Apple's iPhone 4S propels iOS smartphone market share to 43% in Oct., Nov. 2011



  • Reply 61 of 63
    Originally Posted by MJ4Ev3r View Post

    Wrong NOT facts, BUT opinions!

    All right, let's nip this in the bud.


    …once you taste Apple's impeccable QUALITY, you ARE forever HOOKED, NO returning back from mediocre stuffs!

    This is a statement presented as a fact. It is incorrect, because it is not actually a fact.


    [I believe that] once you taste Apple's impeccable QUALITY, you ARE forever HOOKED, NO returning back from mediocre stuffs!

    This is a statement presented as an opinion. It can be both correct and incorrect, because it is subjective. It relates to a belief.

    Don't try to fight me on this. If ANYONE knows about "presenting one's opinions as fact for the purpose of swaying the collective thoughts of a community toward a more pessimistic outlook", it's me.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 62 of 63
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Don't try to fight me on this. If ANYONE knows about "presenting one's opinions as fact for the purpose of swaying the collective thoughts of a community toward a more pessimistic outlook", it's me.

    Guess WHAT??? You do NOT have a MONOPOLY on it from now!

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  • Reply 63 of 63
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,679member

    NPD, the source for this article, just released the 1st quarter numbers. Quite a change from the previous quarter with Apple dropping from 41% to 29%, Android jumping back to 61% from 49% and no change for RIM and MS with 5% total.


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