We just tried a demo of Printopia, a $20 app that let's your iPhones iPads print to any printer on your network. It works well, even with my 1st gen iPad. You click on the 'out' arrow in any page or app ( the one that lets you email, bookmark or save etc.). Then the drop down box lists our four printers, our localhost network, Dropbox account, and Send To Mac.
The software needs to be installed on your computer then it can see anything on your network. It automagically appears on all your iPhones iPads in the out arrow dialog box in whatever app you are in. Really happy with it. None of our printers are wifi compatible and some are really old but it works!
Thx palomine, I've heard good things about printopia...good to know!
Its not ideal but you can use good reader, apparently, to move pdfs via wifi Check out this thread
As far as video goes why not the Apple iPad camera kit?
No wifi at work for security reasons. If we had wifi I could have used filebrowser (a great app by the way). A file transfer app that uses the docking cable instead of wifi would work but I think that might be against Apple's rules.
I don't have the camera kit. Solution was to run the videos through a converter to get an iPad version, put it in a folder, sync "Photos???" using itunes with the "include video box" checked. All this in spite of the fact that I can transfer or stream the original videos using filebrowser and view them in a video player app
Well said. Anecdotal I know, but before my ipad2, my GF would go to our iMac in the den for facebook, emailing, photo mgt, surfing, etc., instead of using her work laptop (dell-ugh!). Now she goes straight for the iPad2 sitting on the coffee table...I get asked a lot, " r u almost done with the iPad?" of course, I correct her and tell her it's an "iPad2!".
Women love to be corrected, particularly on *details*. NOT!
The limits Apple puts on it's devices may play into a couple of surveys that strangely show that consumers overwhelmingly prefer Windows as their tablet OS. Whats that you say? What tablets use Windows? My guess is that buyers want computers/tablets with an OS and feature set they're already comfortable with. That's generally Windows.
I suspect the entire tablet space will undergo a change once MS-based tablets start hitting the market, no matter that Apple was the initial player.
No wifi at work for security reasons. If we had wifi I could have used filebrowser (a great app by the way). A file transfer app that uses the docking cable instead of wifi would work but I think that might be against Apple's rules.
You mentioned the USB port earlier, is it an option to just put those pdfs on a USB key and take them home, then load them up in iTunes there? Not a perfect solution, but it's certainly workable. I have a 32GB USB key so I can listen to plenty of music at work, as I don't have an iPhone yet and I've never owned an iPod. This works just fine, until our company finally decides to block USB ports heh
That's exactly why people want a PC over an iPad. I love my iPad, but it's not a replacement for a computer. It's an ultra-portable accessory.
For some people, it IS a replacement for a computer.
Originally Posted by Goldenclaw
I think HP really messed up.
Their WebOS is decent, and their tablets sold like hotcakes when they got rid of them at fire sale prices.
The lesson is that people would buy them at a lower price point.
They need to somehow get the price point to $99/$150/$199 and then people will buy*them.
Actually, HP's biggest mistake was marking them to $99. Thousands have been sold on eBay for $200 or more. If HP had marked them down to $200 or $250, they'd probably still have sold all of them - and had millions more dollars in their pocket.
Originally Posted by Snowdog65
99% of rumors are nonsense and so is this one.
HP, and Dell will likely shift from Android to Win8 tablets. I wouldn't call that conceding the market.
The better Android tablet builders like Asus,Samsung will be in Android and Win8 tablets.
It's really to early to say. No one outside of Microsoft knows enough about how Win8 will perform on a tablet. If they make it a full blown Windows like earlier versions of Windows slates, it may not do well.
Originally Posted by Gatorguy
There's some evidence that a high percentage of iPad owners may regret their purchase, finding they don't have as much use for it as they originally envisioned. That could be one reason that some of the computer makers may have decided it's a market not worth pursuing right now.
Really? So in your world, something isn't useful unless you use it daily?
And even if those claims were true, it's still a multi-billion dollar market that's growing rapidly. It would be foolish to ignore it just because the customers don't use the product daily.
Originally Posted by Gatorguy
Also, while you might think that iPad owners find more use than owners of other tablets, not so according to this European study. To the contrary, those cheaper tablets/readers are used more often by their owners than those with the somewhat expensive iPads.
