Let's say we are the aiCEO of Apple...

in Future Apple Hardware edited January 2014
What would you do if you can be the CEO of Apple in the next 6 months (hardware only) ?

For me, i would do this:

Cheap Rack Server: one with Darwin only, one with Mac OS X Server. With G4 startin at 400 Mhz .

Business Pizza G4: G4@700Mhz with an ATI Rage 8 MB, one PCI slot bundled with Office X, Filemaker Pro, Palm Desktop and a iTools Businness account for templates, AppleScript, etc.

Advertising: No Viruses, just the work done.

Gamer Pizza G4: G4@ 933 Mhz with an GF4ti one PCI slot bundled with some good games like AoE2, Giants, OttoMatic, Mike's Cards, Civ 3, Sims, Chess, Quake 3 & Diablo 2 for X,

and a free 1 month account to World of Warcraft (hopping)and a iTools Games account for multiplayers, tips, etc.

Advertising: Console not admitted

All this stuff with no monitors...

If you want a AIO you've got the Luxo Lamp.

And for the Pro:

Put a fast G4 or G5 asap with DDR, Rapid IO, Faster SuperDrive, GeForce 4 Ti, etc.

Some bundle for Publishing (Adobe), Web Design (Macromedia), Movies & DVD (Apple)...

Do you think i have a chance to grow the marketshare of Apple with that ?


  • Reply 1 of 24
    sapisapi Posts: 207member
    I would sell all my share's and take a very very very very very loooooooooong holiday...
  • Reply 2 of 24
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    I think that "pizza box" Macs have had their day. Either it's consumer (iMac) and no PCi slots or G4 and four PCI slots.

    A rack server's an interesting idea, but is Mac OS X established enough to take off into rack-space? It could probably be done with much better spec CPUs than 400MHz. Similarly, 700MHz G4s and 8MB Rage 128s are old technology: newer, more impressive technology won't cost much more in 6 months time. (e.g. GeForce 2 MXs or Rage 128 Ultra 32MB)

    Using a lack of virii as an advert would attract ha><ors like flies to rotting stuff. Baiting virii writers like that is unadvisable. (However, they'd probably have less chance with OS X)

    Games playing consumers who buy sans monitor aren't going to be impressed by a 933MHz G4, especially if its marketed against the Xbox.

    BTW, that "long holiday" is called retirement
  • Reply 3 of 24
    serranoserrano Posts: 1,806member
    well the title says aiCEO... so first thing i would do is fire EmAn, promote Applenut and reduce ramjets post count to -3. then i would reinstate user ratings and img sigs.

    as far as apples goes... DDR to squeeze some better performance out of these lagging chips.

    [ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: janitor ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 24
    [quote]Originally posted by jeromba:

    <strong>What would you do if you can be the CEO of Apple in the next 6 months (hardware only) ?

    For me, i would do this:

    Cheap Rack Server:...

    Business Pizza G4:...

    Advertising: No Viruses, just the work done.

    Gamer Pizza G4: ...

    Advertising: Console not admitted

    And for the Pro:

    Put a fast G4 or G5 asap with DDR...

    Do you think i have a chance to grow the marketshare of Apple with that ?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, you will not grow Apple's marketshare. Your directives show all the subtlty of a bull in a china shop; smashing around randomly with no finesse or delicacy.

    When will anyone realize Apple is doing great now doing what it wants, it's way. Trying to out think and out do Steve Jobs and the rest of the executive team just shows ignorance and and lack of experience.

    [ 03-21-2002: Message edited by: clonenode ]</p>
  • Reply 5 of 24
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    [quote]Originally posted by jeromba:

    <strong>Cheap Rack Server: one with Darwin only, one with Mac OS X Server. With G4 startin at 400 Mhz .

    Business Pizza G4: G4@700Mhz with an ATI Rage 8 MB, one PCI slot bundled with Office X, Filemaker Pro, Palm Desktop and a iTools Businness account for templates, AppleScript, etc.

    Gamer Pizza G4: G4@ 933 Mhz with an GF4ti one PCI slot bundled with some good games like AoE2, Giants, OttoMatic, Mike's Cards, Civ 3, Sims, Chess, Quake 3 & Diablo 2 for X,

    and a free 1 month account to World of Warcraft (hopping)and a iTools Games account for multiplayers, tips, etc.

    And for the Pro:

    Put a fast G4 or G5 asap with DDR, Rapid IO, Faster SuperDrive, GeForce 4 Ti, etc.

    Some bundle for Publishing (Adobe), Web Design (Macromedia), Movies & DVD (Apple)...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I am so glad that by making all these models you've just signed apple's death warrent.

    I see you like pizza box.

    With all those game bundles do you know how much cost will it add ?

    And wtf is itools game account !?

    And how would that rack server be cheap ??

    Do you have a clue that you will need to build scsi / scsi HD in the rackmount server in order for it to be called a server class machine ??

