Verizon comes to Samsung's defense in Apple patent lawsuit



  • Reply 81 of 115
    Originally Posted by Ochyming View Post


    I start to think that sooner or later, Asian companies will buy major USA companies.

    All of them, Google, Microsoft and even Apple.

    With back door government backing chinese companies will buy USA ones, they have the money.

    What USA companies makes money out of android or Windows?

    Looks like only Asian companies makes money both out of Windows and Android.

    USA will be like UK, irrelevant technology wise.

    Why would they do that? We already buy all electronic devices from them now. No devices bearing the Apple or Motorola logo are actually made by them, they're just resellers.
  • Reply 82 of 115
    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    That's only the tip of the iceberg. Apple is the only phone manufacturer that controls its own products - branding, timing, contents, pricing and distribution. The logo is only the tip of what carriers see as a larger problem.

    Again Apple does NOT manufacture phones, it only sells phones manufactured by foxconn. Get it right. In reality Apple is a software company that has strict control over the devices its software gets used on.
  • Reply 83 of 115
    Originally Posted by SuperTomcat View Post


    This forum is amazing... and worse than 9/11 conspiracy theory...

    Apple buys Samsung, Apple will make better TV, Verizon won´t get the new iPhone...

    You all guys are incredibly blind...

    No they're just woozy from the kool aid
  • Reply 84 of 115
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,515member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Oh give me a break. Not more than 6 weeks ago you were using one of Mueller's rants as evidence to prove one of your anti-Apple stance's. I did my best to tell you Mueller was almost on the level of DED but you would have none of it... then Mueller did an obvious anti-Google piece about 3 weeks later and you turned on Mueller.

    I do recall using FOSSPatents as a source for some point I was making. I've probably done so more than once. I've also used 9to5Mac, Apple's own site and DED himself. It doesn't mean that I'm pro-any-of-them. They all have their value and good points. FOSS is the only one of the group that would pretend to be objective/unbiased. Perfectly proper to point out that Florian Mueller shouldn't be taken at face value.

    With that said, I gave FOSSPatents some props just a couple days ago in an exchange with Mel. Florian often offers information lacking from other sources, and I read him several times a week. But I don't depend on him for a fair unbiased opinion, nor complete unblemished reporting of the facts.

    I'm also not against Apple. What seems to make you and some others uncomfortable is pointing out factual errors, misstatements, logical fallacies, and misreporting. Others take issue with the fact I hold my ground calmly and logically, yet can admit an error when presented with evidence. If you go thru all 1600+ posts I've made you'll be hard pressed to find a handful that are Apple specific complaints, unless you consider anything less than a rah-rah-rah to be an attack. In fact you'll find more kudos than complaints. I'm far from an Apple hater.There's Apple fanatics here who have complained about Apple and/or their policies much more often and vocally than I have. What I will point out is common misconceptions, flawed talking points, rushes to judgement, or ignorance of the facts. Surely the quest for knowledge isn't anti-Apple.
  • Reply 85 of 115
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    I do recall using FOSSPatents as a source for some point I was making. I've probably done so more than once. I've also used 9to5Mac, Apple's own site and DED himself. It doesn't mean that I'm pro-any-of-them. They all have their value and good points. FOSS is the only one of the group that would pretend to be objective/unbiased. Perfectly proper to point out that Florian Mueller shouldn't be taken at face value.

    With that said, I gave FOSSPatents some props just a couple days ago in an exchange with Mel. Florian often offers information lacking from other sources, and I read him several times a week. But I don't depend on him for a fair unbiased opinion, nor complete unblemished reporting of the facts.

    I'm also not against Apple. What seems to make you and some others uncomfortable is pointing out factual errors, misstatements, logical fallacies, and misreporting. Others take issue with the fact I hold my ground calmly and logically, yet can admit an error when presented with evidence. If you go thru all 1600+ posts I've made you'll be hard pressed to find a handful that are Apple specific complaints, unless you consider anything less than a rah-rah-rah to be an attack. In fact you'll find more kudos than complaints. I'm far from an Apple hater.There's Apple fanatics here who have complained about Apple and/or their policies much more often and vocally than I have. What I will point out is common misconceptions, flawed talking points, rushes to judgement, or ignorance of the facts. Surely the quest for knowledge isn't anti-Apple.

