HP outlines "difficult but necessary" decisions spurred by success of iPad



  • Reply 61 of 82
    Originally Posted by coolfactor View Post

    They should make webOS open-source... that would be the secret.

    I think that would be a great idea. I've not touched it myself, but I've heard many good things about it.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Just watch. GOOG-MMI will be a replay (in slow motion).

    How do you figure when Android is outselling iOS (and continuing its climb)? Motorola used to be the king of mobile; yeah okay so that was back in the analog days, but perhaps mated to a decent mobile platform they could do well. I'm betting they have better luck than the efforts of Nokia and Microsoft.
  • Reply 62 of 82
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    Originally Posted by djames4242 View Post

    How do you figure when Android is outselling iOS...

    Since you put it that way, no, since iOS consists of the iPhone, the iPod Touch, and the iPad. Last time I looked, there were still more iOS devices out there than Android devices.
  • Reply 63 of 82
    ahmlcoahmlco Posts: 432member
    Okay, here's another thing: People, including business people, are buying iPads.

    They're carrying around iPhones and iPads stuffed to the gills with ebooks, textbooks, manuals, and reams of PDF documents. They're walking around with constant 3G access to the Internet and to corporate intranets. There have apps specifically designed for accessing corporate dashboards and information systems (Roambi). There are Wyse and Citrix apps.

    So -- it may just be me -- but does it strike ANYONE as it being a particularly good time to concentrate on PRINTERS???
  • Reply 64 of 82
    Originally Posted by poke View Post

    They said competition from tablets, which means Apple and the iPad. You think they were talking about competition from the Galaxy Tab?

    Maybe the moto Xoom?
  • Reply 65 of 82
    Originally Posted by djames4242 View Post

    I think that would be a great idea. I've not touched it myself, but I've heard many good things about it.

    How do you figure when Android is outselling iOS (and continuing its climb)? Motorola used to be the king of mobile; yeah okay so that was back in the analog days, but perhaps mated to a decent mobile platform they could do well. I'm betting they have better luck than the efforts of Nokia and Microsoft.

    Outselling implies that that it's been sold as for money. They give the thing for free, often with the subsidized headset. Probably the reason Google bought moto.

    I was flying with this young lady the other day who was a Mac user had an iPad and an android phone..... So I asked her, how come not an iPhone? She said, I wish, but money is tight and thought the iPad would be a better place to spend it. She said the android phone was free, and it does the job. Maybe when iPhone 5 comes out I can save enough to get it she said.... She was quite young.

    Much of this "outselling" has to do with the economy rather than people's preference.
  • Reply 66 of 82
    Originally Posted by AppleLover2 View Post

    I try to give credit where it is due, and I get insulted. Seemingly, no good deed goes unpunished.

    Ah, you were complimenting DED? Seriously?

    I thought, based on your posts in the prior HP story, that you were being sarcastic.

    If it was the former, please accept my apologies.
  • Reply 67 of 82
    Originally Posted by djames4242 View Post

    How do you figure when Android is outselling iOS (and continuing its climb)? Motorola used to be the king of mobile; yeah okay so that was back in the analog days, but perhaps mated to a decent mobile platform they could do well. I'm betting they have better luck than the efforts of Nokia and Microsoft.

    My point has nothing to do with Android and possible synergies (although I doubt the synergies will happen).

    MMI is a small ($12.5B), low-margin (heck, negative margin), slow-moving, old business in a large (~$180B) very high-margin (~30%), fast-moving, new company. Reality will bite soon enough.
  • Reply 68 of 82
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    Originally Posted by OccamsAftershave View Post

    Meanwhile, in the real world...

    HP CEO Mark Hurd bought Palm in April 2010 and was pushed out for it by the board amidst controversy. Apotheker, who had run SAP AG, was named HP's CEO and President September 2010. It was basically his job to can webOS if&when it failed, after the big $$ had already been spent by Hurd. HP will additionally lose relatively little on the subsequent actions, after unsold selloff, etc.

    But yeah. What an effin' moron Lucille Ball was, invading Russia in 1812.

    Touche. But my essential point is still valid, because I never said buying palm was a mistake, buying palm and then failing subsequently to make use of some of its very valuable intellectual property, THAT was the mistake, and that was Apotheke's mistake. Give 300 people from here palm and hp's clout, and I am sure we could have come up with a much better niche product, if not to compete with the ipad, then to at least find some respectable growth opportunities. Buying palm was NOT a mistake to me, doing f. all with it and just trying to piggyback apple's model (that works only for apple), because of corporate shortsightedness and just plain imbecility though was. There's nothing creative in putting together inferior hardware sticking webos on top and rushing it to market after paying off a few pundits to say a modicum of good things about the device, this any idiot can do (and did, and failed).
  • Reply 69 of 82
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Ah, you were complimenting DED? Seriously?

    I thought, based on your posts in the prior HP story, that you were being sarcastic.

    If it was the former, please accept my apologies.

    Accepted. My methods include lambasting where it is due and giving credit where it is due.

    In this article, I saw little to no editorializing, and little to no statements of supposition as facts. DED has a lot of knowledge, but too often, his attitude is the main focus of his stories. I was impressed that he followed up his former crap piece, very quickly, with a real news story. I figured that if I complimented it, he might be encouraged and keep it up. He writes well, and he knows a lot, and he could be a good journalist.

