I'm a minority now!!!
<a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/yahoo/la-me-births6feb06004424,0,3308887.story?coll=la-newsa ol%2Dheadlines" target="_blank">Latino births surpass all others</a>
So now it's official, I'm not just a member of the largest minority group, by births, I'm just an outright minority period!
Bust me some PE....
Fight the power...you got ta... fight the power...fight the power... you got to fight the powers that be....
Darn majority latinos... they are corrupt, oppresive and they don't treat nobody right!<a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-sogate4feb04,1,4287435.story" target="_blank">Mayoral corruption</a> I'd pull myself up by my bootstraps, but I don't got no boots.
Shitzle my itzle so tizzle some lizzle.
Ya dig.... WESTSIDE!!!!!!!
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
So now it's official, I'm not just a member of the largest minority group, by births, I'm just an outright minority period!
Bust me some PE....
Fight the power...you got ta... fight the power...fight the power... you got to fight the powers that be....
Darn majority latinos... they are corrupt, oppresive and they don't treat nobody right!<a href="http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-sogate4feb04,1,4287435.story" target="_blank">Mayoral corruption</a> I'd pull myself up by my bootstraps, but I don't got no boots.
Shitzle my itzle so tizzle some lizzle.
Ya dig.... WESTSIDE!!!!!!!
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
Shitzle my itzle so tizzle some lizzle.
...u dicklo.
...u dicklo.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Don't be bustin' on the LBC... playa hater....we might have to and regulate yo' *ss.....
Playa's play... haters hate... tell your mom, I won't be late.
Don't be bustin' on the LBC... playa hater....we might have to and regulate yo' *ss.....
Playa's play... haters hate... tell your mom, I won't be late.
<img src="confused.gif" border="0">
UCLA professor David Hayes-Bautista, who led the study, said Wednesday that it is time to stop thinking of Latinos as an emerging majority.
"It has arrived. It arrived in the delivery rooms of the state 18 months ago," he said.
when later it says:
Based on birthrates, Latinos will constitute the majority of children entering California kindergartens in the fall of 2006; the majority entering high school in 2014; the majority of workers entering the labor force in 2017; and the majority of young adults eligible to vote by 2019.
By my counting they won't be a majority in any real sense of the term for over 20 years.
It's also interesting that until they separated 'hispanic' out from race, 50% ticked the 'white' box.
<strong>I don't understand this:
By my counting they won't be a majority in any real sense of the term for over 20 years.
It's also interesting that until they separated 'hispanic' out from race, 50% ticked the 'white' box.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I don't really care. If you have seen my posts around these forums, you know I don't even believe in the concept of "race."
I just enjoy polking race baiters in the eye with a sharp stick.
Fight the power... you got ta... fight the power...
Don't be bustin' on the LBC... playa hater....we might have to and regulate yo' *ss.....
Playa's play... haters hate... tell your mom, I won't be late.
'Busting a rhyme ain't that smart when the nigga is a dicklomas...Ain't a playa hater, just a dumbass hater.
I'm hispanic (mexican-american) and I hate when people think we are becoming a majority - a majority of what? BULLSH-T! We ain't a mojority - we ain't got the dough to be so!
We ain't a mojority - we ain't got the dough to be so!</strong><hr></blockquote>
Damn straight!
Note the leave out on the word American when it comes to us. that is messed up.
What about the Majority going to College? was that left out on purpose? Are we not smart enough to go?
[/sarcasm w/ some truth behind it]
What about the Majority going to College? was that left out on purpose? Are we not smart enough to go?
[/sarcasm w/ some truth behind it]
Smart probably has nothing to do with it, it is probably something to do with like a 45% drop out rate.
<strong>Thats why on forms it always has the following options...
Note the leave out on the word American when it comes to us. that is messed up.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Actually I think it is because there is a group out there that wants their culture acknowledged regardless of what race they happen to be.
Again it could be be me and my polking stick, but I have heard many black leaders claim that many latinos/hispanics will assimilate into American culture more quickly because racially, many of then would be classified "white." Some have argued that "hispanic" and other words like it are designed to divide minority communities. As for the motivations for the dividing, those could come from multiple people.
'Busting a rhyme ain't that smart when the nigga is a dicklomas...Ain't a playa hater, just a dumbass hater.
I'm hispanic (mexican-american) and I hate when people think we are becoming a majority - a majority of what? BULLSH-T! We ain't a mojority - we ain't got the dough to be so!</strong><hr></blockquote>
What the heck does money have to do with child birthdate?
Hispanics have been and will become again the majority in California.
In case you hadn't noticed, the rate at which people have kids TODAY determines how many people we will have in the FUTURE.
