Whisperings of prototype hardware...

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
Okay, there is a first time for everything here at AppleInsider...

And this is my first time with 'I heard from someone who is an Apple developer' story...

The gist of it is a combination of the AppleSeed developer program, a large regional ISP, rumors of dual & quad G4 (Apollo) TiBooks, and 6-way G4 PowerMacs...

Make of it what you will...

I am remaining sceptical myself...



  • Reply 1 of 49
    Hasn't AppleSeed already been stopped?
  • Reply 2 of 49
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member

    But I bet we see a MOSR version of this soon enough!
  • Reply 3 of 49
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    A quad processor TiBook?!

    I'll believe that when I see it.

    Hell, I'll buy it when I see it.

    But then, prototype hardware can be pretty outrageous.

    [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: Amorph ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 49
    Yea, and you'll be able to use it as a portable cooking unit... to fry eggs, bake a cake, etc.
  • Reply 5 of 49
    [quote]Originally posted by catalyst:

    <strong>Hasn't AppleSeed already been stopped?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    AppleSeed for software still exists. I got excepted to the program. I never get sent any software though

  • Reply 6 of 49
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    <strong>A quad processor TiBook?!


    Maybe multi-core? Still would be awful hot. Ti's are already too hot to touch .

    Hmm... if they have multi-core G4's (doesn't sound unreasonable that they would), I don't see why they wouldn't throw one in a TiBook, just for kicks.
  • Reply 7 of 49
    eugeneeugene Posts: 8,254member
    I'd like to see a 4-way PowerBook G4...burn/melt through the pedestal at its Macworld keynote introduction.

    [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: Eugene ]</p>
  • Reply 8 of 49
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by Willoughby:


    AppleSeed for software still exists. I got excepted to the program. I never get sent any software though


    CQF was killed and AppleSeed was started. Hardware testing is still in CQF though. strange but true.
  • Reply 9 of 49
    drewpropsdrewprops Posts: 2,321member
    you were "accepted" not "excepted"

    english lesson for the week

    read a book people!

    [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: drewprops ]</p>
  • Reply 10 of 49
    [quote]Originally posted by drewprops:

    <strong>you were "accepted" not "excepted"

    english lesson for the week

    read a book people!

    [ 02-13-2002: Message edited by: drewprops ]</strong><hr></blockquote>

    How can I read a book...I wouldn't have enough time to post on AI!!

    I don't think when I type and I don't proof read before hitting that submit button. As long as you get the general idea who cares? <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 11 of 49
    It would make for awesome commericals:

    "This is your brain"

    shot of a Dell laptop flipped over, bottom side up, and an egg cracks open and plops onto the Dell. It just oozes around and sits there"

    "This is your brain on Macs"

    Shot of a Titanium Powerbook in the same orientation. Egg cracks open, hits the Ti and violently sizzles and frys.

    "Any questions?"

    As the ad ends, a spatula scraps up the already-cooked egg and a hand wipes off the bottom of the Titanium--which turns out to have a non-stick coating for easy cleaning!!!

    BTW, this rumor is utter nonsense.

    A quad processor Titanium? LOL! A sex-processor (six processor) Powermac? Yeah, right. That's the most ridiculous rumor I've heard in a long time.
  • Reply 12 of 49
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    I'm getting a little info about suppossed G5 test boxes, not much yet, if I find out anything juicy I'll of course post it (if it's true of course).
  • Reply 13 of 49
    Why don't you post the info you'll be getting now so we can get it over with? I hate waiting.

    This info wouldn't have anything to do with quadprocessor Powermacs running on 4 quad-core G5s, for a total of 16 CPUs, all inside a spherical G5 powermac case with icosahedral symmetry, 20 facets making up the sphere, would it?

    The reason I ask is that my friend at Apple was over last weekend, and after I rolled him a big phattie and got him totally BAKED, I mean flat-out stoked, comatose high from the kindest of kind bud this side of Seattle, after he vanished from our reality in a cloud of bong-smoke and giggling laughter, he promptly spilled the beans like a bullied tattler rapping on the misdeeds of the schoolyard bully. Yeah he talked a big game and said Apple is not going to be taking sh!t for their MHz for much longer. I played it real coy, just had another hit and told him how fast my Mac is, how MHz don't matter, etc, etc. ..but he's like, yes they do! And he even told me that his Steveness is something of a MHz junkie himself, with no fewer than 4 Wintels in his office, all the fastest of the fast, the bestest of the best. Jobs cares about one thing, he said, and that's MHz. The rest is all a scam.

