Google launches NFC payment service, eBay sues alleging theft



  • Reply 21 of 58
    kevtkevt Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by Secruoser View Post

    Every engineer in the world should collaborate together and build the best for humanity, not competing and suing each other like it would benefit anyone at all.

    Do lawyers count as "anyone at all"?
  • Reply 22 of 58
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Bad enough that Google has its greasy fingers in your web browsing and email but to give them access to your purchase history is a step too far.
  • Reply 23 of 58
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by Secruoser View Post

    The solution is available, and any idea to make the world a better place is radical and is usually attacked by mainstream culture.

    Its like the Star Trek future. Of course to get there you have to destroy half of humanity in a world war and then be visited by Vulcans.
  • Reply 24 of 58
    caliminiuscaliminius Posts: 944member
    Originally Posted by Shoozz View Post

    Google is taking shortcuts to maintain their presence instead of investing in R&D, who does that sound like?

    As opposed to Apple buying companies for their technology? Like Lala and Cover Flow? All tech companies do it. Likewise tech companies poach staff from each other.

    Get off the high horse that Apple is some sort of saint in the tech industry. That goes for everone else in this thread as well.
  • Reply 25 of 58
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,955member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Get off the high horse that Apple is some sort of saint in the tech industry. That goes for everone else in this thread as well.

    Get off yours that Google isn't some sort of criminal, and more evil than most.
  • Reply 26 of 58
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Get off the high horse that Apple is some sort of saint in the tech industry. That goes for everone else in this thread as well.

    I didn't see anyone here claiming Apple is a saint. The only one on high horse seems to be Google with "don't be evil" mantra.
  • Reply 27 of 58
    2 cents2 cents Posts: 307member
    Stealing copying things into endless's what google does best.
  • Reply 28 of 58
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 521member
    Originally Posted by magicj View Post

    Rendering 3D models in Vue is going to end world hunger?

    Uh, no, did you not look at the page at all? If you look closely, you'll see there are no people in any of those scenes - no people, no world hunger. It's that easy! Though I'd like to believe that underwater apartments and flying cars would fix it too...
  • Reply 29 of 58
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by malax View Post

    Time to update the various "who is suing whom" diagrams to toss eBay in the mix. WTG eBay! And how long before Apple gets involved?


    When we had the computer stores in Silicon Vally, the "in thing" was to wear the latest T-Shirts related to tech companies.

    My wife prided herself wearing them as the latest-greatest fashion.

    These 2 would make great T-shirts -- and they'd need to be re-issued every week!

    "Honey, which of these do you like best? Does this one go with my beautiful blue eyes?"

  • Reply 30 of 58
    gotwakegotwake Posts: 115member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    As opposed to Apple buying companies for their technology? Like Lala and Cover Flow? All tech companies do it. Likewise tech companies poach staff from each other.

    Get off the high horse that Apple is some sort of saint in the tech industry. That goes for everone else in this thread as well.

    "Buying" versus "stealing", there is a difference.

    Apple buys companies because either 1) It's more cost effective than building ground up 2) The company has an unique set of patents that cya Apple's current portfolio and/or future products.
  • Reply 31 of 58
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by 2 cents View Post

    Stealing copying things into endless's what google does best.

    Exactly! "Copying things into endless beta," that should be the updated definition of 'to google'.
  • Reply 32 of 58
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    Originally Posted by AppleSauce007 View Post

    It's not a matter of being first. The allegations are simple and straight forward.

    1. Stephanie Tilenius breached her contractual obligations by hiring Osama Bedier.

    2. Osama Bedier misappropriated PayPal technology and knowledge of negotiations with banks.

    Lawsuit ->

    If these allegations are proven true, Stephanie, Osama and Google have a serious problem.

    Time will tell.

    Exactly, this is what people are missing this is not about what google did but individuals who worked for them. When a person leaves a competitor the company who hires them have to be careful that person is not using trade secrets or specific knowledge they gain only at their previous company at the new company.

    Many times when a person leaves a company with this kind of knowledge is told and required to sign something they makes them aware they have knowledge they are not allow to use or share with a competitor.

    I am personally seeing a trend with people who obviously do not understand how US companies run and the value of that company's IP and know how. These people feel it is theirs to do with how they like. We are seeing more and more instances where theses people are taking or using information which is not really theirs and trying to profit from it.

    All I can say if this person at google knowingly use information they gained while at paypal/ebay they could be in some serious trouble and the Silicon Valley is small and this guy could be black balled and no one will want to hire them. So they are just an idiot.
  • Reply 33 of 58
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by racer162 View Post

    there is NO way this is theft. IF ebay/paypal think they are the first get a fracking grip. they have had this system in Japan for years now. people load money in th esame way to their phone and use it for purchasing at stores and vending machines also Ebay sucks anyways their corperate structure is built on how to screw everyone else.

