Apple maintains dominance of global tablet market with 58% share in Q4 2011



  • Reply 21 of 74
    piotpiot Posts: 1,346member
    Originally Posted by realwarder View Post

    Given that the Fire was at the top of the Amazon electronics best sellers list, and the other kindles below, we can assume that it was the majority.

    No. Bad assumption!
  • Reply 22 of 74
    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    No. Bad assumption!

    Actually, in the very same press release, it was stated that the Fire was the best seller of the kindle lineup. Between the Fire, DX, Touch and regular kindle, lets assume at a minimum it had 25% of the sales(my guess is that it is somewhere between 30-50% as the DX is not a high volume unit, big range but I am not an "expert analyst). So they are selling over a million kindles a week, and the biggest seller was the fire. The fire sold somewhere in the range of 250,000 per week to maybe 500,000 a week. I don't really know how you could ever pull a specific number though, as it could be higher if it is the best seller by a large margin.

    Apple had a great quarter(and year) obviously, but I think there are still people like myself who own a 1st gen iPad and are waiting for the iPad 3 announcement that will cause another huge increase in sales in the first half of the year. Add to that the prospects of a lower cost iPad 2 to further increase sales, and it looks like 2012 will be an even better year for iOS.
  • Reply 23 of 74
  • Reply 24 of 74
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by realwarder View Post

    Given that the Fire was at the top of the Amazon electronics best sellers list, and the other kindles below, we can assume that it was the majority.

    That assumption is not valid. There were at least 4 different Kindle models on sale, so being #1 on the list only means that it's greater than 25%. It may or may not be the majority.

    However, note that in my assumption, I allowed for the Fire to account for 50% of all Kindle sales.

    Originally Posted by Baka-Dubbs View Post

    Actually, in the very same press release, it was stated that the Fire was the best seller of the kindle lineup. Between the Fire, DX, Touch and regular kindle, lets assume at a minimum it had 25% of the sales(my guess is that it is somewhere between 30-50% as the DX is not a high volume unit, big range but I am not an "expert analyst). So they are selling over a million kindles a week, and the biggest seller was the fire. The fire sold somewhere in the range of 250,000 per week to maybe 500,000 a week. I don't really know how you could ever pull a specific number though, as it could be higher if it is the best seller by a large margin.

    I don't have a specific number, but I chose 50% - or the top of your range. Even with that assumption, the Fire only sold around 3 M units in the last quarter - and it was clearly the top non-iPad tablet. So it's really hard to figure out where the other 7 M tablets came from.

    And THAT is even assuming that you call the Fire a tablet rather than an e-reader.
  • Reply 25 of 74
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    So annoying to see people run with these things as if they're fact. Do a google news search and you get story after story about Android taking over iPad's dominance even though Apple is the only company to release data on how many tablets they sold. Everything else is guesstimates passed off as fact. and wouldn't a smart person question these numbers anyway? Apple sells a record number of iPads but their market share drops? No way in hell Amazon sold 15 million Fires. And who else really is competing? Where is the hard data tha Samsung and Motorola are selling lots of tablets?
  • Reply 26 of 74
    Using the same data next year at this time it will show that Apple has only 10% of the tablet space.

    Polling around the world will show that 88% of the people who own tablets own an iPad.

    DaHarder will say that he owns 3 of each.

    Slappy will say it's the end for Apple.

    ... and the iPhone 10 will have been released...
  • Reply 27 of 74
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Baka-Dubbs View Post

    Actually, in the very same press release, it was stated that the Fire was the best seller of the kindle lineup. Between the Fire, DX, Touch and regular kindle, lets assume at a minimum it had 25% of the sales(my guess is that it is somewhere between 30-50% as the DX is not a high volume unit, big range but I am not an "expert analyst). So they are selling over a million kindles a week, and the biggest seller was the fire. The fire sold somewhere in the range of 250,000 per week to maybe 500,000 a week. I don't really know how you could ever pull a specific number though, as it could be higher if it is the best seller by a large margin.

    Apple had a great quarter(and year) obviously, but I think there are still people like myself who own a 1st gen iPad and are waiting for the iPad 3 announcement that will cause another huge increase in sales in the first half of the year. Add to that the prospects of a lower cost iPad 2 to further increase sales, and it looks like 2012 will be an even better year for iOS.

    I played with iBooks Author today and put together a brief lesson plan for a client. It's slightly rough around the edges but they've taken the best parts of iWork and made *publishing interactive media for the iPad* just... stunningly easy and beautiful.

    Yes, the screen at 1024x768 simply doesn't do the iPad justice anymore. It's a good start but iPad is clearly the new Mac. The iPad3 will have a better display. Minimum 1.5x better resolution.

    Tim Cook gave a good answer... iOS vs Android is nothing like Mac vs Windows. Mac at best is 10% in some markets. But iOS is 50-50 or at "worst" 35-65... Depending on what you consider real Android-based competitors. Samsung Galaxy would be a competitor but Kindle Fire? Not sure about that.

    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    I think in the first half of 2012 we're going to see a "surprising resurgence" in iPad market share as the over-supply of Android tablets is reduced to match the lower demand for those tablets.