    Do you have a clue how expensive that is !?

    MacOS X only cost like 100 dollars and even less for apple to bundle it with the rackmount, so bundling Darwin only increases Apple's software maintenance Cost to keep another version of software for darwin.

    Tell me how come you are so smart that you included everything expensive in the G4 without even quoting the price ?

    Do you think the engineers in apple are stupid or retard ?
  • Reply 6 of 24
    jerombajeromba Posts: 357member
    i'm not providing ***the*** solutions...

    tnx for bashing me btw

    waht would you do to open new market for apple...

    oh and btw

    iTools Games account like the microsoft games zone... you know that being an apple game player is not fun when you're alone.

    and for the rack server... do you know that you don't need speed but fast hard drive (dual SCSI 160), a bit of memory, a decent processor, a good *nix server and a secure remote access...

    So... like i suggest in my first post... pretend you're steve and roll out the goods.
  • Reply 7 of 24
    tarbashtarbash Posts: 278member
    Apple will do a rackmount this year and they will do it right. Mark my words.
  • Reply 8 of 24
    ihxoihxo Posts: 567member
    [quote]Originally posted by jeromba:

    <strong>iTools Games account like the microsoft games zone... you know that being an apple game player is not fun when you're alone.

    and for the rack server... do you know that you don't need speed but fast hard drive (dual SCSI 160), a bit of memory, a decent processor, a good *nix server and a secure remote access...</strong><hr></blockquote>

    If you get on Battle.net, I am pretty sure you are not alone. Each game will have it's own game server, why recreate something while there's some working ones ?

    You do know that SCSI Card (Specially SCSI 160) and SCSI Harddrive are expensive right !?

    I didn't mean to bash you, but as ridiculous as your specs seems, it's still ridiculous.
  • Reply 9 of 24
    bundling just darwin is pointless, b/c you can just log in as &gt;console without Aqua

    o and I see you like hopping

    boing boing boing boing boing boing boing
  • Reply 10 of 24
    neutrino23neutrino23 Posts: 1,563member
    I like some of your ideas.

    A server version would be nice for those of us who want to use Mac OS X. Hard for us to know how it would fare in the larger world.

    I really like the idea of a business Mac. Something simple, with lower cost. If not a pizza box then a small tower with perhaps one PCI slot.

    I would like a similar configuration for science and engineering applications. A generic mother board, a couple PCI slots, simple graphics. You could build these into large machines or experiments.

    I would add some variety to the laptop lineup. In addition to the current offerings I'd add an uber-PowerBook at the high end with maxed out LCD, maybe dual CPUs, superdrive, perhaps a PCI slot. It would weigh ten pounds but would serve those who need a transportable machine. At the low end I'd offer a mini-TiBook. Deep metallic blue or green case, 12.1 inch screen, specs similar to the iBook, weight just 2.5 pounds or so.

    The main point is that it would be good for Apple to have a wider variety of products than they now offer.

    Regarding the pro stuff, I suspect they have that covered. It was interesting that the G4s were not even mentioned at Tokyo. Last summer in NY the iMacs were hardly mentioned and look what happened in January. Also, the recent speed bump was only just to 1GHz. Certainly they could have pushed 1.2GHz or so. It sounds like they are low balling so that when the hot stuff comes out in July they can brag about what a big jump it is.
  • Reply 11 of 24
    prestonpreston Posts: 219member
    I would lower the price of Macs to $1, then as millions purchase, I would raise to $10000.

    Don't argue, it works in Sim City.

  • Reply 12 of 24
    macgregormacgregor Posts: 1,434member
    1. I'd do like Cringley suggested a month ago... make a rack mounted Mac with AMD chips and port OSX Server. It could be done, obviously; servers don't need PPC's (at least I have yet to see any major benefit in using them) and it would be largely "impossible" to hack it onto Dell boxes for consumer use, and they wouldn't have the iApps anyway.

    2. Make a 10" widescreen TiBook with no media drives.

    3. Outlaw pizza boxes.

    4. Bluetooth installed in all desktops and books within the year.

    5. Wireless audio jacks for home stereos.

    6. Develop the new iApp, iPhone, which would elegantly and seemlessly organize and update all contact information for a wide variety of enabled phones from partners like Nokia, etc. Make it the iTunes for phone and contact info. That would accelerate the decline of the pda (as much as I like them and would continue to use mine) since much of what you use them for would be transferred to the iPod and mobile phone.

    7. Sell the Leer jet and payoff the mpeg 4 people.

    8. Convince Peter Jackson to composite Steve Balmer's face on Lurtz in the DVD edition of Lord of the Rings.

    9. Forge a partnership with Wacom to produce an 8.5" x 11" iSketch device that would be relatively high res and have the ability to be a pen inputed notebook and sketch book in millions of colors with flash memory. A mega Diddlebug with the only other feature - wireless or firewire input/output of graphical data using the iSketch iApp.
  • Reply 13 of 24
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    If I became the CEO, then I would make sure those G5s would come out, at least at speeds ranging from 1.8Ghz, and then have them running with 400Mhz DDR RAM.

