iPhone vs. Android a tight race but iPad puts iOS 'way ahead' in mobile OS war



  • Reply 41 of 54
    Originally Posted by MicroNix View Post

    Let's do some math. Google does 700,000 activations a day now of new devices. That's 63,000,000 a quarter. Being that the iPad "has no real competition" and iPod touches have no real competition, that leaves most of those 700,000 activations a day as smart phones. Apple sold 62 million iOS devices last quarter with 37million of them being iPhones. How is the iPhone closing the gap? I think I'm missing some math here because it would seem a blow out on the smart phones in Android's favor. Or its just a real good spin by Apple.

    The major point you are missing is that not all phones are created equal. You will find that many, if not majority Android Phones are below $200 phones whereas iPhone 4S start with a $649 price tag. Even the 3 year old 3GS is sold at $375. Granted, you can get it at lower prices in Contracts but the operator pays Apple full prices.

    So, Four $150 phones does not create the same value for One iPhone 4S. Considering that 411K daily iPhone activation is not bad against 700K phone activations.
  • Reply 42 of 54
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    For the last time Andy Rubin himself explained that already.


    But nice try.

    And there are plenty of people on that page who provide evidence that Rubin is lying.

    LOTS of people have reported that they had to re-activate their phones when switching ROMs or carriers. That's only common sense.

    Since Google has refused to make an official statement (Sorry, but Rubin's whining on a Google+ page isn't an official statement), I'll go with common sense and what others (who don't have a vested interest in the matter) have reported.
  • Reply 43 of 54
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    of course, Android IS in fact a flavor of Java running on top of a modified Linux kernel. so why don't we all just say its true OS is Linux?

    I am not aware of different flavours of Java.

    However,I am aware of different flavours of Linux(e.g. SuSe,Ubuntu)

    If you are talking about Spring and/or Hibernate,they would be diferent Java technology rather than flavours, don't you think?
  • Reply 44 of 54
    37.4 million iPhones with only 3 available models in one quarter! Wow!

    At least on the surface, it appears that giving many "choices" wasn't enough, at least by bucks in the bank for Googles Android to carry the season for all the competitors en masse!

    And I hope Samsung's advertising strategy of coyly belittling the 270 million+ iPhone customers, (not the iPhone itself but the customers CHOICE of an iPhone) works just as well as their product developments have. Bring on that strategy for the Super Bowls' billion or so. *viewers and we'll see. Had better be a very funny spot(s) indeed. Ha Ha!

    The old adage "if you can't say something nice..." seems eerily appropriate. So I'll add "try, try again!"
  • Reply 45 of 54
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    a very large chunk of Android "activations" are now for off-brand very cheap smartphones and tablets in China and the developing world. those are big numbers but hollow - with little or no value to the Google ecosystem - since many/most of those buyers don't use Google search or other Google services, let alone ads, at all once activated, preferring local alternatives like Baidu instead.

    talking about "Android" as if it is a cohesive OS ignores this inevitable market fragmentation - even without its further disassembly by "forking" like Amazon is doing. it's really more comparable to Java. of course, Android IS in fact a flavor of Java running on top of a modified Linux kernel. so why don't we all just say its true OS is Linux?

    Not true. Java is software owned by Oracle and can only be used with a license.

    Android uses a clone of java that was not licensed by Oracle and is certainly not entitled to use the Java name. Whether it violates other intellectual property, as well, will be determined by the courts.
  • Reply 46 of 54
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Seattleinfo View Post

    37.4 million iPhones with only 3 available models in one quarter! Wow!

    At least on the surface, it appears that giving many "choices" wasn't enough, at least by bucks in the bank for Googles Android to carry the season for all the competitors en masse!

    In fact, since the iPhone's supply was still constrained, it is likely that more models would have REDUCED the number of phones sold - since more variety makes manufacturing and logistics more complicated.
  • Reply 47 of 54
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    In fact, since the iPhone's supply was still constrained, it is likely that more models would have REDUCED the number of phones sold - since more variety makes manufacturing and logistics more complicated.

    Distribution/manufacture is definately a challenge for most. I understand Mr. Cook has shown incredible leadership in devolping those channels for Apple. That said, both Samsung and Nokia have over 40 years each developing a sophisticated distribution apparatus. HTC may not yet be up to full capacity though. I don't know first hand but my hunch is they are still ahead in the devlopment of distribution channels.
  • Reply 48 of 54
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    In fact, since the iPhone's supply was still constrained, it is likely that more models would have REDUCED the number of phones sold - since more variety makes manufacturing and logistics more complicated.

    Distribution/manufacture is definately a challenge for most. That said, both Samsung and Nokia have over 40 years each developing a sophisticated distribution apparatus. HTC may not yet be up to full capacity though.
  • Reply 49 of 54
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Not so fast, people. I have verified Rubin's qualified numbers, at least from how the averaging was being recorded. I obviously can't state what is exactly included or if any of the numbers are legitimate, but some thing you just have to take at face value.