    So Jobs has had his panties in a bunch ever since the G4 debacle with Moto, but lately a G5 prototype has had Jobs happier than he's been in years. My friend says that only the top brass get the real exciting G5s, the newest prototypes slated for the first round of revisions to the Powermacs G5s. But my friend has access to the debut Powermac G5s and he said they are going to put a new spin on the MHz race. 1.25, 1.75, and 2.25 GHz with a 1.0 GHz G4 rearing up the low end powermac. 500 MHz system bus running at processor speed. DDR RAM. rapid IO, hypertransport, USB 2, FW 2, and Gigawire. GEForce 4 Titanium standard. And BTO dualies for the 2.25 GHz G5s.

    New case. Same as the old with new enhancements, lower, wider, and more depth. WIDE, he said, wide enough for side by side optical drive bays, and LOW, low enough to resemble a cube from the front, but very deep! It will have two optical drive bays, one empty. 6 PCI slots, 8x agp slot. And, drop your linen and stop your grinnin', he said, Apple is listening and decided to spend a little extra on fans...even though this new powermac has a total of four case fans (4!), it is about as loud as the new iMac! Although Apple has a few liquid N2 cooled G5s clocked to 3 GHz for testing purposes.

    Best of all, my friend talked to some folks over in accounting a few days ago when he had to service some of them (not them, but their computers), he said he was poking around on their HDs in accounting and saw an excel document titled "G5 Powermac market attack strategy, so he opened it and it was a cost analysis of the new Powermacs. Apparently Apple saved lots of money by integrating the subsystems all into one or two chips, and used lots of on-die controllers and caches...but the new prices are LOWER than the current tower prices! One of the docs had Steve Jobs official retina scan (This is how Apple verifies orders from the top brass, if they approve of a project, then to give it the go-ahead they submit to a retinal scan rather than a signature, and this scan is stored with each document. The retinal scans change day to day, so a reference scan is used from each morning to verify that the scan date was correct, and as further proof of the scan being intended for the document, the neuronal imprint of the document is scanned from the optical nerve and stored in bitcode bar form on the retina scan)...Anyhow the docs had Jobs' retinal scan, with the new Powermac prices:

    1.0 GHz G4 $999

    1.25 GHz G5 $1499

    1.75 GHz G5 $1999

    2.25 GHz G5 $2499

    2.25 GHz dualies $2899

    So my buddie stayed all weekend just camped out on the couch bogarting my stash, but he talked in his sleep and when I was in the kitchen getting some muchies one night I heard the following about new software:

    MWNY, OS X, v10.2.

    PPP connect bug fixed.

    Quartz hardware acceleration, back to Mac Radeon and for all Nvidia cards.

    New iMusic application for recording and editing digital audio. Promises to make recording your own music as easy as making your own home movie...all you need is an instrument, a Mac with OS X, and lots of practice! (that's about what the ad slogan wil lbe). Expect functionality on par with Peak LE but with more DSP filters included for free.

    Furher speed optimizations, so that OS X is snappy on even old Smurf G3 towers.

    On the new Powermacs, OS X .2 is said to be faster than OS 9 on the current dual 1 GHz powermacs. OS X is so fast in fact that Apple is thinking of tweaking performance so it slows down, otherwise scrolling and resizing are too fast. I'm not sure what he meant by this but when I prodded him he just glared at me and said "planned obsolescence". If I hadn't been so high I would have bitch-slapped him right then and there, but since he did hook me up with inside info I decided to let him chill a bit longer....then I kicked his ass out!

    One last bit, after an unusually large bong hit, lungs at full volume, he exhaled and spoke a few words I never expected to be uttered by an Apple employee: "two button pro-wheel mouse".

  • Reply 14 of 49
    [quote]Originally posted by MacsRGood4U:

    <strong>Yea, and you'll be able to use it as a portable cooking unit... to fry eggs, bake a cake, etc.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    a quad processor g4 tibook? my tibook doesn't even like the heat of one of them in there right now. a quad powerbook would be unpacked from the shipping box with its cooling fan on. in fact, the fan would be running before they even put it in the computer. LOL.
  • Reply 15 of 49
    strange, my experience with the tibook(friend of mine has one) its been surprisingly cool...nothing like dell inspirion laptops...I feel impotent after using a dell laptop for more than 5 minutes.
  • Reply 16 of 49
    glurxglurx Posts: 1,031member

    <strong>quad G4 (Apollo) TiBooks</strong><hr></blockquote>

    With a battery life of 20 minutes.
  • Reply 17 of 49
    Yeah, and my next computer will be a wintel *lol*

    [quote]Originally posted by Junkyard Dawg:

    <strong>Why don't you post the info you'll be getting now so we can get it over with? I hate waiting.

    This info wouldn't have anything to do with quadprocessor Powermacs running on 4 quad-core G5s, for a total of 16 CPUs, all inside a spherical G5 powermac case with icosahedral symmetry, 20 facets making up the sphere, would it?

