Google VP Andy Rubin says Android 'openness' hasn't changed



  • Reply 81 of 84
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    And again, then why not allow the app developer to put a link in the app to allow someone to subscribe from the website?

    I haven't seen any rule where Apple says the developer cannot have a link to their website in the app.


    And 90% of customers will choose the first payment method they're offered, and that's (usually) through their mobile device since they have it on them all the time.

    I think that depends on the type of service it is. In a lot of instances people will have signed up for a service and download the iOS app afterward.


    And no, the publisher CANNOT make a pitch at you to entice you to sign up through the website instead of the app. If they do so, Apple will PULL their app from the market.

    Where is that in the rules?


    Yes, the customer technically has a choice, but Apple is going out of it's way to make sure that the average customer isn't aware of it, and making it difficult for developers to try and educate the customer's about the choices.

    Can you get off of your hypotheticals and actually give a real example of this?
  • Reply 82 of 84
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    So my two options are to agree with you or be a kool-aid drinker.......

    If your business is to sell news and print information but the bulk of your revenue comes from secretly selling your customers information to advertisers without their permission. You have a broken business model. The purest evidence of this is the failing print business.

    You feel I don't understand how print works, I sure understand how it isn't working.

    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    It's not worth replying to you. You don't understand the conversation. (you believe that Apple deserves a higher cut of the revenue than most companies get for profit simply because they restrict all other venues)

    And you also don't understand how print media works.

    So enjoy your cherry flavored Kool Aide, and have a great night.

  • Reply 83 of 84
    shawnbshawnb Posts: 155member
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    When it's released on shipping products.

    Is the Xoom really that much of a flop that it's existence is not even worthy of acknowledgment?

    Have you ever bought a "cutting edge" Motorola product? Motorola will gladly let you pay top dollar to be a alpha tester. They have done that many times in the past during their desperate attempts to get something (literally, anything) into a market segment.
  • Reply 84 of 84
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by asdasd View Post

    Except that is not true, the latest code is locked down by google. Keep up.

    Originally Posted by Menno View Post

    It's actually not. It just isn't released yet. There is a pretty big difference between "Not out yet" and "Locked Down."

    Nice try... You forgot the part where Google said *why* they haven't released it, which is to prevent fragmentation and uses that Google doesn't like, ie. in effect locking it down.
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