Samsung, Google believed to launch flagship Nexus Prime at Android event on Oct. 11



  • Reply 61 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    There's probably little room left in it after you drop in your iPad.

    That's a good one!
  • Reply 62 of 78
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    I didn't insult him or his girlfriend. I was stating that despite how much he likes his style or his girlfriend someone out there thinks his style sucks or his girl is ugly. People have different tastes. He seemed really upset that people can even dare choose something he doesn't like.

    And the iPhone cost just as much as my phone now (and was less than my old phone)

    No Dude, you were insulting. I know it, you know it, and everyone knows it.. No need to personally attack someone on the internet whom you dont even know.. low man... very low.

    And no, the iphone costs more than the others.. its better so ofcourse it would. You obviously want to be a fan of Apple by taking the time to register on this forum.

    Its called "Apple Insider" so You clearly want what you cant get so you come on here and slate everyone who has what you done have.

    You dont see iphone owners signing up to Android websites and dissing everyone personally.

    Why you even here??
  • Reply 63 of 78
    Originally Posted by MrMan365 View Post

    No Dude, you were insulting. I know it, you know it, and everyone knows it.. No need to personally attack someone on the internet whom you dont even know.. low man... very low.

    And no, the iphone costs more than the others.. its better so ofcourse it would. You obviously want to be a fan of Apple by taking the time to register on this forum.

    Its called "Apple Insider" so You clearly want what you cant get so you come on here and slate everyone who has what you done have.

    You dont see iphone owners signing up to Android websites and dissing everyone personally.

    Why you even here??

    Um I think he proved his point...he got a rise out of you arguing about Android (and yes he may of offended some people along the way). Last time I remember that's what free speech is all about.

    I love Apple products (My family has a iPhone, iPad2, iPod Touch, Mac Mini, Apple TV, Airport Express)...but even Apple has it faults (all three of our mobile devices have been replaced once). in the end it's about choice. The Samungs and HTCs look like great products too.

    Don't worry, lots of tech and Android sites have Apple fans on them fighting the fight.
  • Reply 64 of 78
    Originally Posted by MrMan365 View Post

    No Dude, you were insulting. I know it, you know it, and everyone knows it.. No need to personally attack someone on the internet whom you dont even know.. low man... very low.

    And no, the iphone costs more than the others.. its better so ofcourse it would. You obviously want to be a fan of Apple by taking the time to register on this forum.

    Its called "Apple Insider" so You clearly want what you cant get so you come on here and slate everyone who has what you done have.

    You dont see iphone owners signing up to Android websites and dissing everyone personally.

    Why you even here??

    because I choose to be. because my RSS feed has been populated with articles from this site and eventually I decided to just sign up as opposed to just read.

    Also, I REALLY didn't diss him. I have no idea how he dresses, nor do I know how his girl looks. The point is someone out there thinks his style is wack, bummy, phony, ugly, etc and despite how beautiful his girlfriend may be to him, or even me, someone out there thinks she's, boney, fat, too white/brown/exotic, too short, too tall, etc.

    My entire point is that people like what they like and you should never get upset that someone likes what you don't and vice versa (unless said thing actually causes harm to you)

    I've never dissed Apple or the iPhone (quite the opposite) during my entire time here. I will be watching the keynote as I love Apple's presentation and products, they are just not for me...I don't like how they work.

    Apple retail spaces will change the electronics retail game as well, just you watch...even T-mobile is getting a makeover in their stores (I was in one the other day and what an abysmal experience) that I feel is a direct response to Apple's retail set up.

    The design etiquette at Apple is second to none.

    That said, I still like Android. I still like Windows. I still use a Mac for work. I still use an old highly customized PC at home. My next computer will still probably be a Mac. My next phone will most likely be an Android phone.

    It is what it is.

    I choose my words rather carefully. If I offend someone chances are I meant to. I didn't offend him because I had no intent to offend him.

    To some people what you like is as different to them and you as night and day.

    Deal with that.

    Moral of the story.

    And no, 200-300 on contract is pretty basic for a high end Android phone...500-700 off contract is rather basic as well*

    *all amounts in US Dollars
  • Reply 65 of 78
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    You done?

    Consider the fact that a lot of the top Android devs use Apple computers kind of shoots your point in the face (Paul O'Brien a notable dev)

    Why is it so hard to accept that some people happen to like Android more than iOS? I do. Many people do. It happens. Nothing is for everyone.

