Acer chairman sees Mac growth stalling in face of ultrabook surge



  • Reply 41 of 91
    I too have a PhD in Wishful Thinking. Can I be a CEO of a failing Tech business?
  • Reply 42 of 91
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by 4miler View Post

    snip ...wall of text.. /snip

    Good content creation usually uses paragraphs.
  • Reply 43 of 91
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    The difference is this: Tim knows what he is, and is not, good at. And he knows who to look to on the Apple bench for what he's not. He knows that the Apple DNA requires innovation and that he is not the creative genius.

    Tim is not going to F up. He's a 100 times smarter than Ballmer, and unlike Ballmer, he knows where his weaknesses are. Perfect.

    If I can't have Steve Jobs, I would take Tim Cook as CEO over anybody else in America.


    He also graduated in Industrial Engineering so he knows what the hell he's doing on that end.
  • Reply 44 of 91
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,520member
    Maybe he has mixed up the words "predict" and "wish".
  • Reply 45 of 91
    mknoppmknopp Posts: 257member
    Well, this is a good article, but there is one slight reporting error.

    The following should be changed:

    Acer suffered a humbling first-ever quarterly loss earlier this year in part because of [s]competition from stiff Apple's iPad[/s] their ill-conceived participation in the race to the bottom that occurred amongst Wintel manufacturers, but Wang [s]believes[/s] hopes and prays every night that interest in tablets is merely a "fever" that will soon recede.

  • Reply 46 of 91
    dbtincdbtinc Posts: 134member
    Originally Posted by RedPill View Post

    Who is Wang? What is Acer?

    A vulgar term for the male appendage that can be placed in an Acer, a Taiwanese slang term for your pooper.
  • Reply 47 of 91
    Originally Posted by 4miler View Post

    [snip] And a portion of people are attracted to the Windows 8 tablet platform because it's designed to get work done (content-creation), rather than Apple's overtly content-consumption approach... I'm an Apple fan, with a purchase record of over 15 Macs, several iPods, and two iPhones - and currently have 5 working Macs.

    First of all - you need to understand that Microsoft=content-creation and Apple=content consumption are statements that bear no relation to reality. The shift from stationary computing to mobile computing started with portable and then "laptop" computers and is being refined into the new standard of tablet computing. For the vast majority of people, both the capacity and portability of the iPad (and similar designs) is all they need for both consumption and creation. Youtube is flooded with demonstrations of content creation on the iPad. Apple has demonstrated to a wider and wider audience that they don't need to have a massive desktop computer to do the things they like to do on a daily basis.

    The presence of Microsoft in the marketplace will continue on for some time to come if they do nothing else but rely on the inertia they enjoy as the majority market holder, but that does not validate their approaches necessarily, even if they see a modicum of success simply by playing to their installed base. Moreover, Redmond has serious internal issues, which are demonstrated by the number of shakeups, moves and defections in the last year alone. Unless they can do a better job internally of driving effective collaboration, and dismantle some of the mini-empires that exist, they are severely impacting their ability to respond to market pressure effectively.

    And finally, ending your opinion with a tallysheet of all the Apple kit you have/owned, or stock you hold in the company doesn't validate your opinion if it isn't based in fact and reality. So I will see your $5 and raise you $5 more. And yeah, I own some Apple kit and stock as well, but then I own some Microsoft and Dell kit and stock too. None of which makes my commentary either more or less valid.
  • Reply 48 of 91
    Originally Posted by rtamesis View Post

    Apple is doomed, doomed, says Acer.

    Same thing Google basically said about the whole TV issue. And other companies have said about other issues.