    From a post over a month ago:

    Here is Rubin's Twitter comment on it: https://twitter.com/#!/arubin/status/85660213478309888

    Since then they have only reported on activations per day but have not stated their week over week increase. I was able to figure out that they dropped to just 1.35 week over week when taking the new and old numbers, and time frame into account. That's a huge drop off.

    (Too tired to hunt down the other post showing the drop in adoption week over week.)

    You and I were both doing math in that thread and I can back you up on this one. I also showed that if the 4.4% week over week growth had been sustained starting w/700k/week that in 4 years they would have sold an Android phone to every person on the planet heh. Their growth rate has slowed tremendously.
  • Reply 50 of 54
    Originally Posted by christopher126 View Post

    second place in tech is almost a death sentence! Unless, of course, u have a steve jobs at the helm!

    Apple is behind Samsung in phone sales.

    Apple does not have Steve Jobs at the helm.

    Are you saying that Apple has "almost a death sentence"?
  • Reply 51 of 54
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Do you understand basic arithmetic? Re. the original post, [700,000/day]*[90 days] = 63 million.

    Also, I asked you specifically if you know how many are sold. I'll tell you the answer: you have no clue.

    Move along.... you run the risk of making Android apologists look even more silly (if that is possible).

    First off I never made any numbers claim that was some one else. I pointed out where it came from I feel like the activation/sold thing has been hashed out an insane amount and I wasn't trying to go there. If you want to second guess executives statements that's your business. Maybe everyone lies, maybe Tim Cook lied today too. Maybe we should fact check their numbers too. I couldn't careless in any of the cases. The fact that I own and use multiple Apple devices and yet I'm an Android apologist simply because I accepted things as presented and don't run around waving a death to Samsung flag makes you look foolish. I am no ones fanboy the day I become one I've done something wrong, just an active user and supporter of multiple gadgets.

    To your point no one knows how many were sold. I said the closest you could get was to add carrier sales as THEY (especially in the US) actually sell the devices. You ignored that one. Google can't know, not all Android devices use Google apps and they don't sell phones in the first place.
  • Reply 52 of 54
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    And there are plenty of people on that page who provide evidence that Rubin is lying.

    LOTS of people have reported that they had to re-activate their phones when switching ROMs or carriers. That's only common sense.

    Since Google has refused to make an official statement (Sorry, but Rubin's whining on a Google+ page isn't an official statement), I'll go with common sense and what others (who don't have a vested interest in the matter) have reported.

    Reactivating your phone doesn't mean they count your IMEI twice, that doesn't make sense. You mean all the jailbreakers who reactivate their iPhones on reflashing are getting counted twice too?? Ha.

    Google reported with this quarterly earnings there are 250 million Android handsets out there. So unless you're suggesting they want to be in all kinds of SEC violations, I'll consider that an official statement. And no I don't have a vested interest (lol) in it. Heck I don't even own Google stock, I own Apple though.
  • Reply 53 of 54
    MacProMacPro Posts: 19,821member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    Reactivating your phone doesn't mean they count your IMEI twice, that doesn't make sense. You mean all the jailbreakers who reactivate their iPhones on reflashing are getting counted twice too?? Ha.

    Google reported with this quarterly earnings there are 250 million Android handsets out there. So unless you're suggesting they want to be in all kinds of SEC violations, I'll consider that an official statement. And no I don't have a vested interest (lol) in it. Heck I don't even own Google stock, I own Apple though.

    Does the activation data separate out phones that are comparable to iPhones, i.e. high end, from the cheap plastic give always given to kids? Or is it all mixed in.
  • Reply 54 of 54
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Originally Posted by MicroNix View Post

    Let's do some math. Google does 700,000 activations a day now of new devices. That's 63,000,000 a quarter. Being that the iPad "has no real competition" and iPod touches have no real competition, that leaves most of those 700,000 activations a day as smart phones. Apple sold 62 million iOS devices last quarter with 37million of them being iPhones. How is the iPhone closing the gap? I think I'm missing some math here because it would seem a blow out on the smart phones in Android's favor. Or its just a real good spin by Apple.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Yeah, it couldn't possibly be because no one but Google knows what "activations" means to them.

    No, it has to be Apple fudging the numbers.

    Originally Posted by al_bundy View Post

    for all you know they hit 700,000 on a good day and downhill from there

    The last point is the most important. We know Google fudge figures ( see Google+) but Rubin times his tweets on the day they hit a milestone. That is when we he says we activated ( whatever that means) 700K in mid December, that's what they activated that day, not the day before. Not the week before. Not the month before. It was, as I recall, the top end of the Christmas market. And probably they fell back after Christmas . Apple probably sold 800K-1M a day at the frenzied launch of the iPhone 4S ( and remember to include iPod touch sales and iPad sales to that days iPhone equivalent of activations). Nobody extrapolates from that.

    So over the quarter we know that Android didnt sell 90*70K but considerably less. Apple won this Q. It wont win next Q, as iPod touches and iPads are more seasonal than phones, but the iPad 3 release will set the cat amongst the pigeons.
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