Rumor: iPhone made up 66% of sales at AT&T corporate stores, Android 9%



  • Reply 41 of 223
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    This brings up a very good point that has been mentioned on this forum before.

    When you see a person on the street using a smartphone, it's generally an iPhone.

    This is true of tablets - 9 out of 10 tablets in the wild are iPads (used to be 10 out of 10, but Kindle Fires are coming out of the woodwork). But it has never been true of smartphones. Lots of BBs, Androids and iPhones everywhere I turn. Interestingly, I see many more units of iPhone 4 and 4S than 3GS.
  • Reply 42 of 223
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    This brings up a very good point that has been mentioned on this forum before.

    When you see a person on the street using a smartphone, it's generally an iPhone.

    Where are the 700,000 Android devices per day that are being sold?

    It makes you curious.

    88% of Android activation growth is outside the US.

    20% of Android activation's growth came from the US at peak but has declined to 12%.

    The curious case of slowing US growth for Android

    I've said this until I'm blue in the face, a vast number of these Android activations are coming from 2nd and 3rd world nations. Many of these Android phones being activated are on the low end and in many case being activated with pre-paid accounts (no credit card). Pre-paid is how most of the world uses phones.

    This explains why Android users on average are easily outspent by iPhone users when shopping online, wether it be for Apps or general goods.

    Android activations do NOT equal iPhone activations. Android phones overseas are the new feature phones.

    Developers take note.
  • Reply 43 of 223
    At the risk of repeating myself, the iOS/Android debate has evolved and, IMO, over. iOS is a single OS. If one wants to be really fine, then you are say it is a single OS platform serving 3 product lines.

    Android has evolved to become like Unix and Linux. Long ago (or so it seems), some folks argued vociferously the relative merits of Unix and Windows NT. But it was moot because the competition was really between SGI and NT-based workstations, or Solaris v. NT-servers. Likewise, there are so many implementations of Linux that one cannot simply discuss Linux v. Windows.

    Gruber wrote: "Android is not a single platform. It’s a common foundation upon which platforms can be built." How true! In a shorter time than Unix or Linux, Android has multiplied into so many implementations that depicting it as a single OS makes no sense. Google itself presides over 2305 official versions of Android currently found on various phones. But there have also been multiple forks implemented by non-members of the HA, some of which are growing rapidly, viz. Nook and Kindle. So what meaningful, objective, quantifiable metric can we possibly use to compare iOS v. Android anymore?

    Similarly, it's also ridiculous to liken Android to Windows.

    A major difference between Android and Linux is that Google has found a clever way to monetize Android. Sure, it's a page off the search playbook. But it's nonetheless the first time any company has successfully monetized an OS this way. At the same time, Android's uncontrolled growth and multiplication is a problem for Google and 3rd party developers; but that's a different discussion.

    This Android evolution has diverted it from iOS so much that I just fail to see any continued logic in comparing the two. It remains interesting and relevant to follow the competition between Samsung and Apple, and perhaps Kindle v. iPad, but not Android v. iPhone. For those who uniformly diss Android phones, your sentiment simply makes you uninformed because not all Androids are alike. The Galaxy Nexus demonstrates that oh so clearly. But you'd know that if you had used a Samsung Galaxy 2 and any Motorola Droids for a meaningful period of time, for example. If you haven't, your opinion is simply baseless.

    Intelligent people should follow suit and evolve accordingly in their arguments, IMO. So, enough already unless you want to be known for baseless, outdated arguments.
  • Reply 44 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    You believe wrong. It doesn't even make sense to make a general comparison. But you're clearly not an engineer and so, I forgive you.

    He doesn't 'believe wrong' and I agree with him. Engineers suck at providing general, user-friendly products/services. Go read your TV/VCR instruction manual for proof.

    What, pray tell, does that mean - making simple products but implementing it in a massive way?

    This answer, in itself, illustrates the very difference between iOS and Android users.

    You're regurgitating standard anti-Android, anti-Google rhetoric and anecdotes without understanding or applying context.

    He's regurgitating some very valid points which you haven't addressed in your retort.

    This means you suck at searching, and implies nothing about the Google search algorithm.

    Are you saying that Google has failed in their aim as a search engine? Wasn't their goal to provide information to the masses?

