the competition is doing. REspect the fact that you can provide interesting feedback beyond being simply critical of what you personally don't like.

    I have enjoyed the article and the feedback since, and now I am wondering, based on the comments, has there been a measured decline in use of Flash across the internet, and by how much, over the last four years?

    Is Flash losing ground in general?

    And without this article I would be thinking that maybe flash is going away anyway.

  • Reply 46 of 93
    you know as well I do that flash IS a resource hog. Even on my macbook running a 2 ghz core duo with 2 gigs of ram and 256 megs of video memory, shared by the nvidia gpu. I still have issues navigating through site like A very flash based website.

    If you just look at these tablets, they don't have ddr3 ram(as an example), fast front side buses or dedicated(dedicated is expensive as hell) or shared video memory.

    Tablet are striped down in terms of power. So with that said, those tablet makers better be careful playing up all that 3D bull**** like LG and other crazy a** performance heavy sh** on those devices.

    The ipad is a leisurely device. Not a powerhouse like a macbook pro. It does what it does in a great way, IMHO. I have one and I love it.

    Yet be weary of the other tablets makers promising you the ability to run, at the same time, full Maya and full Photoshop where you can navigate through each one without a hiccup. Oh yeah, and browse the web with flash installed.
  • Reply 47 of 93
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by estyle View Post

    You don't like the article. We get it. Dont' read it. Don't read others like it.

    However, respect the fact that some of the audience may be interested in what the competition is doing. REspect the fact that you can provide interesting feedback beyond being simply critical of what you personally don't like.

    I have enjoyed the article and the feedback since, and now I am wondering, based on the comments, has there been a measured decline in use of Flash across the internet, and by how much, over the last four years?

    Is Flash losing ground in general?

    And without this article I would be thinking that maybe flash is going away anyway.


    Because they're posting at least one article like this a week (often more). It's petty, it's pointless (again, most people don't read AI to decide if they like Apple products or not), and it allows them to ignore significant issues that ARE Apple related. You know, like IAP.

    They passed it off as "traditional companies clinging to the old business model" when it's hardly that simple.

    See Readability's issue here:

    Yeah, that's just them trying to "freeload" off of the iOS ecosystem alright.

    This isn't an Android blog, it's not even a general tech blog. It's a site that people go to for APPLE related news and analysis. It's not a question of what I do or don't like. There might be people who are interested in this article. Then let them go to Android Central, AnDroid Life, or some other Android related blog. If they can't do that, then go to Engadget, BGR or some other General Tech blog. This site is Apple news, not "Let's defend the company by dragging the competition through the dirt" cheerleaders inc.
  • Reply 48 of 93
    Originally Posted by razorpit View Post

    Oh no, the Xoom is doomed! Doomed I say!

    How dare Motorolla release a product that doesn't meet the established web standards. Who do they think they are telling us the consumer what does and doesn't work well.


    A well-written sarcasm is powerful only when one does not indicate that it's a sarcasm. And, if you do like the Xoom, buy it and share with us your experience.

    Check the response to your post below, how sarcasm is meant to work.

    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    Does this mean that the Xoom will not be able to visit the Xoom web site.

    That is awesome.

    And, if Xoom happens to work (view many sites) without flash, it will prove that Flash is not essential and not universal, as many who simply regurgitates the Adobe mantra.

  • Reply 49 of 93
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    you know as well I do that flash IS a resource hog. Even on my macbook running a 2 ghz core duo with 2 gigs of ram and 256 megs of video memory, shared by the nvidia gpu. I still have issues navigating through site like A very flash based website.

    If you just look at these tablets, they don't have ddr3 ram(as an example), fast front side buses or dedicated(dedicated is expensive as hell) or shared video memory.

    Tablet are striped down in terms of power. So with that said, those tablet makers better be careful playing up all that 3D bull**** like LG and other crazy a** performance heavy sh** on those devices.

    The ipad is a leisurely device. Not a powerhouse like a macbook pro. It does what it does in a great way, IMHO. I have one and I love it.

    Yet be weary of the other tablets makers promising you the ability to run, at the same time, full Maya and full Photoshop where you can navigate through each one without a hiccup. Oh yeah, and browse the web with flash installed.

    And yet on my two year old PC laptop with bargin bin specs, it runs fine.