Ain't it funny how it works like that.
You can call me any sort of name you want, you can be pissed about the future but it is coming. You're just mad because when the excuses are gone people are going to have to look in the mirror instead of pointing a finger.
[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: trumptman ]</p>
What the heck does money have to do with child birthdate? </strong><hr></blockquote>
Do you mean birthrate?
Do you mean birthrate?</strong><hr></blockquote>
Yes, typo.
'Busting a rhyme ain't that smart when the nigga is a dicklomas...Ain't a playa hater, just a dumbass hater.
There's got to be some way for Babelfish to translate this...
<img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" /> <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[oyvey]" />
Dare I ask, what's a "Dicklomas"?
What the heck does money have to do with child birthdate?
Hispanics have been and will become again the majority in California.
In case you hadn't noticed, the rate at which people have kids TODAY determines how many people we will have in the FUTURE.
Ain't it funny how it works like that.
You can call me any sort of name you want, you can be pissed about the future but it is coming. You're just mad because when the excuses are gone people are going to have to look in the mirror instead of pointing a finger.
[ 02-07-2003: Message edited by: trumptman ]</strong><hr></blockquote>
I didn't ment any disrespect but I hate people like you. You cannot see the reality of been hispanic - more of us will make things worst in the future. Without money, better education, community investment, and empowerment, I see a lot of problems for my fellow Latinos.
Who is the majority in America - it's not Whites! It is those few people who have the money (yes, most rich, if not all, are Whites but don't forget that more Whites live in poverty than Latinos or Blacks (around 40M)). All I'm saying is that we, Lations, will become a majority when our wallets can do the talking!
Numbers are the absolute true statement of reality but they can lie about what's going on.
I am proud to be a Mexican-American. But it also sucks monkey ass! So what I have white features and live ten minutes from the beach - it doesn't matter when it comes when reliazing the state of our fellow brothers and sisters. We have become MARGINALIZE among ourselves. We have become BLINDED! We don't want to listen anymore. We have become SELFISH!
My favorite philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, pretty much once wrote that '...what we do of ourselves is what society becomes....' If I'm a thief, then society will become a bunch of thieves. But if I'm a hero, then society will becomes a bunch of heroes. I want to believe this - I want to be a hero. But then again, I'm fu-king poor!!!
<strong>All I'm saying is that we, Lations, will become a majority when our wallets can do the talking! </strong><hr></blockquote>
Don't worry, he knows that. He's just trying to antagonize you.
Don't worry, he knows that. He's just trying to antagonize you.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I didn't ment any disrespect but I hate people like you. You cannot see the reality of been hispanic - more of us will make things worst in the future. Without money, better education, community investment, and empowerment, I see a lot of problems for my fellow Latinos.
Who is the majority in America - it's not Whites! It is those few people who have the money (yes, most rich, if not all, are Whites but don't forget that more Whites live in poverty than Latinos or Blacks (around 40M)). All I'm saying is that we, Lations, will become a majority when our wallets can do the talking!
Numbers are the absolute true statement of reality but they can lie about what's going on.
I am proud to be a Mexican-American. But it also sucks monkey ass! So what I have white features and live ten minutes from the beach - it doesn't matter when it comes when reliazing the state of our fellow brothers and sisters. We have become MARGINALIZE among ourselves. We have become BLINDED! We don't want to listen anymore. We have become SELFISH!
My favorite philosopher, Jean-Paul Sartre, pretty much once wrote that '...what we do of ourselves is what society becomes....' If I'm a thief, then society will become a bunch of thieves. But if I'm a hero, then society will becomes a bunch of heroes. I want to believe this - I want to be a hero. But then again, I'm fu-king poor!!!</strong><hr></blockquote>
By the way, you should respect your elders, and your alumni. (CSUDH)
Oh and I suppose you would like me if I said that having more of you (latinos/hispanics) was going to make things worse. Talk about a no-win double standard!
How is it that I cannot see the reality of being hispanic? Also Latinos already have wallets that are talking and will do even more so in the future. Perhaps a generation ago they were the dishwasher, now they own the restaurant, and in the future a chain. This could be said for trucking, construction and other fields.
As for what you do of yourself and what society will be come... what if what you do of yourself is self-pity, self-doubt, and envy? What will your future hold?
I will tell you a little story about myself and when I lived in the LBC(Pine Ave and PCH specifically). (And amazingly enough attended CSUDH) It was 1995 and I desperately wanted to own some property. I had dreamed of owning a house or property since I was young.
