Rumor: Amazon eyeing purchase of HP's Palm division for webOS Kindles



  • Reply 61 of 62
    nhtnht Posts: 4,522member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Less bullshit, for one reason. Who knows where and when these patent battles will end. Bezos might just want to stay clear of that mess if he can get WebOS for the right price. He's already got the man on board needed to consult him.

    There's no reason to believe that WebOS is any less encumbered. It's less of a target because no one making any money off of it or selling many units. The only thing I really like about WebOS over Android UI wise is the cards metaphor.

    The amusing thing is that Amazon can go to Oracle and work out an agreement prior to the trial then have a joint forked Android moving forward leaving Oracle with more leverage over Google.

    Eh, unless WebOS is dirt cheap, I don't see why Amazon would bother.
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  • Reply 62 of 62
    jmmxjmmx Posts: 341member
    How is Amazon's new Kindle Fire the front line in a battle for the future?

    They may be losing $50/ Fire sold. But this is not an e-reader, this is a general purpose tablet computer, so not everyone will buy a lot of books.

    The stakes are high in this desperate strategy!

    -- --

    Select the "Analysis" link.
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