"Interestingly, non-iPad owners are recording an average of 30 minutes more usage a day than people with Apple iconic device. This trend was evident in all markets surveyed. "We found that younger people are more likely to own cheaper non-Apple devices, and that these users tend to be most engaged with social networks," said Garner.
Did you notice how your two sources contradict each other? That alone makes your 'evidence' pretty questionable.
Not to mention that there's absolutely nothing to suggest statistical validity. For example, people buying cheaper tablets may well be younger and/or college students - which would explain their greater usage. Without correcting for differences in population, the survey is totally meaningless.
Really? So in your world, something isn't useful unless you use it daily?
It wasn't me they asked. The results were based on iPad owners answers in the UK.
Originally Posted by jragosta
Did you notice how your two sources contradict each other? That alone makes your 'evidence' pretty questionable..
How so? One was referring to iPad owners, while the other included tablet owners/users in general.
Originally Posted by jragosta
Not to mention that there's absolutely nothing to suggest statistical validity. For example, people buying cheaper tablets may well be younger and/or college students - which would explain their greater usage. Without correcting for differences in population, the survey is totally meaningless.
If you read the entire second link you should have seen that those buying the less expensive tablets were likely to be younger and much more prone to socialize with them, just as you were wondering.
Oh I don't know, maybe the PC market to start, maybe Xbox Live, enterprise, Office, just all the other software they produce that they make billions from.
PC's are going nowhere anytime soon, the market keeps growing.
Xbox live is blowing up and MS are constantly striking deals to provide more and more content to the consumer
Enterprise is MS's bread and butter, servers, mail servers ect.... all run MS
Office, number one selling business software suite
I could go on.
I'll pin this on the wall and check it in ten years.
I did the easy thing and bought an HP printer that has support for the iPad printing. Super easy
I just got one today. Took 2 minutes to have all Macs, iPads and iPhones printing - they all just worked. The Macs did have to grab drivers but they did it automatically over the internet. Amazingly simple. Over half an hour fiddling with Windows 7 to get it working on the same printer!
Again, Apple slaps these guys senseless by simply out competing everyone else... It was a fair fight... I my neighborhood, this is called an old fashioned ass-whoppin..... So what does this leave for Stevie in Seattle ?
N A D A .... His only play is with the Finnish who don't like his kind and will Sabatoge him anywhere they find.....ho,,,ho,,,,ho.....
Again, Apple slaps these guys senseless by simply out competing everyone else... It was a fair fight... I my neighborhood, this is called an old fashioned ass-whoppin..... So what does this leave for Stevie in Seattle ?
N A D A .... His only play is with the Finnish who don't like his kind and will Sabatoge him anywhere they find.....ho,,,ho,,,,ho.....
"Strong enthusiasm for tablets other than Apple's Ipad have already disappeared"
I for one, am very enthusiastic about the next ipad 3. Which will more than likely incorporate siri. That is the main reason i am waiting to buy an ipad!!
Your comment just inspired me... What if Siri on iPad 3 was promoted to schools as a "teacher's assistant", and could it be limited to questions based on the curriculum with geo-fencing?
I hear u tenzo...it's hard to pull the trigger when a new model is on the horizon. My only regret with my iPad2 is getting the wifi only model instead of the 3G.
I thought I could "tether" it to my ip4...but AT&T said to setup tethering would be $45/mo and I would lose my "grandfathered-in" unlimited data plan! I'm thinking of telling AT&T to stick it up their nose and get a sprint 4s.
You can also tether your iPad to an Android phone with T-mo.
P.S. (Off topic) I'm looking to get a print app for my iPad...any suggestions? Thx.
Printopia on the Mac works great for me. Dunno if there is anything like it for Windows. Or if you are PC free, more and more printers are coming with AirPrint support. Might be time to upgrade!
All this can be summed up nicely, Apple raised the bar way too high for the rush to the bottom business model the PC makers have been using this past decade. Quality, design and content is king, Apple has led those features wonderfully and it's now dawned on the PC industry they must undergo a philosophical change in order to compete.
