Apple hit with class-action suit over iPhone in-app game currency purchases



  • Reply 121 of 127
    bushman4bushman4 Posts: 863member
    The Iphone has a 'Restrictions' setting which bars in-App purchases. If parents don't take the interest to put a IPHONE in a kids hand and not find out what the IPHONES capabilities are shame on them. All the safetys are in place including passwords etc. So why are the parents giving the kids the passwords and then creating a class-action suit????

    Waste of time.
  • Reply 122 of 127
    Originally Posted by jmillermcp View Post

    I play many of these free games (Storm8 games, Lil' Pirates) and have for well over a year and I have spent nothing on any of them. They are very playable without buying in-App currency. All it allows you to do is quicken the pace and/or buy optional crap like costumes. iOS has parental restrictions for stuff like this and why would this idiot father give his kids his iTunes password. Why doesn't he give them his ATM PIN number too?

    thank you, you are the first person to bring up the fact that you can play these games just fine without spending a penny, I have played many of them for years without spending anything, I have been tempted once or twice tho. My nine year old plays the same games without spending any money (he knows what would happen to him if he did). The problem is not the games, it is the parenting.
  • Reply 123 of 127
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    Bullshit right back atcha, mr Perfect. Speak when your kids are close to or just past double digits. I never said it justified a lawsuit - I said as a parent myself I had grown out of coming across all high and fucking mighty. But I'm glad your kids are little tow-the-line angels, mine are anything but. Like I am sure I did when I was their age, they frequently drive their parents to distraction being, you know, fucking kids.

    Watch your language.
  • Reply 124 of 127
    Originally Posted by rgfsteed View Post

    OK, so I won't deny that giving your kid your password is pretty stupid. I won't even tell my son the password to log into my devices.

    However, it's clear that games like Smurfs Village were intended to take advantage of unsuspecting parents (or naive kids, dumb ass adults, whatever...), and that's still wrong.

    Disagree? How do you explain Capcom listing Smurfs Village as a kids game, yet charging as much as $99 for in-app purchases? How many parents are likely to allow such a purchase and how many kids do you think have this much disposable income? If the minimum in-app purchase is $4.99, then why should the app be free?

    I was pleased to see Apple change it's policy recently. Requiring the password helps and may negate the lawsuit. However, I'm still confused about when Apple changed it's policy around free apps.

    Others in this forum recall Steve Jobs saying that free apps would remain free. I was also surprised to learn that this had changed. If an app is going to charge for content, then why can't it charge $.99 to download?

    Keeping free apps free is still the best solution, but I'm not holding my breath.

    You don't HAVE to pay any money to play these games, all the extra items that you can buy makes it so you can advance in the game faster. so it can be a totally free game and for a lot of people these games are free to play because they will never spend money in them.
  • Reply 125 of 127
    salaciasalacia Posts: 1member
    I took about 5 minutes and did a little research and read the article carefully on this lawsuit...

    In the article it states that the reform to the iOS was done after the free downloads and in app purchases occurred. Meaning they used the 15 minute window. However, it does state that the lawsuit is also going after Apple because they do not think the new iOS is good enough because the child may already be aware of the password and purchase without the parents' consent.

    This lawsuit is a live and learn situation, as most are, for both the parents and the children. The parents could have used the restrictions allowed, but they didn't. The child could have known what that she was charging money, but who knows? Only the child does.

    Also, I believe there would be some negligence by the parents if they allow their child to have that type of access to their credit card. I am not saying it to be mean and...hey...everyone makes a mistake, even adults, and I have heard many stories from parents about what perfect angels their children are and their children would never do such a thing or lie to them. But as it has been said, and I will be kids. Some may not realize if something is right, if something is wrong, if something costs money or if something doesn't. It all depends on their experiences and what has been explained. Most parents probably wouldn't think to teach a child about in app purchases, or the like, because they are mostly from a different generation and do not understand themselves unless they play the game first, or something similar.

    But you can bet your bottom that whether something was intentional or not there are many children who would lie about it because they don't want to get in trouble.

    This is a live and learn situation, as most are, for both the parents and the children.

    The fact that the issue was addressed and resolved so the situation cannot repeat itself and there are restrictions in place for parents to control what can and cannot be done does a lot to stop this lawsuit in its tracks. I guess we will just have to see whose lawyers can pull the most BS out of their butt before we will see who wins.
  • Reply 126 of 127
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,563member
    I figured this had been either long-settled or dismissed, but there's new word today. Apple had apparently been arguing for a complete dismissal. Not to be according to the District Judge who is allowing 4 of the 5 claims in the case to go forward.
  • Reply 127 of 127
    I'm not one who would normally make a comment-but I'm infuriated. My nine year old son just racked up in-app purchases on a game called Clash of Clans before we realized what was going on. In fact 500$ of purchases. He thought he was using coins he earned in the game to make purchases. Let me make this clear--NO, HE DOESN'T KNOW OUR PASSWORD AND WAS NOT ASKED TO ENTER THE PASSWORD. We never thought he could make any purchases without knowing the itunes password--BEWARE! My son did. We have now learned how to set the setting so this can never happen again. I'm not sure how to handle this, but he is without an ipad for now. Go ahead and cast blame on the parents (not all of us our adept at computers), but this can happen to a good parent. I'm hoping I can prevent this from happening to some other GOOD PARENT who just didn't know that your kid can make in-app purchases without knowing or entering the itunes password if you don't have your settings secured the right way.
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