    Also android being a "fragmented mess" is hardly of concern to users, moreso to devs and power users.

    Stop spitting all those easily falsifiable talking points.

    I get it. You love Apple. Your first child will be named Apple. You have Apple tattooed o your ass and the logo on your neck. Good for you. But people don't all think like you. Not everyone wants what you want. I bet there are people who think you dress poorly and that your girlfriend is ugly. So what. Be happy you like what you like.

    Also there's a good reason to assume the Nexus 3/Prime will be 720p.

    Your comment might not have been an insult as some have taken it to be but it was disrespectful without warrant. I don't love Apple. I admire the company and its products but Apple hack me off on occasion too. I pride myself on being a very fair-minded person. If Android - and more importantly, Android device manufacturers - were better then I would have an Android phone. Don't paint me out as a blind zealot because I have strong views on the behaviour of Apple's competitors.

    The reason I feel so passionate is that I disagree with the morality of what Google have done with Android. They have dumped various companies' intellectual property on the market gratis. That is fundamentally wrong and bad for the industry and to the user, even if some are too shortsighted to see it. If companies do this with impunity then R&D becomes financially illogical, less of it is carried out and technology development slows. We all lose out. People need to be paid for their work. Taking their work and giving it to desperate handset manufacturers without reimbursement is detrimental and immoral, hence my righteous indignation.

    Android being a fragmented mess is VERY important to users. To not recognise that the user experience of an ecosystem is directly impacted by the difficulties faced by that system's developer community is manifestly lacking in perspicacity.

    A quick example. There is a game my stunningly beautiful girl friend likes to play called Cover Orange. Most of her male friends are a close group of mates who all sharpen each other's loathing of Apple and all carry absurdly large Android phones around with them. When my girlfriend asked one of them a month or two back to get Cover Orange up on his phone he attempted to do so. He went to the 'Android Market' and 'downloaded' the app, except that he didn't; he downloaded a link to a web page with an extremely poor approximation of Cover Orange running in what I presume was a Flash container. It was so embarrassingly awful compared to the beautiful app on my iPhone that even this guy was embarrassed by the utter failure of his beloved Android. On the iPhone, the game gets an average of 5 stars from thousands of reviews, on the Android Market it had a terrible score.

    The difficulty that Cover Orange's developer seemingly had with Android directly impacted on that user. Maybe Cover Orange now works as it does on the iPhone, I don't know, but it didn't then. It truly was awful.

    Also, the fragmentation in Android, along with other factors, is making Android unprofitable to app developers. If the apps aren't profitable, developers won't invest in the platform. Android users suffer again.

    My statements were so easily falsified that you subsequently went on to falsify none of them.

    You also didn't enlighten us as to what the good reason for us assuming the next Nexus phone will be 720p was.

    Originally Posted by MrMan365 View Post

    You cant afford an iPhone can you? Is that why you are so angry at him and others?

    There is no need to insult the guy and his girlfriend.. sheez.

    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    I didn't insult him or his girlfriend. I was stating that despite how much he likes his style or his girlfriend someone out there thinks his style sucks or his girl is ugly. People have different tastes. He seemed really upset that people can even dare choose something he doesn't like.

    And the iPhone cost just as much as my phone now (and was less than my old phone)

    Thanks for standing up for me MrMan365 but to be fair to AbDes I don't think he insulted my girlfriend, he was just making a point.

    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Apple fans certainly do not represent the majority of consumers either. Look at the Mac - tiny market share. Look at the iPhone - beat by sucky Android more than 2 to 1.

    The iPad is the exception.

    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    If what you say is true, then why are Android phones outselling Apple at a greater than 2 to 1 ratio?

    ISTM that Android buyers are NOT "waiting desperately", but instead, are buying. And when they look at the "balance" the scales tip in favor of Android. Not just a little, but more than twice as often.

    The Mac doesn't have a tiny market share. It's that simple. Macs are amongst the most popular computers in the world. The fact that the combined sum of every other manufacturer eclipses Apple on its own is not a source of embarrassment. Also, Apple do not sell a budget computer which immediately prices them out of the casual PC user's price range.

    Android phones are outselling Apple phone 2 to 1 because every single manufacturer other than Apple and RIM is peddling Android. I'm sick of this reasoning. It's so clearly flawed. Wayne Rooney has scored more Premiership goals this year than anyone else. He is ipso facto the most successful striker in the league right now, the benchmark. You could aggregate the goals scored by the next 5 strikers on the leader board and claim he isn't very impressive compared to them, if you were a moron.

