Apple teases worldwide Black Friday sale



  • Reply 21 of 22
    I'm hoping for KRK Speakers.
  • Reply 22 of 22
    Originally Posted by Kibitzer View Post

    Want to do better than even the Black Friday posted price when you shop at the Apple Retail Store? Ask! Check ads for other stores or even online to find the very best advertised price you can, then show the info to the employee assisting you. Make a specific dollar offer. They may have to clear it with a manager and see from your Apple ID how much stuff you've bought in the past, but it's good odds they'll play ball with you. Offering to buy AppleCare is a sweetener. It works even if you go in a couple days after BF. Just be nice, even if they say no.

    (Disclaimer: Not responsible if you screw this up and some big, burly dude chucks you out the door and halfway down the block.)

    You forgot to mention if I should discreetly slip said employee a fiddy note.
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