I found an ad of a condo for sale the part of Long Beach near where I lived. The owner wanted out and would let me assume the loan so that he could clear up enough of his debt ratio to afford the much larger and expensive house he wanted.
I got the property for next to nothing and I was in bliss. Finally a home owner!
I thought I had gotten a fantastic deal. This condo I picked up for $80k and originally they were 89k. However it turns out the market in So Cal was in serious decline for a few years prior to that and while I hoped I caught this at the bottom of the curve it was not to be so.
Soon many other owners got tired of waiting and simply walked away. Soon my 80k condo was sitting in a building full of 45-50k repos.
Nothing like being 26 and living in a condo flipped to the tune of 35k huh?
However believe it or not, I was not a stranger to failure. In fact I had encountered it quite a few times before this. There were plenty of times where to put it bluntly I stunk it up and got handed my head. This was indeed the same type of scenario.
I decided to start reading everything I could on real estate. I was determined to insure my mistake would not be repeated.
3 years later, I decided to purchase a house that I would raise my family in with my wife. The condo prices had recovered to somewhere around 70k. As I owed about 80k on it at that time I had a problem.
On a Tuesday I bought a book called Landlording and within a month I was a landlord.
The property had been refinanced and now after the rent I was only losing about $50 a month on it. However it got me into the next house I wanted, and it kept me out of foreclosure.
As I mentioned I had read a few books on real estate and the second property was a real phenominal deal. I probably picked it up for for 20-30k less than it should have been priced.
As a landlord, things were not so good. My property was negative $50 a month. I had a tenant I hadn't properly screened and when he left, he did about $2500 worth of damage. Several books on household repair and about a weeks worth of labor got it back into shape.(Along with about $1500 out of my pocket)
Needless to say you would think the last thing I would do is....go into landlording more deeply.
Of course buying property requires...money... I found a multi-unit building that was horribly run down. It had been on the market for 10 months and hadn't had a single offer on it. All I would need to afford it is..... risk all the equity in my house....
No big deal right? I mean it is only where my wife and two children live. This looks even better when you consider the risk in conjunction with my previous landlording "success." I mean after my last rent increase the condo was now only negative $32 a month.
The renovations took over month and $10,000 of my own money. Somehow I had become amazingly handy.(lots of repairs will do that) I hauled over 10 tons of garbage away from that place. After it was repaired and re-rented it was clearing $1400 a month and was appraised at $275k and I had bought it at $150k.
Amazinly enough, everyone I know says they would have done what I did if there was a another building just like the one I had found. (You know the one with no offers on it for 10 months)
That condo... I finally sold it.... for $109k. Of course I only had to own it for 7 years to get that price, but hey I fixed the mistake instead of pointing a finger or walking away from it. The proceeds purchased a 3 bedroom house that I also rent out.
The point? I guess it is that what you look for you find. When my condo was flipped 35k, all I could think of is how screwed up everything was for me. It never occured to me that if I could rent it, why couldn't I buy and rent the 4-5 repo's that were half the price? I simply couldn't see them because my own attitude tuned out the possibility of success with them to me.
I own over 600k of property and do you know what it costs me per month? Nothing, in fact I get paid to own it.
I am now looking at a seven unit apartment building. It has been on the market a year. It has had two offers but when people look inside it, they don't want it because the paint is bad. The flooring is terrible. However the roof is good, the foundation is sound, the walls are intact. No one will look at it, however I will. When I am done, I have no doubt it will be another situation where people will swear they would have done what I did.
You mean you would have bought a flipped condo?
You mean you whould have rented it to a lowlife and let that mistake end up taking time and money away from your own children?
You mean you would have risked your own home to buy a building NO ONE would even make an offer on and that required 4 trips with a full size dump truck just to remove the trash from 4 apartment units?
As you mentioned there are at least as many poor "whites" per capita as there are other racial groups. The difference is risk. If you risk nothing, you gain nothing. If you think it gets easier after a while it doesn't.
Do you honestly think it is easier to take a risk when you have nothing or when you are risking 600k of real estate in a deal? Sure if things work out the way I want it will become 1.1 million of real estate but it could also become...nothing.
People who are afraid avoid risk. They work a safe job and make safe contributions to their safe 401k. They pray that their safe investments yield a safe return. They never experience failure and they never learn from it.
Heck since this is an Apple forum look at the failure there. Lisa, Apple III, OpenDoc, Copland, Cube, etc.
It doesn't have anything to do with race or culture. If I thought it did I certainly wouldn't be buying more property here. I would be packing up and moving away. However I know, work with, and teach the children of latinos who do take risks. They do own businesses, and they will be successful.
[ 02-08-2003: Message edited by: trumptman ]</p>