Microsoft releases Windows Phone-esque Xbox LIVE app for iOS



  • Reply 21 of 36
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    So you decide the best approach is to be obnoxious? Brightest bulb in your class were you...

    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Yes I was. Reductio ad absurdum literally means "reduction to the absurd."

    Got it. It's fighting fire with fire.....and t's brilliant.....slightly obnoxious but brilliant, nonetheless.

    Too bad you can't [/CENTER] it, too.
  • Reply 22 of 36
    Okay, I registered after lurking around long enough and because this topic is related to gaming and I'm a gamer. There's one thing left missing with this sentence:


    happen to own an Xbox 360 and an iPhone or iPad

    It should add 'Games For Windows LIVE' after the 360. I've been gaming on the Windows side (bootcamped, iMac) and the one thing that really surprise me was that M$ 'cheated' things by claiming whoever has a GFWL account is also an Xbox LIVE user.

    While this move is actually bad for business ethics though not illegal but okay though confusing for gamers.

    This app, IMO, isn't bad for gamers who are on-the-go and it will reach out for more gamers that do not own a Windows phone. Heck, it's better than Sony's attempt to socialize gamers (perhaps, even Apple's).

    So, to me, this is a good strategy for M$ to stay afloat in the game console competition - their championed Xbox 360 has since lost steam and running out of exclusives to attract gamers and while their sales is (suspiciously) high especially in the US, we all need to be reminded that M$ loves to cheat their way in and out. It's just the Microsoft way.
  • Reply 23 of 36
    Originally Posted by zeejay21 View Post

    It should add 'Games For Windows LIVE' after the 360. I've been gaming on the Windows side (bootcamped, iMac) and the one thing that really surprise me was that M$ 'cheated' things by claiming whoever has a GFWL account is also an Xbox LIVE user.

    "Xbox" has become Microsoft's gaming brand.

    It seems silly because the "Xbox" is the name of the actual console as well. This isn't without precedent ("Zune" is the name of a software application, a PMP and a media platform).

    Windows Phone has an "Xbox Live" hub and "Xbox Live" games.

    If you try to go to "Games for Windows" website it now redirects you to the "Xbox Marketplace" (for PC).

    Windows 8 is set to further this approach by building in the "Xbox" branding.

    Anyway my point is that an "Xbox Live" user doesn't mean someone that owns an Xbox 360, it means someone that uses Microsoft's gaming network (which happens to be branded "Xbox") on phone, PC or console.

    Originally Posted by zeejay21 View Post

    This app, IMO, isn't bad for gamers who are on-the-go and it will reach out for more gamers that do not own a Windows phone. Heck, it's better than Sony's attempt to socialise gamers (perhaps, even Apple's). So, to me, this is a good strategy for M$...

    I think it's a great strategy.

    Microsoft is a software platform company. IMO Office, Zune and Xbox should be available on all major platforms.

    If Windows can't be the best platform for these services to run on then the OS team aren't doing their job.
  • Reply 24 of 36
    @ Firefly7475

    I'd anticipated this move by M$ one year ago when I was discussing with in another forum thread about M$ Vista OS failure and their emergence within the game business. I actually pointed out several things that can make M$ survived - one was they need to stop developing Windows and focus on Office software and another was concentrating on LIVE since it was the sole reason the original Xbox (the big, black one) from getting thrown into a trash can.

    In the present state, it looks like M$ is taking the LIVE route but with similar approach with what Apple is taking with OSX integration with iOS - only M$ creatively use the open approach to strengthen their Xbox brand whereas Apple use their own products to strengthen theirs.

    Windows is M$'s black sheep. The way I see it, M$ is moving further away from it. Windows will still be on most PCs and there will still be developers for it but in this post-PC era, it's doesn't matter any longer.

    OSes on multiple electronic devices, is the new hot thing nowadays and tablets and phones are just the beginning. Now there are consoles with useful OSes (as oppose to the previous generation), TVs are gonna have them so will cars and heck, even a microwave*!

    * Yeah, I'm exaggerating over there but God knows what's in store in the future!
  • Reply 25 of 36
    So a selling point of windows phone is now on iOS. Good going there, Microsoft.
  • Reply 26 of 36
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Looks great on the iPad.
  • Reply 27 of 36
    Originally Posted by zeejay21 View Post

    @ Firefly7475

    I'd anticipated this move by M$ one year ago when I was discussing with in another forum thread about M$ Vista OS failure and their emergence within the game business. I actually pointed out several things that can make M$ survived - one was they need to stop developing Windows and focus on Office software and another was concentrating on LIVE since it was the sole reason the original Xbox (the big, black one) from getting thrown into a trash can.

