Apple's Fifth Ave store becomes memorial site for Steve Jobs

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Mourning the loss of Steve Jobs, many who admired the man and appreciate his contributions to the world have shown their respects by placing flowers, candles, notes and apples outside of the Apple Store on New York City's Fifth Avenue.

Though the glass cube that serves as the store's entrance remains under wraps as construction continues, Apple fans have taken to paying their respects at the front steps of the retail location. The Fifth Avenue store is an East Coast hub for Apple, serving as one of the most heavily trafficked stores in the world with its instantly recognizable grand entrance.

People began to gather outside the store Wednesday night as news of Jobs's passing spread. Thursday morning, the site remained active, with members of the media present to cover the story, and admirers of Jobs coming by to pay their respects.

Laid at the entrance were flowers, candles, balloons and apples, along with letters dedicated to the Apple co-founder reiterating that he will be missed. Placed at the center of the makeshift memorial, a sign read "Keep Thinking Different," referencing Apple's memorable ad campaign.

Construction at the Fifth Ave cube has been underway since June. The $6.7 million project will replace the previous design of 90 glass panes with 15 larger ones, giving it a cleaner and simpler look.

The original cube was personally designed by Jobs, and is one of the most photographed landmarks in New York City. Jobs even paid for the project himself and owned the structure.

Below are photos of the Fifth Ave store as seen Thursday morning, courtesy of AppleInsider reader Ryan.

Mourners began to memorialize Steve Jobs at the Apple Fifth Avenue store Wednesday night.

A customer exits the Fifth Avenue Apple Store on Thursday morning.

Media and crowds remained at the Fifth Avenue Apple Store in New York Thursday morning.

Newspapers across the world have hailed Steve Jobs as 'visionary' in covering his death.

For more on the passing of Jobs, see AppleInsider's previous coverage:

Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passes away at 56

Steve Jobs: a lifetime of visionary disruption in advancing technology

Apple co-founder says time with Steve Jobs was a 'great privilege' of his life


  • Reply 1 of 25
    ikolikol Posts: 369member
    I wonder how Station A is holding up- the first and IMO still the best Apple Store with that beautiful auditorium where we watched the iTunes store launch all those many years ago.
  • Reply 2 of 25
    Steve Jobs was a Titan of industry & will be surely missed! He had unique innovation and endless passion for all things tech. He will be greatly missed!!

    iPhone 4S = iPhone 4 Steve

  • Reply 3 of 25
    banalltvbanalltv Posts: 238member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    For more on the passing Jobs

    Guys, proofread just once, just for today?
  • Reply 4 of 25
    saareksaarek Posts: 1,551member
    Based on the title and reading the first bit of text I had expected to see 100's of flowers etc.

    None the less, what a legend Steve was. The man truly changed the technological landscape for all. RIP Steve.
  • Reply 5 of 25
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    I hope Apple build a permanent memorial to Steve. Maybe a memorial garden on their new campus where people can sit and reflect and think.
  • Reply 6 of 25
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    wtf kind of front cover is that for the new york post?




    I mean seriously, does anyone else see that as obnoxious as shit?
  • Reply 7 of 25
    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    Based on the title and reading the first bit of text I had expected to see 100's of flowers etc.

    None the less, what a legend Steve was. The man truly changed the technological landscape for all. RIP Steve.

    True. But, c'mon, how many CEOs have merited even one?
  • Reply 8 of 25
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    I hope Apple build a permanent memorial to Steve. Maybe a memorial garden on their new campus where people can sit and reflect and think.

    being a founder of Apple and the man who pretty much single handedly led them into glory I say they build a nice bronze or marble statue of him on their campus.

    Other lesser companies have such things for their founders.
  • Reply 9 of 25
    chronsterchronster Posts: 1,894member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    being a founder of Apple and the man who pretty much single handedly led them into glory I say they build a nice bronze or marble statue of him on their campus.

    Other lesser companies have such things for their founders.

