Samsung caught presenting actors as Galaxy Tab "consumers," fudging thinnest tablet claims

in iPad edited January 2014
After being forced to admit that its two million Galaxy Tabs last fall were just inventory and not actually sales to consumers, Samsung is now being accused of paying actors to pretend to be Galaxy Tab buyers and faking its claim that its redesigned tablet will be thinner than iPad 2 as originally claimed.

An exposé by Harry McCracken of Technologizer pointed out that the company's "Galaxy Tab Interview Project" purported to depict real consumers from "a variety of backgrounds," but was actually a staged presentation hiring paid actors to feign interest in its tablet products.

At the introduction of the company's revised Galaxy Tab, the company presented two stories of what appeared to be very satisfied Galaxy Tab owners, albeit voicing clumsy and phony sounding comments.

Joan Hess, described as a freelance travel writer, said "I would mostly use it communicating with people all around the globe when I'm on the move," before giggling "it's sexy, like me!"

A second spot with independent film director Karl Shefelman presented the filmmaker using the yet unreleased Galaxy Tab 10.1, a product originally announced in February and then sent back to the drawing board for a June release after Apple debuted iPad 2.

"Thinnest tablet on the market" not actually thinnest, nor on the market

After taking a moment between what were described as "true life stories," Samsung's chief product and technology officer Omar Khan introduced a revised Galaxy Tab 10.1, which he called the thinnest and lightest tablet "in the market," a clear shot at Apple's iPad 2.

However, despite describing the new Galaxy Tab design, slated to become available in June, as being 0.2 millimeters thinner than Apple's currently shipping iPad 2, reviewers at InformationWeek comparing the new Galaxy Tab prototype against iPad 2 have since published photos that show that the iPad 2 is actually thinner than the nonfunctional cases Samsung demonstrated.

After asking Samsung for comment, the report stated, "there was really no official Samsung response other than to say that the specifications are 8.6 mm. He was at a loss for words."

Acting! Genius! Thank You!

A third interview introduced Joseph Kolinski as a real estate CEO, referring to him as a "consumer" who had "picked the Galaxy Tab 8.9," a second version of the company's revised tablet lineup which also won't be available until June.

Kolinski said "I'm not very tech savvy," then recited a story about how he was skeptical of "toys," until the Galaxy Tab 8.9 helped him to stay on top of his busy schedule, noting how he was "surprised how productive he was able to be with it."

Given that the device does not actually turn on yet, real gains in productivity would be rather surprising. McCracken investigated the real life stories and found that Hess and Kolinski are actually New York actors, while Shefelman, "works for a New York production company, one that?s done work for Samsung."

This all happened before

Samsung's "real life story" charade is reminiscent of two Microsoft ad campaigns, one featuring Laura, who said she picked a Windows PC because she "wasn't cool enough for a Mac." It was later revealed she was actually an actress.

A second Microsoft ad, published in response to Apple's "Switcher" campaign, was entitled "Confessions of a Mac to PC convert," and featured a woman describing why she had decided to move from a Mac to a Windows PC.

The print ad portrayed her as saying "Yes, it's true. I like the Microsoft Windows XP operating system enough to change my whole computing world around. [...] Windows XP gives me more choices and flexibility and better compatibility with the rest of the computing world."

It was later revealed that an advertising copywriter for Microsoft simply made up the woman's comments and that the woman herself was actually just a stock photography model.


  • Reply 1 of 188
    Good lord! Oh dear! My my my!

  • Reply 2 of 188
    They weren't the first to get caught doing this and they won't be the last. Just watch politicians talking.

    If only there were laws against lying about products in advertising. Actually it takes someone to sue a company about false claims before the government will ever do anything about it. Even then the government usually just tells a company to stop their false ads and that's all they'll do.
  • Reply 3 of 188
    eulereuler Posts: 81member
    What's next? Are we to find out that Justin Long is not really a Mac?

    I assumed that everyone in commercials was an actor!
  • Reply 4 of 188
    nkalunkalu Posts: 315member
    Shame on you Samsung. If you can't compete fairly burt out of the Tablet race.
  • Reply 5 of 188
    These articles are wrong about Kalinski's name. That's his name in real life but, Samsung changed actor Kalinski's name to "Karinski" as can be seen at 25:15
  • Reply 6 of 188
    Originally Posted by euler View Post

    What's next? Are we to find out that Justin Long is not really a Mac?

    I assumed that everyone in commercials was an actor!

    Unless of course the company states these are real life testimonials- making them desperate liars.
  • Reply 7 of 188
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Samsung didn't have to pay actors they could have got DaHarder to do it.

