Apple may make more profit selling one Mac than HP does from 7 PCs



  • Reply 21 of 190
    ... and you have to pay a big stinking fee to Microsoft every time you need to upgrade Windows. Not nearly so expensive with MacOSX. Not to mention the outrageous costs for upgrading mainline programs such as Office on Windows.

    To me, I will gladly plunk down some extra money --it's not that much when you look at the overall costs. In fact to me it is a much better bargain, not to mention a much more friendly and intuitive environment. Plus I know I am fueling Apple's R&D for more and better stuff all the time.
  • Reply 22 of 190
    Originally Posted by ClemyNX View Post

    This only shows how Apple makes their products too expensive.

    Which is why some people don't buy. It's also why Apple's doing so well as a profitable business. Every product is 'too expensive' for some, and 'just right' for others. It's a pretty basic business decision of optimizing the price point to maximize profits between the 'too expensives' and the 'just rights'. Doing otherwise would make little business sense.

    It helps to imagine what you would do if you were the owner of a business and wanted to be financially successful. Once the optimal price point is found, the business' job is then to find ways to do things like cut costs, make new or better products (innovate), etc.

  • Reply 23 of 190
    Originally Posted by delreyjones View Post

    It's very simple: Apple sells Macs at the "price the market will bear". They're not too expensive for me so I buy them and I don't bitch about how I consider HP's products to be shoddy. If Macs are too expensive for you, buy something else and be happy about it! There's nobody forcing you to spend your hard-earned money on Macs, right?

    ah - beat me to it!
  • Reply 24 of 190
    Originally Posted by winstein2010 View Post

    HP is giving away computers so it can get its profit from selling services, accessories, software, and inks and toners.

    If that's HP's brilliant "strategy" in the PC market, they'd better hope Apple doesn't get into the "accessories, software, inks and toners" business. Because if they do, HP is pretty much toast outside of the corporate infrastructure sector, where they face heavy competition from IBM and Oracle.
  • Reply 25 of 190
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by Journojulz View Post

    What profit margin does MS make on the OS?

    We don't know exactly because MS don't break out margins from OS as separate from applications, but their gross margin is about 65%.
  • Reply 26 of 190
    That "blog post" was written by a 15 year old.

    It compares Apple to a single Windows PC vendor. Compare it to all of them and see if volume ends up making more money?

    Writing a blog post off of another blog post written by a 15 year old makes the "AI staff" look like a collection of Morons.
  • Reply 27 of 190
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    How can you ever hope to get through to them.

    Because not trying at all is a failure on my part. Trying but failing to get through to them is a failure on THEIR part.

    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    That "blog post" was written by a 15 year old.

    It compares Apple to a single Windows PC vendor. Compare it to all of them and see if volume ends up making more money?

    I'm not surprised you didn't hear the WHOOSH of this article going over your head; set to appropriate scale, it's flying up around Jupiter's Trojan asteroids.
  • Reply 28 of 190
    cloudgazercloudgazer Posts: 2,161member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    It compares Apple to a single Windows PC vendor.

    HP is the biggest PC vendor in the US - with 30% of the market. So if Apple is making more money than HP in the computer business then yes, that's pretty significant.

    We can expect Apple to be doing even better in 2011 since it has outgrown the industry in each quarter since 2009, and the Air has most likely resulted in an increase in margins.
  • Reply 29 of 190
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by shovelheadrider72 View Post

    What about the operating systems? I am sure that HP is having to pay for Windows where as Apple is including the operating system for free.


    Apple's R&D expenses (which would include the cost to develop OS X) are deducted from the gross margin before you get net income. R&D is a line item in their quarterly SEC filings.
  • Reply 30 of 190
    6.66% - The profit margin of the beast ?
  • Reply 31 of 190
    ozonerozoner Posts: 9member
    Huh? Apple is including their OS as part of the cost of the computer, and they don't get that OS for free - they are paying millions and millions in R&D costs to continue developing MacOS every year.

    Originally Posted by shovelheadrider72 View Post

    What about the operating systems? I am sure that HP is having to pay for Windows where as Apple is including the operating system for free.

  • Reply 32 of 190
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    That "blog post" was written by a 15 year old.

    It compares Apple to a single Windows PC vendor. Compare it to all of them and see if volume ends up making more money?

    Writing a blog post off of another blog post written by a 15 year old makes the "AI staff" look like a collection of Morons.

  • Reply 33 of 190
    cashawwcashaww Posts: 28member
    Fair is what the market will support. I have Macs that are 10yrs old and still running without an issue. I have sold Macs that are 10yrs old and they have no issues. The only reason I updated to intel was due to my business, and most of the apps I use will now run only on Intel. As long as I continue to receive this type of performance from Mac, I will continue to purchase.

    In real dollars for me, Macs have gotten cheaper. I used to have run a Dual G5 for my business, now, because of the new iMacs, are all I need. This has easily saved me 1k on just one computer. The G5 at this time is functioning as a media server, but can handle so much more.

    It is my experience that pound for pound, dollar for dollar, Macs are more than fair value.
  • Reply 34 of 190
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    Originally Posted by bettieblue View Post

    That "blog post" was written by a 15 year old.

    It compares Apple to a single Windows PC vendor. Compare it to all of them and see if volume ends up making more money?

    Writing a blog post off of another blog post written by a 15 year old makes the "AI staff" look like a collection of Morons.

    If you read and comprehended the article, you would understand the folly of your post. HP is likely the next most profitable PC maker, add in Dell and Acer and the ratio would go up...
  • Reply 35 of 190
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by Setanta View Post

    6.66% - The profit margin of the beast ?

    Retail Price "of the Beast".
  • Reply 36 of 190
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Please don't try to reason with these people. They have absolutely no concept of supply and demand. They will never understand the math that says that Apple has doubled its market share over the last 10 years and continues to sell more computers on a percentage basis than a) the industry average and b) any other computer manufacturer.

    The people you are arguing with have no concept of running a business. They prove over and over again that they would rather work twice as many hours for the same amount of money as what another person receives for offering a superior service.

    How can you ever hope to get through to them.


    A certain percentage of readers here have zero understanding of the fundamentals of running a business, and will conveniently suspend the laws of physics in order to promote something they wish.

    They don't understand that it's the overall marketplace that Apple looks at and how to address it, not just their individual usage case which is statistically irrelevant.
  • Reply 37 of 190
    mac voyermac voyer Posts: 1,295member
    There is an obvious solution to HP's problem. All they have to do is raise their prices. Certainly, all of their loyal customers, (clients) will be happy to pay Apple prices for those fine HP products.
  • Reply 38 of 190
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Retail Price "of the Beast".

    That logo tells me that making computers wasn't the only thing that the two Steves were doing in that garage ...
  • Reply 39 of 190
    Apple tax? I'm pretty sure Microsoft makes more selling each copy of Windows than Apple does with their OS. C'mon.
  • Reply 40 of 190
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    That logo tells me that making computers wasn't the only thing that the two Steves were doing in that garage ...

    ...They were doing apple cider? Because that's Newton under a tree...
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