    I don't see the world in black and white. I like to have strong opinions, combined with an open mind, always looking for evidence for or against my current position. And I love it when I am just plain wrong - that's how new stuff gets learned. My goal is to know everything about everything before I die, but in the meantime, learning new stuff and adjusting my opinions is my greatest joy.
  • Reply 70 of 82
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    Okay, here's another thing: People, including business people, are buying iPads.

    They're carrying around iPhones and iPads stuffed to the gills with ebooks, textbooks, manuals, and reams of PDF documents. They're walking around with constant 3G access to the Internet and to corporate intranets. There have apps specifically designed for accessing corporate dashboards and information systems (Roambi). There are Wyse and Citrix apps.

    So -- it may just be me -- but does it strike ANYONE as it being a particularly good time to concentrate on PRINTERS???

    Great point. Not only is HP NOT selling tablets they will be concentrating on printers.
  • Reply 71 of 82
    myapplelovemyapplelove Posts: 1,515member
    I like Dan's attitude a lot, it give character to what he writes, he's also very prolific so, to me, he's allowed an occasional mediocre article too, just my 2 cs of course.
  • Reply 72 of 82
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    So Apple essentially killed HP.

    We're not talking Acer-style "negative profit outlook" here, or whatever the f euphemism they use for "we suck."

    We're talking full-on destruction of HPs business to the point where the entire operation needs to be reorganized, and a major part of it possibly auctioned off to like, Chinese interests or something.


    Nah, HP killed HP by locking themselves in a shed of kindling and firewood. Apple just happened to pass by and flick a few sparks in their direction.
  • Reply 73 of 82
    kibitzerkibitzer Posts: 1,114member
    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    So -- it may just be me -- but does it strike ANYONE as it being a particularly good time to concentrate on PRINTERS???

    My thought, too. Printers? You mean those boxy jobs that sit on Walmart shelves and sell for 50 bucks? Who prints stuff anymore?
  • Reply 74 of 82
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by ahmlco View Post

    So -- it may just be me -- but does it strike ANYONE as it being a particularly good time to concentrate on PRINTERS???

    Printers are like DVDs ... for people that have yet to discover the internet.
  • Reply 75 of 82
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,822member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Nah, HP killed HP by locking themselves in a shed of kindling and firewood. Apple just happened to pass by and flick a few sparks in their direction.

    In other news ... Dell invests in new sprinkler system ...
  • Reply 76 of 82
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Nah, HP killed HP by locking themselves in a shed of kindling and firewood. Apple just happened to pass by and flick a few sparks in their direction.

    Very well put.
  • Reply 77 of 82
    I never owned an HP calculator. They have these things now called the Internet. If I need computation done, I just posit my query to the Mechanical Turk and it magically returns the answer. Whatever did we do before the Mechanical Turk? Probably an HP calculator.

    No, I weep not for HP's PC manufacturing business. Their PCs were nothing special. Just another box running Windows.
  • Reply 78 of 82
    tenobelltenobell Posts: 7,014member
    They didn't directly but here is what was said. We know what they meant.

    "The tablet effect is real, and sales of the TouchPad are not meeting our expectations," Apotheker says, explaining the movement of consumers from PCs to tablets as one of the problems with the PC division. So H-P is exploring options for its unit that "may include separation through spinoff or other transactions."

    Originally Posted by Mazda 3s View Post

    I'm confused. Where in this article (or the conference call notes) does HP CEO even talk at all about Apple, let alone the iPad?

    This seems like a case of the title already being written, and formulating an article to fit that title.

  • Reply 79 of 82
    Originally Posted by myapplelove View Post

    But my essential point is still valid, because I never said buying palm was a mistake, buying palm and then failing subsequently to make use of some of its very valuable intellectual property, THAT was the mistake, and that was Apotheke's mistake.

    Any reader of your post would say your essential point was Apotheker was a "effing' moron" and "idiot" for buying Palm without a plan.

    BTW Palm cost Hurd $1.2 billion. Under Apthkr, HP's now known to be additionally writing-off $0.1 billion for the hardware. That is the only financial gamble A is responsible for.


    Buying palm was NOT a mistake to me, doing f. all with it and just trying to piggyback apple's model (that works only for apple), because of corporate shortsightedness and just plain imbecility though was. There's nothing creative in putting together inferior hardware sticking webos on top and rushing it to market.

    Let's say HP had made a great SDK, fixed all TP's little glitches, made it light as the iPad, same bat life, etc.

    At the cost, including opportunity cost of the additional delay, of much more than $0.1 bill. Much more.

    Keep the same niche. It still would not have succeeded against the iPad.

    The iPad is a fascinating toy for those with the money. A useful toy, but still a toy.

    All much cheaper toys are necessarily crap.

    For those w/$$ ±$100 is irrelevant, and they want the coolest functional toy, for about the same price --- and that is Apple's.

    So unless HP could find a magic alternate, non-Apple competing, pad niche....


    Give 300 people from here palm and hp's clout, and I am sure we could have come up with a much better niche product, if not to compete with the ipad, then to at least find some respectable growth opportunities.

    Go ahead. What alternate would you suggest? To recover $1.2 billion plus additional investment and margins.

    That's very easy to say, and very hard to support.
  • Reply 80 of 82
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by OccamsAftershave View Post

    The iPad is a fascinating toy for those with the money. A useful toy, but still a toy...

    Perhaps this kind of thinking is why there are no successful iPad competitors yet.
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