Adobe promises 'console quality' games on iPhone, iPad with cross-platform AIR 3



  • Reply 21 of 50
    Originally Posted by DougMcNerd View Post

    Things have been headed downhill for Adobe since they started transitioning from a Software Development company to a Sales/Marketing company. I don't think they realize they still need to be good at BOTH ... not just Sales/Marketing.

  • Reply 22 of 50
    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    Actually it's entirely possible that there is some poorly coded flash out there that does that. Just b/c you never run into that specific software doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Usually the people who make these claims do fail to mention what they are running in Flash that is producing this CPU time, so that certainly makes it hard to reproduce. Sorry, I test software, so I think about things like this

    That's what I've said since this whole stupid anti-flash movement began. You can create poorly written code in any language. Flash doesn't prevent stupid code, but it can never be said that it has no merits and can't run quickly and efficiently
  • Reply 23 of 50
    I'm all for technological cross format advances, but since I stopped playing video games 25 years ago the thrill of such things just doesn't move me the same.
  • Reply 24 of 50
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by dr_lha View Post

    Meanwhile, Machinarium, a lovely but decidedly 2D game based on AIR requires an iPad 2 to even run. Adobe, their software is always *going* to be awesome.

    but even that isn't an entirely smooth transition from the desktop app to the iPad.
  • Reply 25 of 50
    Wow it seems I have struck a lot of nerves here. I have altered my original comment (which were meant to be slightly humorous by the way) so please direct your flames at someone else.

    It's fairly obvious that the main thing standing between having Flash support (as an optional download) and iOS is Steve's massive ego. So here's hoping that Tim would not inherit his predecessor's arrogance and stubbornness. Flash is nowhere as buggy, malware-invested and resource intensive as Jobs claims. If it was, HTML5 standard would be adopted everywhere by now, which it's not by a significant margin by the way. And the lot of you only shuns Flash just because the man himself says it's bad.

    I have a jailbroken 4th gen iPod Touch. I'm aware of some Flash players lurking in Cydia. I'm also aware that some 3rd party browsers support Flash through proxies. But I find them unoptimised and generally don't work as well as they should. Flash games usually perform abysmal if at all. This shouldn't be the case, if Apple provides at least an option for Flash. Those who still buys Steve's over exaggerated BS can opt not to install the thing and let us who wants have our functionality.

    Before you tell me to piss off to Android, I am currently using an Android phone. But I like my iPod Touch as well since the appstore has significantly more gaming apps than Android's marketplace. Similar apps tend to be of a higher quality on iOS too and get more frequent updates. Both platforms had their own pros and cons, but I'm happy with my current setup now. I would still like proper Flash support on my iPod Touch, which would make it an even more amazing gaming device. Continual Adobe support and development of Flash like in the original article would probably make this a reality some day. And no, my Android phone doesn't last ten minutes while playing Flash videos/games and then burst into flames.
  • Reply 26 of 50
    Noooo, the header is wrong again...

    It should read: Adobe 'promises' console quality games on iPhone, iPad...

    So, nothing new actually ;-)
  • Reply 27 of 50
    Originally Posted by jeffreytgilbert View Post

    I know you guys all bandwagon on everything emperor jobs says,

    Actually I have many years of posting history of hating flash prior to Jobs' open letter last year. Mostly on sites like Arstechnica or the old ISCABBS telnet BBS, but it's been a PITA to me for ages. *shrug* Yes, many do just parrot, you aren't incorrect there.
  • Reply 28 of 50
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by SSquirrel View Post

    Usually the people who make these claims do fail to mention what they are running in Flash that is producing this CPU time, so that certainly makes it hard to reproduce.

    Pretty good indication that it is entirely BS. I disapprove of Flash as much as the average Mac guy but when used correctly it is a wonderful platform. To compare it to native apps or HTML 5, it is really apples and oranges. There are pros and cons to all software implementations, but people have choices so there is no reasons to be a zealot on one side or the other. If you don't like Flash apps don't buy them.
  • Reply 29 of 50
    Flash games are retarded, if your life is that boring go throw yourself off a cliff or at least buy a PSP.
  • Reply 30 of 50

    >Originally Posted by AppleDroid

    >Can we at least get an option of whether or not to use Flash

    No. That is not the way Apple does things.
  • Reply 31 of 50
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post


    >Originally Posted by AppleDroid

    >Can we at least get an option of whether or not to use Flash

    No. That is not the way Apple does things.

    Why not use the forum's quote feature?
  • Reply 32 of 50
    We heard that Adobe would delivery efficient, powerful, interoperable, ... Flash for mobile devices starting in 2007 and in 2011 it is still not there. Export of Flash games e.g., the well earned praise of Machinarium that are terrific games struggle on iOS and other mobile platforms due to their pedigree that is a Flash "export." Contrast this is Angry Birds that run on many platforms, but coded for each.

    At the end of the day, the compromises for cross platform development is enormous, Flash on Mac vs Flash on PC in performance, stability, security, etc. Then to essentially export the Flash code to iOS is not going to enhance code performance.

    In a world where CPU performance grows at enormous rate, CPU and power hogs can be afforded in the interest of broad interoperability, but mobile power sensitive, processing limited, ... this will be a major challenge.

    If this is going to work, then deep architectural changes are needed in Flash foundations and assuming this is possible it will take time.
  • Reply 33 of 50
    League of Legends Mac Beta runs on Adobe Air, and it COMPLETELY SUCKS.

    Thanks Adobe, but thanks to Unreal Engine we *already* have console graphics. We're already a bit higher up than the original Xbox, and it wouldn't surprise me if iPad 3 matches the 360 (thanks to the Rogue GPU)
  • Reply 34 of 50
    Originally Posted by enjourni View Post

    Flash games are retarded, if your life is that boring go throw yourself off a cliff or at least buy a PSP.

    Nah, PSP is a flop too. And can't say the Vita is looking good either.
  • Reply 35 of 50
    This smells of the usual desperation and vaporware hype on Adobe's part. Show us, Adobe, don't tell us. You've told us for years and have never delivered. Please excuse us for being nonplussed.

    Frankly I can't see why Adobe still thinks proprietary middleware with dismal to uneven quality in planning, execution and support is ever going to be a viable business plan.
  • Reply 36 of 50
    auxioauxio Posts: 2,751member
    Originally Posted by jeffreytgilbert View Post

    XCode and Objective C is only useful if you only target one device manufacturers equipment.

    Actually, I used Cocotron and was able to release an app I created in Xcode on Windows XP/Vista/7.
  • Reply 37 of 50
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    If you want to deliver games through the web you probably need some kind of plugin. But that is a bigger "if" than it was a few years ago... you now have the option of delivering through the App Store or Steam.
  • Reply 38 of 50
    lol aheh yeah right. Hey Adobe, console quality isn't 10 fps.
  • Reply 39 of 50
    -[QUOTE FROM Tallest Skil]-._(Why not use the forum's quote feature? [END /quOTe]

    cmon man that shits hard
  • Reply 40 of 50
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    -[QUOTE FROM Tallest Skil]-._(Why not use the forum's quote feature? [END /quOTe]

    cmon man that shits hard

    Jeez, I'm telling you, Lion autocorrect is so stupid.

    I type out my quote brackets all the time and it NEVER ever catches the [/QUPTE]. I do that ALL THE FRICKING TIME.
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