    The reason I ask is that my friend at Apple was over last weekend, and after I rolled him a big phattie and got him totally BAKED, I mean flat-out stoked, comatose high from the kindest of kind bud this side of Seattle, after he vanished from our reality in a cloud of bong-smoke and giggling laughter, he promptly spilled the beans like a bullied tattler rapping on the misdeeds of the schoolyard bully. Yeah he talked a big game and said Apple is not going to be taking sh!t for their MHz for much longer. I played it real coy, just had another hit and told him how fast my Mac is, how MHz don't matter, etc, etc. ..but he's like, yes they do! And he even told me that his Steveness is something of a MHz junkie himself, with no fewer than 4 Wintels in his office, all the fastest of the fast, the bestest of the best. Jobs cares about one thing, he said, and that's MHz. The rest is all a scam.

    So Jobs has had his panties in a bunch ever since the G4 debacle with Moto, but lately a G5 prototype has had Jobs happier than he's been in years. My friend says that only the top brass get the real exciting G5s, the newest prototypes slated for the first round of revisions to the Powermacs G5s. But my friend has access to the debut Powermac G5s and he said they are going to put a new spin on the MHz race. 1.25, 1.75, and 2.25 GHz with a 1.0 GHz G4 rearing up the low end powermac. 500 MHz system bus running at processor speed. DDR RAM. rapid IO, hypertransport, USB 2, FW 2, and Gigawire. GEForce 4 Titanium standard. And BTO dualies for the 2.25 GHz G5s.

    New case. Same as the old with new enhancements, lower, wider, and more depth. WIDE, he said, wide enough for side by side optical drive bays, and LOW, low enough to resemble a cube from the front, but very deep! It will have two optical drive bays, one empty. 6 PCI slots, 8x agp slot. And, drop your linen and stop your grinnin', he said, Apple is listening and decided to spend a little extra on fans...even though this new powermac has a total of four case fans (4!), it is about as loud as the new iMac! Although Apple has a few liquid N2 cooled G5s clocked to 3 GHz for testing purposes.

    Best of all, my friend talked to some folks over in accounting a few days ago when he had to service some of them (not them, but their computers), he said he was poking around on their HDs in accounting and saw an excel document titled "G5 Powermac market attack strategy, so he opened it and it was a cost analysis of the new Powermacs. Apparently Apple saved lots of money by integrating the subsystems all into one or two chips, and used lots of on-die controllers and caches...but the new prices are LOWER than the current tower prices! One of the docs had Steve Jobs official retina scan (This is how Apple verifies orders from the top brass, if they approve of a project, then to give it the go-ahead they submit to a retinal scan rather than a signature, and this scan is stored with each document. The retinal scans change day to day, so a reference scan is used from each morning to verify that the scan date was correct, and as further proof of the scan being intended for the document, the neuronal imprint of the document is scanned from the optical nerve and stored in bitcode bar form on the retina scan)...Anyhow the docs had Jobs' retinal scan, with the new Powermac prices:

    1.0 GHz G4 $999

    1.25 GHz G5 $1499

    1.75 GHz G5 $1999

    2.25 GHz G5 $2499

    2.25 GHz dualies $2899

    So my buddie stayed all weekend just camped out on the couch bogarting my stash, but he talked in his sleep and when I was in the kitchen getting some muchies one night I heard the following about new software:

    MWNY, OS X, v10.2.

    PPP connect bug fixed.

    Quartz hardware acceleration, back to Mac Radeon and for all Nvidia cards.

    New iMusic application for recording and editing digital audio. Promises to make recording your own music as easy as making your own home movie...all you need is an instrument, a Mac with OS X, and lots of practice! (that's about what the ad slogan wil lbe). Expect functionality on par with Peak LE but with more DSP filters included for free.

    Furher speed optimizations, so that OS X is snappy on even old Smurf G3 towers.

    On the new Powermacs, OS X .2 is said to be faster than OS 9 on the current dual 1 GHz powermacs. OS X is so fast in fact that Apple is thinking of tweaking performance so it slows down, otherwise scrolling and resizing are too fast. I'm not sure what he meant by this but when I prodded him he just glared at me and said "planned obsolescence". If I hadn't been so high I would have bitch-slapped him right then and there, but since he did hook me up with inside info I decided to let him chill a bit longer....then I kicked his ass out!

    One last bit, after an unusually large bong hit, lungs at full volume, he exhaled and spoke a few words I never expected to be uttered by an Apple employee: "two button pro-wheel mouse".

  • Reply 18 of 49
    No-one does JYD as well as JYD himself!

  • Reply 19 of 49
    Junkyard Dawg

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 20 of 49
    kidredkidred Posts: 2,402member
    [quote]Originally posted by glurx:


    With a battery life of 20 minutes.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    What about that new battery tech? the um, shit, what was it-it was on cnn not but 2 weeks ago. Damn, already to chime in about new battery tech that might make the poster's quad G4 TiBook work and I can't remember the name, lol
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