Apple to reinvent the textbook with interactive iBooks 2 for iPad



  • Reply 41 of 117
    Originally Posted by CGJ View Post

    I can't help but think in the Education video Eddie Cue looks like an animated character:

    Either way, I think this will be great for schools (like mine) planning on completely moving away from text and exercise books to iPads and Macs. This is technology, if used correctly, could really move schools 10 years ahead of where they are now.

    Respectfully disagree. Its not the books or the lack of computers; its the 'system of education'. In most contries it is the system that is broken.

    Off topic - Not sure if anyone has seen this, its an overvue on Finland's schools. Very interesting and gives food for thought. They totally re-vamp'ed their education system in the '70's and are consistantly ranked in the top 5 or 10 in the world (no ipads!).
  • Reply 42 of 117
    steven n.steven n. Posts: 1,229member
    Originally Posted by MikeSmoke View Post

    "Many students aren't interested in subjects taught in the classroom." Don't see how technology is going to change that. It may facilitate those who participate in the system, but not those who think outside of the box. Would Steve Jobs have participated? Remember, he quit college and trusted his own mind, vision.

    Blah blah blah...

    The problem is there are only a handful of Steve Jobs types born in each generation. Only a handful of people in any field at any one time have an innate sense of what is "good", "great" or simply "bad". The overwhelming vast majority (as in >95%) of people MUST first live in the box and learn what the box has to teach before stepping out.

    Is tech a solution? Only partially. Teaching teachers how to teach and increasing salaries to get good teachers is also critical.
  • Reply 43 of 117
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    Poor eightzero lives in Seattle, which is a suburb of Redmond () where I suspect many are having trouble right now in the mental-horizon department. I have an Apple-hater ex-friend up there, that's why I suspect this. Does anyone who is on the scene there have confirmation of this?

    And then you get the Spanish speakers who allow you to understand why Americans can't speak English any more. Thank you for illustrating my point, Senior stupido !
  • Reply 44 of 117
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    This looks like it hurts printers and distributors/resellers most. I expect the publishers to make even more money but without all the additional cost of putting out a new printed book every year or two.

    Exactly. Revising text books annually is probably the most profitable scam in higher education. The publishers won't be giving it up any time soon.
  • Reply 45 of 117
    More than anything Apple has done to date, this will change the world.
  • Reply 46 of 117
    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post

    Respectfully disagree. Its not the books or the lack of computers; its the 'system of education'. In most contries it is the system that is broken.

    Off topic - Not sure if anyone has seen this, its an overvue on Finland's schools. Very interesting and gives food for thought. They totally re-vamp'ed their education system in the '70's and are consistantly ranked in the top 5 or 10 in the world (no ipads!).

    "The system" is CERTAINLY broken if it hasn't taught you the difference between "its" and "it's" (it's a simple contraction), the spelling of "overview", the spelling of "consistently" or even "revamped". Maybe you can study your English education on the new iBook system, before sullying these forums with your "educational errors" again, hmmn ?
  • Reply 47 of 117
    Originally Posted by eightzero View Post

    Underwhelmed. First time I've seen Apple announce something that is largely irrelevant. And with iBooks Author, now anyone can make a textbook with crappy content, and claim it is a "published textbook." I can see whole school districts in Kansas making science textbooks that omit evolution.

    Nothing here, move along. Except of course, tho looks like Apple is returning to the Newton Model of business.

    Are you being sarcastic, or making a conscious attempt to sound not-very-smart?
  • Reply 48 of 117
    Originally Posted by Hodar View Post

    I wonder what they will add in iBooks 2?

    A lot of this sounds like what I've been reading is in the new EPUB 3 standard. So really this is just ibooks updated to support that. But most teachers etc have no clue what EPUB 3 is or that there is a standard so rather than go into that more technical focus they looked at what you can do with this new version of ibooks. Typical Apple announcement protocol, they never to rarely look at the specs but rather what you can do with it in a practical sense.

    Now it needs the tools to help make these things. My mother is a PhD in Art/Art and Architectural History and her AAH dissertation is one of her textbooks in her senior seminar. She has been saying for months that she wants to ebook the text (which she expanded to about 800 pages with photos etc). We tried it with the Pages template and it was rather gross looking. And she doesn't really do tech to do it all by hand and I'm too tied up with my own work. Something as simple as Pages or iWeb but with better coding would be great for her. And if she could add photos, video etc it would be a killer book. She already does Keynotes of the content for the students to download off her site but it would be so much easier if it was just in the book.

    And if my mother could find a use for this I'm sure other subjects like the sciences totally could. Heck I'm already thinking about Film Studies books. Imagine you are reading about a particular cinematography technique and you can watch a sample video of it. Or talking about a certain film maker and you can see clips of key film moments. Right there in the book.
  • Reply 49 of 117
  • Reply 50 of 117
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    The facts supporting a geocentric universe could also be presented in a more balanced manner. Leave out all those bits about the "theory of universal gravitation". Let them figure out for themselves what is true.