    Android is sold on every carrier in every major market. iPhone is not.

    Android is a leaky ship manned by a cartel of the desperate. Samsung, HTC etc cannot licence iOS so they have to licence Android. If Android is so wonderful, why are these companies trying to develop their own platforms to to reduce their reliance on it? Why did Nokia, the superpower of the mobile phone industry until recently, choose Microsoft?

    Ask yourself honestly, if Apple licensed iOS would anyone choose Android over it for their hardware? No, but Apple don't license iOS, and so they have to take the only alternative and market it to the hilt.

    Originally Posted by abraxis View Post

    The hardware sounds great from a pure specs perspective. Perhaps it's just me but the screens are becoming a bit...well...big. I came from an iPhone 2G/3GS a couple years back to jumping ship to VZ and went with a Moto Droid. The screen size is good for me. I am due for an upgrade, have the grandfather clause on my unlimited plan and weighing my options. I am going to wait for the iPhone 5 to roll out but really like the Moto Bionic. What I don't like is the screen size of the Bionic but it appears most handset are heading in that direction.

    I want a phone that fits into my pocket without looking like a paperback book...

    Stepping off soapbox now

    Originally Posted by abraxis View Post

    Screamingfist--instead of using "looks" like a paperback book I should have said feels like one...I frankly do not care what others think of my phone but the screen size simply leaves a bigger footprint regardless of how thin the larger handsets are. I'm in it for the functionality but don't want to carry a man-purse just to keep my phone somewhere...

    Amen. I for one am grateful that Apple are a company capable of restraint for the sake of sense. The iPhone is big enough.

    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    Honeycomb is more removed from ios and i suspect ICS will be more so.

    But, i think ios 5 will add some features that android has had for some time. is that the innovation you are talking about?

    Honeycomb may be, but there's no reason to think Samsung won't do what they did with previous releases and mod the UI to look strikingly iPhone-like. Apple aren't suing Google over look and feel, they're suing Samsung.

    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    This meme comes up often enough that it may be helpful to see how this applies to Apple fans as well:

    Teardown of Apple's Thunderbolt Display finds same LG panel used in 2009 iMac

    ...[deleted 107 lines of unnecessary links in the interest of the forum's readability]...

    ...and that doesn't even begin to cover the hundred or so stories AI ran about the "retina display".

    Computing devices are differentiated by specs. This may or may not matter much to the lay consumer, but it shouldn't be surprising that among power users, such as those that frequent platform-centric web forums, specs are very much of interest.

    Perhaps the more interesting question here is:

    Why is a site ostensibly devoted to Apple products so very obsessed with every other company's products? It seems almost half the stories here at AI have little if anything to do with Apple at all.

    That's an awful lot of effort to put into a post that makes a very flimsy point.

    Android and iPhone users are naturally going to be curious about what might be in the next generation of handset. That wasn't my point. My point was that Android fans (not average users) get bogged down in the technical specs and ignore the software issues.

    Apple talking about the retina display was legitimate because it was an industry first. In contrast, I recently saw an advert from Motorolla advertising the world's first qHD display. The fact that qHD is a lower resolution than most of the competition wasn't mentioned, the swanky tech term 'qHD' was the hook. I also get my Android fan friends going on about dual-core processors as if by virtue of being dual-core they will blow my iPhone away. Dual-core won't make Android less fragmented. It won't make the Android marketplace malware free. It won't make Android developers any more money and therefore entice them to invest in the platform.

    This is an Apple site. It deals with Apple and Apple's competitors. What Samsung, Google, Intel etc. are doing is directly pertinent to Apple's affairs. Of course it is. I would have thought that was screamingly obvious.

    Originally Posted by MrMan365 View Post

    No Dude, you were insulting. I know it, you know it, and everyone knows it.. No need to personally attack someone on the internet whom you dont even know.. low man... very low.

    And no, the iphone costs more than the others.. its better so ofcourse it would. You obviously want to be a fan of Apple by taking the time to register on this forum.

    Its called "Apple Insider" so You clearly want what you cant get so you come on here and slate everyone who has what you done have.

    You dont see iphone owners signing up to Android websites and dissing everyone personally.

    Why you even here??

    MrMan he was disrespectful but not insulting. He was just saying that what I find attractive might not be attractive to someone else. It's a fair point. That said, my girlfriend is beautiful on a fairly absolute scale thanks lol.

