RIM adds Android OS 2.3 app support to Playbook



  • Reply 41 of 46
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    "Real" multitasking isn't all that useful when you don't have anything good to multitask with. If all the apps are ports, it will hurt performance in games and usability in non-game apps. Plus Powerbook is coming out too little too late I think, it should have been out before iPad 2 came out, not its got an even tougher battle.
  • Reply 42 of 46
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    The tablet landscape is looking pretty good:



    Web OS


    Motorola is said to working on something


    Did I miss anyone?

    Actually, it should read like this:



    Web OS


    Motorola is said to working on something

  • Reply 43 of 46
    sambansamban Posts: 171member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    App "tonnage" is something Apple plays up all the time. What do you think the "There's an app for that" tag line is saying? Apparently Apple thinks people are "stupid enough to go for the 'lots of apps' thing" too.

    a ton of native apps, precisely written & designed to take advantage of the underlying hardware. and not compromised through abstracted interfaces which provides nothing other than a lowest common denominator.
  • Reply 44 of 46

    These are investments in the future," said co-chief executive Jim Balsillie, explaining the unexpected increase in money spent on research, development, sales and market.

    "I have many corporate clients that have approached us about, you know, each wanting tens of thousands, several tens of thousands of Playbooks.

    ".. you know, several tens of thousands"

    We'll be watching.
  • Reply 45 of 46
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    The tablet landscape is looking pretty good:



    Web OS


    Motorola is said to working on something


    Did I miss anyone?

    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post


    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post


    No one who's going to displace Apple soon (if at all) but there are other glimmers out there mostly under the radar, like:


    Not saying it's gonna happen - but among potential other players a fairly unique confluence of parts of what we love to call an "ecosystem" here:

    "Kindroid" - 10's of millions of one-click credit card customers on file - Appstore - world's largest bookstore - large Music Store - video store - hardware/software combo - huge server/bandwidth infrastructure - strong positive brand awareness - well capitalized/profitable -multi-year track record selling and serving to hand-held devices - and profitable sales of lots of Apple (and MS and Droid-based) hardware and software products to boot.

    Remind you of any other company?

    Plus once you're there, you can buy a microwave oven, vacuum, toy, garden supplies, etc. along with your Kindle, some tunes and kitty litter.

    Snark if you wanna, and today's Kindle is no "iPad killer," but they've gotta be thinking about it and could likely mount a more creditable effort than many.....

    And then there's these niche players: the Nook's also promising a "full web experience" while Sony-Erickson is approaching the issue from a phone + gaming device angle.

    There will natch be lots of fall out and companies/approaches who fail along the way - but there are going to be enough niches so there'll be a heterogeneous universe of connected devices optimized for various subsets of users/tasks. While 1-3 companies will have the lion's share, the potential market for connectivity in all manner of gadgets and appliances is huge enough to ensure they won't all be variants on iOS and Android. The (sky?)net is the big OS in the sky and is agnostic about most clients.

    Without even trying hard (I keep waiting for a serious Touch/Cam) Apple's already capturing a good segment of people who aren't buying p/s cameras because the iPhone's is good enough - and Canon, Nikon, et al. have to be looking over their shoulders and thinking about what to do, not to mention Nintendo (and already mentioned Sony). These companies and others have product/design/marketing chops and won't all go gentle into the night.
  • Reply 46 of 46
    zandroszandros Posts: 537member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Thx... Fixed!

    I like to be precise when I disparage something -- so there is no doubt of my intentions!

    I was actually going to quote the original article, but I needed to delete less text to quote you instead.
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