    Oh I'm sure we'll see something nice like that.
  • Reply 10 of 25
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by carterx View Post

    Steve Jobs was a Titan of industry & will be surely missed! He had unique innovation and endless passion for all things tech. He will be greatly missed!!

    iPhone 4S = iPhone 4 Steve

    Nice image as a tribute. Nicer if you would credit the source. Just a friendly suggestion. No offense intended.
  • Reply 11 of 25
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    wtf kind of front cover is that for the new york post?




    I mean seriously, does anyone else see that as obnoxious as shit?

    That's the NY Post for you. But really what about it is obnoxious? The size of the typeface? What if it was an elegant script font and they added the the words 'at age 56'?

    In NY nobody gets home delivery of the Post. So the large headline is beckoning people to buy it from news stands and vending machines while walking down the street, hence the large type.
  • Reply 12 of 25
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    Based on the title and reading the first bit of text I had expected to see 100's of flowers etc.

    None the less, what a legend Steve was. The man truly changed the technological landscape for all. RIP Steve.

    The scale of public tribute is not quite the same as that for a rock star. But in the tech world, this is as close as anyone has come to being a rock star.
  • Reply 13 of 25
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    The scale of public tribute is not quite the same as that for a rock star. But in the tech world, this is as close as anyone has come to being a rock star.

    I was thinking that he was probably the most recognized person in the world, not sure who would be more well known.
  • Reply 14 of 25
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I was thinking that he was probably the most recognized person in the world, not sure who would be more well known.

    Tech world... nobody compares (maybe Bill Gates for recognition).

    Rockstars... a few... most notably Mick Jagger.
  • Reply 15 of 25
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Tech world... nobody compares (maybe Bill Gates for recognition).

    Rockstars... a few... most notably Mick Jagger.

    I mean in general. Imagine walking down the street in any of the most populated cities in the world with a picture of Steve and a picture of Mick. Which do you think would be more recognized?

    Cities like Beijing, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, Cairo, Tokyo, even London. Give me a break, it would be Steve hands down.
  • Reply 16 of 25
    chudqchudq Posts: 43member
    I left my words on the window glass at the local Apple Store: Steve, you changed my life. God bless you! Daqing
  • Reply 17 of 25
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I mean in general. Imagine walking down the street in any of the most populated cities in the world with a picture of Steve and a picture of Mick. Which do you think would be more recognized?

    Cities like Beijing, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Rio de Janeiro, Cairo, Tokyo, even London. Give me a break, it would be Steve hands down.

    I respectfully disagree. In the cities you mentioned, there are many pockets where technology and most celebrities are foreign entities. But they would recognize Obama, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan.

    You and I have biased views, and look for stories about Jobs and Apple. In general, I'd say many celebrities are better known than Steve Jobs because their names are thrust in front of people's eyes whether they like it or not.

    But that's in no way taking anything from the impact and measure of The Man.
  • Reply 18 of 25
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Tech world... nobody compares (maybe Bill Gates for recognition).

    Rockstars... a few... most notably Mick Jagger.

    I disagree too. Michael Jackson, lebron James, Obama, George bush, Madonna. All of these have more recognition. But in the business world- he's close to the top of the list.

    I wish he had more flowers too though. If I was in NY I'd drop some off.

    And I would say way more people know bill gates than steve jobs. But we all on this forum know who did more.
  • Reply 19 of 25
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    I respectfully disagree. In the cities you mentioned, there are many pockets where technology and most celebrities are foreign entities. But they would recognize Obama, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan.

    It is impossible to know, but since the average age of the world population is around 50 and in the massive populations of developing countries it is far lower, coupled with the only recent telecommunication proliferation in those regions, possibly only Obama would be recognized from your list, yet maybe not more so than Jobs. I do find it strange that you list contains all black men. Perhaps Princess Di would have been in the same company, or Bin Laden.
  • Reply 20 of 25
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    wtf kind of front cover is that for the new york post?




    I mean seriously, does anyone else see that as obnoxious as shit?

    That was the first thing I noticed too! That headline made it sounds like someone killed him or like he died in the same manner as Osama. I rather see "passes away" than "dead".
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