    Next I would hire the A-team to assassinate Mr Gates (of hell).

    Then I would see Apple gain a 40% market share, sit back and relax, playing on the latest mac console, running Doom 4.

  • Reply 14 of 24
    vothvoth Posts: 1member
    If had to stick with current hardware specs. I would relase a 1U 800/933Mhz and a 2U Dual 1.0Ghz rackmounted server unit.

    All machines would have 4 hot swap drive bays and a slim 32x cd rom drive with 16/32MB ATI Rage video built on to the motherboard with a 10/100/1000 Gigabit Ethernet card and I would use DDR memory(266/333).

    $2299 - 1U 800Mhz w/ 73GB SCSI-160, 512mb, 16MB ATI Rage, 10/100/1000 Nic Card, and OSX Server Unlimited client.

    $2699 - 1U 933Mhz w/ 73GB SCSI-160, 512mb, 32MB ATI Rage, 10/100/1000 Nic Card, and OSX Server Unlimited client.

    $3199 - 2U Dual 1.0Ghz w/ 2x73GB SCSI-160, 1024mb, 32MB ATI Rage, 10/100/1000 Nic Card, and OSX Server Unlimited client.

    The pricing is unreasonable, but what the hell.
  • Reply 15 of 24
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    I'd work to get every Mac above 1GHz, ASAP. Priority one. Oh yeah, and G4 across the line by year's end, just in time for the holidays.

    Other than that, I think I'd somehow allow for each model to be a little more user-configurable/customizable via the online Apple Store AND the Apple retail stores.

    Be able to choose hard drive, video card and optical drive in every model, and simply pay for what you want or need.

    Want a DVD-only iBook with a 100GB hard drive? Fine. Order it that way and pay for it.

    Want a PowerBook with a SuperDrive (assuming one is somewhere in the works and on the way), but aren't concerned with a top-notch, high-end video card or a huge hard drive? Fine. Order one that way...and pay for it.

    Stock models would still exist, just because most people are probably happy.

    But for pro users and tweakers, wouldn't it be cool to truly be able to build the Mac of your dreams?

    That's it, really.

    Oh, and I'd advertise the shit out of the company. DEFINITELY take a more aggressive, serious approach to marketing.
  • Reply 16 of 24
    ferroferro Posts: 453member

    [ 03-27-2002: Message edited by: FERRO ]</p>
  • Reply 17 of 24

    i would marry jonathan ive, and put him on a diet. just like marlon brando, he was once so "fine."

    but we still all love him in Ronkonkoma. he's our way out....

    was this a serious thread? <img src="confused.gif" border="0">
  • Reply 18 of 24
    i would make the entire PowerMac line Dual G4's.

    (Sans the Educational tower). get DDR ASAP.

    develope a kick ass dual G4 Rack Mounted Server.

    Make OS X uncrashable.

    AppleWorks 7 (cocoa)

    DVD Studio Pro for X

    to name a few...
  • Reply 19 of 24
    First thing I would do is (like many of you have said) make a rackmount server. I don't know how Apple ever hopes to sell servers unless they have rackmount and hot swappable drives and power supplies.

    Then I would develop/release a whole line of "iPDA's": digital camera, actual PDA, video camera, and a TV hub for DVD, recording of shows, and more!
  • Reply 20 of 24
    Speaking to the idea of the rack mount server: If you are going to compete effectively in this arena, with either wintel or other *nix boxes, you've to support the most common hardware features found in those boxes. Support for hot swap drives, multiple raid arrays and multiple power supplies is a must. Anybody seen a rackmount harddrive unit that holds multiple drives that's mac compatible? I sure haven't. You need a mac compatible raid controller. Software raid is okay, but it's not as fast, nor as reliable. Can you say corruption? Can you say NT stripe set?

    Further, there needs to be support for remote reporting. Most of the industry uses SNMP agents to report status on heat, drive usage, traffic, etc. If there are agents out there for OS X, please let me know, I sure haven't seen them.

    Anyone know of a way to team NIC's for added redundancy? You can in NT and 2K.

    Please don't mis-understand me, I love OS X. LOVE IT. However, I work at one of the major wintel server vendors (and unix for that matter) and see these things everyday. I really would love to see Apple kicking everyone's butt in this arena, but there needs to be some serious increase in the underlying architecture before it comes to fruition. C'mon Apple!

    If anyone knows of solutions to these problems, I would love to hear about it. I really want to be wrong on this. Please email me, so I can join the rest of the annointed.

    [ 03-29-2002: Message edited by: tsukurite ]</p>
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