We just tried a demo of Printopia, a $20 app that let's your iPhones iPads print to any printer on your network. It works well, even with my 1st gen iPad. You click on the 'out' arrow in any page or app ( the one that lets you email, bookmark or save etc.). Then the drop down box lists our four printers, our localhost network, Dropbox account, and Send To Mac.
The software needs to be installed on your computer then it can see anything on your network. It automagically appears on all your iPhones iPads in the out arrow dialog box in whatever app you are in. Really happy with it. None of our printers are wifi compatible and some are really old but it works!
Thx palomine, I've heard good things about printopia...good to know!
" r u almost done with the iPad?" of course, I correct her and tell her it's an "iPad2!".
You're not gaining any points.
Its not ideal but you can use good reader, apparently, to move pdfs via wifi Check out this thread
As far as video goes why not the Apple iPad camera kit?
No wifi at work for security reasons. If we had wifi I could have used filebrowser (a great app by the way). A file transfer app that uses the docking cable instead of wifi would work but I think that might be against Apple's rules.
I don't have the camera kit. Solution was to run the videos through a converter to get an iPad version, put it in a folder, sync "Photos???" using itunes with the "include video box" checked. All this in spite of the fact that I can transfer or stream the original videos using filebrowser and view them in a video player app
Well said. Anecdotal I know, but before my ipad2, my GF would go to our iMac in the den for facebook, emailing, photo mgt, surfing, etc., instead of using her work laptop (dell-ugh!). Now she goes straight for the iPad2 sitting on the coffee table...I get asked a lot, " r u almost done with the iPad?" of course, I correct her and tell her it's an "iPad2!".
Women love to be corrected, particularly on *details*. NOT!
That's exactly why people want a PC over an iPad. I love my iPad, but it's not a replacement for a computer. It's an ultra-portable accessory.
Two words: Wireless Printer.
P.S. (Off topic) I'm looking to get a print app for my iPad...any suggestions? Thx.
I did the easy thing and bought an HP printer that has support for the iPad printing. Super easy
The limits Apple puts on it's devices may play into a couple of surveys that strangely show that consumers overwhelmingly prefer Windows as their tablet OS. Whats that you say? What tablets use Windows? My guess is that buyers want computers/tablets with an OS and feature set they're already comfortable with. That's generally Windows.
I suspect the entire tablet space will undergo a change once MS-based tablets start hitting the market, no matter that Apple was the initial player.
Yup. Windows Tablets. Any day now. It's gonna be a hit. Everyone will want one. As soon as MS-based tablets start hitting the market. Any day now. It's as true today as it was in 1992.
Their WebOS is decent, and their tablets sold like hotcakes when they got rid of them at fire sale prices.
The lesson is that people would buy them at a lower price point.
They need to somehow get the price point to $99/$150/$199 and then people will buy*them.
No wifi at work for security reasons. If we had wifi I could have used filebrowser (a great app by the way). A file transfer app that uses the docking cable instead of wifi would work but I think that might be against Apple's rules.
You mentioned the USB port earlier, is it an option to just put those pdfs on a USB key and take them home, then load them up in iTunes there? Not a perfect solution, but it's certainly workable. I have a 32GB USB key so I can listen to plenty of music at work, as I don't have an iPhone yet and I've never owned an iPod. This works just fine, until our company finally decides to block USB ports heh
That's exactly why people want a PC over an iPad. I love my iPad, but it's not a replacement for a computer. It's an ultra-portable accessory.
For some people, it IS a replacement for a computer.
I think HP really messed up.
Their WebOS is decent, and their tablets sold like hotcakes when they got rid of them at fire sale prices.
The lesson is that people would buy them at a lower price point.
They need to somehow get the price point to $99/$150/$199 and then people will buy*them.
Actually, HP's biggest mistake was marking them to $99. Thousands have been sold on eBay for $200 or more. If HP had marked them down to $200 or $250, they'd probably still have sold all of them - and had millions more dollars in their pocket.
99% of rumors are nonsense and so is this one.
HP, and Dell will likely shift from Android to Win8 tablets. I wouldn't call that conceding the market.
The better Android tablet builders like Asus,Samsung will be in Android and Win8 tablets.
It's really to early to say. No one outside of Microsoft knows enough about how Win8 will perform on a tablet. If they make it a full blown Windows like earlier versions of Windows slates, it may not do well.