    Fact is that none of these boys really have a clue what's going to happen. But they have to put on the brave face for their stock holders to avoid value shorting. That's really all this is.
  • Reply 49 of 91
    Originally Posted by thompr View Post

    The difference is this: Tim knows what he is, and is not, good at. And he knows who to look to on the Apple bench for what he's not. He knows that the Apple DNA requires innovation and that he is not the creative genius.

    to a strong degree that is 100% true. ANd probably part of the reason why Steve made sure that Jonny had as much freedom as he ended up with. So the money doesn't try to stifle design decisions and cause another failure like the whole 1990s thing. Not that I think that Tim would be that dumb, he knows what he's got in Jonny. But say Tim is gone in 3 years for whatever reason. THe next guy might not be so smart. He might think he's got the ideas for a 'new direction' blah blah. Jonny has the power to say no without fear of "do it my way or get the heck out" because the CEO has been stripped of that power. The Board might be able to boot Jonny but when they look at how much money his designs have made them and the stock holders are they going to do that. Not likely
  • Reply 50 of 91
    this guy makes as much sense as this:
  • Reply 51 of 91
    Somebody get him out of the chairman sit and throw an Apple at his head
  • Reply 52 of 91
    sdw2001sdw2001 Posts: 18,025member
  • Reply 53 of 91
    jeffdmjeffdm Posts: 12,953member
    Originally Posted by kgbwnet View Post

    This is good news. When Wang comments on Apple, the reverse is generally true.

    Just FYI:

    2009 Wang: Netbook shipment will reach 50 million in 2010 and Acer to take 40-50% of it

    2010 Wang: iPad a fad; market share will drop to 20%

    2011 Wang: Android 3.0 will "enhance" tablet experience, Acer to get 15-20% market share by end of 2011.

    Time for him to make his 2012 false claim!

    Thanks, I thought I've seen the name before. He's made too many bombastic claims to be taken seriously.

    Originally Posted by jmmx View Post

    A $699 ultrabook is an expensive, skinny netbook. Sure, they would get some adherents, but most people would see the difference in quality.

    I thought that "we" said that it was the Atom that made netbooks crappy. In comparison, Air had LV chips of regular processors, and Ultrabooks will have comparable processors.

    Originally Posted by ascii View Post

    Everyone used to say Mac was more expensive, but now PC vendors are having trouble matching their price. How times change.

    The tough part was getting people to compare like-for-like. If you completely ignore form factor, Apple does look expensive, but if compare form factor, Apple's the cheapest. So for price comparisons, it matters how much an individual cares about that.
  • Reply 54 of 91
    tundraboytundraboy Posts: 1,908member
    Just like Steve, JT Wang also has a Reality Distortion Field emanating from his superior brain. Only difference is it's radius is about 6 inches.
  • Reply 55 of 91
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    . . .competition from stiff Apple's iPad, but Wang believes . . .[ View this article at ][/c]

    The use of "stiff" Apple so close to Wang . . . there's a joke in there somewhere.
  • Reply 56 of 91
    I hope he is spending his last few bucks on good quality crack. His products are shit.
  • Reply 57 of 91
    Breaking news! Apple competitor thinks Apple won't do so well in the future!

    Time to sell that Apple stock.

  • Reply 58 of 91
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post


    Acer suffered a humbling first-ever quarterly loss earlier this year in part because of competition from stiff Apple's iPad, but Wang believes that interest in tablets is merely a "fever" that will soon recede. Last year, he claimed that the iPad's share of the market will drop to 20 percent.


    I am not a member of the grammar police nor a psychoanalyst...

    ...but it is obvious, even to me, that what is needed is to exchange stiff Apples for a stiff Wang..
  • Reply 59 of 91
    focherfocher Posts: 688member


  • Reply 60 of 91
    Originally Posted by 4miler View Post

    A possible scernario: Windows 8 makes a marginal hit, but given the 95+% marketshare of Windows, it is a significant impact to the market. In parallel, Nokia brings out its Windows Phones. Now, all you Apple people out there, the big thing to note is that Microsoft and Nokia don't have to produce markedly superior products to beat Apple at the numbers game.

    Two things:

    1) does anyone really believe in a Windows resurgence any more? Or are they, as I suspect, completely irrelevant?

    2) even if this happens, would Apple care? If they take 50% of the market's profit, who cares about numbers?
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