    In the present state, it looks like M$ is taking the LIVE route but with similar approach with what Apple is taking with OSX integration with iOS - only M$ creatively use the open approach to strengthen their Xbox brand whereas Apple use their own products to strengthen theirs.

    Windows is M$'s black sheep. The way I see it, M$ is moving further away from it. Windows will still be on most PCs and there will still be developers for it but in this post-PC era, it's doesn't matter any longer.

    OSes on multiple electronic devices, is the new hot thing nowadays and tablets and phones are just the beginning. Now there are consoles with useful OSes (as oppose to the previous generation), TVs are gonna have them so will cars and heck, even a microwave*!

    * Yeah, I'm exaggerating over there but God knows what's in store in the future!

    I'm gonna agree with this statement as well.

    MS also just recently stated that they will be releasing the code for Office so that it can also be retrofitted (hopefully rewritten!) for ARM processors, including iOS and Android. I as well as others here have stated that is exactly what MS should have done a couple of years ago.

    I think MS has finally realized that their OS, and the ever-present legacy app compatibility, is what's holding them back from seriously competing in the new era we are in. I think we could also state as fact, that they are not making as much money as they would like to, due to business/enterprise sitting on legacy software for 10 years or longer (WinXP).

    I have a client at the moment that absolutely refuses to use Win7, and I just about lost him as a client because I installed all of his software on a new Mac running Parallels and Win7. Even after assuring him this was the way to go, everything worked (sign-cutting, Xerox Doc drivers, etc), and even making Win7 look like WinNT/95 (his preference... egads!), well... he made me pull it and install WinXP-SP3. I would say for absolutely no good reason, and THAT is what MS is up against.

    Too many people with the saying stuck in their head, quote, "Don't fix what's not broke"... even though, IMO, WinXP is seriously broke at this point in time.

    I'm still "betting" on Win8, especially the mobile side of things, being a big hit.... and taking back users and marketshare from Google's advertising-platform "efforts".

    Apple will be and stay where they've always been: in the hands of people that value productivity, aesthetics, and "just works" effortlessly... so I'm not afraid in the least of an MS "Spring Rising"
  • Reply 28 of 36
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by djames4242 View Post

    I'm not really sure what the point of this app is. I haven't seen much in the way of xbox-live content that isn't available (without a Live subscription) in iOS-native applications. I was hoping this would allow me to control and play streamed content through the XBOX, but that apparently requires the Windows Phone version of the XBOX application. Sigh...

    Then again, I suppose Microsoft should be praised for releasing an iOS application that interfaces at all with their console. I don't see Apple ever releasing a Windows Phone app to control an AppleTV (and probably wouldn't even if there were more than 27 non-Microsoft employees using a Windows Phone).

    The point of this is to give you an app to interact with Xbox live. Tweak your live settings, send and receive xbox messages, edit your avatar and catch up on Xbox video content.

    If you have an Xbox it is well worth downloading.
  • Reply 29 of 36
    Originally Posted by benanderson89 View Post

    So a selling point of windows phone is now on iOS. Good going there, Microsoft.

    If it's not apparent to you, MS is trying to be more like Apple... and they realize that Google is their enemy, much more than Apple ever was. Even in those times, it was only the "sales staff" now in power that thought that way. While BG maybe was a cunning little ass**** geek weasel, he still respected SJ and Apple immensely. OK.... where else to get your next insanely great idea?

    Win8/Nokia phones will do just fine on their own outside of America.

    Android is in the business of creating increasingly bad-news headlines here in Europe, and the regulators are getting ready to do a big-time crackdown. While this has been rumored before, I have an inside track to the top dog at ******, sorry, can't say that , and believe me, summer 2012 is gonna be the unraveling of Google and Android.

    The silly open source geeks are gonna be running amok in the streets pulling their hair out and flogging themselves with their "droids"... gonna be fun
  • Reply 30 of 36
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    Android is in the business of creating increasingly bad-news headlines here in Europe, and the regulators are getting ready to do a big-time crackdown. While this has been rumored before, I have an inside track to the top dog at ******, sorry, can't say that , and believe me, summer 2012 is gonna be the unraveling of Google and Android.