    He does use Macs, he just doesn't use an iPhone. He's not just here to cause trouble. Let's be fair.
  • Reply 66 of 78
    Originally Posted by Jonamac View Post

    -insert well thought out post here-

    He does use Macs, he just doesn't use an iPhone. He's not just here to cause trouble. Let's be fair.

    I'm going to concede argument due to a newfound respect for you. Your points are fair and I could argue indefinitely but such a polite, professional and subtly humorous post leaves me unwilling to contend.

    kudos sir. And sorry for being disrespectful.

    To be fair though I don't think fragmentation is as big a deal as it use to be (which doesn't defeat your point but shows that it's standing as a point is weakening). Google has taken steps to restrict incompatible apps from showing up on the market.

    As far as 720p goes the Galaxy S 2 HD LTE (Say that 10 times fast) has that screen and I don't feel like finding the sources but several of them indicate that 720p will be the new norm for high end large screened phones (4.3in and up).

    I assume that the dev of that game who ported it to Android wasn't the actual developer.
  • Reply 67 of 78
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    I'm going to concede argument due to a newfound respect for you. Your points are fair and I could argue indefinitely but such a polite, professional and subtly humorous post leaves me unwilling to contend.

    kudos sir. And sorry for being disrespectful.

    To be fair though I don't think fragmentation is as big a deal as it use to be (which doesn't defeat your point but shows that it's standing as a point is weakening). Google has taken steps to restrict incompatible apps from showing up on the market.

    As far as 720p goes the Galaxy S 2 HD LTE (Say that 10 times fast) has that screen and I don't feel like finding the sources but several of them indicate that 720p will be the new norm for high end large screened phones (4.3in and up).

    I assume that the dev of that game who ported it to Android wasn't the actual developer.

    I applaud your magnanimity and thank you. It's refreshing to have a robust debate without it descending into a slanging match.

    I see your point about the Galaxy S 2 HD LTE ABC EZY AS 123. Nexus is supposed to represent the flagship Android model so it follows that it may very well have the 720p screen.

    My regards to your lovely girlfriend.
  • Reply 68 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    This meme comes up often enough that it may be helpful to see how this applies to Apple fans as well:

    /epic quote cut

    ...and that doesn't even begin to cover the hundred or so stories AI ran about the "retina display".

    Computing devices are differentiated by specs. This may or may not matter much to the lay consumer, but it shouldn't be surprising that among power users, such as those that frequent platform-centric web forums, specs are very much of interest.

    Perhaps the more interesting question here is:

    Why is a site ostensibly devoted to Apple products so very obsessed with every other company's products? It seems almost half the stories here at AI have little if anything to do with Apple at all.

    I'm not sure I agree with your post; I definitely feel Android users are far more tech obsessed than their iOS counterparts (possibly because of the gap in technology), but the sheer amount of relevant links you brought up absolutely astounds me. You win
  • Reply 69 of 78
    Originally Posted by LogicNReason View Post

    I'm not sure I agree with your post; I definitely feel Android users are far more tech obsessed than their iOS counterparts (possibly because of the gap in technology), but the sheer amount of relevant links you brought up absolutely astounds me. You win

    eh, let's be real now...Android fans tend to be more tech obsessed than iOS fans...then again the fans themselves tend to be more tech/feature obsessed period.

    The regular users tend to be idiots.

    But I'll tell you what...give someone time with a decent Android phone or an iPhone and let them mosey through the features of each, then give them either or, they will feel they are missing something.

    (I'm basing this on one friend's experience with my Nexus One while she waited to buy an iPhone 4 - there are many things she's missing...but many things she's glad she had)

    Me, I wish Android was as smooth and unified as could be, but as we all know Google and UI goes together like Oil and Water.

    Judging from the new app paradigm and the makeover of google's services UI seems to be taking a bigger focus over at Google...but time will tell.

    I for one am no fan of the Tron UI...and though ICS will have such a theme...thank god for customizability.
  • Reply 70 of 78
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 71 of 78
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 72 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Which Android phone do you use?

    I currently have a g2x with MIUI. Good phone. Runs smoothly (thanks to MIUI) but comparatively there is no contest. Granted LG botched this one a bit as far as compatibility goes.

    I use MIUI because it is the perfect ever evolving mesh of iOS and Android (the two best OSes for mobile computing as of yet though windows 8 may be enticing)

    All the beauty of iOS with all the customizability of win.

