NFL's Buccaneers equip every player with an Apple iPad 2



  • Reply 21 of 27
    Originally Posted by CGJ View Post

    So now they've paid out for all these iPads with Tampa Bay, should we be expecting the Glazer family (owners of TBB) to do the same with Manchester United?

    the only thing Man U needs to do is lose to Arsenal this sunday....Rooney go back to Everton! they need you! lol
  • Reply 22 of 27
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,387member
    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    They're considered team equipment/property, should the players also buy their own helmets, cleats, pay for travel to games? Your comment makes no sense. Don't be jealous others make a lot more money than you.

    Most rookies don't make millions, they make around the minimum of $500k. A lot of money yes, but as in any place of work there are those who do just enough to get by and those who work over-time even if not needed.

    Get your Tampa people to attend games and they won't be blacked out, it's not the teams fault people don't attend the games. They were 10-6 last season, a good young team and people still stay home. Same here in the Bay Area for the Raiders.

    Suppose it wouldn't have had anything to do with the cheapest stadium tickets last season being $100 for a single game. And those were awful seats, hard to get to, far removed from the field.
  • Reply 23 of 27
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    You know, this stuff if coming pretty fast and furious. If an Android or Win8 tablet can't make some headway in the next year, it's starting to look like the world will have standardized on the iPad. Which is to say iOS, with all that means for the platform.

    The NFL is adopting the iPad as the defacto device for all it's operations. I'm calling it now. When that happens, third parties that work with the NFL will be encouraged to do so, as well.
  • Reply 24 of 27
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,387member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    The NFL is adopting the iPad as the defacto device for all it's operations. I'm calling it now. When that happens, third parties that work with the NFL will be encouraged to do so, as well.

    No need to encourage them. It's the first tablet anyone thinks of if that's the form-factor they think might work for the intended purpose. Apple's done everything right.

    They built the product on the same general platform as their already highly successful iPod/iPhone. Supported it with an amazingly effective media campaign. Made sure it maintained the same cool-factor as Apple's other products. It's going to take an extended effort by someone else to break Apple's stranglehold on the tablet market. They've learned from some minor marketing missteps with the iPhone and don't look like they'll make the same mistakes again if they're avoidable. I don't see serious competition for at least another year or two.
  • Reply 25 of 27
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    That is exactly right. In fact, it might already be too late. The iPad has a huge lead here.

    And I think these highly specialized usage models indicate that Apple's vision of the iPad as "post PC" is the correct one.

    When people talk about Microsoft needing to hurry up and get into the tablet business, they forget that Microsoft has been in the tablet business for a decade. It's just that nobody bought into Microsoft's view of the tablet as a PC, whereas people bought into Apple's vision starting day 1.

    And when people talk about Windows 8 as Microsoft's "true" tablet OS, they forget that Windows 7 was described that way when the iPad came out. No doubt in 2013 we'll be hearing how Windows 9 is just around the corner, and it will really take share from the iPad, blah blah blah.

    Yeah, the special purpose deployments remind me of what struck me about the iPad at release- that it was a chimera, a blank slate designed to become whatever app it's running.

    When people talk about "true multi-tasking" and argue about whether or not it's really a PC I think it really misses the point. The iPad is anything you want it to be. It's a TV, it's a musical instrument, it's a flight manual, it's a book, it's a drawing pad, it's a map, it's a presentation device, it's a color mixer, it's a calendar, it's a window on the web, it's a game, it's a video editor.

    And I don't mean it can run apps to do those things, I mean it literally becomes those things-- a device that is completely featureless except for the graphics on the screen that create the control surfaces for the task at hand.

    That was the real vision of the iPad, i believe. An endlessly morphing blank. That's why there's nothing there but a screen, enough bezel to hold it without triggering a touch event and the home button. That's why competitors that think adding shit makes their tablet "better" are clueless and always will be. That's why we're going to miss Jobs so much-- he knew what it needed to be, and it needed to be less.
  • Reply 26 of 27
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by CGJ View Post

    So now they've paid out for all these iPads with Tampa Bay, should we be expecting the Glazer family (owners of TBB) to do the same with Manchester United?

    Soccer has less reliance on a "playbook" but more on making sure a player plays in the right position and has basic instructions. That said, I'm sure iPads will sooner or later turn up in all manner of sports.

    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    the only thing Man U needs to do is lose to Arsenal this sunday....Rooney go back to Everton! they need you! lol

    Arsenal is Doomed™ (and I say that as a neutral)
  • Reply 27 of 27
    spacekidspacekid Posts: 184member
    Originally Posted by Mister Snitch View Post

    With the Bucs doing it, you can be sure every single NFL team will follow suit by season's end.

    But the Patriots will try to hack into the other team's iPads.
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