Samsung said to be plotting legal action against Apple's iPhone 5 in Europe



  • Reply 21 of 37
    wovelwovel Posts: 956member
    That is silly, it would cost them more in profits than simply leaving the phone and tablet market.
  • Reply 22 of 37
    Fast forward to two months from now. iPhone 5 and iPhone 4S have both been released, gotten rave reviews, and are on the way to setting new sales and profit records for Apple in the September quarter.

    Samsung's nuisance suits have been thrown out of courts around the world, and they're still not able to sell the Galaxy Tab in Germany. And Apple will use that legal precedent around the world.

    What to do, what to do? Aha! Samsung can file a suit to block all sales of all Apple products in North Korea. Hey, nukes shmukes, we're all one happy Korean family, right? What's a few thousand artillery rounds between friends?
  • Reply 23 of 37
    ... it's fair IF Apple is using Samsung's IP without licence to. If Apple is using Samsung technologies unfairly then Apple should expect Samsung to react as Apple have taken legal action against Samsung for their copycat phones and tablets, which is hurting Samsung. (and rightly so IMO)

    I'm the last person to want Apple to get sued or for their products to be taken from any marketplace but they had to expect Samsung would bite back with anything it can. Apple can't have it's cake and eat it.

    I just hope that the judge deems Apple is using Samsung's technologies appropriately, likewise I wonder if Samsung will sue every phone manufacturer that's infringing on it's patents, otherwise they are being very petty toward Apple indeed.
  • Reply 24 of 37
    thomprthompr Posts: 1,521member
    Originally Posted by hewsthat View Post

    the only thing apple has remotely said of the iphone 5 is it's name.

    And as far as I know, Apple hasn't even uttered a name.

  • Reply 25 of 37
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Fair enough.

    You guys know that this is another payola funded plant by the shysters to give cover for the market makers to take down apple PPS.


    Anyway, I hope they get to ban the iphone5. Wewill then see the mother of all black markets. The Bosporus will be very busy transporting those iPhones. I wonder if a new trade route will open up mimicking the silk trade of old.
  • Reply 26 of 37
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,857member
    Latest news ...

    Samsung going into the Rolex Watch and Prada bag knock off business too.
  • Reply 27 of 37
    In a few years after Apple has moved billions worth of business to another company, I wonder if Samsung will look back and wish they had taken a different path.
  • Reply 28 of 37
    This is really as pathetic as the Psystar thing. I wonder if Samsung realizes this can have a negative effect on their image. And they bite the hand that feeds them...unless they already knew Apple was leaving them for other components companies.
  • Reply 29 of 37
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Who says it has to be something new. They claim patent violations in the iPhone 4. All they need is to see that the same whatever is going to be in the iPhone 5

    No one. But why would they wait till this late in the game and not stop the iPhone 4 and lose money they could be making by taking away the iPhone? Unless like I had speculated they wanted to have Apple end up with a lot of inventory in iPhone 5's that they could not unload (if they were able to stop the sale of iPhone 5's).
  • Reply 30 of 37
    hjbhjb Posts: 278member
    All these started by Apple. Remember that without Samsung Apple could not possibly have successed in mobile devices as it is now. Calling this Sammy 'copycat', 'slashly' or 'blantantly copied' publically was wrong and suing this Sammy on these was wrong, as they were biting hands who feed Apple and 'Copy' was exactly what Apple has been doing, imo.

    I am not surprised Samsung's all these counter suits against Apple. They have no choice as they feel that they were wrongly accused. I dont think they are using this law suits or possible law suits just to bring Apple to negotiating table. I feel that they were really pissed off and are going to ban Apple by whatever patents they hold or, if not successful in law suits, by bring superior products to the world.
  • Reply 31 of 37
    Most Asian companies are copycats, plain and simple. While Asians are a smart people, in general, they are not very inventive. Asian culture favors studying, getting good grades, and not thinking particularly outside of the box. They are very good at copying the inventions of others, but they're not particularly successful at innovating themselves. I think this stems from the more studious culture that rewards capitulation over creativity. I wish Apple the best here.
  • Reply 32 of 37
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    I bet the division of Samsung that makes parts for Apple really hates the division of Samsung that copies Apple's intellectual property. It's going to ultimately lead to Samsung's #1 customer going elsewhere for parts.
  • Reply 33 of 37
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Originally Posted by GotWake View Post

    In a few years after Apple has moved billions worth of business to another company, I wonder if Samsung will look back and wish they had taken a different path.

    Samsung now wants to dig for gold even though history has shown that it is often more profitable to sell shovels. I'm guessing that losing Apple as their #1 "shovel" customer will be a huge mistake.
  • Reply 34 of 37
    "The best defense is offense"? Not in this case, unfortunately. As someone said even if iPhone5 is banned in South Korea the grey market will fill the gaps, no big loss to Apple anyway.

    As for Europe, sure, European courts will give Samsung a fair go at presenting their case of alleged patent violations but an injunction? Very unlikely, from my layperson legal armchair.
  • Reply 35 of 37
    Originally Posted by AZREOSpecialist View Post

    Most Asian companies are copycats, plain and simple. While Asians are a smart people, in general, they are not very inventive. Asian culture favors studying, getting good grades, and not thinking particularly outside of the box. They are very good at copying the inventions of others, but they're not particularly successful at innovating themselves. I think this stems from the more studious culture that rewards capitulation over creativity. I wish Apple the best here.

    In addition, most racistist have little idea they are being racistist. They think they can generalize what a large group of people are like based on some observed or commonly held stereotype and believe there is nothing wrong with that...
  • Reply 36 of 37
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    In addition, most racistist have little idea they are being racistist. They think they can generalize what a large group of people are like based on some observed or commonly held stereotype and believe there is nothing wrong with that...

    The remark you referring to clearly mentions a cultural difference and thats per definition no racism.

  • Reply 37 of 37
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Bageljoey View Post

    In addition, most racistist have little idea they are being racistist. They think they can generalize what a large group of people are like based on some observed or commonly held stereotype and believe there is nothing wrong with that...

    Calm down a bit. I'm an Asian and I think he's right on the money. In fact I would guess he's an Asian himself.
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