Apple's new Thunderbolt cable sports internal firmware, chips



  • Reply 41 of 42
    "the unprecedented speed of the new Thunderbolt technology places unique demands on the physical transmission media."

    Tricks like this to deceive the consumer into thinking these speeds are new irks me slightly. Other than that, as always, new tech quickly depreciates in value. But in this case it won't be because of superior tech, but because your average Joe home user will stick to USB.

    2 hours to backup 100 GB to an external drive? You can still use the computer. Or go outside and play soccer.

    This tech will be used by professionals only, but that is because its a professional piece of tech. Firmware in the cable? Internet meme ahead!

    Stay sweet!

    P.S. Long live the USB!
  • Reply 42 of 42
    robrerobre Posts: 56member
    Originally Posted by jb510 View Post

    Why is this surprising people? I thought Apple said that these copper cables would eventually be replaced by fiber cables using the same connector because the transceivers would be in the cable...

    So presumably I could buy a 30m 'optical' thunderbolt cable someday and plug it into the same connector as used by the 2m copper cable.

    I wished iFixit would have gone a step further and cut the cables. Are the wires really all copper? The components to the left of the Gennum chip look somehow familiar - like the interface to fiberoptic cables. Though we have to wait until iFixit "goes the extra mile" and cut the thing.
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