    I've seen and used the 10.1 tablet, they are real and they do exist, I attended a launch in Australia on Wednesday night, Vodafone Australia will be their exclusive supplier and they are currently taking registrations of interest.

    I should have taken my micrometer and measured it, it was pretty thin and was running Honeycomb, I haven't seen an iPad 2 yet so don't know if it is thinner.
  • Reply 8 of 188
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Samsung didn't have to pay actors they could have got DaHarder to do it.

    I've seen and used the 10.1 tablet, they are real and they do exist, I attended a launch in Australia on Wednesday night, Vodafone Australia will be their exclusive supplier and they are currently taking registrations of interest.

    I should have taken my micrometer and measured it, it was pretty thin and was running Honeycomb, I haven't seen an iPad 2 yet so don't know if it is thinner.

    Huh? I'm not sure what you saw, but Samsung doesn't have any working versions to show and say they won't be shipping till June. They are going to sell the original, "fat" version, so maybe you saw one of those.
  • Reply 9 of 188
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    I do not think there was a single person in the auditorium where they made the announcement. That too looked to be staged as well, you did not hear a single clap or comment, unlike an Apple event.
  • Reply 10 of 188
    aaronjaaronj Posts: 1,595member
    Honestly, I don't know how stupid people have to be to try and get away with stuff like this, in this day and age. 20 seconds after anyone says anything, it's seen by a gazillion people all over the 'net. It's just idiotic to think you'll pull something over on people.

    The positive from this: That Joan Hess gal has some nice gams.

    The negative: Everything else.

    And really, that copy was just TERRIBLE! Isn't Samsung a multi-billion dollar company? They can't pay someone -- anyone! -- who can write better copy than that? Yeesh.

    You have an event where introduce a new device, but it won't turn on. You claim that it's thinner than the competition, but it isn't. You claim to have customers talking about how great your products are, but they aren't customers at all, but actors. You have them spout ridiculously horrible copy. You have a guy talk about how your new (non-functioning) device has helped him so much.

    I'm no MBA, but frankly, I could have put something better together in half an hour. At this point, the quality of the product is secondary, really.

    What a disaster.
  • Reply 11 of 188
    cindercinder Posts: 381member
    Companies/Ad firms do this all the time.

    This is nothing new.

    It's VERY clear from the video that they're actors. They're practically reading off of a Samsung advertisement.

    In this case, it doesn't seem like Samsung was trying to represent them as actual people unlike the Microsoft 'Get a Mac' campaign.
  • Reply 12 of 188
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    So, if Sammy pays people to pretend they like the Tab, I wonder if they will pay people to camp out and form lines outside of BB. And where does one apply for these jobs?
  • Reply 13 of 188
    that was just painful
  • Reply 14 of 188 sad.
  • Reply 15 of 188
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by cinder View Post

    Companies/Ad firms do this all the time.

    This is nothing new.

    It's VERY clear from the video that they're actors. They're practically reading off of a Samsung advertisement.

    In this case, it doesn't seem like Samsung was trying to represent them as actual people unlike the Microsoft 'Get a Mac' campaign.

    Except for the fact that they're introduced as being part of the Tab "interview" project complete with full names, occupations and ages. The fact the Samsung isn't smart enough to hire actors that can act naturally doesn't equal "not trying to pass them off as real people."
  • Reply 16 of 188
    macrrmacrr Posts: 488member
    Shameful shit
  • Reply 17 of 188
    fuwafuwafuwafuwa Posts: 163member
    EPIC FAIL of the year.
  • Reply 18 of 188
    Not surprising, really. It's sort of what you expect from Samsung.
  • Reply 19 of 188
    tc93tc93 Posts: 6member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Samsung didn't have to pay actors they could have got DaHarder to do it.

    I've seen and used the 10.1 tablet, they are real and they do exist, I attended a launch in Australia on Wednesday night, Vodafone Australia will be their exclusive supplier and they are currently taking registrations of interest.

    I should have taken my micrometer and measured it, it was pretty thin and was running Honeycomb, I haven't seen an iPad 2 yet so don't know if it is thinner.

    Yeah right. Also are you blind, and can't see the photo here of the two posted side by side?

    And how is it you were so lucky to get a working version of it? According to Samsung its non working.
  • Reply 20 of 188
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    Originally Posted by fuwafuwa View Post

    EPIC FAIL of the year.

    Oh, the year is young, my friend. The iPad 2 is going to make even bigger fools out of a lot more companies before it's over.
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