    My setup...the lockscreen actually shows the homescreen under the broken glass photo :-)

  • Reply 73 of 78
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    I'm going to concede argument due to a newfound respect for you. Your points are fair and I could argue indefinitely but such a polite, professional and subtly humorous post leaves me unwilling to contend.

    kudos sir. And sorry for being disrespectful.

    To be fair though I don't think fragmentation is as big a deal as it use to be (which doesn't defeat your point but shows that it's standing as a point is weakening). Google has taken steps to restrict incompatible apps from showing up on the market.

    As far as 720p goes the Galaxy S 2 HD LTE (Say that 10 times fast) has that screen and I don't feel like finding the sources but several of them indicate that 720p will be the new norm for high end large screened phones (4.3in and up).

    I assume that the dev of that game who ported it to Android wasn't the actual developer.

    Originally Posted by Jonamac View Post

    I applaud your magnanimity and thank you. It's refreshing to have a robust debate without it descending into a slanging match.

    I see your point about the Galaxy S 2 HD LTE ABC EZY AS 123. Nexus is supposed to represent the flagship Android model so it follows that it may very well have the 720p screen.

    My regards to your lovely girlfriend.

    So you've kissed and made up.. My job here is done.

    Are you both going to do it to each other now? lol !
  • Reply 74 of 78
    Originally Posted by MrMan365 View Post

    So you've kissed and made up.. My job here is done.

    Are you both going to do it to each other now? lol !


    there is a method to your madness. lol
  • Reply 75 of 78
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 76 of 78
    Originally Posted by MacRulez View Post

    Nice setup. The absence of widgets is what keeps me using my Android tablet while my iPad2 collects dust.

    Yea I always figured by now iOS would have a dashboard type widget layer. Maybe once gestures are fully enabled. Two or three finger swipe down from the bezel. Would be awesome. And with Apples design. Paradigm they'd all match (I hate the lack of a solid semi enforced design paradigm in Android.
  • Reply 77 of 78
    aquaticaquatic Posts: 5,602member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Yea I always figured by now iOS would have a dashboard type widget layer. Maybe once gestures are fully enabled. Two or three finger swipe down from the bezel. Would be awesome. And with Apples design. Paradigm they'd all match (I hate the lack of a solid semi enforced design paradigm in Android.

    I have an iPad 2 and an Android and a MacBook Pro so I'll weigh in.

    I want to customize everything. Everything. OS X is awesome for that. iOS is not. For my uses, Android hammers iOS in dozens, DOZENS of ways. Every second I use iOS I'm annoyed at how long things take, how inconsistent it is, or what I simply can't do. (Examples? Tethering on Android? Free. One click. Doesn't require a second of "hacking". Flash? Just works. Plays videos smoothly. Multitasking? Works great, use it all the time. Widgets? Love 'em. Phone dialing? Much quicker, no debating this.)

    What I really want though is a mobile OS over a desktop OS, putting desktop power into a phone. Like Windows 8. But not Windows, lol. I want Android on top of OS X on an Android phone. Hm. A tall order, but perhaps someone over at XDA can code it together in a few weekends?

    Regarding your incorrect post about money and costs, MrMan365: There are plenty of Android devices much more expensive than your iPhone. I'd be willing to pay the nearly $1,000 for the enormous Samsung Galaxy Note. I like it. When my New Every 2 is out...I'll be gunning for something like it. I doubt Apple will make a device that large, ever.

    I have a Mac but I prefer Android, and I'm noticing increased hostility on Apple forums toward Android users. I don't claim Android is "better" than iOS or iPhone. But I will stand up to claim it is more customizable. For myself, that equates to "better". Your mileage may vary.

    Also I will give iOS credit that its simplistic operations allow for awesome battery life, which I don't think any Android device can compare to. I love that I don't have to charge my iPad frequently.
  • Reply 78 of 78
    majjomajjo Posts: 574member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    I currently have a g2x with MIUI. Good phone. Runs smoothly (thanks to MIUI) but comparatively there is no contest. Granted LG botched this one a bit as far as compatibility goes.

    I use MIUI because it is the perfect ever evolving mesh of iOS and Android (the two best OSes for mobile computing as of yet though windows 8 may be enticing)

    All the beauty of iOS with all the customizability of win.

    My setup...the lockscreen actually shows the homescreen under the broken glass photo :-)

    What news/RSS reader widget is that on your right screen?

    I've been meaning to give MIUI a try on my Vision but I've been distracted by all the sense3.0 ROMs lately =X
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