    I'm afraid you don't get it. These direct iOS/Android comparisons are outdated. First of all, Google does not make most of the Android phones. Second, Android has evolved into something that can no longer be regarded as a single OS, or even a single smartphone platform. Gruber put it best: "Android is not a single platform. It?s a common foundation upon which platforms can be built."

    You are correct.

    It is no longer a single OS or platform.

    However, I can say that it is a single, coherent mess. Gruber (check your spelling) was correct: "Android is not a single platform. It?s a common foundation upon which platforms can be built but this isn't happening.

    Ironically, the biggest threat to Android right now is the Amazon Kindle, yet most Android fans are so uninformed that they spend most of their time on their opposition forums arguing a platform which is cannibalising itself.

    You never answered my query about why so many Android fans are hanging out on an Apple forum. We sure aren't interested in hanging out on your forums.

    Why the interest?
  • Reply 45 of 223
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    You believe wrong. It doesn't even make sense to make a general comparison. But you're clearly not an engineer and so, I forgive you.

    He doesn't 'believe wrong' and I agree with him. Engineers suck at providing general, user-friendly products/services. Go read your TV/VCR instruction manual for proof.

    Dude, you are mixing up two separate points. Get some coffee first. It's early.
  • Reply 46 of 223
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    You never answered my query about why so many Android fans are hanging out on an Apple forum. We sure aren't interested in hanging out on your forums.

    Why the interest?

    First of all, I'm not an Android fan. I use both iOS and Android, and develop on both. Second, go to Android fora and you'll see lots of comments from Apple fans, including more than a few from here who don't even bother changing their IDs.

    The consumer in me is happy for the availability of choice, and want to see both Android and iOS continue to thrive, not to mention other OSes and platforms. The engineer in me sees pros and cons of Android and iOS (if you really want to compare) and am amazed by the generic, general categorization of either.
  • Reply 47 of 223
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    Ironically, the biggest threat to Android right now is the Amazon Kindle,

    Sounds just like what people used to say about Android being a threat to iPhone. Flawed observation for multiple reasons - you're comparing apples to oranges. Second, the market allows for co-existence of multiple platforms, not to mention continued growth for them, as we are witnessing right now. Third, consumers should always be glad for choice. Stop using a B/W filter to watch a rainbow and then you'll start to get it.
  • Reply 48 of 223
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    However, I can say that it is a single, coherent mess. Gruber (check your spelling) was correct: "Android is not a single platform. It’s a common foundation upon which platforms can be built but this isn't happening.

    Check the spelling of what? "Gruber"? One of us needs more coffee and, based on your track record, it's likely you.
  • Reply 48 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    This is an inaccurate, unfounded and uninformed accusation. "Authorized reseller" is a general term that includes many disparate companies and stores. You simply cannot lump them all together and fire a single accusation to castigate them all. Shame on you.

    Why is this inaccurate, unfounded and uninformed?

    Provide proof of your statements.
  • Reply 50 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Anyone who disagrees with me is not a fanboi. Anyone who believes something about an Apple competitor, that has no supporting evidence aside from circumstantial, that was never mentioned by Apple itself and despite facts pointing counter to their feelings is labeled a fanboy.

    It's not even a matter of opinion. No solid facts support the Eric Schmidt mole "theory"

    Then why do you call them fanboy/phanboi/phatbois?
  • Reply 51 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    This is true of tablets - 9 out of 10 tablets in the wild are iPads (used to be 10 out of 10, but Kindle Fires are coming out of the woodwork). But it has never been true of smartphones. Lots of BBs, Androids and iPhones everywhere I turn. Interestingly, I see many more units of iPhone 4 and 4S than 3GS.

    Good to see you admit that 9 out of 10 tablets are iPads.
  • Reply 52 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by studentx View Post

    88% of Android activation growth is outside the US.

    20% of Android activation's growth came from the US at peak but has declined to 12%.

    The curious case of slowing US growth for Android

    I've said this until I'm blue in the face, a vast number of these Android activations are coming from 2nd and 3rd world nations. Many of these Android phones being activated are on the low end and in many case being activated with pre-paid accounts (no credit card). Pre-paid is how most of the world uses phones.

    This explains why Android users on average are easily outspent by iPhone users when shopping online, wether it be for Apps or general goods.