    Wow. Another person who has no concept of the legal issues involved yet insists on blathering his ignorance for the world to see.

    If the allegations are true, then Google has a huge problem. It has nothing to do with who was first - it's all about misappropriation of trade secrets.

    Originally Posted by Secruoser View Post

    The solution is available, and any idea to make the world a better place is radical and is usually attacked by mainstream culture.

    Where 'attacked by mainstream culture' really means 'the majority of people want to be paid for their efforts and that is why capitalism works'.

    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    As opposed to Apple buying companies for their technology? Like Lala and Cover Flow? All tech companies do it. Likewise tech companies poach staff from each other.

    So you don't understand the difference between buying and stealing?


    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    Get off the high horse that Apple is some sort of saint in the tech industry. That goes for everone else in this thread as well.

    Apple's not the one with a 'Do no evil' slogan. And Apple doesn't have a history of being caught red handed in one intellectual property theft after another.
  • Reply 34 of 58
    rptrpt Posts: 175member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Wow. Another person who has no concept of the legal issues involved yet insists on blathering his ignorance for the world to see.

    If the allegations are true, then Google has a huge problem. It has nothing to do with who was first - it's all about misappropriation of trade secrets.

    Where 'attacked by mainstream culture' really means 'the majority of people want to be paid for their efforts and that is why capitalism works'.

    So you don't understand the difference between buying and stealing?


    Apple's not the one with a 'Do no evil' slogan. And Apple doesn't have a history of being caught red handed in one intellectual property theft after another.

    I think you are pointing at serious problem: There is a culture among many computer geeks that music, computer games, books etc should be for free and that the main challenge in getting a degree at university is not getting caught when copying other people's works.

    We now have a part of a generation who believe stealing is only limited to physical objects and that IP is for free. It really gets absurd when a possible theft is compared to acquiring a company to broaden your IP basis.
  • Reply 35 of 58
    red oakred oak Posts: 1,104member
    Google is single handily gutting the CE industry. Google TV was an absolute joke. And, Android is going to complete suck out all the profits in the mobile space. I think Nokia may have made the right move by doing something completely different and aligning with a partner with vested interest.

    Now with NFC, Google fucks it up right of the gate by getting sued by eBay. This is going to go now where. Just like Google Music. It looks like they have zero business ethics in how they went about hiring the team that just launched the product. Zero.
  • Reply 36 of 58
    ilogicilogic Posts: 298member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post


    When we had the computer stores in Silicon Vally, the "in thing" was to wear the latest T-Shirts related to tech companies.

    My wife prided herself wearing them as the latest-greatest fashion.

    These 2 would make great T-shirts -- and they'd need to be re-issued every week!

    "Honey, which of these do you like best? Does this one go with my beautiful blue eyes?"

    Looks like a badass game of Free For All in Halo.
  • Reply 37 of 58
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Now apple has to at least build the NFC capability into the iPhone. If wallet takes off apple then could just enable the NFC chip like they did with blue tooth on the iPod Touch 2G. If it tankes, gets hacked etc, apple will have more time to work out the deals and introduce it right, like they did with multitasking and copy and paste.
  • Reply 38 of 58
    n42n42 Posts: 34member
    I'd just like to point out to those of you arguing over which company is "evil" that PayPal is notorious for freezing accounts and refusing to release customer's money, among countless other horror stories.

    If the allegations are true, Google done fucked up. But I don't have any pity for eBay/PayPal as they are one of the most "evil" corporations around and deserve to suffer. Screw 'em.
  • Reply 39 of 58
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    They aren't claiming they were first. THey are claiming that Google hired key personnel from ebay and paypal who had knowledge of deals in the works etc and used that knowledge to benefit Google while perhaps at the same time hurting the other companies.

    Which is tacky and a legal no-no

    Google is going to get the book thrown at them in court. This is so bad on so many levels. Google is going to pay a hefty fee for this assuming this is true. If/When they loose I wonder if the judgement is going to be spectacular.
  • Reply 40 of 58
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    Originally Posted by Secruoser View Post

    Every engineer in the world should collaborate together and build the best for humanity, not competing and suing each other like it would benefit anyone at all.

    And every doctor should work without compensation.

    And every teacher should teach just for the love of it.

    And every ditch digger should be in the business only for the cardiovascular aspects.

    And every ....

    Let's remove every incentive people have for actually working.
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