    I dunno... the age of the earth (or anything really before written record of stuff) seems to be a moving target. WIth all the articles Ive read the age keeps being pushed further and further back. Before long they'll have the age of the earth as being in the order of quadrillions of years. In the end there is really no way of knowing as long as we rely on "educated guesses"/guesstimation. So if it MUST be included, then at least state that this is a "best guess" made by only some scientists instead of actual fact.
  • Reply 51 of 117
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Are you being sarcastic, or making a conscious attempt to sound not-very-smart?

    An argument which entirely omits a rebuttal ... which is ... what ? Oh, not forthcoming ? Speak now or forever deny your insipid thoughts.
  • Reply 52 of 117

    Yesus Marta... Increable!

  • Reply 53 of 117
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by DamenS View Post

    And then you get the Spanish speakers who allow you to understand why Americans can't speak English any more. Thank you for illustrating my point, Senior stupido !

    How did you know I was a senior, señor?
  • Reply 54 of 117
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    How did you know I was a senior, señor?

    I just assumed it was senility, but that was giving the "benefit of doubt" so I may have been wrong.
  • Reply 55 of 117

    Haven't read any of the posts here...

    But the news in the SF Bay Area is reporting that UC is considering a tuition-paid education on all UC campuses. In exchange, the student would agree to pay 5% of his annual income for 20 years...


  • Reply 56 of 117
    Originally Posted by shadow415 View Post

    When I look back at my education, I can't clearly remember a single teaching supplement that I used, but I can remember the teachers that chose to make a difference.

    iBooks 2 is not going to change that.

    I wasn't a big fan of English class, but one of my favorites classes overall was 12th Grade English because of the teacher. I don't think giving me an iPad in the other X number of English classes I took would have changed my opinion.

    I wish Apple the best on this endeavor, but I'm a little skeptical.

    El Camino Real... por Espagnol ... mas o menos!

    Edit: My favorite HS teacher was Mr. Brewer for Algebra I. He was portly, but very formal and always wore a dark pinstripe suit. Everything was fine unless he had to explain something using the blackboard...

    We referred to him as Chalk-Balls Brewer!

    Edit 2: Then there was Miss Michner my HS English teacher. I remember it well - a demonstration of a transitive verb:

    Miss Michner: "A transitive verb shows action between a doer (subject) and a receiver (object). For example, the teacher slapped the boy... Wap!"

    Boy: "Ow"

    Miss Michner: "Oh, I am so sorry... I didn't mean to slap you... I was just demonstrating..."


    Then Miss Wildegrube my 6th grade teacher. Growing up she had worked in a bakery, mixing dough by hand and had shoulders like a linebacker.

    One day Kent was acting up in our class and after several ignored warnings, Miss Wildegrube took action. She lifted up Kent's chair/desk, with Kent in it, and deposited both in the hallway -- with one arm!

  • Reply 57 of 117
    Originally Posted by shadow415 View Post

    I wasn't a big fan of English class, but one of my favorites classes overall was 12th Grade English because of the teacher.

    In a class like English it wouldn't be any more than an ebook reader for the 10 novels you are reading. But in a class like Physics, or Geometry being able to have alternate ways to interact with the material could be just the thing for the kids that don't learn so great by reading words on a page. I wasn't really a science person until I got into photography and film so doing a lab didn't do much for me because I really didn't remember what happened after that moment and trying to write it down was a no go. If I could watch a video that reviewed what I had just created in lab, that would work for me. I'm sure I'm not the only student like that.

    Or what about art and music classes. Many schools cut them due to lack of funding for supplies, they don't even have the funds for the books, the slides, the CDs etc for an art or music theory/history class. But if it was all there in a much cheaper package then they might be able to bring those classes back.

    Or language classes where the text has audio samples to help kids with pronunciation.
  • Reply 58 of 117
    Originally Posted by holmstockd View Post

    The Printed form can not BE ALTERED as in present a new point of view of history in education.

    Force the adoption of a new textbook that has your new view of history and that printed form is altered in the ways that matter (what we are shoving on the kids)


    and 2 - when one day (if) we lose power in society or become poor to the point where we can not access electricty - the printed form is all we will have left.

    Likely to be burned for heat so it's really not much better than having it all in digital form
  • Reply 59 of 117
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by Hodar View Post

    I wonder what they will add in iBooks 2?

    As an engineer - what I would have liked to have would be an embedded scientific graphing calculator, so I could work through the examples the book gave, on my own.

    Imagine new D&D books that let you create your character within the book and export the file in a format readable by the D&D Insider Character Builder
  • Reply 60 of 117
    Originally Posted by jcsegenmd View Post

    couple of questions for you guys

    (1) I was unable to download iBooks 2 to my mac. Is it only available for iOS devices

    yes, just like iBooks has been in the past.


    (2) Is it only a reader,

    Yes. but there will likely be some kind of SDK (which might even already be announced in another article) for production just like there is for apps, iTunes Extras/LP etc
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