    You are a funny funny guy. You are a legend in your own mind.

    Sorry Gatorguy... but you're joining a long list of people on my ignore list... your delusions are just too great and too hard to ignore.
  • Reply 86 of 115
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    too hard to ignore.

    Then… won't it do no good to put him on your ignore list?

    You really shouldn't ignore trolls. No one should. Ignoring them doesn't make them go away. Their posts stick around and then it looks (to an outsider, because plenty of guests read this forum) like we accept their nonsensical ramblings as being okay.
  • Reply 87 of 115
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,515member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    You are a funny funny guy. You are a legend in your own mind.

    Sorry Gatorguy... but you're joining a long list of people on my ignore list... your delusions are just too great and too hard to ignore.

    When someone has only AdHoms left as a defense, it usually means the other guy's winning. I had more respect for you than that and expected a much more logical and studied response.
  • Reply 88 of 115
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Again Apple does NOT manufacture phones, it only sells phones manufactured by foxconn. Get it right. In reality Apple is a software company that has strict control over the devices its software gets used on.

    That's such a stupid reason to jump on the poor guy. If you really want to quibble, you're farther off the mark than him. Apple is NOT just a software company.
  • Reply 89 of 115
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Again Apple does NOT manufacture phones, it only sells phones manufactured by foxconn. Get it right. In reality Apple is a software company that has strict control over the devices its software gets used on.

    Do you think that Foxconn designs and engineers the phones too, or are you on board that Apple designs and engineers them, while Foxconn then assembles the production units from components bought from other suppliers? If so, does that still make Apple just a software company in your view?
  • Reply 90 of 115
    Originally Posted by wakefinance View Post

    Damn you guys get flustered quickly. Did any of you bother to understand what amicus curiae means (intention and implication-wise, not definition) before you spewed all the Verizon hate? Their intention for filing an amicus curiae brief is likely entirely self-serving. If it happens to aid Samsung, so be it, but their intention is not to directly support Samsung's interests.

    Even if you didn't take a moment to understand what was going on legally, why would you think Verizon would partner up with Samsung against Apple? Verizon is in the business of making money; I doubt any of you will argue against that, despite your contrariness. If Verizon wants to make the most money possible, then they won't favor one hardware manufacturer at the expense of another. It's in their best interest to offer devices representing the widest possible swath of the market.

    Everything that isn't expressly pro-Apple isn't anti-Apple. I promise.

    Agreed! They want and need product out there to improve their network...something ATT should try instead of blowing zillions on those stinking tmobile merger ads.
  • Reply 91 of 115
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    Why would oracle want to shut down android. (I think thats what you mean Android is an OS and Droid is a line of phones released on Verizon's network.) Their is no gain in oracle getting android stopped. If anything they would want it to be as successful as possible. They want royalties not to shut it down. Only apple and Microsoft stand to really lose by android OS being more powerful.

    Licensing a particular technology to get royalties isn't always the best strategy. Sometimes, licensing the technology destroys a competitive advantage. I think Oracle will try to bar distribution of Android.
  • Reply 92 of 115
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    I do recall using FOSSPatents as a source for some point I was making. ...

    I'm also not against Apple. What seems to make you and some others uncomfortable is pointing out factual errors, misstatements, logical fallacies, and misreporting. ...

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    When someone has only AdHoms left as a defense, it usually means the other guy's winning. I had more respect for you than that and expected a much more logical and studied response.

    But, you are a funny guy. I guess you've lied so much here that you forget what BS you were spouting a few weeks ago fairly easily. No one here is intimidated by your intellectual prowess, as you flatter yourself, because, quite simply, you don't have any. Nor any integrity or honesty.

    A nice attempt to talk your way out of your own inconsistencies by telling us it's our fault if you seem to be lying, and that you've "won the argument" when we can't help but laugh at you, but in the end, you're simply left with egg on your face and looking like a fool.