    Maybe the issue ISN'T the software, but the hardware. Flash isn't perfect, but it's only one side of the issue here. Apple STILL won't let flash write the code to use Hardware acceleration (unless the video inside the wrapper is h.264) which is why Mac's struggle so much with Flash and those of us with PC's wonder why everyone is complaining about it so much.
  • Reply 50 of 93
    estyleestyle Posts: 201member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    Because they're posting at least one article like this a week (often more). It's petty, it's pointless (again, most people don't read AI to decide if they like Apple products or not), and it allows them to ignore significant issues that ARE Apple related. You know, like IAP.

    They passed it off as "traditional companies clinging to the old business model" when it's hardly that simple.

    See Readability's issue here:

    Yeah, that's just them trying to "freeload" off of the iOS ecosystem alright.

    This isn't an Android blog, it's not even a general tech blog. It's a site that people go to for APPLE related news and analysis. It's not a question of what I do or don't like. There might be people who are interested in this article. Then let them go to Android Central, AnDroid Life, or some other Android related blog. If they can't do that, then go to Engadget, BGR or some other General Tech blog. This site is Apple news, not "Let's defend the company by dragging the competition through the dirt" cheerleaders inc.

    But it is fun to read the article and comments here and at Android Central and see how they differ. It is both entertaining and informative. The sites hype different aspects (good and bad ones) and the comments definitely bring up a lot of topics not seen on the opposing site. If AI doesn't post this article, you don't get balance between those for and against.

  • Reply 51 of 93
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    BREAKING NEWS: A device not developed by Apple, marketed by Apple, or even MENTIONED by Apple once again gets onto the news feed for APPLE INSIDER.

    It's sad that you (AI) have to spend so much time writing articles to paint the competition in a negative light. It's also rather unique to your site and others like it. Sites supposedly devoted to "Apple Insider News and Analysis" spend so much time mocking Android, or WinMO. When I can go to Android/Winmo "News and Analysis" sites and read about... I dunno, news about what the site claims to care about? Before someone rebuts with the "Deathgrip" stories, remember that both manufacturers (Motorola) and Apple themselves brought other OS's into that slugfest. Every other major OS tech site can go weeks without writing an article explicitly about their competition. AI can't seem to do the same.

    Now, if Cupertino released a statement about this tablet, or if it was related to Apple in Any meaningful way, you might have a point of mentioning it. But there's not. There is NO POINT of posting this story other than to try and paint your device of choice in a positive light by throwing black tar at the competition.

    I'll do your analysis for you: If someone is reading this site there is a high probability they're going to buy the iPad2 instead of this anyway. Those that won't (like myself) won't be convinced to do so by you trying so hard to put the competition in a negative light whenever possible.

    You like Apple, we get it. We can see the name of your website and everything. But going out of your way to blast the competition whenever possible isn't "Apple news and Analysis." It's petty.

    Then don?t go to Macrumors they actually post facts (not just rumors) and post stuff about other Apple products (not just Macs), as well as the same stuff about competition in the field Apple competes in. Funny how that works.
  • Reply 52 of 93
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by estyle View Post

    But it is fun to read the article and comments here and at Android Central and see how they differ. It is both entertaining and informative. The sites hype different aspects (good and bad ones) and the comments definitely bring up a lot of topics not seen on the opposing site. If AI doesn't post this article, you don't get balance between those for and against.


    You're not getting balance anyway. the ONLY news AI posts on with Android is if they can paint the OS in a negative light. That's not providing another viewpoint, that's propaganda, which judging by iOS's profit share (and mindshare) they won't need.

    If you want "balanced news" read the actual press release and then read the article posted at a site like Android Central and Engadget and read the responses. Unlike this site, both of those sites post the bad news along with the good.

    Again, you don't see ANY major Android blog posting tripe about Apple whenever they can. IN fact, I have yet to read any story on any android blog (even the "fanboyish" ones) that goes on about apple's IAP. See, most of them do what their title entails, they post on the news relevant to their platform.

    AI's become akin to the jealous cheerleader who tries running over the quarterback from their rival school.
  • Reply 53 of 93
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    Then don?t go to Macrumors they actually post facts (not just rumors) and post stuff about other Apple products (not just Macs), as well as the same stuff about competition in the field Apple competes in. Funny how that works.

    See the irony is that it DOES work. If Android Central, Android Life, etc publish an article, it's guaranteed to be directly android related. Heck, they're not all positive ones either (imagine that! Criticism from a fan site)

    It appears that the urge to go out of your way to bash the competition while avoiding the negative aspects of your own preferred platform is something that's also largely an iOS exclusive.
  • Reply 54 of 93
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    You're not getting balance anyway. the ONLY news AI posts on with Android is if they can paint the OS in a negative light. That's not providing another viewpoint, that's propaganda, which judging by iOS's profit share (and mindshare) they won't need.

