Inside iOS 5: AirPlay Mirroring will be its "most exciting feature"



  • Reply 41 of 42
    Originally Posted by tenly View Post

    When are we going to see 2-way airplay? Or the AppleTV software running on an iPad?

    I love my Apple TV, but sometimes I'd like to watch it in a different room that doesn't have a TV in it - such as the bedroom or bathroom - or even outside on the deck.

    For that reason, it would be super convenient if I could stream whatever is currently playing on my AppleTV to my iPhone or iPad. It would also be nice to have an iPad App which replicates the AppleTV interface in its entirety. Since they both run iOS, shouldn't this be relatively easy to do.

    As much as it might have sounded like it made, sense, I have a hard time understanding why you would do what you're saying, other than possible "tuning in" on what other people are doing or watching on the Apple TV.

    iOS on mobile devices runs pretty much any and everything the Apple TV has already. For the sake of content, there is pretty much no reason to complicate it further.

    There's something a little nebulous going on with video rentals on Apple TV vs through iTunes or on an iOS device. But for the most part, it's always infinitely better to get content on your mobile device and stream to the Apple TV.

    ~ CB
  • Reply 42 of 42
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    This is cool. I have an iPad 2.

    Although Android was on this years ago with DLNA etc. It's hilarious and ironic how long it is taking Apple to catch up to Android from 2009 but hey better late than never, now that I have an iPad 2!

    edit: oh wait. Only if you have an Apple TV. Well that's great for AAPL. But again, kind of pathetic compared to the Android powerhouse. C'mon GOOG I hope you have a tasty ice cream sandwich waiting to get Apple to work with the rest of the industry better. I mean jeez Apple TV margins can't be that good? If they added DLNA to iPad it'd sell more iPads than this will Apple TVs I bet. Then again I could be wrong...either way it's a good move for Apple and a nice feature, it will surely sell more Apple TVs! Just not to me. My parents have an Apple TV and I was quite disappointed with its lack of usefulness and poor interface.
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