    Android activations do NOT equal iPhone activations. Android phones overseas are the new feature phones.

    Developers take note.

    I'm outside the U.S.

    Where the hell are all these activations that are occurring?

    I don't see them on the street.
  • Reply 53 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Dude, you are mixing up two separate points. Get some coffee first. It's early.

    Why I am suffering from 'coffee deficiency'? (that's a new one for me)

    Provide examples!
  • Reply 54 of 223
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    Why I am suffering from 'coffee deficiency'? (that's a new one for me)

    Provide examples!

    Proofread your own mess. It's multiplying faster than Android activations.
  • Reply 55 of 223
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    This is an inaccurate, unfounded and uninformed accusation. "Authorized reseller" is a general term that includes many disparate companies and stores. You simply cannot lump them all together and fire a single accusation to castigate them all. Shame on you.

    Then allow me to refine it by saying the manager of the 'authorized retailer' stores she worked for encouraged these behaviors and activities, and when it was mentioned to their higher ups, blind eyes were turned.

    Of course all authorized retailers businesses are operated differently, and these things might be confined to only one instance, but if it's happening at one retailer, it's possible that it is happening at other retailers.
  • Reply 56 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    You believe wrong. It doesn't even make sense to make a general comparison. But you're clearly not an engineer and so, I forgive you.

    He doesn't 'believe wrong' and I agree with him. Engineers suck at providing general, user-friendly products/services. Go read your TV/VCR instruction manual for proof.

    What, pray tell, does that mean - making simple products but implementing it in a massive way?

    This answer, in itself, illustrates the very difference between iOS and Android users.

    You're regurgitating standard anti-Android, anti-Google rhetoric and anecdotes without understanding or applying context.

    He's regurgitating some very valid points which you haven't addressed in your retort.

    This means you suck at searching, and implies nothing about the Google search algorithm.

    Are you saying that Google has failed in their aim as a search engine? Wasn't their goal to provide information to the masses?

    I'm afraid you don't get it. These direct iOS/Android comparisons are outdated. First of all, Google does not make most of the Android phones. Second, Android has evolved into something that can no longer be regarded as a single OS, or even a single smartphone platform. Gruber put it best: "Android is not a single platform. It’s a common foundation upon which platforms can be built."

    You are correct.

    It is no longer a single OS or platform.

    However, I can say that it is a single, coherent mess. Gruber (check your spelling) was correct: "Android is not a single platform. It’s a common foundation upon which platforms can be built but this isn't happening.

    Ironically, the biggest threat to Android right now is the Amazon Kindle, yet most Android fans are so uninformed that they spend most of their time on their opposition forums arguing a platform which is cannibalising itself.

    You never answered my query about why so many Android fans are hanging out on an Apple forum. We sure aren't interested in hanging out on your forums.

    Why the interest?

    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Dude, you are mixing up two separate points. Get some coffee first. It's early.

    Do you mind not calling me a dude?

    It's very sexist.
  • Reply 57 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    This is an inaccurate, unfounded and uninformed accusation. "Authorized reseller" is a general term that includes many disparate companies and stores. You simply cannot lump them all together and fire a single accusation to castigate them all. Shame on you.

    Why is it inaccurate, unfounded, and uninformed?
  • Reply 58 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Proofread your own mess. It's multiplying faster than Android activations.

    You're disputing my points.

    Don't be lazy.

    Kick my ass.
  • Reply 59 of 223
    Originally Posted by GTR View Post

    I'm outside the U.S.

    Where the hell are all these activations that are occurring?

    I don't see them on the street.


    do you live in the UK or germany?

    android growth is taking place in poorer countries.

    iphone has no chance in these countries..

    for those who are saying that apple covers all price points, one word:


    sorry, it had to be said.

    here the 3GS costs almost 400€.

    the average working person earns 450 per month. would you buy it?

    there's thousands of smartphones cheaper than that, especially droids.

    contracts? in countries like these, only if you are crazy.

    happy new year.
  • Reply 60 of 223
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Proofread your own mess. It's multiplying faster than Android activations.

    What an utter avoidance of an answer.

    You make points. You prove these points. it ain't algebra.

    Can you, or can't you, do what you posted?
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