    If you want "balanced news" read the actual press release and then read the article posted at a site like Android Central and Engadget and read the responses. Unlike this site, both of those sites post the bad news along with the good.

    Again, you don't see ANY major Android blog posting tripe about Apple whenever they can. IN fact, I have yet to read any story on any android blog (even the "fanboyish" ones) that goes on about apple's IAP. See, most of them do what their title entails, they post on the news relevant to their platform.

    AI's become akin to the jealous cheerleader who tries running over the quarterback from their rival school.

    That's because Android is so fragmented they have to spend all their time covering the dozens of android devices out there.
  • Reply 55 of 93
    Seeing people defend Apple's failure to support Flash makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, kind of like you would when you see a small child saying something completely nonsensical. They're so wrong, and they don't even know it, you just can't help but smile at them and pat their head.

    You could say everything bad there is to say about Flash; it's a battery hog, it's buggy, it's losing relevance, it's not secure, etc. But the fact of the matter is, none of these are the #1 reason why Apple refuses to allow it on its iOS devices.

    Flash is a development platform that can deliver applications and content via the browser, and Apple can't control it. It would be like allowing a big ol' gate in those high, thick granite walls that Apple has sealed their garden within.

    The lemmings that live within the garden are only allowed to eat the plants that Farmer Jobs has allowed to be planted. Farmer Jobs doesn't feel they're smart enough to venture out into the world beyond those walls. I wholly disagree with him, but alas, I have no power to free the poor creatures.
  • Reply 56 of 93
    mennomenno Posts: 854member
    Originally Posted by Malligator View Post

    That's because Android is so fragmented they have to spend all their time covering the dozens of android devices out there.

    Responding to a point with a red herring (no matter how funny you think it is) doesn't further the discussion.

    There's a TON of Apple news out there. The fact that most gen tech blogs spend an inordinate portion of their page covering it should show you that. The problem is that DED and apparently some other writers here have a dislike for anything non-Apple and a Hatred for all things Google/Android. They should keep their rants to their personal blog, or stop pretending this is an Apple news site and call it what it is: Apple's Crusaders
  • Reply 57 of 93
    Originally Posted by Voight-Kampff View Post

    Seeing people defend Apple's failure to support Flash makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, kind of like you would when you see a small child saying something completely nonsensical. They're so wrong, and they don't even know it, you just can't help but smile at them and pat their head.

    You could say everything bad there is to say about Flash; it's a battery hog, it's buggy, it's losing relevance, it's not secure, it doesn't actually exist for any mobile platform yet, etc. But the fact of the matter is, none of these are the #1 reason why Apple refuses to allow it on its iOS devices.

    Flash is a development platform that can deliver applications and content via the browser, and Apple can't control it. It would be like allowing a big ol' gate in those high, thick granite walls that Apple has sealed their garden within.

    The lemmings that live within the garden are only allowed to eat the plants that Farmer Jobs has allowed to be planted. Farmer Jobs doesn't feel they're smart enough to venture out into the world beyond those walls. I wholly disagree with him, but alas, I have no power to free the poor creatures.

    Calling Apple fans lemmings every time Flash proves to be a POS is getting rather old. Wasn't Flash supposed to be working perfectly on mobile devices in the summer of '09...I mean the fall of '09....wait...the spring of '10....or no....the summer of '10...dang fall of ' by the wint....errrrrr....spring of '11 the Xoom will have Flash and BY GOD it will eat the iPad's lunch. Oh...maybe not.
  • Reply 58 of 93
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    This isn't an Android blog, it's not even a general tech blog. It's a site that people go to for APPLE related news and analysis.

    I'll say it's related. You yourself as well.
  • Reply 59 of 93
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    FYI: If you want to make your wife or GF her a tablet that is something other than an Apple iPad!


    'Cry' would be least of the issues......
  • Reply 60 of 93
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Out of interest, how many times would you say not having Flash on the iPad has really inconvenienced you (and I mean, prevented you achieving what you wanted to achieve).

    For me it is once. I couldn't compelte a purchase on and I had to wait until I got to a PC, which given I was on the road in Hong Kong, was actually a problem for me.

    The only other website I've even noticed the lack of Flash is the San Jose Sharks website, and I've just started going elsewhere for my Sharks news.

    Actually, pretty much all the car websites still use Flash. Most depressing (and irritating).
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