There's some evidence that a high percentage of iPad owners may regret their purchase, finding they don't have as much use for it as they originally envisioned. That could be one reason that some of the computer makers may have decided it's a market not worth pursuing right now.
Really? So in your world, something isn't useful unless you use it daily?
And even if those claims were true, it's still a multi-billion dollar market that's growing rapidly. It would be foolish to ignore it just because the customers don't use the product daily.
Also, while you might think that iPad owners find more use than owners of other tablets, not so according to this European study. To the contrary, those cheaper tablets/readers are used more often by their owners than those with the somewhat expensive iPads.
"Interestingly, non-iPad owners are recording an average of 30 minutes more usage a day than people with Apple iconic device. This trend was evident in all markets surveyed. "We found that younger people are more likely to own cheaper non-Apple devices, and that these users tend to be most engaged with social networks," said Garner.
Did you notice how your two sources contradict each other? That alone makes your 'evidence' pretty questionable.
Not to mention that there's absolutely nothing to suggest statistical validity. For example, people buying cheaper tablets may well be younger and/or college students - which would explain their greater usage. Without correcting for differences in population, the survey is totally meaningless.
Really? So in your world, something isn't useful unless you use it daily?
It wasn't me they asked. The results were based on iPad owners answers in the UK.
Did you notice how your two sources contradict each other? That alone makes your 'evidence' pretty questionable..
How so? One was referring to iPad owners, while the other included tablet owners/users in general.
Not to mention that there's absolutely nothing to suggest statistical validity. For example, people buying cheaper tablets may well be younger and/or college students - which would explain their greater usage. Without correcting for differences in population, the survey is totally meaningless.
If you read the entire second link you should have seen that those buying the less expensive tablets were likely to be younger and much more prone to socialize with them, just as you were wondering.
Oh I don't know, maybe the PC market to start, maybe Xbox Live, enterprise, Office, just all the other software they produce that they make billions from.
PC's are going nowhere anytime soon, the market keeps growing.
Xbox live is blowing up and MS are constantly striking deals to provide more and more content to the consumer
Enterprise is MS's bread and butter, servers, mail servers ect.... all run MS
Office, number one selling business software suite
I could go on.
I'll pin this on the wall and check it in ten years.
I did the easy thing and bought an HP printer that has support for the iPad printing. Super easy
I just got one today. Took 2 minutes to have all Macs, iPads and iPhones printing - they all just worked. The Macs did have to grab drivers but they did it automatically over the internet. Amazingly simple. Over half an hour fiddling with Windows 7 to get it working on the same printer!
N A D A .... His only play is with the Finnish who don't like his kind and will Sabatoge him anywhere they find.....ho,,,ho,,,,ho.....
N A D A .... His only play is with the Finnish who don't like his kind and will Sabatoge him anywhere they find.....ho,,,ho,,,,ho.....
Let's get this right....
"Strong enthusiasm for tablets other than Apple's Ipad have already disappeared"
I for one, am very enthusiastic about the next ipad 3. Which will more than likely incorporate siri. That is the main reason i am waiting to buy an ipad!!
Your comment just inspired me... What if Siri on iPad 3 was promoted to schools as a "teacher's assistant", and could it be limited to questions based on the curriculum with geo-fencing?
I hear u tenzo...it's hard to pull the trigger when a new model is on the horizon. My only regret with my iPad2 is getting the wifi only model instead of the 3G.
I thought I could "tether" it to my ip4...but AT&T said to setup tethering would be $45/mo and I would lose my "grandfathered-in" unlimited data plan! I'm thinking of telling AT&T to stick it up their nose and get a sprint 4s.
You can also tether your iPad to an Android phone with T-mo.
"Computers in the future may weigh no more than 1.5 tons."
-- Popular Mechanics, forecasting the relentless march of science, 1949
Since I'm assuming you didn't write this, you need to link back to the source... Is this it?
P.S. (Off topic) I'm looking to get a print app for my iPad...any suggestions? Thx.
Printopia on the Mac works great for me. Dunno if there is anything like it for Windows. Or if you are PC free, more and more printers are coming with AirPrint support. Might be time to upgrade!