Book details Apple's 'packaging room,' Steve Jobs's interest in advanced cameras



  • Reply 21 of 28
    Originally Posted by Haggar View Post

    Too bad Apple does not spend at least the same amount of time having their hardware designers completely take apart hardware like iMacs and Mac Minis so they can understand the frustrations of what Mac repair technicians have to deal with. For home users who wish to comment: Inserting a stick of memory does not count.

    We are the 1%. Nobody listens to our woes. Why won't they listen?
  • Reply 22 of 28
    Originally Posted by Maestro64 View Post

    Okay, I think this is one area where apple failed, really I such a pain to locate the edge of the clear plastic protector they put on their various products to protect it from scratches while it ships in the cardboard. It usually worse on the wall adapters.

    Maybe Steve was looking for the Neiman Marcus kind experience when opening the box itself, but the rest fell short since it a complete frustration getting the product out of the plastic.

    It's actually a kind of IQ test

    Just make a Genius Bar appointment. They can help.
  • Reply 23 of 28
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Products ordered online are packaged differently than those you buy at the stores. On one hand, it's understandable (padding needed for shipping, etc.). On the other hand, it makes you wonder if Apple too needs to cut corners where possible.
  • Reply 24 of 28
    What's great is after reading this article I bought a magic mouse which despite having really simple packaging, is actually really annoying to open.
  • Reply 25 of 28
    Originally Posted by Zandros View Post

    Can they make the cover more bland and amateurish?

    Also, AI, you know there's an easy way to write an em dash on Apple's keyboard layout, right?

    What is it with the peanut gallery around here? How about commenting on the article, some information, or shut the heck up?

    There's a comment about typos, about Daniel Eran Dilger's lack of video skills (he's an awesome writer -- cut him some slack), and YES I know how to make an em dash, but it often gets messed up on the web ? did it work? Who cares?

    Negativity about anything you think can be done better is just not the way to gain instant cool. We should criticize people who abuse power, but if we don't like a FREE article we are reading, or a blogger who went to the trouble of getting us some information -- constructive criticism should be polite.

    Or just go somewhere and PAY for your content and then you can kvetch.

    .... I'm just fed up after the hundredth smart ass comment on this website.
  • Reply 26 of 28
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Amazing tech. I don't even understand how this is possible. This tech must somehow just put an adjustable blur over whatever it is you do not want in focus? Same tech as a PS magnifying glass which you can move around? What if everything in the photo is supposed to be in focus? I'm assuming these new digital files must contain a lot more data therefore substantially larger in size?
  • Reply 27 of 28
    Originally Posted by success View Post

    This tech must somehow just put an adjustable blur over whatever it is you do not want in focus?

    No, it just saves the original 'blur' from taking the image.


    What if everything in the photo is supposed to be in focus?

    Then it composites all of the properly focused elements together.


    I'm assuming these new digital files must contain a lot more data therefore substantially larger in size?

    I think they're comparable to RAW files, but I'm not sure.
  • Reply 28 of 28
    MarvinMarvin Posts: 15,443moderator

    It is said that one packaging designer spent months in the room doing just that, opening hundreds of iPod box prototypes trying to get the experience just right

    I actually think this would be a pretty cool job. If it pays well and you compare it to some of the other crappy jobs you can get, opening boxes would come pretty high on my list of cushy jobs.

    Originally Posted by uncletone View Post

    I fully believe it. When I bought my iPhone I was amazed as the box slowly fell away from the lid. You could feel the suction as the fit between the two was so perfect. And it's still a favourite party trick to place the lid on top of the box, and watch it pneumatically slowly come down to the closed position under its own weight.

    Others may laugh, but for me such experiences are legendary.

    I don't like it particularly as it's not efficient. They also seem to have downgraded since the first one. The first one had foam at the top of the box but no more - not even a sim tool or cloth:

    The holders for the phone, cables and phone are very flimsy plastic and card. Cut out foam would be nicer, although might not be as environmentally friendly. The headphones are also very poor - I guess that may be on purpose though to ensure there's a market for 3rd parties.

    The iPad box has quite a bit of empty space due to the power adapter:

    It's also hard to take out of the box as there's little separation between the device and the box edges.

    I think a good example is the Mac Mini:

    Slides out quickly, very efficient use of space inside the box and when you put everything back in the box, it goes in exactly as you took it out.
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