BlackBerry, Android secondhand trade-ins spike at iPhone 4S launch



  • Reply 21 of 29
    I honestly think a lot of the iPhone New iPhone Converts will return back to android. Many of them move over to the iPhone due to the hype. They have this impression that Android is just a clone of iOS and will run the exact same (please don't start a flame war over this leave it as it is). The two OSs have their similarities but they have vast differences. These differences will undoubtedly push some back to Android. One huge difference is in the way content is shared between apps. In Android to post a Picture in face book from the camera you simply take the picture and hit share to Facebook. In iOS you need to take the picture then open Facebook to upload it. Also the biggest reason I could never go to iOS is the lack of the back button. You have no idea how much i love that button and the search button has its uses too. Just saying many people end up right back on the same platform. It happens all the time People left the iPhone for the Samsung Galaxy S II and many came back many because of it being too different.
  • Reply 22 of 29
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    I honestly think a lot of the iPhone New iPhone Converts will return back to android. Many of them move over to the iPhone due to the hype. They have this impression that Android is just a clone of iOS and will run the exact same (please don't start a flame war over this leave it as it is). The two OSs have their similarities but they have vast differences. These differences will undoubtedly push some back to Android. One huge difference is in the way content is shared between apps. In Android to post a Picture in face book from the camera you simply take the picture and hit share to Facebook. In iOS you need to take the picture then open Facebook to upload it. Also the biggest reason I could never go to iOS is the lack of the back button. You have no idea how much i love that button and the search button has its uses too. Just saying many people end up right back on the same platform. It happens all the time People left the iPhone for the Samsung Galaxy S II and many came back many because of it being too different.

    And Jimmie Carter is still eligible for a second term as President of the United States.

  • Reply 23 of 29
    dsectdsect Posts: 25member
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    I honestly think a lot of the iPhone New iPhone Converts will return back to android...

    Yeh, they'll miss the malware and the battery life.
  • Reply 24 of 29
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    They have this impression that Android is just a clone of iOS and will run the exact same (please don't start a flame war over this leave it as it is).

    That is a self-defeating statement... you just started one. If we know something is wrong, why leave it as it is until it stands corrected?
  • Reply 25 of 29
    Originally Posted by ExceptionHandler View Post

    That is a self-defeating statement... you just started one. If we know something is wrong, why leave it as it is until it stands corrected?

    Well this is what many of the people who purchase android phones where told by the store reps. When they go in there looking for an iPhone and they are told we do not carry one. But this phone her is just like the iPhone "you can download apps and listen to music just like an iPhone". Those people being the consumers whom don't research a product before they buy it will believe its like an iPhone and thus its an iPhone clone. When they actually use the OS they will not know the difference between iOS and Android as they are not using iOS. Thus they presume that the rep was right an iOS is the same as Android and Vice-versa

    Originally Posted by dsect View Post

    Yeh, they'll miss the malware and the battery life.

    That is weird I don't really get malware on my android phone or any of my non tech savvy friends. Only one of my friends has a battery problem. She uses an Evo 4g and knows why the battery sucks. She is happy to carry another charger as the phone she says is far better then her previous iPhone 3gs. By far "the Android has malware" thing is by far the dumbest argument against Android. Its just like the morons who say every machine running Windows has viruses on them.
  • Reply 26 of 29
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    I honestly think a lot of the iPhone New iPhone Converts will return back to android.

    I honestly believe you're so clueless that no one in your immediate family nor any of your close relatives have ever even heard of the board game.


    Many of them move over to the iPhone due to the hype.

    Come for the hype, stay for the interface.


    In Android to post a Picture in face book from the camera you simply take the picture and hit share to Facebook. In iOS you need to take the picture then open Facebook to upload it.

    Nonsensically implying that's an inherent difference in the way the OS' do things and not Apple's decision not to deal with Suckerberg. Is it a lack of a feature, I suppose so. Is it an inherent difference? Not at all. Twitter integration in iOS does exactly that. No idea if Android has such integration.


