When will next imac rev appear?

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Ok, so I'm asking this because I'll be in grad school next year, and I'm going to be getting a new mac

My faithful 7600/120 just isn't going to cut it anymore <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

So, do you think the imac will get updated at MWNY in July? I'm holding off as long as I can, but I'll have to get my machine after that show. It would be a bummer if it didn't get updated and I have to shell out $1800 in July for something I could have for $1800 now.

So what do you think? I'm hoping for 1Ghz on a 133 bus with some L3 goodness.

Optimistic probably, but I don't think it's over the top optimistic.

So what does everyone think?


  • Reply 1 of 46
    My guess would be Apple Expo in Paris at the end of September. That would be 6 months after all the iMacs get into the channel (remember, only the Superdrive model is shipping right now. The CD-RW models won't ship till March)
  • Reply 2 of 46
    emaneman Posts: 7,204member
    Could be a minor update at MWNY.
  • Reply 3 of 46
    Don't hold your breath.
  • Reply 4 of 46
    noahjnoahj Posts: 4,503member
    Spend your 1800 now. The iMac will see no rev for a little while. It is too popular in its current incarnation to require any rev, yet.
  • Reply 5 of 46
    wwworkwwwork Posts: 140member
    I think my 500 mhz G4 is fast. With a few tweaks it could even render real time effects in Final Cut Pro. The only thing I have ever done where it seemed slow was rendering something out of AfterEffects.

    It depends what you are doing. Why not get the $1300 version and an iPod?
  • Reply 6 of 46
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    or 2 old imacs and an ipod. or an imac, ipod, and digital camera

    why do people insist on recommending what others spend their money on, this topic had nothing to do with what he could buy for 1800... just when the next imac rev would be.

    that said- i wouldn't hold your wallet for 6 months, but if you just might get a speed bump and some ram, i seriously doubt a price drop or a ghz chip, unless you think that by paris apple will have released the g5 <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" />

    [ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: janitor ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 46
    flounderflounder Posts: 2,674member
    Well, I'm still going to hope, as I really don't need a new machine yet.

    By the way, I'm actually going to have about three grand to drop. I'm much more of a desktop person but I'm going to need a laptop for certain things. It doesn't have to be really nice, just functional. So the current plan is to go with a high end iMac and a low end iBook.

    Oh, and the low end iMac will have been out for four months, not three. (april, may, june, July).

    [ 02-07-2002: Message edited by: Flounder ]</p>
  • Reply 8 of 46
    cubitcubit Posts: 846member
    I was about to launch a joke thread on this one, but then there you were. <img src="graemlins/embarrassed.gif" border="0" alt="[Embarrassed]" />
  • Reply 9 of 46
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    MWNY for sure

    Apple has learned (I think) that letting their products live to long on a revision kills their sales and isn't benficial to anyone. that's why the iBook has been constantly being updated with little changes here andd there responding towhat would just get enough more sales for a few more months till they do it again

    predictions (not all will likely be true, just listing possibilities)

    17 inch model

    1Ghz G4 somewhere or 933

    Geforce 4MX

    wireless keyboard and mouse

    slot load drive ( I still think that if a slot load superdrive becomes available they'll use it in a second)

    possibly a price cut to 1199, 1399, 1699
  • Reply 10 of 46
    I doubt we will see a major iMac revision until fall at the earliest, however, I think chances are good for a new iMac model to be introduced at MWNY, a model with a 17" LCD display!

    At least, this is what I'm hoping. If such an iMac is ever offered, it's sales are going to stun Apple, in fact I think a 17" LCD iMac would instantly become the best selling iMac of all time. Everybody would want one. Apple wouldn't be able to build enough of them.
  • Reply 11 of 46
    cdhostagecdhostage Posts: 1,038member
    The new iMAc is far too popular right now fro Apple to upgrade it. I doubt ther will be a MWNY revision.

    If you know you're spending $2000, get a midrange and max out the memory.
  • Reply 12 of 46
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    The iMac, I think, is already the best selling vers ever. And, personally, I don't think a 17" monitor would entice much more people. It's a great addition, but not necessary.

    I think there is going to b a speed boost by/at MWNY, but i have no clue how much. I haven't accumulated data, but it seems that their machines go about 6 months between announcements.
  • Reply 13 of 46
    i doubt things will change much in the next year. the only change i can reasonably expect is the preloading of 10.2 for MWNY and perhaps a slight speed bump by the end of the year.

    of course, i'd love to be proven wrong...
  • Reply 14 of 46
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by thuh Freak:

    <strong>The iMac, I think, is already the best selling vers ever. And, personally, I don't think a 17" monitor would entice much more people. It's a great addition, but not necessary.


    cough... 14 inch iBook... cough
  • Reply 15 of 46
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by cdhostage:

    <strong>The new iMAc is far too popular right now fro Apple to upgrade it. I doubt ther will be a MWNY revision.

    If you know you're spending $2000, get a midrange and max out the memory.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yea, instead, apple should wait until sales die down so that they don't maintain sales numbers and actually have a good 4th quarter like they used to do

    iBook sales were great, apple updated them last fall, then they were great again and apple updated january

    powerbook sales were good after the update in the fall, then a combo drive upgrade in december

    I've heard from many people that apple wants new products at least every 3 months. and no product to go over 6/7 mnths without being touched
  • Reply 16 of 46
    Hmm. It is not something I would hold my breath over, but I would wait. While I am skeptical whether or not they would update it then, I think they will have a new rev. out that will fix any problems we will see in these units....
  • Reply 17 of 46
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    Shipments of the new iMac are just ramping up. They won't change it before MWNY. Even then if there are any changes they will be very minor, just fine tuning. Perhaps in the fall there will be a speed bump but don't look for anything major till next January.

    My reasoning is that the iMac is really a great machine. I mean, what would you do to it? It has FW, a superdrive, a G4, a flat screen, large HD, nice software bundle. Certainly it could be improved on but it is not crying out for any major additions.
  • Reply 18 of 46
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by neutrino23:

    <strong>Shipments of the new iMac are just ramping up. They won't change it before MWNY. Even then if there are any changes they will be very minor, just fine tuning. Perhaps in the fall there will be a speed bump but don't look for anything major till next January.

    My reasoning is that the iMac is really a great machine. I mean, what would you do to it? It has FW, a superdrive, a G4, a flat screen, large HD, nice software bundle. Certainly it could be improved on but it is not crying out for any major additions.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    most notably it needs a faster processor and a larger hard drive on the 1799 model.

    at least offer a few Apple Store exclsuive BTO options like massive hard drives or something. doing that would really make a lot more money for apple.

    I would get an iMac now if I was able to easily install a larger hard drive (160GB maxtor or 120GB 7200RPM drive)
  • Reply 19 of 46
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    Well, right now the iMac's ATA controller is limited to 137 GB. so 160 GB would be quite impossible without a an iMac revision.
  • Reply 20 of 46
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Eugene:

    <strong>Well, right now the iMac's ATA controller is limited to 137 GB. so 160 GB would be quite impossible without a an iMac revision.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    yep. Don't know why new motherboard designs from apple don't have ATA/100. Not a good sign.
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