Most small & medium business plan to buy Apple iPads in next 12 months



  • Reply 41 of 45
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by freckledbruh View Post

    Why exactly does a hospital need an HD pic of its patients? As far as I know, ID badges don't have HD quality pics on them. As for no cloud on an airplane, er, yes some flights most definitely have internet access and as another poster mentioned, why on earth would an airline (or any other company for that matter) allow random people to slide sd cards into its equipment? Talk about security risk. As for being delusional about MS compatibility, er, I READ articles on statements FROM MS so I guess Microsoft is equally delusional.

    You're building up a straw-man argument. I never said the waiting room was in a hospital, or that the pictures were meant for IDs; viruses from SD cards are a fairy tale, and I never talked about running x86 software on the windows 8 tablet, but about compatibility in general (connection protocols, file formats, etc.).

    The funny thing is that while Apple is pragmatic about design choices and successfully offers new usable features with each new iteration of its products, the fanbois are adamant about defending past and current implementations as if those are the only possible way to do things, just so that they won't give any credit to competitors who may have made different choices. Truly pathetic.
  • Reply 42 of 45
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    You're building up a straw-man argument.


    the fanbois are adamant about defending past and current implementations as if those are the only possible way to do things, just so that they won't give any credit to competitors who may have made different choices. Truly pathetic.

    The only person defending the old laptop way of doing things with "additional connectivity", hard drives etc is yourself.

    What's truly pathetic is that you've become abusive with your posts rather than acknowledging the situation as it stands now: most businesses and consumers prefer the iPad over all other tablets.

    Most businesses and consumers prefer the iPad over the other design choices, implying that for them, the design choices made by competing products are unsuitable for their needs.

    I've made this point several times already.
  • Reply 43 of 45
    chiachia Posts: 714member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    viruses from SD cards are a fairy tale

    When it comes to malware, it seems fairy tales can come true:

    Recycler virus on SD-Card

    HTC Magic Malware Came from Memory Cards

    Malware hits up to 3,000 HTC Magic smartphones in Spain
  • Reply 44 of 45
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    You're building up a straw-man argument. I never said the waiting room was in a hospital, or that the pictures were meant for IDs; viruses from SD cards are a fairy tale, and I never talked about running x86 software on the windows 8 tablet, but about compatibility in general (connection protocols, file formats, etc.).

    The funny thing is that while Apple is pragmatic about design choices and successfully offers new usable features with each new iteration of its products, the fanbois are adamant about defending past and current implementations as if those are the only possible way to do things, just so that they won't give any credit to competitors who may have made different choices. Truly pathetic.

    Ok, fine. It's not a hospital. It's a random business that needs a HI-RES photo (wth?!), your address and even further information. I suppose the company is called Identity Theft, Inc.
  • Reply 45 of 45
    realisticrealistic Posts: 1,154member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Well I left that to your imagination, naively.

    Let me tell you about a friend of mine, who has been brought up in Europe and came to the US as an adult. He often complains about the quality of American beer, but I think he cannot be further from the truth. I think Americans brew some of the best beers in the world.

    The problem with my friend is, that he chooses to drink cheap popular piss instead of the quality beers, and then he complains. He doesn't know about Stone Brewing Co, Brooklyn Brewery, Ommegang, Lagunitas, or Dogfish head. All he knows is budd and corrs.

    He reminds me a lot of the Android haters around here.

    You don't need to shout.

    The only mistake competitors to the iPad made was that they expected to get the same profit margins as Apple. All high-end Android tablets were priced higher than the iPad at release. That's why they never made it.

    Finally, don't forget here we discuss business use of the tablet. Why is it so hard to grasp that they may have specific needs better met by a custom choice of tablet? Do I need to spell out use cases, or can you try to think outside the box?

    One example: A waiting room. The receptionist snaps a hi-res photo of the customer with the built-in cam, fills in address info on the keyboard, then detaches the tablet from the keyboard and hands it over to the customer to fill-in a multiple choice questionnaire using a simplified interface.

    Another example: On a flight, one passenger ask for a computer to work on some spreadsheets he has on an Sd card. His kid wants to see a movie. He gets the keyboard-equipped tablet and types away, while his kid gets the tablet with a kids movie library popped in the microSD slot.

    Third example: A construction in a developing country. An inspector loads the blueprints from a memory card, takes notes and pictures while on the go, then removes the card to securely transport it to the HQ where his report is entered into a DB.

    Fourth example: A company heavily invested in Windows hardware decides to use tablets. They choose windows 8 tablets...

    Surely one can think of more examples, and surely in many cases the iPad would do just fine but another tablet even better.

    You are reaching for straws on this to justify an iPad competitor that doesn't exist yet. In time there may be one but there will also be a next generation iPad to move the goalposts once again., You have troll like tendencies you are now on my ignore list.
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