    Also the biggest reason I could never go to iOS is the lack of the back button.


    You have no idea how much i love that button and the search button has its uses too.

    A button for searching the Internet. Only the Internet. Not the phone, just the Internet.

    Not as useful as you'd think.


    People left the iPhone for the Samsung Galaxy S II

    Did they? I don't remember that. Aside: And isn't it called the "Samsung Galaxy S 2 Epic 4G Touch"?
  • Reply 27 of 29
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I honestly believe you're so clueless that no one in your immediate family nor any of your close relatives have ever even heard of the board game.

    Come for the hype, stay for the interface.

    Nonsensically implying that's an inherent difference in the way the OS' do things and not Apple's decision not to deal with Suckerberg. Is it a lack of a feature, I suppose so. Is it an inherent difference? Not at all. Twitter integration in iOS does exactly that. No idea if Android has such integration.

    Actually it is built into the SDK to have the share interactions. Dropbox, twitter, and thousands of other apps have that built in. Rather then building it into the OS. Google made it a code in the SDK so that everything would be able to share it like that. So I could open drop box click share and it will bring up the list of Application with the that Specific share code in them. So I could share from drop box to twitter if I so wanted to from my phone. Its not integration on android but rather sharing. What you have as far as the twitter integration in iOS 5 is what android has had for years but with thousands of other apps.


    A button for searching the Internet. Only the Internet. Not the phone, just the Internet.

    Not as useful as you'd think.

    Actually it searches the entire phone including Applications and contacts using the predictive text input.


    Did they? I don't remember that. Aside: And isn't it called the "Samsung Galaxy S 2 Epic 4G Touch"?

    That's the sprint version. The real name is just the Samsung Galaxy S II. And their where many Die hard iPhone fans who left for the larger screen and thinner design of the world version. But they did not like the differences in the OSs and came back.

    No offense but if you don't really know to much about the differences between the OSs then why do you post a reply?
  • Reply 28 of 29
    Originally Posted by Apple v. Samsung View Post

    Actually it is built into the SDK to have the share interactions. Dropbox, twitter, and thousands of other apps have that built in. Rather then building it into the OS. Google made it a code in the SDK so that everything would be able to share it like that.

    Okay, thanks for the information.

    I think I can tell you why Apple doesn't allow that, though as I'm not working for them, it's only a guess.

    Take a gander at the modal popup on iOS' Pictures app. Since the Twitter integration, it takes up the entire screen of the non-tablet iDevices. If anything further is added, that thing would have to scroll.

    Scrolling modal popups aren't ever a good idea. And when you have 50-some apps?say, ten of which can share pictures?it gets to be pretty convoluted.


    Actually it searches the entire phone including Applications and contacts using the predictive text input.

    When did they start that? Because as of Froyo, it still only searched the Internet. I wrote a paper on Windows Phone 7 and Android, and all the models I researched only searched the Internet.


    No offense but if you don't really know to much about the differences between the OSs then why do you post a reply?

    Again, wrote a paper on the other two. I've had iPhone OS for over four years and did a fair bit of testing with those other two. I'm a touch behind the times now, since Ice Cream Sandwich and Gingerbread have come out since I finished it. I have a little more than a superficial understanding of Android, I've just not coded for it at all.
  • Reply 29 of 29
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Okay, thanks for the information.

    When did they start that? Because as of Froyo, it still only searched the Internet. I wrote a paper on Windows Phone 7 and Android, and all the models I researched only searched the Internet.

    Im not to sure. My old phone the Nexus S did it. When I got this phone T-mobile Optimus T when my Nexus went for a swim in the Sacramento River. But my Optimus T allows the searching from the search button. I know because I just did it a second ago to make sure. The optimus T runs (barely at that) 2.2. Froyo. Its a Shitty phone that made for a great Replacement in hard times. I ended up paying more for this POS then most of the people on this site have paid for their iPhones.
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