    You'd get more respect here if you were simply honest about your agenda and stopped trying to pretend your motives are something other than what they are.
  • Reply 93 of 115
    OT: Follow Andreasudo on twitter for an inside pov (direct facts no opinions that I could see) of the Apple v Samsung patent proceedings
  • Reply 94 of 115
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,515member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    But, you are a funny guy. I guess you've lied so much here that you forget what BS you were spouting a few weeks ago fairly easily. No one here is intimidated by your intellectual prowess, as you flatter yourself, because, quite simply, you don't have any. Nor any integrity or honesty.

    A nice attempt to talk your way out of your own inconsistencies by telling us it's our fault if you seem to be lying, and that you've "won the argument" when we can't help but laugh at you, but in the end, you're simply left with egg on your face and looking like a fool.

    You'd get more respect here if you were simply honest about your agenda and stopped trying to pretend your motives are something other than what they are.

    And yet only AdHom's from you too. Link to my "lies" and we can discuss them. If you don't have any evidence, then that speaks for your own honesty and integrity doesn't it?\

    Take your time, I'll wait patiently, tho it shouldn't take too long I suppose. You seem to already know what they are.
  • Reply 95 of 115
    Mueller is taking credit on Twitter for the Apple stock dropping ... 1.5% ... after he posted a blog about the Verizon brief. Seriously?
  • Reply 96 of 115
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    OT: Follow Andreasudo on twitter for an inside pov (direct facts no opinions that I could see) of the Apple v Samsung patent proceedings

    He's tweeting more than facts - looks like he's sitting court side and transcribing the proceedings!

    Some nuggets of note:

    - Samsung claims Apple has refused to license their 3G patents.

    - Apple says Samsung did not approach them until 2010, and Samsung's royalty demands are too high. 2.4% of chip price on every chip for every patent - yeah, that's excessive.

    - If I understand correctly, the *infringement* concerns chips made by Qualcomm. Apple claims iPhones and iPads sold in Europe do NOT use Qualcomm chips. So ... WTF? I'm missing something here. Anyone can fill in the gap?

    - Apple claims negotiations are still ongoing and therefore an injunction is premature.

    All in all, it sounds like Apple is going to concede on this specific battlefront in some way.
  • Reply 97 of 115
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    But, you are a funny guy. I guess you've lied so much here that you forget what BS you were spouting a few weeks ago fairly easily. No one here is intimidated by your intellectual prowess, as you flatter yourself, because, quite simply, you don't have any. Nor any integrity or honesty.

    A nice attempt to talk your way out of your own inconsistencies by telling us it's our fault if you seem to be lying, and that you've "won the argument" when we can't help but laugh at you, but in the end, you're simply left with egg on your face and looking like a fool.

    You'd get more respect here if you were simply honest about your agenda and stopped trying to pretend your motives are something other than what they are.

    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    And yet only AdHom's from you too. Link to my "lies" and we can discuss them. If you don't have any evidence, then that speaks for your own honesty and integrity doesn't it?\

    Take your time, I'll wait patiently, tho it shouldn't take too long I suppose. You seem to already know what they are.

    Boyz, boyz, boyz ... stop adhoming each other. Ok?
  • Reply 98 of 115
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,515member
    You're right of course. They never accomplish anything, or add to a discussion.

    Hopefully everyone has it out of their systems for awhile.
  • Reply 99 of 115
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    But, you are a funny guy. I guess you've lied so much here that you forget what BS you were spouting a few weeks ago fairly easily. No one here is intimidated by your intellectual prowess, as you flatter yourself, because, quite simply, you don't have any. Nor any integrity or honesty.

    A nice attempt to talk your way out of your own inconsistencies by telling us it's our fault if you seem to be lying, and that you've "won the argument" when we can't help but laugh at you, but in the end, you're simply left with egg on your face and looking like a fool.

    You'd get more respect here if you were simply honest about your agenda and stopped trying to pretend your motives are something other than what they are.

    When somebody writes a multi-paragraph attack on another poster, they need to take a two week vacation from the forum.

    Just IMO.
  • Reply 100 of 115
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    When somebody writes a multi-paragraph attack on another poster, they need to take a two week vacation from the forum.

    Just IMO.

    What formula did you use to arrive at 2 weeks, given that the *attack* contains 3 paragraphs?

    Is it

    W = 2P/3

    with W = # of weeks and P = # of paragraphs?

    Or is it a nonlinear function?
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