    But then in the second half of 2012 we'll see a "stunning decline" in iPad share as vendors flood the market with Windows8 tablets. Then in 2013 we'll find out whether the market was over-supplied with Win8 tablets, quite possibly seeing another "surprising resurgence" of the iPad.

    Bingo. Couldn't have put it better myself.
  • Reply 28 of 74
    rob55rob55 Posts: 1,291member
    Originally Posted by Blastdoor View Post

    I think in the first half of 2012 we're going to see a "surprising resurgence" in iPad market share as the over-supply of Android tablets is reduced to match the lower demand for those tablets.

    But then in the second half of 2012 we'll see a "stunning decline" in iPad share as vendors flood the market with Windows8 tablets. Then in 2013 we'll find out whether the market was over-supplied with Win8 tablets, quite possibly seeing another "surprising resurgence" of the iPad.

    I don't think we'll even see that "stunning decline" in the wake of Windows 8 tablets being released. You'd have a better chance of that happening because of Amazon's next, larger tablet (and I use the term loosely).
  • Reply 29 of 74
    ltmpltmp Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by commoncents View Post

    What nonsense.

    First of all, it's a crock to compare published data for iPad's actually sold, compared to guesses about other tablets which simply shipped.

    I listened to the AAPL earnings call, but didn't take notes. However, I believe the number listed for AAPL is actually shipped numbers rather than sold. Apple said that they shipped 15.43 million for the quarter, and drew down channel inventory by 200,000 units.

    So they actually sold 15.6 million.

    It is kind of funny. Apple sells more than they ship, but are reported as dropping share compared to other companies that shipped, but may not have sold.
  • Reply 30 of 74
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Until android vendors and amazon release official numbers, it can be said that Apple has at least80% of the market.
  • Reply 31 of 74
    Finally a dose of reality. Within a short period Android has nearly caught up with iOS. My prediction of 2012 being the year that Android surpasses iOS in both Smartphone and Tablets will come to fruition. There is no denying these numbers. As shown, Apple iOS has already started its decline. Good to see some realistic information posted here.
  • Reply 32 of 74
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    Finally a dose of reality. Within a short period Android has nearly caught up with iOS. My prediction of 2012 being the year that Android surpasses iOS in both Smartphone and Tablets will come to fruition. There is no denying these numbers. As shown, Apple iOS has already started its decline. Good to see some realistic information posted here.

    Hilarious! You should post under one of those funny comment troll names like "Andy Ruby" or "Android Rubin" or something.
  • Reply 33 of 74
    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    Hilarious! You should post under one of those funny comment troll names like "Andy Ruby" or "Android Rubin" or something.

    What?! Slappy isn't funny enough for you?!
  • Reply 34 of 74
    rogifanrogifan Posts: 10,669member
    Originally Posted by jungmark View Post

    Until android vendors and amazon release official numbers, it can be said that Apple has at least80% of the market.

    Isn't it possible that Amazon and other Android tablets are competing with each other? Why is it just assumed that every one who purchased something other than an iPad was a lost Apple customer? Is there any hard data to suggest people were thinking of buying an iPad but decided to buy a Fire instead? My guess is most Kindle Fire buyers were not seriously considering an iPad in the first place.
  • Reply 35 of 74
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Rogifan View Post

    Isn't it possible that Amazon and other Android tablets are competing with each other? Why is it just assumed that every one who purchased something other than an iPad was a lost Apple customer? Is there any hard data to suggest people were thinking of buying an iPad but decided to buy a Fire instead? My guess is most Kindle Fire buyers were not seriously considering an iPad in the first place.

    I'll take that even further. I've suggested that the low-priced "limited use" tablets from Amazon and B&N could be starter tablets for those that would otherwise not have decided to buy any tablet who will then buy an iPad for their next tablet purchase thus helping Apple's tablet sales in the long run.
  • Reply 36 of 74
    So what I see is that Android tripled its shipment of devices, Apple doubled its shipments, Apple lost 11% market while Android gained. So Android is gaining momentum. I guess Apple has it right, why worry about competition since there is none. I think MS had that philosophy 15 years ago.
  • Reply 37 of 74
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    I'll take that even further. I've suggested that the low-priced "limited use" tablets from Amazon and B&N could be starter tablets for those that would otherwise not have decided to buy any tablet who will then buy an iPad for their next tablet purchase thus helping Apple's tablet sales in the long run.

    It would be interesting to know how many people bought/received a Fire but have now returned it to buy an iPad.
  • Reply 38 of 74
    Originally Posted by Hellacool View Post

    So what I see is that Android tripled its shipment of devices, Apple doubled its shipments, Apple lost 11% market while Android gained. So Android is gaining momentum. I guess Apple has it right, why worry about competition since there is none. I think MS had that philosophy 15 years ago.

    Slappy, is that you??!!
  • Reply 39 of 74
    just_mejust_me Posts: 590member
    Wait how did Apple lose 11% of market share
  • Reply 40 of 74
    Originally Posted by Corrections View Post

    Hilarious! You should post under one of those funny comment troll names like "Andy Ruby" or "Android Rubin" or something.

    Forgot, having a different opinion = troll. Not sure if you looked at the chart above but the numbers support his claims??? Android gaining, Apple losing.
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