Photos claim to show prototype Apple iPhone 5 with larger screen



  • Reply 21 of 43
    bagmanbagman Posts: 349member
    Originally Posted by NeilM View Post

    That appears to be a Photoshopped fake. Follow the line of the forefinger from the upper right side of the phone to the left of the phone. Doesn't work.

    Take your own phone and hold it like that. You can't and make it look like the photo, at least not unless you have deformed hands.

    Must be alien hands. Wonder if this is the "correct way" to hold the phone?
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  • Reply 22 of 43
    elliots11elliots11 Posts: 290member
    Originally Posted by Marvin View Post

    I think it does add to the iconic design so it doesn't have to be removed in favour of a gesture bezel but it can be capacitive.

    I actually prefer the physical button over just a capacitive one, but if they make it like the other mock up where its extended and you can do gestures on it, that'd be cool.

    As for this prototype/fake/mockup/whatever it is... I want to see the back of it! I'm hoping its some kind of metal.
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  • Reply 23 of 43
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    That's Apple's 'unlocked' phone... It's coin operated, thus the extra slot. It's where you insert the quarters!




    Sweet! Now they can install iPhonebooths with wifi hot spots so you can make pay as you go wifi calls!
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  • Reply 24 of 43
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by AppleZilla View Post

    Fake. The screen has definitely been Photoshopped or covered with a paper screen.

    Now I know it's real. As soon as someone chimes in with their half cocked arm chair photoshop discovery, iknow it's actually a real photo and real Apple product.

    Thanks dude.
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  • Reply 25 of 43
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by NeilM View Post

    That appears to be a Photoshopped fake. Follow the line of the forefinger from the upper right side of the phone to the left of the phone. Doesn't work.

    Take your own phone and hold it like that. You can't and make it look like the photo, at least not unless you have deformed hands.

    The fingers/hand look fine to me. On the left side, you see the thumb and palm but none of the fingers. On the right side you see all four fingers, with the index finger recessed a bit as if the person is gripping with the other three but letting that one angle back away from the phone.

    What's the problem?

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  • Reply 26 of 43
    djsherlydjsherly Posts: 1,031member
    Originally Posted by elliots11 View Post

    I actually prefer the physical button over just a capacitive one, but if they make it like the other mock up where its extended and you can do gestures on it, that'd be cool.

    As for this prototype/fake/mockup/whatever it is... I want to see the back of it! I'm hoping its some kind of metal.

    There's something reassuring about a physical home button. It's like an ejector seat for apps. I know it's all electronics behind it but the idea of something tactile, that physically responds to your input makes it all the more suitable as a panic/stop button. It would be more difficult for me to repose trust in a gesture to perform the same function, as cool as that might be.

    If they took the capacitative approach to a home button, there are a ton of hand sets out there that do that: patent territory?
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  • Reply 27 of 43
    Very nice if it's real.

    C'mon Apple, give us a notifications light this time!
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  • Reply 28 of 43
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    3.7 sounds pretty good. I still doubt it, but I certainly don't think we will see 4. Apple already has a tablet, so it does not need to compete with the jumbo phones that barely fit into a pocket (unless your style is baggy). Still has to be a retina display, so might be more expense
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  • Reply 29 of 43
    rkevwillrkevwill Posts: 224member
    Bit larger screen would be nice, but I hope they don't make it too much thinner. Gets much thinner, and its not comfortable to hold!
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  • Reply 30 of 43
    What is the text next to the time? I didn't see this on other Chinese iPhones at the moment. I don't own an iPhone a.t.m. so correct me if you can put the date/day of week next to the time.

    I really like the stretched screen, one of my biggest problems with the iPhone has been that the front of the phone looks exactly the same as all previous iPhones. This concept one looks much better.
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  • Reply 31 of 43
    lilgto64lilgto64 Posts: 1,147member
    The new Larger iPhone - brought to by the makers of Enzyte
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  • Reply 32 of 43
    ameldrum1ameldrum1 Posts: 255member
    Cool - this looks really good. Any addition to screen real estate would be really valuable, and is a terrific way to add value to the device without having to change the external physical dimensions. I'm pretty confident that Apple spent a lot of time working with prototypes prior to the launch of the original iPhone before deciding that the current height and width is about optimal for a pocketable device - the bigger they can make the screen within this constraint the better.

    I really don't quite get folks' concern with "accidentally tapping" should the screen go "edge to edge" eventually. I've played around with the different ways that i hold the phone and can't actually conceive of this being an issue at all (particularly given that in the App Developer guidelines they recommend an exclusion zone around the edges of the screen anyway, which looks better visually).
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  • Reply 33 of 43
    yianyian Posts: 4member
    Originally Posted by thefox844 View Post

    What is the text next to the time? I didn't see this on other Chinese iPhones at the moment. I don't own an iPhone a.t.m. so correct me if you can put the date/day of week next to the time.

    I really like the stretched screen, one of my biggest problems with the iPhone has been that the front of the phone looks exactly the same as all previous iPhones. This concept one looks much better.

    It just says "P.M", in Chinese.
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  • Reply 34 of 43
    ameldrum1ameldrum1 Posts: 255member
    Originally Posted by Boogerman2000 View Post

    Very nice if it's real.

    C'mon Apple, give us a notifications light this time!

    and yes, please god, if it's not too much to ask... should i really have to pick up my phone, hit the home button, swipe an unlock, (perhaps enter a passcode)... simply to see whether or not a new email message has arrived?

    this is insanity.
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  • Reply 35 of 43
    unicronunicron Posts: 154member
    even if the screen was larger, the pixel dimensions would have to be the same at the iPhone 4. Would it still be a "retina" display at that point?
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  • Reply 36 of 43
    No glare, no reflection.
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  • Reply 37 of 43
    Originally Posted by MacVicta View Post

    Again with the 3.7 inches. That sucks if it turns out to be true. I wanted 4 at the minimum.

    Buy a Dell Streak then.

    The current iPhone screen size is perfect. It's a phone. I don't understand why people would want to hold something that's almost the size of a small paperback novel to their head to make a call.
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  • Reply 38 of 43
    Originally Posted by Unicron View Post

    even if the screen was larger, the pixel dimensions would have to be the same at the iPhone 4. Would it still be a "retina" display at that point?

    yep i think others have calculated that at 3.7" with the same resolution the DPI would drop to something still above 300 (from the current 326). Apple & Jobs have (somewhat arbitrarily) decided that anything above 300 DPI counts as a "retina display", so the new display would be fine.

    Presumably when it launches they will simply stop referring to DPI specifically (to avoid pointing out that the DPI has in fact decreased) and simply continue to refer to it as a retina display.
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  • Reply 39 of 43
    Originally Posted by sticknick View Post

    Buy a Dell Streak then.

    The current iPhone screen size is perfect. It's a phone. I don't understand why people would want to hold something that's almost the size of a small paperback novel to their head to make a call.

    Perhaps it's perfect for you but not others?

    My mother is in her late 60's, her eyesight is not as good as it used to be. She loves the simplicity and elegance of iOS, so is unlikely to ever buy a Dell Streak, however she would really appreciate a slightly larger screen. The size of the phone is not a huge issue for her because she carries it in her handbag, and she doesn't hold it to her head, because she uses the earpiece.

    Do you see how your POV doesn't correspond with hers? Whose opinion do you think is more valid?
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  • Reply 40 of 43
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Shrike View Post

    It's for the proximity and light sensor. You'll note that it is in the iPhone 4 as well.

    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    What is that extra slot at the top?

    It doesn't look very nice, seems un-Apple like. Maybe it's less obvious on the black models?
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