    Wishful thinking?

    Originally Posted by ThePixelDoc View Post

    MS also just recently stated that they will be releasing the code for Office so that it can also be retrofitted (hopefully rewritten!) for ARM processors, including iOS and Android.

    Microsoft releasing Office source code? Really? Source?
  • Reply 31 of 36
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I thought the limit was 4, but that doesn't seem to be enforced, and ConradJoe's sign was obnoxious so my plan is see if they really don't have limits.

    PS: The great thing about sigs is that they all change when you change them, they aren't static to each posting.

    Hey SolipsX, simplest thing would be to put said individual in your Ignore list. I did that long ago and have no idea how big his sig is.

    I really have no idea how guys like you, TallestSkil and Dick Applebaum have the patience to interact with some of the trolls.
  • Reply 32 of 36
    I think this is a good move. Microsoft need to get back to being a software company that produces software for more than just there platform.

    Apple advertises the fact that there devices work with each other really well. Amazon has made the Kindle a success by showing that it works accross all devices really well. Microsoft need to do the same thing, every service they have needs to work accross all platforms, thats the key to success and will give them an advantage over Apple.

    Next I'd like to see a Zune client for iOS that works with the Zune pass. At the moment it doesn't make sense, people could have an Xbox, PC but then an iPhone and iPad. The Zune pass needs to work on all 4 not just 2.
  • Reply 33 of 36
    8002580025 Posts: 177member
    Originally Posted by tylerk36 View Post

    So big friggen deal. People want to praise Microsoft for doing this. I tell you what when Microsoft comes out with an operating system that is not based on DLL and doesn't require an antivirus program I will praise them. So far the Windows 7 Home Premium that I have on my 8 Core Mac Pro takes way too long to boot up. Im my opinion Winders tried to control your computer and you have to constantly update and answer stupid questions for security reasons. My god man. Windows 8 is no better. In fact I think it is gonna be worse as in user interface.

    I have to agree with you in principle on this one. While perhaps a little off-topic, to my way of thinking there's too much emphasis placed on an operating system. It should be technologically transparent, facilitate user to application interface, and not require frequent and multiple interventions (e.g., updates, verifications, pop-up warnings and notifications, etc).

    As to this majorcrap iOS App, to my way of thinking it's merely a new component in the windows/outlook/office virus proliferation platform. Not to mention the interface is a typical Redmond make-it-look-purdy to cover the fact that it has minimal functionality.
  • Reply 34 of 36
    maecvsmaecvs Posts: 129member
    Thank God, because I really need to experience WIndows on my iOS device!

  • Reply 35 of 36
    bigpicsbigpics Posts: 1,397member
    Originally Posted by King of Beige View Post

    If MS has the metro UI running beautifully on iPhone then that means iPhone users today are being trained on tomorrow's Metro UI - and this is before the Win8 phones have even launched. Very clever...

    The "look and feel" of iTunes for Windows is what made me a switcher (back in 2004 as I recall) after 10 years on the fence while using DOS and Windows.

    Turnabout would only be fair play......

    Originally Posted by Jacksons View Post

    You have to admit that UI makes the iOS UI look dated. Just sayin'

    It makes it clear that UI design will never reach any "ultimate" state - and there's room for new approaches to keep evolving - wherever they come from. I'd hate to see the post-Jobs Apple ever "rest on their laurels."
  • Reply 36 of 36
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    I don't mind the interface. I also think it is smart to model it off Windows Phone 7. Yet, I find aspects to be steps backwards. I find it taking longer to do things because it takes longer to scroll to places like video, which I is what I use the X-Box mostly for. There eis a quick launch, which when I beomce accustomed to using might help.

    Moreover, I will not use Kinect to control the console. For instance, pointing my arm at a panel and waiting for the little circle thing to go around takes to much effort. The improvements let you do more with Kinect, but it still is far faster to just use the controller.

    Moreover, the Netflix app has been redesigned for Kinect. I understand why as it couldn't' be used very well with Kinect before, and the new design probably is better for Kinect. However, for the rest of us who aren't going to use Kinect to control Netflix, I don't like the new design. It isn't as intuitive to do things like rate movies.

    Originally Posted by Gustav View Post

    Back up your assertion with examples from your extensive knowledge if UI design, please.

    It's clean and simple and intuitive. If you disagree, please say why.

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